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"The beach?" you can't help the grin that spread on your face. You've never been out of town. your father being an overprotective yet distant businessman, aware of the dangers that lie outside of the safety of the borders. "But fa-"

"I've asked your father," his hand combed through your hair. "as long as we don't stay on the road long and I'm always with you, he is fine with it."

You wrapped your arms around his neck, your soft body filling in his hard one. "That's so wonderful, Thomas, I can't wait!"

You felt his heart beat against your skin. "Anything for you, darling." He reluctantly pulled away from you when the band put the song to an end, only then were you reminded of the people around you.

He led you to the bar so he can grab a drink, and as he drank you saw a pair of eyes glaring at you.

"YN?" Thomas.


"I asked if you were alright." before you could respond, he followed the direction of your stare and sighed.

"Pay her no mind, dear." the woman's glare hardened when Thomas looked at her.

"She seems like she knows you."

"She does, and I her."

"She looks like she hates you."

When he didn't respond, you stood up. "I think we should retire early for tomorrow."

"You're right, my love, forgive me for being so mindless." He fixed your scarf around your neck and let his thumbs stroke your jaw for a moment before leading you out, where his horse, Newton, was waiting.

You looked at him in confusion.

"I let the boys borrow him for the day and told them to drop him off here," he explained, helping you up.

"I don't know how to ride a horse," you admitted. "Father never let me try."

"That's alright, sweeting," he said, mounting the horse and reaching his arm to you when Newton started to fuss. "Whoa, boy, behave tonight, will you? Let's give my lady a pleasant first ride," he looked at you over his shoulder and gave you a smile. "Hold me tight, and tell me if your legs get tired."

"Will do, cowboy," you acknowledged teasingly.

Once the shock wore down, it was a pleasant ride. Thomas went at a reasonable pace and was very considerate. Not to mention it was an excuse to be close to him without being too indecent. With every bump, you felt his muscles tense then loosen. When he hummed a lullaby to you when it got quiet, you could feel the vibrations of his voice and it took all the willpower you had to stay awake.

You prepared to dismount from the horse when your home was in sight, but Thomas rode right past it. You squeezed his arm in question. It was late, so no one was around and it was quiet enough that you could hear Thomas if he spoke.

"Your father insisted you sleep in my parents' place. I've put our things there and you will sleep next to my sister if that is all right. You do sleep in a boarding house, after all."

"It's fine," you answered. "Where will you stay?"

You heard the smile in his voice. "A thick blanket and a fire are all I need, my love, the living area will suffice."

When you reached Tasha's home, you were immediately pulled under Ava's wing. "We'll have a grand time tonight!" she said before kissing her brother's cheek.

"None of that, Ava. Let her rest," Thomas shook his head as he tied Newton to the fence. "we're leaving first thing in the morning."

"Oh. Well, Y/N and I'll just have to be real quiet," Ava teased but froze when Thomas gave her a stern look.

"I'm a ranger, sister," he led the way to the house. "I can hear a whisper from a mile away."

While Tasha was speaking to her son, Ava took you in. "You're walking funny, honey. What's going on with you?"

"Just the horse ride, is all. My legs aren't used to it."

"It was your first time, wasn't it? Thomas didn't ride harshly, did he?"

"No," you shook your head as you sat by the fire, the smell of hot chocolate surrounding you. "He went very slowly. I know he likes to ride fast, but he was very considerate of me."

"Are you excited for tomorrow? Did you enjoy dancing tonight?"

"Yes and yes, but our stay was very short. Thomas seemed out of it after our first dance." the next line you said in a whisper. "there was a lady staring at us strangely."

"Was it Edward's dance hall you went to?" Ava inquired, a serious look on her face.


"The lady, if she's a blonde, then that's Sarah. One of dear brother's admirers," she said with a scoff, but a smile was on her face. Then it disappeared. "I'm ashamed to say I was the one who introduced the two. We were at a party and the two were bound to meet anyway. Sara's father works with Thomas."

"It's all right, Ava. Did anything transpire between them? I heard in passing that Thomas was a flirt before I came along, but I find that so hard to believe 'cause he doesn't look the type."

"Oh, he was," Ava rolled her eyes, her voice lowering when she saw Thomas closer by, in a deep discussion with Mark, their father. "He was a terrible heartbreaker. Momma was devastated when the gossip reached our home. We could do nothing about it, though.

He would take you dancing one night only to pretend you don't exist the morning after. A few women came to their senses, but most of them are still pining for him. He was basking in the attention. Then you came along." she smiled, pausing when Tasha came with two mugs of cocoa and sat across you both by the fire, aware of what you were talking about.

"Continue the story, Ava, I should like to hear it again,"

"He was sent to the other side of the state on an assignment. He was gone for two weeks. We missed him even though he's been living alone for a year. The night he came back he visited us for dinner, and he was more gentle and sweet with Momma. I coulda' sworn she'd break into tears!" Ava giggled.

You turned to see Tasha in her seat, eyes closed and lips turned upward.

"Then while he and Pop were drinkin' and I watched Momma write a letter to Auntie, he told us about a girl he met on his assignment. Momma wasn't pleased, thought ya were one of his conquests again. But then he said he was gon' court you and ask you ta marry him."

"I managed to do that, now did I, sister?" Thomas interrupted from behind you, sitting on the arm of the chair, hand on your shoulder. "Get some rest now, lovely girl."

You obliged, reaching up to kiss his forehead—he was so tall that even on your toes, he had to bend down so you could reach him. "Good night, Thomas. Ava, Tasha."

Hours later, well into the night, Ava was sound asleep next to you and all you can hear were the critters buzzing outside. Your throat was dry: you haven't had a drink since this afternoon, so you stood to get water from the kitchen.

You tried not to make any noise so Thomas won't wake, but he already was. He was staring at the ceiling, and by the look on his face, he knew you were there. He was beautiful. The light of the fire brought out all his best features.

"I thought I told you to get some sleep," he said, giving you a half-smile, eyes closed.

"I wanted a drink," you whispered. "You should be sleeping too, you know. You are the one riding, after all."

"I'll be all right, my love. It's nothing I haven't done."

You didn't respond, instead, you went to the kitchen to retrieve your drink so you could get whatever sleep you still can.

As you opened Ava's door, Thomas spoke. "You know," you paused and turned to him. "That kiss back there, when you bade me good night. It was a lousy excuse for a kiss."

"Are you saying you don't like my kisses?" you feigned hurt.

"Oh, they're my favorite thing in the world," he grinned. "but if you're expecting me to survive the night on just a peck on the forehead then you're sorely mistaken, girl."

"I apologize, Ranger," you tried not to smile. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

"You know very well what you can do," he opened his arms to you, and you realized that he slept shirtless. He smiled when you blushed.

You enveloped yourself in his warmth, and you felt Thomas sag in relief.

"If this is what I'll come home to every day of my life," he whispered, pressing his cheek against your hair. "I'll be the happiest man alive."

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