Closing Time

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And that's it already for the Best of 2021 issue. But don't fret, we have more in store for you:

December 19th, 2021 - A Very Merry CyberPunk Christmas

We covered Post-CyberPunk earlier, so why not delve back into CyberPunk—theme of Tevun-Krus #7, way back in 2014—and give it a Christmassy twist?

Who doesn't know what CyberPunk is? Without going into the history of it, CyberPunk is gritty, and often crude. Hackers are the heroes, whereas corporations and politicians—the establishment, the elite—are the bad guys.

And, of course, we will kick off the new year on

February 22nd, 2022 with TevunKrus #97: International VI — Peace

Contributions in all existing languages are welcome, from English to Klingon and Kiswahili to Shyriiwook. As long as your story is SciFi and fits the theme of peace, you're good. Send us your contribution, we are happy to give it the space it deserves!

And here is the line up for the rest of the year: 

Tevun Krus #98 - March 13th: BugPunk

Bugs, of course, will be a prominent feature of any story within his subgenre. This said, they may well be organic, mechanic, electronic, or a mix of them all. With input from cyberpunk and biopunk, perhaps with a sprinkle of fantasy or alien invasion, this subgenre has the potential to be horrific and awesome on a new level. Perhaps the bugs come from outer space? Are augmented by technology? Or they are simply humanity's successors in a dystopian world. And of course, there may also be bugs in a system... or remote-controlled survey bugs. And what about a world where the only available source of proteins are bugs?

Tevun Krus #99 - April 10th: Big Dumb Object

In science fiction, a mysterious and excessively large object of unknown origin is called a "Big Dumb Object" or BDO. A typical BDO has unknown put potentially immense power and often unusual properties, even going against the physical laws. Contrary to the misleading name, these objects are by no mean dumb but either lack the means to communicate or are simply too far advanced to bother with humans.

Tevun Krus #100 - May 8th: The infamous issue #100

The goal for this one? A celebratory issue with one hundred stories, poems, artworks... created by our amazing Ooorah community. Yes, that's you. Pick up your pen, your pencil or your paintbrush and give us your best!

And then, we will start to new Horizons — Tevun Krus beyond 💯

Tevun Krus #101 - June 12th: New Frontier 

The Space Frontier/New Frontier is a theme of deep space exploration, vanguard colonisation and the mystery of the crowded void of Outer-space. It is based on SpaceWestern, but not limited to it. Here, the law of the wild applies, in the manner of the frontier towns in the Wild West of the mid XVIIIth to XIXth centuries in North AmericA, the Space Frontier attracts misfits of all quadrants as the arm of the Federation and other governments does not reach yet those parts. The only rule: if you are still alive when the sun rises somewhere at the other side of the Galaxy, you may live to see another day.

Tevun Krus #102 - July 10th: TrashPunk

The setting of a trashpunk story (or garbagepunk, if you prefer this expression) is a world where the only resources available are the remnants of a lost civilisation. So, literally everything is made from trash, salvaged at times under life-threatening circumstances. This said, the environment is be harsh and unforgiving most of the time, making survival key for the story's protagonists. Of course, there might be unexpected gems in the heaps of trash covering the world. And a clever mind will be able to (re-)build impressive technology form the discarded items of the ancients.

Tevun Krus #103 - August 7th: Androids

Androids, from Greek andr- (man, male) and the suffix -oid (in the form/likeness of), are artificial beings, for example robots, built to resemble humans. Androids have been a long standing feature in science fiction literature and films. While mostly designed to take over menial tasks in the place of humans, they may well be used to replace humans or decide they are better suited for the task anyway...

Tevun Krus #104 - September 4th: SoulPunk 

SoulPunk as a subdivision of Quantum Punk focuses on the evolution of the human kind as a species into the quantum level: the smallest element, eternal and ethereal — When a human is summed up as the Soul. On the quest to gain immortality, souls might be hosted in a series of bodies, clones or droids. Perhaps the black market for bodies is thriving, people are abducted, souls extracted to become a blank canvas, an empty corpse ready for a new host...

Tevun Krus #105 - October 9th: Black Hole

Black holes have fascinated science fiction authors for a long time. Technically, a black hole is a region of space time where gravity is so strong that nothing, including light and electromagnetic radiation, can escape it. According to the theory of general relativity a sufficiently compact mass can deform the space time to form a black hole. Crossing the event horizon of a black hole means there is no return... 

Tevun Krus #106 - November 13th: Best of 2022

Like its older brothers, we keep this bad bubba of an issue locked up in chains, only allowed visits from writers we specifically ask to come aboard. Each of the previous sub-genres covered throughout the year gets a brand-spankin'-new story from some of the readers' and Tevun-Krus' favourite writers.

Tevun Krus #107 - December 18th: A Very Merry PiratePunk Christmas

PiratePunk works can be set in a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from 14BC when the Sea People attacked Egypt, to the 'Golden Age of Piracy' which spanned from the 1650s to the 1730s, or in the far future and outer space. Add a little Christmasy twist, et voilà: Merry Christmas, Matey!

And that's what we have for you so far! If you have a contribution for one of the upcoming issues, don't hesitate to contact us by personal message or join us on our discord server. You can find the link in our bio. We're always happy to feature more rising stars on the science fiction night sky of Wattpad.

See you soon, Ooorah!

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