Andromeda - A Short Story by @ZestyWordsmith

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Time And Date: 5/17/5028, a day after the events of Chapter 10.

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of: Basilia

"I got a phone call from Uncle Louis yesterday night," my sister Despain says happily.

"What'd he say?" I inquire.

"Nothing much. I just told him about my take-over of Earth and becoming it's Empress."

"You're such a flaunt with your power Despain."

"I know, but it isn't like I would be killed for it."

We're having yet another two-person tea party in one of the courtyards of Angkor Wat. I brush back my orange hair, and deliver the news that I had kept secret till now."


"Yes big sis Basilia?"

"I'm ready to leave Earth, and voyage on."

"Aww, how sad. Your stay was too short."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I wish to go, I wish to venture on."

"Oh, alright. Promise to return and visit soon?"

"I promise. Now, do you know any ways to get off of Earth."

"I have a spaceship reserved to only me. But I do have an extra you can have. Don't worry, by no means is it a wreck."

"How nice, thank you for the ship. I also have another concern. I'm in need of protection, such as a bodyguard or something close to that."

"Go to the Venusian settlement of Drago Maw, there's many a bodyguard-for-hire there. If anywhere, I suggest you voyage to Venus first. The ship I've given you is near the entrance gate. Farewell and good luck."

"Thank you Despain, for all you've done."

I exit towards the entrance gate, where my new ship awaits...

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of: Khrysalis

"Sally! You home?!" asks I with shout. With my left hand I knock, and with my right hand I clasp a bouquet of roses behind my back.

No answer.

"Sally? Sally are you there?"

No answer.

I quietly open the door, hiding the roses still.

Sally isn't disappointed or startled about me at all. Cause Sally isn't the person who's standing in the room.

And none of the Knights match with the appearance of the shocked but dazzling flapper who stares at me with complete fear in her pale green eyes.

She decides to start off her first meeting ever with me with the kind words of, "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!"

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Cecilia

"Louis," I say to the man at my left.

We're at the The Maiden's starboard, gazing at stars and nebulae of all colors.

"What is this place?"

He answers with, "It's called Nebulae Lane. And it's far beyond the Morgrim Sphere."

"And what's the Morgrim Sphere?"

"Well, the humans of the 5003 only knew so much about the contents of The Universe. So they defined Morgrim Sphere as being a sort of term for the the contents and expanse of the Universe that they knew of. And whatever lay beyond the Morgrim Sphere, was an absolute mystery to them."

"Augustus would've loved all this. This Nebulae Lane, everything."

"And Augustus is?"

"My brother."

"And what became of him?"


A short silence passes. And then a scream echoes from downstairs.

Louis stomps on the ground, signalling the people downstairs to quiet down.

"So...where were we-," he tries to finish his sentence, but another scream erupts.

"That's it!" Louis exclaims. "I'm going downstairs to see what all this shit is about..."

I follow him down the stairs to the areas below deck. But not before I steal one last glimpse of a single planet orbiting a yellow sun off in the distance. The was the color of indigo...

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Louis

I burst into Sally's room, from which came the screaming. But I'm snapped into confusion when I realize that Sally isn't the one who in her room. Instead, there's Khrysalis, and a pale girl with grey eyes, pale pink hair, and dressed in a lavish grey long sleeved evening gown.

"Who the Hell are yu?!" I demand to know, glaring at the grey-eyed girl.

"No, who the Hell are you?!" she demands, fearfully.

"I'm Louis, captain of this ship," I declare. "Now who are you?!"

"Andromeda Blackwood," replies the girl. "I'm an adventurer, and one of the last humans."

"And where in the name of Kushara did you crawl from?"

Andromeda walks over to the rooms portholes, and points out of one to the indigo colored planet that I caught Cecilia glimpsing at earlier.

She then explains to us that she got on board using a teleporter. But her teleporter was quite broken during the time she used it. So instead of teleporting to the locations of one of my crewmembers, she could only do so much as switch locations with the person she teleported to.

"But then who did you switch locations with?" asks Cecilia.

"The girl who lives in this room."

"So now Sally is down there on that indigo planet, and you're up here?!"fears Khrysalis.

"No shit, dumbass,"sasses Cecilia.

"Cecilia, you don't understand," I say."That indigo planet down there is Vith, a planet with nothing but sea monsters of all sizes living with an ocean that covers the whole of the planet!"

"Whether or not Sally is dead, we're going down there! Either to retrieve her body. Or by some sheer chance...rescue her!..."

This Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of: Tanya The Recurring Female Narrarator

Deep below the seas of Vith, on the ocean floor, was a Kalecdite base.

Within it's large break room, a male announcer stood on a wooden stage with a giant cake. Meanwhile, the announcer's audience consisting of nothing but Blitzers watched on, waiting for the reveal of the exotic human dancer hiding within.

"Now presenting..." readies The Announcer. "Andromeda!The Last Dancer Of Earth!"

However... The Announcer was unaware of who was really inside the box...

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of: Sally

The Last Dancer Of Earth!

The last I hear before I burst out of my dark confined space within I-Don't-Know-What-Or-Where.

I look down to see a machine gun in my hands.

How the Hell did that get here?

I look back up and adjust to the sight of an audience of Blitzers adjusting to the sight of me. Though their metal faces were frozen permanently with a look of malice, I was sure that if they were feeling any emotion now as if they were human, it would be shock.

"Intruders!" shout the mechanical voices of the Blitzers in unison.

"Target practice!" I shout with genuine joy...

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of: Tor

"There's an underwater base for those mechanical ones!On the ocean floor"

Andromeda and I are at the area around the Captain's Control Center. Instead of a plain, old easy wheel to steer the ship with, Louis always had it as an octagon of switches, buttons, and other controls to replace where the steering wheel would be on any other ship. Any other ship but this one.

"If it is what you say is so," Louis muses. "I should be able to warp us to a safe place inside that base any minute now."

"How?" I criticize. "You don't even know where exactly the base is,nor where might be a safe place to land within!"

"You do make a good point," says Louis.

I smile smartly.

A panel on the Control Center beeps, Louis beams a smile.

"Well, that is, until I just locked onto a safe location to land within an inorganic structure on Vith's ocean floor!"

My smile fades into the look of a grouch. Louis, Andromeda, and I look into a screen on the Control Center that shows us the safe place to land within the underwater base.

"Hey!" cheers Andromeda. "That must that hangar within the base! I remember that now!"

"Well, seems like a safe landing location," concludes Louis. "Prepare for teleportation!"

After Louis proceeds to press a blue button, flashes of lights of all colors blind the three of us for just a few moments.

And when our vision returns, the sight of the empty, pale white hangar greets us.

In the distance... I swear I hear the gunshots of a machine gun...

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of: Basilia

Time:Ten Minutes After Basilia's Departure Of Earth

My little pod of a ship begins trembles as it shoots through the Venusian atmosphere. I strap myself into the pilot's seat in preparation for a crash landing.

The pattering of rain begins to pelt onto my pod.

Lucky this thing is acid proof, or Venus's acid rains would surely have melted the ship with me in it!

A screech of metal, a tumble of objects inside the ship, and a few tumbles more, and the pod slows to a halt.

I unbuckle myself, and crash down onto the ceiling of the pod, with me having been upside due to the pod being overturned by the crash.

I walk over to the door, and instantly remember the rain outside, due to the fact that next to the door, is a box that reads: ACID-PROOF RAIN PONCHO INSIDE

Well, I'm sure I don't want to get vaporized, and how convenient!

So, after dressing the rain poncho over myself, I step outside into the world of Venus.

The rain fills my ear, along with the hissing noise it makes when it burns into the reddish-brown desert dirt. Lightning of greens, yellows, and purples strike down in all directions miles away from me.

I look to my left, and in the distance, is a the outlines of a metropolis, with an almost transparent blue dome covering it.

So, making sure to keep my hands and face within the protection of my poncho, I set off towards the distant metropolis...

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Ivan

"So is this a birthday party?" asks my seemingly new friend, Evan-Gabriel.

"No, it's called a tea party," I correct.

A tray of cakes and teas lies on a a black bistro-style table between the both of us. We're seated both seated upon padded bistro-style chairs opposite of each other.

Around us is the garden completely fills the area between the castle walls and the castle itself. The garden if full of flowers is full of bushes,tree,and flowers of all shapes,sizes,and colors.

"More tea?" I ask to The Count as a warm breeze blows from the orange sunset in the east.

"I guess so..."

"You seem distant."

"Just musing..."

This Part Of The Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of: Cecilia

Andromeda, Tor, Louis, Valdris, Khrysalis, Betty, Kvellia, and I rush down the hallway, following the noise of clashing metal and discharging bullets.

"Look!" shouts Kvellia, pointing into the distance. "It's Sally!"

We run faster and arrive to Sally's aid.

"Nice timing guys," she sasses.

We intercept and fight off the Blitzers until they're nothing chunks and splinters of metal. And with the enemies reduced to scrap, we all give a little cheer.

All of us except Andromeda. Cause when I look around, she's no where in sight.

"Does anyone know where that Andromeda girl went?"

Everyone shakes their head.

"I'm sure this girl will turn up somewhere sometime soon," chirps Sally. "And when she does, I'd sure like to meet her, whoever she is. But for now, can someone fill me in on what happened during the almost-45-minutes of me being absent?"

So, as we head back to the ship, I do just that...

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