Spotlight Author: Rollienelson

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If you had to describe yourself in one word, what words wouldn't you use? 

Square, dumb, outgoing, modest.

What was your nickname at school?

Due to a strange situation having to due with my native heritage i had many nicknames. I'm a member of a indigenous native tribe from northern California. A tribe known now days as YUROK tribe. We don't live in teepees, we don't hunt buffalo. We love salmon.

When you were a young padowan, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A jedi knight. I was born in 1973 star wars was integral to me becoming the dreamy eyed slacker that I am today.

What is your favourite quote?

"Genius that talent that dazzles mortal eyes, is often perseverance in disguise." Calvin coolage

Other than writing, what hobbies do you have?

Mechanical genius, life long smartass (yes smartass was one of my nicknames in school, and the teacher did use it) and lifelong dreamer.

As your crew cast your lifeless body into the core of the nearest star, list three pieces of music likely to be rattling the bulkheads.

Let the bodies hit the floor. Stairway to heaven. One bourbon one scotch one beer.

If you were one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which one would you be and why?

Pestilence, cause that's just how I roll.

What was the first piece of writing you were ever truly proud to have written?

My 1987 letter of appeal to judge weir for a lenient time consideration. It was a fucking tear jerker.

Who is your all-time favourite author? How much - if at all - have they influenced your writing style?

Damn. I wish you had put categories. But, back to the wall, it would have to be the Organlegger himself, Larry Niven. Now I know a few young bucks and now doubt a few does just said "huh". Let me straighten that out. He wrote a story that was the inspiration for something you might recognise. HALO!

Do you have a muse?

Wendy Pini the creator of elfquest.

Walk us through your writing process.

I write in the mornings and late at night. I edit when I have the odd moment of enthusiasm.

How do you begin and how do you decide when a story is done?

I have no discipline in writing. I don't use an outline. Or anything but what's rattling around in my little cranium. And as for the ending that was causing an issue, so I put it in the beginning and then I just went on writing. And I've kept on writing. But quite honestly, the gods honest truth, I don't really know what I'm doing, I don't know how to end a story. That is the reason I originally started writing short stories for Ooorah in the first place, practice.

What do you use to write, and whereabouts do you use it?

I started writing on a Android proclaim. Now I use a android galaxy s3 smartphone. And I use it while polishing a chair with my arse in my living room.

Of everything you have written, what is your favourite?

Its a currently unpublished chapter of an epic sci fi saga I'm writing. The chapter takes the form of a news report from the core of a densely populated galaxy torn by an apocalyptic war by an unstoppable force. Deep from within the core the reports surrounding five famous ships began to trickle out of the sub-space repeaters. A lone port authority officer on a distant station requests more information...

...and what is your fans' favourite?

I have a very nice oscillating fan, I'm not really sure as to it's preference in literature.

We know some of the big authors, Orson Scott Card and Tolkien, for example, incorporate their religious beliefs into their work. Are you religious? If so, do you incorporate those beliefs into your work? As an indigenous tribal member you can pretty much take it for granted that I'm a bit religious.

Unfortunately those beliefs are kinda private. Thanks for your understanding.

Was there one idea that you had that didn't turn out quite the way you envisioned it?

Oh hell yeah. Was writing a z-nation spin-off and bam I'm twelve chapters in and they blew up Denver with a fucking nuclear bomb... now why in hell would I name a dude the "Dudirino from Denver" if the damn town was a radioactive waste land. Felt like I was castrating myself. Had to rewrite and rething the whole damn thing. Damn near chucked it.

Do you use real life experiences to influence your writing?

Most definitely. I use many aspects of my life in my books for enrichment purposes. As a deepsea fisherman I've seen a literal boat load of fish from over six hundred fathoms down. Words like 'Strange' just don't them justice. "Alien" does do them justice.

If an alien race was, unbeknownst to us, watching and studying us from afar, what do you think their primary findings would be?

We humans masturbate a lot. This activity seems to be closely tied to the migratory habits of an inanimate object called "money". The exact nature of that relationship would probably be a total mystery to them.

If you were to gain control of some form of time travel device, where - or when - would you go, and why?

I would stay home but I would travel four hundred years back in time. And I would learn the aspects of my culture that we have now lost.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Turn water into wine. Admittedly its not what most people would call a cool power. But it would really mess with some bible thumping Christians heads, and I think that would be cool.

Is there a particular moment in history that you would change if you could, regardless of the consequences?

Yes. I would stop the cancellation of stargate.

The Technological Singularity presents a rather daunting, some say inevitable, future. Does the prospect of that level of Artificial Intelligence excite you, or make you quake in your boots? I quake in my boots with excitement.

I've got good money on "Japanese kung fu Godzilla man chu the cyborg chiefy" to win the human race in a wrestling match against robo chuck norris. And I've already put my resume in for overseer of all things human. So start begging.

Myths and Legends have been around since forever and will most likely continue to grow and develop until we, the human race, are nothing more than a memory but of all such things you have read, what is your favourite 'modern,' interpretation of a particular tale of old?

Star wars was a rewrite if the holy bible. At least that's what I've heard. And if so, it got to be one of the greatest of all time.

Now this one might prove to be a bit of a shout-out to a fellow Wattpadder, but that's no bad thing if you ask me! If you could experience the world of any book on Wattpad, first hand, which world would that be and why?

The Chronicles of Smith and Jones of course. I get bored easily. And they got variety in spades. And one day I may contribute my own interpretation of their tribulations.

And finally, any words of wisdom for new and aspiring writers?

Write like hell, edit like an angel, pray for positive results.

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