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Hungry for more SpacePunk? Gotchu, 'trooperboi.

Games by AngusEcrivain

Dave's lost, or at the very least he has no idea whereabouts he is, which is probably the same thing.

He discovers he's on an alternate version of Earth in the midst of a deadly game played on a global scale, and on a planet mere days from quite literally tearing itself apart from the inside. For reasons he doesn't quite understand Dave must rally his fellow players - those who aren't trying to kill him at any rate! - and either save the world, or get the hell out of the proverbial dodge!

How to Turn a Princess Punk by aWriterWithDreamzz

Quinn is the leader of the rowdy and foul crew on a pirate spaceship. Azura is the Healer of a computerized planet. Plythe is the lover boy who apparently kidnaps people. And, this story is about a robbery gone wrong, an unwanted mission, and a romance no one saw coming.

Buckle up for this ride, folks, because it's time; pirates, space, and fantasy punk subgenres collide!

Messiah of Stars by Crimson_Scythe

In the 25th century, man has conquered space. Humanity rose up into one of the highest ranks in the universe, surpassing many alien races. 

Keith was an ordinary teenager in Blue Terra planet. He had an ordinary life until they came... 

"Your race will be erased."

In face of extinction, human technology and their alliances with other alien races couldn't help them. No one could fight back against this unknown invader until a miracle occurred. A factor that couldn't be predicted by even an entity of advanced knowledge.

The flow of humanity's fate changed like a cosmic storm, triggering chain effects that may have prevented their extinction, but may have also awakened an apocalypse. When forbidden knowledge is granted to human beings, what will they use it for?

Now Keith is hunted by his own race as his loyalty to humanity is questioned. He's also wanted by many other races, and threatened by the invaders. They will do anything to have him.

An ordinary man becomes key to our survival, and for our whole universe. An ordinary man creates a change.

This is the beginning of what exceeds an intergalactic war...

A war between worlds.

Future Stupid: A Joseph Tugger, Space-Cop Anthology by MadMikeMarsbergen

Let's say five hundred years into the future, a badass loner wanders the galaxies, solving various crimes, shacking up with sexy alien ladies, and taking out bad dudes—all in the name of law and order. 

His law. His order.

His name is Joseph Dar-Cee Tugger, Space-Cop, the year is at least 2520, and still he wanders...

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