82 - Out of the Night - @JaneQuill28 - Romantic SF

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Out of the Night

By JaneQuill28

Deb stayed in the middle of the posse to keep her distance from Jack, her fiance. She gently rubbed the bruise on her bicep, aching from Jack's crushing grip. She tried a few times to end the engagement, but Jack said, simply, that he would find her wherever on Earth she hid. Most of her family, and the town, worked for his companies. If she left, he would destroy them financially. So she walked on, hoping against all hope Ltab would escape his pursuers.

"Ltab is near," said Gnorth, the Borth alien in charge of the search. "The traitor will serve his sentence on Aldefar."

"What's Aldefar?" Deb whispered to Jnil, walking beside her. Jnil whispered back, "Prison planet. It's kill or be killed. Ltab does not deserve this. Some of us favor peace with the Nol."

"What are you two talking about?" Jack asked, grabbing Deb's arm in another bruising grip and turning her to face him. "An escape plan for Ltab?" He held Deb's wrist, and she tried to twist free. He tightened his grip.

Jnil said sorrowfully, "Ltab cannot escape Aldefar. You hold Deb's arm tightly."

Jack smirked at Jnil and released Deb. She blinked back tears. She wished Ltab were there to heal her bruises again.

Ltab was a touch healer. He healed bruises in seconds. He held his hands over small wounds and they closed. More serious injuries and illnesses took longer, but he cured them. She had grown much too fond of him at the clinic where she worked the front desk, and he worked with Borth and Terrans. Until the night when the Nol ship landed, and the injured pilot was carried into the clinic. Despite orders to report any Nol to the Borth, Ltab healed her bruises and broken bones and let her go. Hence, he was sentenced to exile on Aldefar.

The Borth promised Jack a generous reward for catching Ltab, who hid in the woods on Chris's ranch. The Borth patrol ship hovered after them until the ship's sensors found Ltab.

The lights settled on a grove just off the road. A shadowy figure ran from the trees. Jack yelled, "There he goes! Leave him to me," and ran after him.

Ltab twisted and tripped Jack, but was pulled down by him. The Terran and the Borth rolled around, kicking, punching, biting. Ltab went still, and Jack stood up. He dragged Ltab's unconscious body over to the group. Ltab was soon loaded on the patrol ship. The spaceship brightened and shot into the skies, disappearing in seconds, as it departed for Aldefar.

Jack walked beside Deb as the Terrans headed home, thrilled with the rewards given by the Borth. He took Deb's wrist gently. "Does your forearm hurt?"

"Yes, it...doesn't now?" She stared at Jack. He touched her aching bicep. The pain faded immediately. "Ltab?"

"The Nol pilot rewarded me with a gift. Before she left, she transferred Wdarz, some of her ability to switch bodies. The chance to switch my soul with that of another body and save myself, as I had saved her. I did not want to take another's life, but Jack likes hurting. Aldefar suits him."

They returned to the clinic hand in hand.

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