Fimbulwinter - A Review by @elveloy

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When I decided to write a review for this edition of Tevun Krus instead of a short story, I thought wattpad would provide me with heaps of fodder to choose from. Easy peasy, I thought. My mythtake! When I entered "mythpunk" in the search box, I received a total of two entries, one of which was the SF Sub Genre Definitions book.

Could this be true? Was there only one mythpunk story here? Hastily, I reposted my own story from one of the smackdowns (which I had taken down to include in a self-published collection), just in case others were searching for the same thing, heheh, then did some more research.

If you key in myth (without the punk) you get 10.5K stories to choose from. And if anyone can work out how to use the wattpad search engine to refine this to myth AND sci-fi, please let me know.

Eventually, I did what I probably should have done in the first place, and went to the Source, AngusEcrivain—the fount of all knowledge and wisdom. He sent me a selection of links to stories from previous smackdowns. Ooorah!

Immediately, Fimbulwinter - A Historical Fantasy jumped out at me.

As some of you may know, we are experiencing a record breaking hot spell down here in Aus—it's 40C under our pergola at this very moment, I just ventured outside to check. A Fimbulvetr or Fimbulwinter, meaning "a great winter" in old Norse, has a certain appeal at present. Though possibly not for those in the North of England...

Fimbulwinter - A Historical Fantasy opens with a group of Gods, Goddesses and humans sitting around a roaring fire quaffing a few ales. Don't ask me why Alexander Graham Bell is one of the humans, I have no idea except that he may have been a compulsory prompt, but in any case he is soon bundled out into the snow along with the other humans so the deities can talk about the serious stuff.

The ocean is cooling and flora and fauna are dying. Are these portents that Fimbulwinter is coming? The time of three winters without a single summer to melt the snow? The Goddess Hel certainly thinks so. And even more alarmingly, if Fimbulwinter is coming, does this mean that Ragnarok, the twilight of the Gods and general end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it, is around the corner? Can the Gods and demigods stop it from happening? One thing is certain, Odin is going to give it his best shot.

The story follows Odin and the valkyrie, Brynhildr, as they engage in a series of violent battles against giants and monsters to try and save the world.

In contrast, the simple tale of fisherman Ewan McInnes, weaves between the scenes, providing a human foil to the titanic struggle taking place in Midgard.

Fimbulwinter - A Historical Fantasy is a lively and exciting story that will have you nervously watching the heavens...

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