Vogon Poetry Ring

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A ring is just a ring
Powered by the captain's bling
Shaped into a ship
This vessel has started to twitch!

Laid across the plains of space
A worm slowly crawls through the maze
Languishing in the hollowness, a turtle stares
Wherein has our leader been snared?

A theory is booming in the flat expanse
Some Jinn-is was kidnapped by chance
Instead of the elusive PhonerionBallznevsky
The scribe took their lady and...ME!

Funny though it seems
We are drenched in blueberry mojitos streams
In the hope that we might someday show
Where lie the Ooorah's 42 s'mores
Fat chance, you know!

By Nablai


Roses are red,
Violets are blue
World's in a ring
The light goes through

by angerbda


I knew
When the ring turned blue
Aware of the bows and ties
The wedding came through.

The amount of rays
That were faced
Called it a craze
Ringworld wasn't made in a day.

by Nablai


Round, round, all goes around
The pwonk, the frawck and the grumpwond
It starts as a small hallo on the Universe skin
It ends as a huge ring, that's crazy itchin'
The ring wor- hmmm... all around does cartwheel
The round wor- hmmm... out from the bowels of the Galaxy 

 Ring... Round... Wor- Hmmm... titchy
Ring... Round... World... Hmmm... starry

by angerbda


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