Author Spotlight: @angerbda

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If you had to describe yourself in one word, what words wouldn't you use?


What was your nickname at school?

I didn't really have any. Friends just shortened my first name...

I think, the only nickname I ever had was the one my sister gave me, few years ago: 'Tetra Pak'

When you were a young padawan, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a jet fighter pilot... even went to all the tests and all...

Firefighter sounded good also...

I ended up flying a lot and extinguishing fires also... though not in the primary sense I wanted it to be

What is your favourite quote?

Probably 's: "History is the long, difficult and confused dream of Mankind."

Other than writing, what hobbies do you have?

Napping!! I nap as much as I can... the kids don't let me often, though :)

I also practice Aikido... it gives me the occasion to travel... Not that I don't travel because of work, but this type is more enjoyable.

Then, there are also the regular reading and playing games...

As your crew cast your lifeless body into the core of the nearest star, list three pieces of music likely to be rattling the bulkheads.

Well... that's a tough one.

Can I have a compilation of Poledouris work? I'd like some 'Conan' and 'Starship troopers' music among it...

Then, The Boom 'Shima Uta'... this ones gives me goosebumps every time I hear it

One more (make it 4 please!!!): I think Karl Orff's 'Carmina Burana' would be splendid

What was the first piece of writing you were ever truly proud to have written?

Most likely my first letter to Santa... though I don't remember what I was about... I sure did receive gifts after that!

Who is your all-time favourite author? How much - if at all - have they influenced your writing style?

There are a lot... I'd go with Gilbert Cesbron, a French author. He wrote after war, about social topics essentially. He had a way to write about emotions and feelings, what went through the head of his characters... It got me wanting to understand the characters in the books... and people around me, though I don't understand most of the time... people are illogical to the core...

Do you have a muse?

Not really... My ideas usually come after discussions I have with Hubby... or when I look after the kids playing... Well, does it count as Muse?

We had an interesting discussion recently about the coding of information using DNA... Coding in base 4 and not just in binary. I think if I mixed this with aliens looking for a runaway that ended up millennia on Earth and looking for the information that was in its DNA... you could explain all the kidnappings by the little green men...

Yup... most of my ideas come this way. Just a talk of weird ideas with hubby...

Walk us through your writing process. How do you begin and how do you decide when a story is done? What do you use to write, and whereabouts do you use it?

I tend to wander a lot when I write... so, when I have an idea for a story, I write the skeleton first, a detailed plan for each parts and the main actions, then I build from there, and I readjust the plan along... Sometimes, I write parts in the middle before the beginning comes to me... It can be weird :)

The story is done when I covered all I wanted to say. If some more ideas come in, I store it for another work...

Of everything you have written, what is your favourite?

The one story I didn't write yet?

I have two that I have more affinities with. "When Johnny comes marching home" is a place where I am looking for myself as a writer, if I can say. Writing the same story (at least, the same premises) in different genres to see what can come out and, ultimately, which genre I would be more comfortable with...

Then, I just started "Orion's quest", the plan is almost completed... though I have some issues to create the right music for it... the words don't flow as easily as I wished...

...and what is your fans' favourite?

I didn't produce much, so far.

It seems that the last one I completed, short novelette for the @ScienceFiction Project Constellation had some interesting return.

Although, it's all relative... I don't have fans by hundreds... so...

Outside of this, I'd say that the "Beautiful Soul" is the one that has had more readers... Not really short stories, these are more like tributes to books on Wattpad I really liked.

We know some of the big authors, Orson Scott Card and Tolkien, for example, incorporate their religious beliefs into their work. Are you religious? If so, do you incorporate those beliefs into your work?

I am not religious. Though, I'd like to think there is a certain order in the Universe. And I tend to analyse a lot of things through the mass principle of conservation prism...I always thought it could apply to everything, and not just to chemistry and physics...

Was there one idea that you had that didn't turn out quite the way you envisioned it?


Often I have a good idea about the psychological aspect of some characters, and often I am not able to express it as I'd like. I end up simplifying my sentences and plot, otherwise I end up confusing myself...

Do you use real life experiences to influence your writing?

In a manner, yes.

I like to use the information I get in the scientific news and elsewhere. There are so many things that could be interpreted with a SciFi filter, it gives me often a lot of ideas.

Then, there are also the 'routine' breaker events that can find their ways in a plot...

If an alien race was, unbeknownst to us, watching and studying us from afar, what do you think their primary findings would be?


"Tengu, we shall forget the third one." Kappa was still observing the images form the blue planet, the third nearer to the star. They had thought it would be a good candidate for their people, but it wasn't so great now that they were looking at it from their present viewpoint, hidden in the shadow of its orbiting rock.

"Why not, Kappa? Back home we had some good information about it. We could fit in with the main specie, those big green reptilians. They seemed quite evolved and pacific..."

"See, Tengu, this is the problem. This information we had was outdated. The gentle specie was replaced by a brutal and lethal one. They don't even take care of their planet, they are purely destroying it." Kappa was more and more convinced it wasn't a good idea. The blue marble would soon become a ball of dry dust.

"So? What do we do now that we are here?" Tengu was reluctant but he understood the problem.

"You remember the iced rock orbiting the gas giant we saw earlier? I'm pretty sure we'll find better refuge there. There is water and most likely plenty of bacteria we can harvest and help evolve in some more appealing food source..."

Kappa was set in mind. The third planet from the star was to be avoided. They would go elsewhere, but not too far. Sure that, at the pace they were going, the supposed intelligent specie reigning on the blue marble would have auto-destroyed, seeing as they were condemning themselves as much as the planet...

The Oni just had to wait patiently... soon, there would be a planet for the taking, without much resistance from a declining population...

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I think I'd like the power of ubiquity... though, I'd need to be able to not hear and see sometimes...

I guess I'm just curious...

Is there a particular moment in history that you would change if you could, regardless of the consequences?

I'd like to see what would have happened if the dinosaurs didn't go extinct...

There are countless variations on the 'punk,' subgenre of Science Fiction, and we're guilty of creating a few of our own, too... Which is your favourite, and why?

We had recently an interesting discussion about the punk genre and a possible new subgenre... the Boob-Punk :)

What would it be about? As any punk subgenre, it would show some rebellion against the establishment... What establishment would it be? Well... I'm still trying to define it... (Ok, I'm not stopping here...)

In term of 'legit' subgenres, I'd go with the ol' good Cyber Punk. I find it the most interesting with the antagonism between Megacorp controlling everything, along with governments, and some antihero type rebel... The theme of overcontrol on an advanced society that could have given more to the people, is interesting... almost prophetic :)

People who willingly enslave themselves to super-companies, the loss of freedom, the advanced technology used for the benefits of the few and not for the greater good of the mass... It all ring in harmony with the low esteem I have of humanity in general... But then, there is always hope... I guess...

The Technological Singularity presents a rather daunting, some say inevitable, future. Does the prospect of that level of Artificial Intelligence excite you, or make you quake in your boots?

Well... I don't quite know what to think, in fact. An artificial being capable of self-improvement, in theory is exciting. But then, how can they define if the changes are improvements or not? Can there be improvement without imperfection? And, are imperfection really needed to disappear?

I don't know what would be the output of all of this... but if the process of improvement is based on man's definition of bad/good, this is frightening...

Myths and Legends have been around since forever and will most likely continue to grow and develop until we, the human race, are nothing more than a memory but of all such things you have read, what is your favourite 'modern,' interpretation of a particular tale of old?

I liked Matthew Olney's (@MatthewOlney) version of the Mayan prophecy in "Terran Defenders: Genesis". It ties together past and future and gives a different perspective on humanity's timeline...

Fan Fiction is a little bit like Marmite, you either love it or you hate it. On which end of that scale do you sit?

I don't really bother... I don't read much of it anyway...

Now this one might prove to be a bit of a shout-out to a fellow Wattpadder, but that's no bad thing if you ask me! If you could experience the world of any science fiction book on Wattpad, first hand, which world would that be and why?

No hesitation here. I'd want to see how the world from Andrew Mosier's (@Andrew_Mosier) "How to Unbake a Cake". An alternate version of our Earth where they do all opposite...

And, there is also Shawn Jackson's (@bloodsword) Earth in Risen... I'd like to see it, but not sure I'd like to live in it :)

And finally, any words of wisdom for new and aspiring writers?

Well... I consider myself still being new to the whole shebang...

There is however one rule for all things, in writing as in the rest of life: Have fun! You need to have fun or to derive joy in what you do. As long as you enjoy (the initiation, the process, the output... whatever...), you are good. Once there is no fun, no joy, take a step back and revaluate... sometimes, a bit off time help to find back why we started, to, once again, having fun and joy...

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