They Shall Not PASS!

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I know this may seem like an odd way to start this off, but I personally find teaser trailers to be sooo dumb.

Like, they typically don't offer any helpful knowledge such as a release date or any information on what to expect from whatever it is that's shown.

It basically says, "Hey! I exist!!"

And that's about it.

So the reason why I brought this up is because of the recent teaser for the Battlefield 1 DLC "They Shall not Pass."

Here's the original trailer.

Seriously, that's all lel.

They had sooo much they could have thrown in there. They could have at least made him say a witty one-liner, buuuut nope.

Thankfully, there are some wonderful sods in the landvof the youtubez, such as TheRussianBadger, that put a little bit more flare onto these sorts of things.


That's much better lol

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