Author Spotlight: @Nablai

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What's your Wattpad username?


Quick! What's the first sci-fi thing that pops into your head!?

Space and technology.

Original trilogy, prequel trilogy, or sequel trilogy?

Original trilogy.

So, how has Tevun-Krus changed your life today?

Tevun-Krus made me who I am today. It gave me the impetus to face my fears and take on any challenges life threw at me. The community at Tevun-Krus is one of the most close-knit communities on Wattpad and I'm proud to be a part of it. It taught me to never give up on myself, do my best everyday--even if some days I struggle to do what has to be done and I do it, regardless, and push myself towards new opportunities.
Thank you, Tevun-Krus for being so awesome! ❤

With your lifeline to your spacecraft broken, you hypothetically drift away into the depths of space. What's your last message to Earth?

Remember me, as I vanish into space. Remember me, as I drift away. As I merge into the collective quantumness, don't let me just be a name on the plaques(I'm a writer, a poet, so a poem I'll write ;P)

Do you remember the first author to really grab you as a reader? Are they still someone you read?

Yes, it's Jane Austen. Given a chance and a choice, I still watch and read Jane Austen. With Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility being my favourites. Northanger Abbey comes a close second.

Explain your writing process for your fellow mothertroopers. Do you find real life adds "flavours" to your writing, or is it all imaginary?

My writing process is pretty boring. I write whatever comes to mind. It's unconventional in a lot of ways because whatever I write is a part of me in someway. I incorporate real life whenever and wherever possible. I don't plan it, but real life slips into my writing.

We all have advice for our fellow writers. But what's your advice to novice sci-fi writers on what not to do?

Just be you. Be true to your worlds, your universes and your writing. And keep writing and believing in yourself.
I don't have any not to do advice, Mike. It takes a lot of courage to write and put our thoughts into words The newbie writers need all the encouragement they can get. There'll be bumps on the writing journey for our writers to learn and gain experience. Don't give up--no matter what happens.

What's a story of yours every mothertrooper should read? Give us an exciting excerpt!

My poetry collection "Ethereal Expressions". Ethereal Expressions are dewdrops in the chaos of consciousness. Sprinkled with words, they are a peek and dive into the realm of self and shells.

If your lifeless corpse were to be blasted out of the Mothership and into the nearest stellar body, which 3 pieces of music would be played alongside such an occasion?

Tera Mera Rishta Purana--from the Indian movie, Awarapan

My heart will go on by Celine Dion

Everything I do I do it for you by Bryan Adams.

What's the deal with the singularity? Would you ever become one with the machine if things were to go loco?

Change is the way of life and it's the only thing that's constant. For all that's worth, I wouldn't want to become one with singularity and would like to retain my individual consciousness.

Would you ever get a pet robot, assuming such a thing becomes affordable, available, and socially acceptable?

No. I prefer the real deal.

What would you do if you woke up one day and suddenly realized you were a synthetic human raised by machines? Be honest.

Fine by me. At least I'd have a second chance at life.

Do you have any favourite foods? Let the Mothership know.

The Chicken biryanis, butter chicken, malai Chicken made by me. And everything my mummy makes.

Who would win if the Terminator faced off against the Predator? Now what if it were a musical?

Terminator. If it were a musical, it'd be more on the lines of "My Fair Lady" or "Sound of Music"--an indirect, more subtle kind of face-off.

What's something you'd like to see Tevun-Krus take on in a future issue?

Millennial punk.

Any last words, 'trooper?

Keep ruling hearts, mothertroopers ❤

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