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Originally featured in Tevun-Krus #35: Best of '16

When Doo-Tana was a little girl, her best friend was the shadow who lived on the mountain.

The shadow, a god by the name of Pebusa, mysteriously disappeared in the jungle back then, and the only lingering evidence of Pebusa's existence is a dead grey patch of earth where nothing grows—some say it's a grave, dug by the god Glasomil Himself.

After work one day, while walking on her way home, Doo-Tana hears voices near that supposed burial site.

They call her name and hers alone.

A FRIGID JOURNEY, by ChristopherArmstron8

Bracken was a fairly ordinary guy. He went to school, participated in outdoors schools, and spent as much time as possible honing his skills in the wild. Raised in a world where living off the grid was becoming outdated as people flocked to the cities, he ignored the social norms and continued to practice as much as possible with his younger brother. Hiking in Death Valley had been his idea. Being tossed into a world of snow, cold, and strange beasts was not part of the plan. Forced to adapt to the new world as he accepts that there is no way home, will he succeed making this new world home or will the new land prove to much for him to handle?

THE DAY, by AngusEcrivain

Following an unknown event, 600,000 people are somehow transported back to the Jurassic Era. For them, life has turned into a matter of survival...

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