Revolutionary Tail - A KittenPunk Story by @EvelynHail

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Revolutionary Tail

by EvelynHail

I crouch in the shadows alongside Felix, our gazes fixated upon the formidable Yarn Factory.

Genetically enhanced nasty Dogo Argentinos patrol the perimeter. This factory is everything. We take it from them; we get a crucial target in our mission to liberate NeoPurr from canine oppression.

Felix's emerald eyes glimmer with determination as he turns to me. "Hisss. We can not allow these dogs to maintain control over the yarn production. NeoPurr's felines deserve better. We avoid the mobs and get to Zoltan. Ready?" His sleek, dark fur bristles with anticipation.

"Absolutely." I say and stash away a plush giraffe toy I was chewing on to reduce anxiety. "Let's put an end to this canine tyranny once and for all."

Quiet as mice, we zig-zag through the shadows, our movements in perfect sync.

I disable the complex security systems with my hacky claws, rendering the alarms and cameras useless. Felix moves with grace, evading the keen senses of the guard dogs.

As we reach the heart of the factory, we come face-to-face with the tyrannical canine leader Zoltan—a massive Doberman. His muscular build and piercing eyes radiate superiority and malice. The countless gruesome experiments he has undergone to attain unparalleled strength and ferocity are a cautionary tale every NeoPurrer has heard countless times.

Zoltan sneers at us, his growl laced with arrogance. "Well, well, if it isn't the mischievous felines Luna and Felix. Did you truly believe you stood a chance against me? Me? The pinnacle of genetic perfection?"

I narrow my eyes and retort, "Your so-called perfection," I spit the word at him, "is nothing more than an illusion. A twisted, repugnant embodiment of control and oppression. Now that we have you where we want you, alone and unprotected, we can liberate this Yarn Factory. Free NeoPurr from your tyrannical grasp! The balls of yarn shall be ours once more."

Zoltan bares his razor-sharp teeth in a wicked grin. "Bah. Alone, she says. As if I had a need for bodyguards, or aides. You felines never cease to amuse me. You, and your pathetic delusions of grandeur. Prepare to be crushed under my paw, just like every other simple-minded creature who dared challenge me."

With a chilling howl, the Doberman lunges forward like a bullet, propelled by his enhanced speed and strength. Felix and I swiftly leap apart, narrowly avoiding his snapping jaws.

His bad breath lingers in the air, and I have to give it my best not to gag.

Don't want to be caught coughing up a fur ball mid-fight after all.

Felix calls out from a safe distance, "Your reign of terror ends here, mutt! We won't allow you to continue exploiting our fellow animals."

The Leader growls, circling us, his voice dripping with sadistic delight. "Talk all you want, you paltry furry fleabag. Oh, how I relish the opportunity to break the spirits of rebellious creatures like you. You think you can outsmart me? You're nothing but insignificant pests."

My eyes blaze with determination as I meet the Leader's gaze. "We may be small, but our hearts are filled with a burning desire for justice. We fight not just for ourselves but for the countless creatures suffering under your tyranny."

Felix snarls at the Doberman. "Your genetic enhancements may grant you power. But we possess something you lack—an unwavering spirit and the unity of all oppressed animals."

With lightning speed, we launch a coordinated attack. Our synchronized movements catch the tyrannical leader off guard. My claws strike with deadly precision, while Felix weaves in and out, bouncing off the walls and using his agility to his advantage.

The Doberman roars in fury. "You dare challenge me? I am the epitome of canine strength!"

But Felix and I refuse to be deterred. Together, we continue our relentless assault,

Collective hope fuels my every movement. By the resilience of all the oppressed animals we fight for.

Adrenalin spikes arrowing through my paws, forcing me onward.


This battle is just the beginning. We will overcome this tyrant and bring freedom to NeoPurr.

I dart effortlessly through the shadows, distracting Zoltan with my graceful maneuvers. Felix performs a calculated leap and sinks his claws into Zoltan's hind leg. The Doberman lets out a yelp of pain, momentarily losing his balance.

Seizing this perfect opportunity, I pounce, burying my teeth into his vulnerable neck.

🐈 🐈‍⬛

My heart races with worry as I kneel by Felix's side. His wounded body is a painful reminder of the risks we face every day.

The battle in the Yarn Factory had been fierce, but we won. I won. Zoltan is dead.

And now? We find ourselves in the aftermath, his injury threatening to dampen our triumph.

"Felix," I whisper, a slew of trepidation roiling in my gut, "you... You fought so bravely. But you're hurt, and we need to get you help."

Felix's eyes meet mine, filled with determination even in the face of pain. "I'll be fine, Luna," he assures me, his voice strained.

My paws ball in soft pillows. I can't bear the thought of losing him, or allowing him to endure unnecessary suffering.

With gentle insistence, I nuzzle his nose tip and plead, "Felix, please, let us seek medical aid."

His fluorescent-yellow gaze softens, and he bumps my forehead with his in return. "Alright, Luna," he relents, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

With the support of our fellow revolutionaries, we make our way from the Yarn Factory and to a hidden underground clinic. Skilled human servant veterinarians tend to Felix's injuries, and a slurry of anxiety pools in my stomach as I watch them work.

As the moments pass, the tension in the room slowly eases. Felix's eyes bore the brunt of the damage, but the human servant veterinarians assure me he will be okay. Relief washes over me, mingling with the overpowering love I feel for him.

Felix, now resting on a soft bed, his eyes bandaged, reaches out for my paw. I take it without hesitation and our fingers intertwine. We share a moment of silent understanding. A wordless affirmation of our commitment to each other and our shared cause.

"I can't imagine facing this fight without you, Luna," Felix murmurs, his voice filled with emotion. "You give me strength, and I am grateful for every moment we spend together."

Tears well up in my eyes as I rub against his side with a strong purr. "And I am grateful for you, Felix," I whisper, my voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and affection. "You are my guiding light, the one who fills my heart with courage. We will overcome this, together."

Our love, born amidst the chaos of revolution, strengthens our resolve. We step outside to address our comrades, our tails raised high.

Felix speaks up first, his voice carrying strength despite his injuries: "We have liberated the Yarn Factory."

The crowd erupts in meows, hisses, and howls.

He raises his paw. "But our fight is far from over. We must press on, united, and bring an end to the oppression that has plagued NeoPurr for far too long."

My throat feels dry. Trepidation hoists my skin, but I make myself add: "Know this. We are the embodiment of resilience and hope. Let our mission be a beacon to all who suffer under the tyranny of the ruling canine class. Together, we shall create a world where every animal, big or small, is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve."

The listeners erupt into a thunderous roar and my determination burns brighter than ever.

The revolution will not only free them from their oppressors, but it will ignite a flame of change.

A flame that will continue to blaze until every animal in NeoPurr lives in a society founded on justice and equality.

Together with our comrades, we will dismantle the chains of oppression.

Build a safe world for our kittens where freedom and compassion reign supreme. 

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