A Little More Military SF..?

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So it's that time of the issue where we announce the winner and honourable mentions of last month's contest! You'll remember, of course, that we asked you 'troopers to come up with a caption for the picture above and so without further ado...

Bragging rights go to @OutrageousOllo mostly for having the audacity to mention the name of a certain "band," upon our pages.

'Awww man, I forgot to grab my signed One Direction poster on the way out!'

Honourable mentions go to...

@TheOrangutan - '"You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"'

@MadMikeMarsbergen - 'Man, war gives me a killer headache.'

@elveloy - '"All I need is a cup of tea, a Bex, and a good lie down!"'

Congratulations to you all, and to all of those who took part!

What's that, you had fun? Glad to hear it, then why not enter this month's caption contest, too?! I've no doubt you'll come across it as you delve deeper into these murky, CandlePunk-y depths...

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