Author Spotlight: @charnewc

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If you had to describe yourself in one word, what words wouldn't you use?


Think back to when you were in school. What was your favourite subject?

History. I know most people find it boring, but that's mainly because it's usually taught as a bunch of dates, events, with a few names tossed in. But I had 1 teacher in high school who talked about the earliest pilots in World War I - they had no weapons mounted on their planes. They fired a handgun, or tossed a brick over the side - I just thought that was so cool. When other teachers didn't give me those details, I'd go to the library (this was pre-Internet days!) and find books on things I was interested in.

When you were a young 'un, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Astronaut, rock musician, teacher, linguist, spy.

What does Tevun-Krus mean to you?

I'm new to Tevun-Krus, and didn't really get going on Wattpad until Nov. 2019. I'll be sending out probes to gather some intel, explore issues. I bet I'll find new authors to follow. Congrats on being the longest-running WattZine!

Tell us about your reading/writing habits. If you're not a writer, then simply the former will suffice!

I read fiction and non-fiction, the latter generally related to research for the historical fiction I write. My favorite fiction genres are science fiction & historical fiction. Sadly, I'm a slow reader, but I'm quick to buy new books - my TBR list is huge. I am a writer, and had several short stories published back in the 1990s in a Star Wars roleplaying game magazine. Real life got in the way of the creative process, and I hardly put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) from 1998 - 2007. I got back into writing, starting with fan fiction, and then working on a novel. With that, I wanted feedback, so I joined a local writing group around 2009. I've been with them ever since! I just published my 5th novel (sci fi/space opera). I usually write/revise/or edit 1-3 hours every morning, 5-6 days a week.

As your crew casts your lifeless body into the heart of the nearest star, list three pieces of music likely to be rattling the bulkheads of your beloved vessel!

1) The Beatles - One

Who is your all-time favourite author? How much, if at all, has their work influenced your writing style?

Timothy Zahn. After I read Tim's first Star Wars novel, Heir to the Empire, I wanted to write my own story. And I did! "A Glimmer of Hope" was published in the first issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal. I'd say my writing has improved dramatically since I wrote that one, but still, it has been incredible to be part of the SW universe - even if it's considered non-cannon.

Of everything you've written, which piece is your favourite?

I probably should say Echoes of the Storm, my new novel, but I think I'll have to say Rendezvous with Destiny, a short story in the Star Wars Adventure Journal

Pitch the above story to us. Make us really want to read it!

Stow away on a rebel freighter. Infiltrate an Imperial base. Rescue a scientist being held against his will. All in a day's work for freedom fighter Alex Winger. Except for that part where Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker shows up to help.

To what extent does the mythical 'real life' influence your writing?

Hm... the part where I want to escape this world, hoping there's a better future for the human race. Yeah, that.

If you could have any superpower, what would that be and why?

I would be a Jedi Knight.

What would you do if you woke up one day and suddenly realized you were an alien from another world?

I'd be like E.T. and want to phone home. Help me. Get me off this insane world!

The Technological Singularity presents a rather daunting, some say inevitable, future. Does the prospect of that level of artificial intelligence excite you, or leave you quaking in your space boots?

If it improves the quality of human life on this world - something we definitely need - then bring it on, and the sooner the better.

Who was your first Sci-Fi crush? Who is your current one?

1st crush: Chekov - from the original Star Trek series; current crush: Luke Skywalker

If you could experience the world of any Sci-Fi story on Wattpad, which would that be and why?

I am so consumed by the Star Wars universe, so I would have to say take me away to that galaxy far, far, away.

And finally, any words of wisdom to new and aspiring Sci-Fi writers?

I wrote these words for a blog post several years ago & still stand by them: I am happy to share with other beginners how I approach this writing life, what works for me. I write. I revise, but not until I have written "the end" on the first draft. My most productive writing time is in the morning, and I try to write at least 5 days a week even if it's only for 30-60 minutes. I do my research. I accept that I cannot possibly know everything about the time period, but I do my best to read multiple sources of information. I write the story I want to write, though it may not be the most popular genre or era. I don't plan to retire from my day job [okay, I have done this, but it's because I'm old!]. And lastly, I hang out with people who encourage me to pursue your dreams. If you plan to self-publish read find good critique partners; listen, and don't be defensive revise, revise, and then revise again use beta readers get editorial help pay professionals to design your cover art unless you are skilled with graphic design be prepared to become a business manager use social media to engage other writers and to find readers but DO NOT do the hard sell. "Buy my book, buy my book, buy my book" will only turn people off submit your book to reputable reviews and awards sites Keep writing!

(This writing advice originally published on )

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