Translation Games: - English: The Original by @BrianMullin0

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Big Bang

By BrianMullin0

Gargul, the teenage Space God, looked upon what he'd done and scratched his holy butt cheek. Impressive, considering it was still a little nebulous around its far edges. Six trillion planets, all orbiting a rancid-looking giant star. Some billion or so actually had life of some kind. Whether or not they'd survive, much less evolve, he didn't give a black hole's turd.

Truth was, he hadn't even been trying. No thoughts given, no planning. Heck, Snood had spent eons on his, and B'larbarra had taken even more deciding on just her color schemes. He'd just felt his stomach distend and presto!

A Big Bang.

Some creations are like fragrant flowers. And some universes simply stink.

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