Captain Jack and the Cybermen - a story by @elveloy

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Captain Jack and the Cybermen

By elveloy

When Captain Jack Harkness regained consciousness, he found himself face to face with a dead Cyberman. At least, he hoped it was dead. Its eyes were black and empty staring out of a flat face suspended about three centimetres above his own, and its heavy silver body lay across him, pinning Jack to the floor.

Instinctively, he gave a heave and it slid off, to join several more of its companions heaped on the floor. They all seemed to be dead. Fighting the ringing in his ears, Jack sat up and scanned his surroundings for any further hint of danger. Evidently there had been an almighty battle, but now he appeared to be alone in the room. A door gaped to his far left, allowing a glimpse of a long and empty corridor.

He thought he could hear the sounds of distant fighting but the ringing in his ears made it hard to be sure.

Where was the Doctor? The thought flashed into his aching head. He clambered to his feet and staggered down the corridor, his left hand brushing the wall for balance.

To his dismay, a familiar vworp, vworp echoed from somewhere ahead of him. That was the Tardis. The bastard was taking off without him!

He stumbled along the corridor as fast as his legs would take him. But he was too late. The room where they had arrived only hours earlier, full of anticipation, was empty.

The Tardis had gone.

Jack sagged back against the wall, trying to gather his scattered thoughts. But almost before he could catch his breath, he heard the stomp stomp of approaching Cybermen, echoing up the corridor he had just left. Damn.

His hand went straight to the holster on his right hip, but it was empty. Where the seven hells of Andromeda was his gold glitter gun? Frantically, he searched the pockets of his greatcoat. Ah, there it was. He whipped it out and braced himself, waiting for the first Cyberman to venture round the corner.

A spray of glitter caught it full in the face and it crashed to the floor, twitching, its mouth hole opening and closing convulsively. But behind it loomed another, and another...
Jack cursed the Doctor for leaving him behind. Sure, he was immortal, but what if the cybermen wanted to convert him, turn him into another cyberman? Would his immortality protect him from that, or become an eternal curse?

He swallowed and kept firing. The cybermen kept coming, climbing over the top of their fallen companions.

Vworp, vworp.

The Tardis reappeared, exactly in the spot it had left. The door was flung open and a hand reached out and grabbed Jack's shoulder, hauling him inside. The door slammed shut and the Tardis took off.

"Where the hell were you?" snarled Jack, panting.

"Sorry about that," apologised the Doctor with a rueful smile. "I had to go and check on Rose. Something about ghosts appearing in London."

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