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-hey can we talk?

-yeah of course

-i failed the District Chemistry test

-i know.

-I'm not supposed to fail it.

-how are you feeling


-don't be.

-i feel like a failure.

-you know for damn sure you're not.

-i am.

-no you're not. Fuck it. You failed the test, yeah, but that doesn't prove you're a failure. I know for sure that you're a talented, intelligent boy. And i know under that cover is someone who is sweet, caring and wonderful.

- thank you.

- You're welcome.

- and I'm sorry

-for what?

- for the way i behaved before.

-it's alright. Don't worry.

-thank you. I feel much better now. It's nice talking to you.


...........I've always been there for you when you need, will you be there for me too?...........

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