52 - Mysterious Rings - @dianeth25sigourney - DreamPunk

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Mysterious Rings

By dianeth25sigourney

Not long ago, our gorgeous planet (Earth) was destroyed. We knew that would happen eventually, right? Due to many things like global warming, pollution, overpopulation, etc. All of those caused this, So you may be asking if Earth was destroyed where are all the humans. Well, we migrated to space going planet after planet trying to find the one that feels like home. We're finally at Mars, a place that feels the most like home. From here we can see Saturn and its gorgeous rings. I wanted to go check the rings out, but little did I know there was a Mystery in the rings. It's only been a week since we started living on Mars. Everyone is trying to plant trees, find water. We're just trying to adapt ourselves to our new life on our new planet.

I was so curious I say "was" because I never came back to Mars after going to explore Saturn's rings. I remember the night that I disappeared so clearly. I took off on a singular capsule spaceship to my destination Saturn. When I got there something didn't feel right but I was eager to know more about Saturn's rings. I wandered around the many shades of the yellow planet. I had a feeling in my gut but choose to ignore it. I then went closer to the "Mysterious Rings." I saw something but had no idea of what it was. I then approached it slowly. I had never seen anything like it. As I approached the mysterious black 'thing' it started getting bigger and bigger until it was my size. I'm 5'6 so can you imagine?

Then suddenly the black figure swallowed me. By the time this happened, I could tell I was in a black hole. All I say was darkness. I continued falling and falling. Until I fell on my feet on a bed on earth. This looked a lot like my room at earth. Like everyone says "Curiosity killed the cat."

Did I just time travel? 

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