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As usual, a few recommendations from Wattpad's Sci-Fi community, not always specific to the sub-genre - MythPunk, in this case, as you know - but awesome, regardless!

Gods Unite! by OutrageousOllo

Cowardly dragons, powerful swords, mages, rogue gods, plots to destroy the planet... what could go right? *** The drought is now in its third year and although it does depend on who you ask, most will agree that those three years have been three years too many.

But if you took that drought and mixed in, say, a pair of powerful swords, a cowardly dragon and a sociopathic god who wants to destroy the world in a bath of endless fire and brimstone, what would you get? Certain doom?

Unless, of course, somebody is heroic enough to do something about it...

Enter two rogue gods, a talking sword and a feisty mage. What do they have in common? Not much, unless you count wit, bad luck and the reputation for not being the 'good' guys. Oh, and they are also somewhat united together on a quest to save said world from said doom, or die trying. It really won't be that hard. All they have to do is kill a god...

Most would call them stupid. Gods can't be killed. Gods are immortal, it's part of the job description... Right?

Trigger Warning: Story contains themes of world domination, pyromania and the 4th wall. Also, random fantasy generated place-names and map abuse. Read at your own risk.

Firesticks, by VeraLoy

Fire was brought to Earth by two members of a tribe of people who lived in the sky near the two brightest stars, (their campfires). They came to Earth to hunt possums for food but while they were hunting, the firesticks got bored and started to play 'chase,' starting fires wherever they touched the ground. Some Aboriginal people saw the fires and were afraid, however then they realised how useful fire could be and lit some firesticks for themselves.

Old Gods, by Alice_Iceflower

The end of the world has passed. Ragnarök left the world a harsh wasteland, but not all hope is lost.

King of the Woods, or Trivial Pursuit, by ziggylong

Florida Forest Service duty officer Ray Lumley is in love with a white fringetree. Not an I-read-Walden-in-high-school love; a sweaty, sappy, I-want-to-rub-against-you-'til-I-get-splinters love. It's awkward. So, he's relieved to learn that he's really hot for Trivia, the dreadlocked, radical environmentalist nymph who lives inside the tree. Better yet, she wants to share an eternity of Arcadian delights with him. But first she has to kill the man she holds responsible for a spate of forest fires—Ray's boss, a mid-level bureaucrat (and soccer dad) who she insists is the King of the Woods.


King of the Woods, or Trivial Pursuit retells the myth of rex Nemorensis as an urban fantasy. Updates every Tuesday.

Orangutangents, by TheOrangutan... Recommended by, well, me, because Brian is rather cool and this does contain many, many SF references!

Everybody is somebody else's weirdo: I suspect I may be many people's.

Consider this a brain dump, or indeed a Brian dump given the misspelled pseudo-entity who lives in my skull.Tangential thoughts, comments, ideas, and general Brianisms from the soggy grey matter of Gav.

And other stuff...

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