Author Spotlight: @angerbda

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What's your Wattpad username?


Quick! What's the first sci-fi thing that pops into your head!?

Armageddon... or rather Planned Obsolescence of humankind...

Original trilogy, prequel trilogy, or sequel trilogy?

Original, for sure... if we're talking Star Wars... the rest doesn't have it's place in the whole picture IMO.

So, how has Tevun-Krus changed your life today?

That is an interesting question... One that I seldom ask myself... I mean, it's here and I am part of it (I like to think so).
I'd say, TK brought me to discover new genre of SciFi and to think more about human nature as I explore the various theme...
It also got me to meet (even if in a virtual way, the link is created) like-minded and like-hearted people...
Well, to be not-too-original, it's a cosy place, a home-away-from-home-in-the-web type of place...

With your lifeline to your spacecraft broken, you hypothetically drift away into the depths of space. What's your last message to Earth?

Feed the dogs!
I sure will be missing those four-legged slobbery-monsters...

Do you remember the first author to really grab you as a reader? Are they still someone you read?

It wouldn't be one author, rather a small number that gave me all, in their ways, an interest to the written worlds...
If we talk about speculative fiction/science fiction, it would be between Rene Barjavel, with Ravage (Ashes), and Stefan Wul, with Niourk.
For his way to depict and understand social interactions and psychology, Gilbert Cesbron left a deep mark in the mind of a youngling not understanding the world around (not that I understand it better now).
Then, we have Walter Scott... I tried in vain to get my kids reading some of the classics...
Finally, I can't not talk about Dragonlance, Weiss and Hickman got me hooked in Fantasy...

Explain your writing process for your fellow mothertroopers. Do you find real life adds "flavours" to your writing, or is it all imaginary?

Writing is a pain, all the time... I am not saying I don't enjoy it, but it never gets to translate what I picture in my head properly...
So, I always need to take a systematic way if I want to get something done.
I usually start with a good session of brainstorming with hubby to get a broad picture and to cover various aspects of an idea... This is the way I ended up with a porta potty as a subject for a BDO story... there are always many angles you can aboard some ideas...
Once I get the plot and the main direction, I have to get it into a plan. One section for the major parts and events... If I don't get them first, I will usually diverge when I start writing and lose my line...
After the base plan is there, I will start getting a paragraph here and there... often starting with the ending...

Just to say, I have a lot of those 'plans' in a WIP folder that seldom have any wordbuilding on them... This is when I switch to poetry...

So... yep... in summary, it would be:
1) brainstorm ideas to get the craziest output possible
2) plan the story with every steps to cover the flow of events
3) start writing
4) get stuck with white page syndrome
5) write something else... a poem or play with lullabies...

We all have advice for our fellow writers. But what's your advice to novice sci-fi writers on what not to do?

For me, Science Fiction is more about exploring the extremes of human nature. So, the only advice I'd give is: don't get stuck with too much scientific technicality (though I do enjoy hard sci-fi) so you would forget the many side of human nature and interaction.

What's a story of yours every mothertrooper should read? Give us an exciting excerpt!

One that I enjoyed writing. Not a sci-fi story, though...
The story starts with these words:
"Come hear the story
Of the magic of youth and fantasy,
Of two children who didn't believe
That unicorns around us still live.
When did the young ones lose their faith
In a wonder world of unicorns and faes?"

"But, Grandma, Unicorns Don't exist!" (

If your lifeless corpse were to be blasted out of the Mothership and into the nearest stellar body, which 3 pieces of music would be played alongside such an occasion?

So... I am about to disapear..."rushing to a lost destination"...?

I can already hear the "Sound of Silence"...

In the end, "Nothing Else Matter", anyway, as I will be consigned to oblivion...

What's the deal with the singularity? Would you ever become one with the machine if things were to go loco?

Humankind will become irrelevant... But I'd rather preserve my own singularity than merging with the machine...

Would you ever get a pet robot, assuming such a thing becomes affordable, available, and socially acceptable?

I had a tamagotchi once... died quite fast. I don't think a pet robot would fare better. I'll stick withe the warm-blooded type of four-legged friend, even if I have to collect the poop on the sidewalk...
There are some things you cannot program...

What would you do if you woke up one day and suddenly realized you were a synthetic human raised by machines? Be honest.

I'd probably go into emergency shut down.To be honest, I don't know. We are all somehow raised by machine of some sort or another...

Do you have any favourite foods? Let the Mothership know.

Blueberry pancake... Caramel pork...Mapo tofu... Char kway teow... and don't forget good ol' Basque cheese...
Too many to list, but the above are what comes to mind readily...

Who would win if the Terminator faced off against the Predator? Now what if it were a musical?

That's a hard one. If it bleeds... the predator can be killed... but can the Terminator be terminated?

What's something you'd like to see Tevun-Krus take on in a future issue?

Often when exploring the sci-fi stories and ideas, aliens or different species will end up some sort of animal derivatives... most often some humanoid-like type or insects, or... you get the idea.
What about plant based intelligent life? If they are rooted, how can they travel?
Or what about mineral based life forms? What would they live off?

Any last words, 'trooper?

Let's get some reading done now...

Thanks for the interview!

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