!seven.five! - kim seungmin

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part two of the hybrid scenario. honestly, i'm gonna turn this into a separate fanfic, i see no hybrid fanfics for stray kids (being that most of the members are minors, which i truly understand). i'm not up for sexual stuff because that's nasty, so y/n and seungmin are just lovebirds (":


"my name's y/n, and i'll be taking care of you from now on."

seungmin stopped whatever he was doing, and made direct contact at you. to be honest this would be a little intimidating, but his cute facial expressions always gave way whenever he tried to be so serious.

"a-are you sure? i-i mean, i wouldn't m-mind living in the a-alleyway, to be honest..."

you shook your head with a lot of disapproval.

"seungmin, you were going to pass out if i wasn't there."

"i still p-passed out though!-"

"you're more sanitary now than if you passed out and i never saw you."

he gulped at the thought of you never seeing him. this caused tears to form in his little beady eyes.

"awwh, does this little bunny have separation anxiety already?" you cooed, hugging him while rubbing circles on his back with your domain hand. he simply nodded with embarrassment, his flushed cheeks remaining unseen from you.

"i'll tell you what. since i just finished making breakfast for us two, how about we go downstairs to eat, then we can just stay in the living room and cuddle the whole day? does that sound great bun?" you asked, hopefully seeing the bunny boy nod his head with a huge smile. he did nod, but continued to bury his face into your sweater. you just chuckled and carried him downstairs to the kitchen.


placing him down on one of the counter's stools, you pushed him a plate of pancakes that had been made earlier. you also put a plate for youself, and passed out a spoon and fork for both him and you. seeing as he gobbled up the pancakes and chugged down his chocolate milk, you smiled in content as he would be gaining his original body weight back.

"so how was it hmm?"

"it was great! it's the best thing i've eaten so far- wait how old are you?" he questioned, realizing that he never got really formal with you at all yet.

"i'm a 98 liner, my birthday was recently. how about you?"

"that makes you my noona! i'm two years younger than you..." he mumbled, knowing that you were going to squeal because he was cuter and younger than you.

(can't relate because the only person close to my age is jeongin/i.n)

the blushing was evident in your rosy cheeks, but nonetheless the expected squeal emitted from your throat which caused you to carry seungmin's small frame and spin him around.


"whoops, sorry bub! i'm not gonna let you go though, we're going to watch something in the living room."

he just quietly giggled, causing you to silently fangirl while walking through the hallway to the living room.

"noona, what's this?" he inquired, looking at the 20 inch television. around it was a karaoke machine, an xbox one, and a dvr to watch some movies. you had netflix, but you just never used your account.

"you'll see in a minute." you laughed, while he nodded. you decided to put the movie finding dory on, for the sake of being pure. you then silently tiptoed into the kitchen to make a bowl of popcorn, and returned with two because your stomach needed more.

while seungmin was staring intently at the screen, he didn't notice the bowl of popcorn infront of him, which caused him to flinch.

you rolled your eyes in a playful manner, and decided to shove a handful into his mouth to prevent him from answering more questions. he assumed you didn't want to, as he decided to get some more popcorn, probably liking the taste of it.


anddddd i give up, i'll just leave it at that

i'll publish this as a full on story with more chapters when i can. after school i have to go to the orthodontist again because the bracket that was holding my wire came off. i literally have a wire stabbing me inside my mouth. i'm going to fucking cry brb

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