Closing Time

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"Simulation over."

That was a robot voice over the Mothership's speakers.

The chaotic scene in front of Scrudbucket fizzled away as the box hissed open. 

Standing there, hands on her hips, was Captain Jinnis alongside two Space-Cops. Scrudbucket recognized their distinctive—and highly stylish—yellow pleather uniforms, and their iconic logo: A group of people in white silhouette, presumably Space-Cops, whaling on a lone star using their infamous PAIN sticks. Who could forget that?

"Ensign Scrudbucket," said one of the Space-Cops, while the other clicked open her PAIN stick and the blades rotated too fast to see. "You are under arrest for thought crimes against the M'Verse, unlawfully operating a Big Bang Simulation unit, operating a Big Bang Simulation unit while intoxicated, and showing a clear disregard for human and non-human life (as well as human and non-human non-life) while operating a Big Bang Simulation unit. Any last words, scumbag?"

Scrudbucket didn't know what to say. His lips let out sounds with very little resemblance to actual words. He was very confused. He thought he'd just obliterated everything via the Big Bang, thus restarting everything and allowing him another shot at digi-paradise with his cyber girl, whatever her name was. 

That same Space-Cop said to the other, "Haul him off to the prison city on Mars-14. He can drool away the rest of time in a closet while his mind thinks he's out on some beach, drinking piña coladas and soaking up the rays."

Scrudbucket was promptly clubbed and eviscerated, then dragged out from the Big Bang Simulator without a sound.

The Space-Cop turned to Captain Jinnis now. "Ma'am, brilliant idea to drug his simulated beef Wellington, throw him into the Big Bang Simulation unit, and arrest him for thought crimes. Thought crimes are nothing to joke about." He cleared his throat. "I understand you're off to the Rigel cluster now to investigate reports of forgotten contact... Would you like some company?" He wiggled his eyebrows as an awkward attempt at flirtation.

"Um, no," said Captain Jinnis. "But thanks, Officer."

So he'd get the hint, she turned away to face a nearby monitor. She could see his reflection in the screen.

And couldn't believe her eyes.

The Space-Cop's head peeled back, revealing a transparent grey skull covered in slime. One eye opened in its sunken socket and blinked, flashing a red light across her back.

She could feel the light. Warm.

Closed her eyes and couldn't remember why she'd closed them.

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