Chapter 11: Stormterror Is No More

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Ah, back where we left off. It has been a while, hasn't it?

Venti, Jean, Diluc, Paimon, and Y/n are seen on the Starsnatch Cliff in the middle of the night. But you gotta admit, the view is one to behold. With the shining light of the moon at the ocean.

Diluc: Everyone's finally here.

Paimon: What a view...

Venti: Lovely for a fated reunion, isn't it? Well, we must be prepared for a fight.

Jean: Regardless of the outcome, things finally seem to be taking turn for the better. Mondstadt has really been through a lot recently...

Diluc: Hah! In the end, the solution to our problem was as simple as a traveler and a song.

Y/n: Don't jinx us now.

Diluc: I am not. But I suppose the Knights of Favonius may have played a part in the solution too.

Y/n: You can't say anything without including how much you hate the Knights, eh?

Diluc: Because the Knights are Favonius always are so inefficient.

Venti: Oh, we get it, Master Diluc...

Jean: Still, what did you and Y/n were talking about in our way here?

Venti: Hehe. Everyone, please step aside! You're about to see. I, the best bard in the mortal world shall begin my performance with the Holy Lyre.

(This took longer than I thought it would.)

Jean: ... Y/n?

Y/n: Yes?

Diluc: What in the world was that?

Y/n: A song with music.

Diluc: That's not what I mean-

Outta fucking no-where the dragon appears with its sudden gust of wind that slaps all of you in the face with leaves.

Stormterror: You have come...

The Dragon slowly flies down to face the bard face to face.

Stormterror: What has been done cannot be undone...

Venti: If so, then why do I see sadness in your eyes? Sadness that was yearning for this song. I'm never gonna give you up, Dvalin.

Dvalin: Hm...

Jean: They are... communicating... Huh!?

From the placr where Dvalin was flying, a sudden blue beam of Cryo energy comes out hitting Venti and the Lyre out of the green bards hands breaking it in the process.

Paimon: Tone-deaf bard!

All of you rush to the God of Anemo's aid, whilst hearing a distorted voice come from on top of the dragon. Revealing a Cryo Abyss Mage.

C.A.M: Do not listen to him, dear dragon... He left you to rot alone! Now he attempts to deceive you one more...

Dvalin?: Barbatos...

The Abyss Mage teleport near the blue eyes, blue dragon's face.

C.A.M: Let your wrath fester! Mondstadt has already turned its back on you!

The Dragon roars in anger flapping its wings sending strong gusts of air towards all of you, which you needed to put your arms shielding it.

Stromterror: You! You were planning this all along! For me to be slain by them!

He sends a fierce roar and strong roar filled with hatred, sadness, and even more anger.

Venti: It's not like that! We've known each other for so long! I'd never do that!

The Abyss Mage hops on the Stormterror's back near the weirdly shaped purple crystal on the dragon's back.

C.A.M: It's time for you to serve your true master...

You couldn't help but notice the Abyss Mage looking at your for a bit before turning its attention back to the whole group.

C.A.M: Whilst you bewail your pathetic selves. And watch the world tremble with fear!

And with that they fly off leaving all of you there. Your turn towards the red haired Wine Industry owner.

Y/n: You jinxed us.

Diluc: Not the time, Y/n.

Venti: Dvalin...

A couple of seconds pass before the Dandelion Knight speaks.

Jean: Barbat-- Venti, please, be careful...

Venti: Hehe... You've known my true identity for some time now, haven't you Jean? Though, I thank you for continuing to use the name Venti.

Diluc: How's the Holy Lyre? Can it still be played? Or does it need to be repaired?

Venti: Ugh... Unfortunately, I think it's beyond repair...

Y/n: Abyss Mages, huh?

Diluc: The source of evil.

Jean: Well then, I shall call upon Outrider Amber to track it down.

Diluc: There is no need.

Jean: Huh?

Diluc: I eradicated one not too long ago in one of the Four Winds Temples.

Paimon: What!? When!?

Diluc: If you want to track those monsters down, then I'll seek answers from my contacts. I've got other means for getting the job done.

Paimon: Diluc... Though he dislikes the Knights, he protects Mondstadt in his own way.

Y/n: (Vigilante much? Let me guess, his parents or one of them got murdered.)

Venti: Oh? Why does our little Paimon sound so doting all of a sudden?

Paimon: Oh really? I thought you were deaf so you couldn't hear it, Tone-deaf bard.

Diluc: Hmph. Wait for my word. I'll be sure to let the Abyss Mage know that their blatant disregard for Mondstadt... Will not go unpunished.

Y/n: (Edge is sharper than his sword...)

Somewhere in Stormterror's Lair

Two Hydro Abyss Mages are seen bowing to a certain someone who is standing near a cliff watching the ancient of what used to be Mondstadt. His shining white crystals/gems where illuminating the darkness of the night.

From above flies the dragon to what used to be a castle where the previous king of Mondstadt used to be long ago.

With the dragons appearance the wind made the individual's blonde braided hair clap a bit, as if it was a cape.

Behind the not so secret blonde appears a hint of Cryo power, as the Cryo Abyss Mage that was once with the dragon appear. He too was bowing.

C.A.M: Your highness... You're humble servant returns. When your homeland returns to this world. We shall revel in its glory.

The blonde finally turns to meet his servant. Ehich reveals him to be non-other than Aether.

Aether: I see... Any signs of my sister?

C.A.M: So far, there aren't any,your highness. But there was that h/c haired friend of yours.

Aether: Y/n... *Sigh* (I do hope that you find her. I trust you with her. You may not understand why I'm doing this, but it's for the better... Until we meet again, my friend.)


It's been about an hour and a half since you confronted Stormterror and found about about the involvement of the Abyss Order with it.

Currently, all of you are standing in front of Dawn Winery waiting for Diluc.

Y/n: Acting Grand Master... Where exactly is the Grand Master?

Jean: Grand Master Varka... He is currently on an expeditions with most of the Knights.

Venti: You could say it's a crusade.

Y/n: Where tho?

Before she could respond, GioGio appeared.

(And yes, this is an excuse because I honestly don't know where. All I know is that he is in an expedition,and left the work for Jean)

Diluc: The Abyss Order... Enemies of the human race. Even the underground networks rarely come across any information of them. With that said, it was a bit of a hassle, but I managed to dig up a few clues.

Venti: Really? That quickly? You really are well connected, Master Diluc.

Paimon: Come to think of it, Mr. Big Anemo God Barbatos - Why exactly do that do you need help of mere humans...?

Venti: Uhhh... How do I put it? "The Seven" as people know them, were once known as "The Seven Archons". Each archon presides on their own part of Teyvat. That is the rule the archon play. Only in performing this duty can we attain power, but I don't like the idea of "ruling" Mondstadt-- and I don't feel Mondstadt would really like it either.

Jean: "Go forth and establish a city of freedom without rule." We have not forgotten Barbatos' wish for Mondstadt.

Y/n: Does that mean I get to destroy half of the city in the name of freedom?

Venti: Hahahaha-No. Not that kind of Freedom. You are free to enjoy yourself in a peaceful life. And that's final.

Y/n: But "No rule"!

Jean: Y/n.

Y/n: Aw, come on! What exactly is freedom if demanded to you by a god?

Wait a minute... Some thing's not right.

Y/n: ._. Why are you guys looking at me like that? It's a genuine question, I don't understand politics or ruling and stuff...

Venti: Is this making you uncomfortable? Then I shall continue.

Paimon: Still, Jean you're such a devotee. Maybe someone got a little too free and is just too lazy to care.

Venti: Ahh... However it may have come to be... I haven't been back to Mondstadt in an extended period of time. Without a doubt, I'm the weakest archon among The Seven!

Y/n: So prideful about it. At least you accept yourself for who you are. Wow, a life lesson. Who would've thought?

Venti: Aw, you flatter me. We should start a music band together in the future.

Y/n: 200,000 songs are ready with a million more on the way.

Diluc: A humble god and the childish traveler... Is this a blessing or a curse?

Y/n: Yes.

Diluc: I guess that makes sense... Let's go back to the topic at hand, the common enemy of all man kind.

Y/n: Yay! Joy!

Diluc: Ahem... We have tracked the Abyss Mage to the vicinity of the winery.

Jean: I cannot stress how important it is to not let it escape.

Y/n: Last to reach is a rotten egg!

Venti: Oh, you're on!


Diluc: ...

Timeskip brought you by Diluc questioning life

Y/n: ...

Paimon: ...

Venti: ...

Jean: ...

Diluc: ...


Uhhh... This is awkward.

You see this is now a Hydro Abyss Mage... Frozen by Mist Flowers... Everytime he breaks free. He gets frozen again.

Venti: Let's put it out of its misery...

Timeskip brought you the author hating on Monday

Venti: Huh, that's weird?

Y/n: The fact that this is a Hydro Abyss mage not knowing how to swim?

Venti: Part of it... But after the Abyss Mage was defeated, a certain energy dispersed from it's body... It's seems like this energy was used to cut the connection between me and Dvalin...Do you know if Stormterror's Lair, Y/n?

Jean: He should after reading the Knights of Favonius manual... Right?

Y/n: Non't. Top left of the map.

Venti: Yup, after Dvalin woke up, he took the ancient ruins as his lair. As it was with the storms that previously cut Mondstadt off from the outside world. The entrance for the ruins is sealed by a special barrier. But now as the energy dispersed from the Abyss Mage. I was able to read the rhymatic flow of how the barrier magic was woven.

Y/n: Wait... Then how did Alice was able to enter it?

Jean: She is well-knowledgeable about different aspects of science, and is very powerful.

Diluc: Or simply, there was no barrier and she is the cause of it being there in the first place.

(Again. I don't fucking know. It's just theories a GAME THEOR-Ow!)

Venti: I must admit though, it sounds more horrendous that a chorus of hilichurls, but it should be enough to let us break through the strom barrier and reach Stormterror's Lair.

Diluc: Which means we're going to confront Dvalin? I'm fine with that...Jean is the who which to avoid confrontation.

Jean: No. When there are no other options left, it's my responsibility to alter our course of action. If slaying him is out only choice, then I will gladly become the knight that leads the charge.

Venti: Fortunately, we have yet to need to go that far.

Diluc: Hm...?

Jean: By that, you mean...

Venti: I mean that the Holy Lyre is not our trump card?

Y/n: Well, who is gonna build that wall?

Venti: You, of course!

Y/n: ... I don't remember becoming a president and getting impeached with my supporters raiding the Capitol...

(Am I on a watch-list for putting that here?)

Venti: Well, you did purify the crystals. So, you CAN purify Dvalin. The impurities of the tears and the curse that binds Dvalin belong to the same maleficent power. Which means...

Paimon: You tone-deaf bard! Don't you see how crazy this is!? You've seen what Dvalin is like when he's ticked off! Y/n, will be swallowed whole he even gets to lay a finger.

Y/n: Can we not talk about me getting swallowed? It brings memories I wish to forget... So many showerd and the damn smell... Yuck. Well, worst case scenario we all die a horrible and painful death getting crunched. But the story doesn't end here, so we'll survive.

Diluc: I can't tell if your brave, dumb, or just wanna see how this ends... But, I can't help but feel that you are right.

Jean: Well then. Let's go. For Mondstadt, as always.

Paimon: Ho~! So we just need to fight monsters from the abyss... And a dragon! No pressure or anything.

Y/n: It's not like you're gonna be the one who fights it.

Paimon: Oh, yeah. And watch you all die!

Y/n: Paimon, I'm the main character. I can't die in the beginning now.

Diluc: Humans aren't without their strengths. Let's go.

Venti: And so... The epic actions of the brave heroes finally leads to the eleventh hour.

Timeskip brought you by another Timeskip brought you by another Timeskip brought you by-

Our heroes reach their destination, as now they are standing right in front of the barrier that separates them from the old ruins. The barrier from the name is just wind that knocks tour ass back if you touch it.

Paimon: It's a storm barrier! It looks so dangerous...

Venti: Leave it to me... Although this wooden lyre is all I have. I don't need the lyre to break through this kind of storm barrie-Ah, wait, what is that?

From the location you came from, a bunch of black smokes with hint of red appear from it comes out, a wooden shielded Metachurl, a Pyro archer hilichurl, two normal hilichurls, and one Anemo Shaman hilichurl.

Jean: Enemy attack!

Y/n: Of course...

Venti: The stage will need to be cleared before I can make my performance. Generally speaking, such chores are not concernes of the performer himself...

Jean: Wait. What's going on? There shouldn't be any hilichurls camps in the vacinity of Stormterror's Lair!

Y/n: Well, from the looks of it. They looked like they just got summoned.

The first to take action was Diluc, as he infuses his great sword with Crimson fire going absolutely ham on the metachurl.

The Acting Grand Master focused on the Pyro archer, she dashes with great speed to it. The hilichurl charges the bow and took quite a while to shoot with his crossbow, which made the Dandelion Tights dodge with ease and thrust her sword with Anemo energy at it sending it flying and falling next to Y/n who was fighting the two hilichurls, and struck one of them down.

The Anemo shaman summons some sort of succ power at where Y/n was standing pulling not only him, but the Pyro archer and the normal hilichurl in.

To which the h/c haired protagonist used it to his advantage as he slashes both of them two times sending them flying abut, before getting pulled back in again. The Pyro archer was the first to die, not too long the normal hilichurl joined it.

A loud crash is heard as the metachurl's shield was broken, not only that, but the metachurl itself was wounded and burning. It didn't help that the shaman was sending tornadoes the spread the fire on accident towards it.

The metachurl looks at the Anemo shaman angrily before charing at it head first impaling it with his horns. As the shaman proceeds to disappear.

The Metachurl turns around and tastes the wrath of the Phoenix that GioGio sent towards it. Making it fall down defeated.

Venti: Ahh... The hilichurls don't usually venture off to areas with high elemental concentrations. It puts a heavy burden on their bodies.

Diluc: The Abyss Order must be manipulating them behind the scenes, yet they shouldn't have been able to determine that we would come. They're presumably sending their forces to halt our plans.

Venti: Without a further ado... I suppose I can play faster if my only audience is the wind.

Pulling out his lyre, and playing a little song. The seal broke sending a Shockwave of Anemo elemental power.

Paimon: It actually opened! You're not entirely useless, Tone-Deaf Bard!

Jean: This is it. We are now entering Stormterror's Lair. Watch yourselves. Let's move.

Our main cast, proceed further as they are now crossing a bridge.

Paimon: Looks like this is the front gate to Stormterror's Lair. The gate is enormous compared to us... But still, Paimon wonders how Dvalin gets in there with a body that huge.

Y/n: You're forgetting something about him being a literal dragon, genius.

Venti: He doesn't walk in. He flies in.

Paimon: Oh. Hmmm. You do have a point.

Reaching the entrance of the gate. You couldn't venture off because of broken debress, pillars, and whatever else was there.

Paimon: It's stuck.

Venti: *Mimicking Paimon* It's stuck.

Y/n: Heheh.

Paimon: Hey. Check out that roof. Is there a giant hole in there?

True to her words. The top of what used to be a castle had a broken roof. Venti hums to himself before looking around for a bit. His eyes landing on a wind current.

Venti: Hmm... I suppose we could make use of that wind current.

Paimon: Let's make a detour then. Heading up!

Venti: Let's make a detour then. Heading up!

Paimon: Stop copying Paimon!

Venti: Stop copying Paimon!

Paimon: Ugh... So annoying. Hey, do you think that there are Abyss Mages hiding in the ruins? Either way, if we do run into one. We will let the victorious Master Diluc do the--

Diluc: Do not underestimate them just because I have beaten one before. I'm not boasting. I'm simply saying there is more to the Abyss Order than just a few mages.

Venti: Correct! Heheheh. That's why I tagged along after all. Well, that--and also for your safety.

Y/n: Mhm, sure. Nothing, but pure good well.

Venti: Yeah, makes me wonder why am I so diligent? Too diligent for a poet in fact.

Paimon: So says the person who made zero effort to search for the dragon tears and drank in the tavern all day! Paimon doesn't get it. What part of you is remotely diligent.

A couple of minutes pass by as the five of you finally reach the very top, or at least, that's what I call it because you can't advance any further, even after gliding and climbing.

Venti: We can't advance any further. The Ruins seems to be guarded by ancient seals.

Paimon: Is this the work of Dvalin?

Venti: No. These ruins were once part of an ancient city. Dvalin just happens to be nesting in these ruins for now. These ruins even predate the existence of the Four Winds. Mondstadt is a city without a ruler, however before it was, it was ruled over by a tyrant. Anyway, I'll sing you that story when we have a chance in the future.

Diluc: These marks on the seal... If my archeological knowledge is not mistaken, this appears to be a light actuator. If we retrieve and reinergrade all the parts, we should be able to get it working.

Jean: We should be close to completing the ceremony for this actuator. Let's put the last part and see.

Running over to the pyramid shaped light thingy, you put it in what looks to be a spot that fits it perfectly. It lights up along with the stone thingy. As the first seal has been broken.

Venti: Looks like we're right. There are three more halos circling the tower.

Jean: Which means there are three more corresponding light actuators to activate. I can see one from here. The rest should be scattered around the ruins.

Paimon: Why did Dvalin pick a place filled with puzzles and seals in his lair, doesn't he get annoyed coming back home?

Venti: Hehe. He doesn't walk in, he flies in.

Paimon: ... You do have a point.

Diluc: Well, it appears that this is a job for you, Y/n.

Y/n: Ex-McFucking-Cuse me? Wouldn't it be faster if we all do it?

Venti: Well, we need to keep watch, just in case.

Y/n: Well, maybe one of you stays while the others help out...

Jean: Trust me on this one, Y/n.

Y/n: (Well, excuse me! Ugh, they don't seem to be changing their minds tho... I'm gonna pull out the "You owe me" card after this.) Fine. I'm off. Don't fuck each other too loud.

Diluc, Venti, & Jean: Just go already!

Going to the ledge you jump off, heading towards the location. Whilst gliding you turn to speak to your guide.

Y/n: Paimon, could you spy on them for me? Wouldn't want them hiding something now.

Paimon: Aye, Aye, captain!

With that the emergency food starts her stealth mission as she looks at them, while hiding.

She notices that they are on guard for something before Diluc speaks.

Diluc: You can come out now. And don't make me repeat myself. I hate doing that.

Paimon: (Yikes! Did he find Paimon!?Paimon dissappear!)

Expect it wasn't her. From behind the place the three were looking at comes out a blonde girl with an eyepatch, alongside her crow companion.

Paimon: (Wait. Isn't that...? What's her name again?)

Oz: Mein Fräulein, I told you it wasn't a good idea to come here. Especially, when right now! That chap would eat me for breakfast, or in this case late dinner! Even though, I'm so puny, I wouldn't be able to get caught in his teeth... But, I don't want to die!

Fischl: Silence, Oz. You are supposed one's familiar. Not everyone gets to beest Prinzessin der Verurteilung's familiar.

Jean: Wait. Aren't you Fischl? Lisa told me about you, but still to come all the way here in such a bad time.

Diluc: Just what do you think you're doing here?

Fischl: I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, hath cometh to the place of echoing in the abyss of time, the burning winds of the old, all of which shape the spire forgotten in the torrents of karma to face off against thou's true nemesis.

Oz: I humbly apologize, allow me to translate. She says the she has come to Stormterror's Lair in order to defeat Stromterror.

Venti: Wait. Is this a trend going on?

Diluc: Another idiotic child. Go home, it's too dangerous.

One of the halo seals dissappear with its last blue shine.

Timeskip brought you by a M very annoyed Diluc

They kept trying and trying. Yet, the Prinzessin's will was too strong for them to convince to leave this fucking place.

With that being said, our protagonist finally returned after doing all the puzzles.

Y/n: Done and done. No thanks to any of you. Still why in the world were they so high up?

Venti: Aw, don't be like that. We brought a friend.

Y/n: Excuse me whaaaat?

Fischl: Aha! so thou art the traveler from another world, I understand you not? I, as well am not from around here. That we would meet is no coincidence, but fate itself. I, Fischl, am the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, Sovereign of Immernachtreich, omniscient and eminent judge of all the world's iniquity!

Oz: She is an investigator for the Adventurers' Guild.

Fischl: Ahem... That is one of my many royal engagements.

Y/n: Oh, it's you... Damn snitches. Why are they here?

Venti: Good question... No seriously. But we got a birdy that understands her.

Paimon: Immer- what now?

Fischl: Immernachtreich.

Paimon: Immernach-something.

Oz: Immernachtreich.

Paimon: Immernach TREE!

Fischl: Immer.

Paimon: Immer.

Oz: -nachtre.

Paimon: -nachtre.

Fischl: - ich.

Paimon: - ich.

Fischl: Immernachtreich.

Paimon: Immernachrei- SUPER PAIMON TORNADO!

Everyone: ...

Fischl: With my left eye, that's sees the threads of fate. One kneweth yond mine own nemisis is here and shall beest slain.

Oz: She possessed me and saw you enter Stormterror's Lair... I don't mind the possessing part, but I doulndt dare to fight the dragon.

Venti: "Slain"? Let's not get ahead of ourselves now... Heh. Y/n, please help.

Y/n: So you're eye is intact, safe and sound, huh? What would happen if you took it off?

The blonde prinzessin chuckles and struck a pose.

Fischl: This is the magic item that suppresses one's true, mighty, magic powers. If I were to take it off. A great catastrophe would fall upon this world.

Y/n: ... Really now? -_-

You simply pull her eyepatch revealing her other green eye, that looks very normal.

Fischl: Wha-Wha!? Please let go! Stop... Stop it! Please cut it out! Actually, it'll hurt if you just let go, so please put it back where it was. That's right, slowly, slowly...

Venti: Y'know. This may sound weird, but maybe she can actually help us.

Diluc: *Sigh* I'm so done with this...

Jean: If everyone else is Okay.

Y/n: Hm.

You let go of the eyepatch and it slams to her eye as a loud SLAP is heard, luckily no damage to her eye. But it still hurts.

Fischl: AAAAH! Ow! My eye! Y-you're a big meanie-man!

Oz: *Sigh* Sometimes, you gotta face the consequences of your actions, Mein Fräulein.

Fischl: You should've helped!

Venti: Hey. Looking to the bright side here. I'm thinking if turning these adventures into songs after we're done. Hopefully, this song will be sung through for years to come by the people of Mondstadt. Just like the "Legend of Venessa".

Jean: I have loved that song since I was small.

Y/n: Back in the day were you were just shorts. *Sniff* They grow us so fast.

Jean: ... Can you not?

Y/n: Nope

Jean: *Sigh* How are you feeling, Y/n? Completely prepared and fully confident that we can do this.

Y/n: Could use an explosion or two, honestly I was expecting many after pulling the eyepatch.

Fischl: Hmph! One shalt shrugeth off yond lacking valor behavior of yours for this day of assured victory.

Paimon: Heck. Even Master Diluc has accompanied us to the very end. Despite being an accidentaly involved... Bystander.

Hey guys, have you read the Innocent Bystander? If not, then go do it now.

Diluc: You shared your secret with me, and I only returned your trust tk the extend.

Y/n: So we got "Responsibility", "Trust", and "Nemisis". Venti, your dialogoue.

Venti: It's "freedom".

Paimon: Freedom...?

Venti: When you first arrived at Mondstadt. Did no one tell you that it's the City of Freedom?

Y/n: Fire-cracker did. And no, it's not you, Diluc.

Diluc: I didn't even say anything.

Venti: Hahaha! She really is a child of freedom. Mondstadt is a romantic city, without the reign of a king. And it's citezens enjoy the most freedom among the seven nations. I hope the dragon that once protected Mondstadt will be free too. No one should've deceived him by telling him Mondstadt betrayed him. And no one should have told him that it was his eternal duty to protect Mondstadt. He has the right and freedom to choose his own way of life.

Paimon: Venti...

Fischl: Deceive...? Huh?

Y/n: Long story short: Abyss Order.

Fischl: Oh.

Venti: Well then, Y/n, may the thousand winds that blown you through Mondstadt be with you.

Y/n: Thanks, Jerome. Very cool.

Paimon: Ooooh! So that's why you said his voice sounds familiar.

Venti: You... Don't sound surprised. And I told you to stop calling me "Jerome".

Y/n: I dunno, JEROME. That's sounds like what a Jerome would say.

Venti: You really find a way to both annoy, and make someone enjoy your company, huh?

Y/n: Part of my charm.

And so it begins. With Y/n flying with his wind glider and Venti helping him stay afloat with his powers. Y/n is now right behind the dragon.

Venti: Look! On his back! Two shiny shards! They appear to be poise us blood clots that have coagulated on his wounds... The Abyss Order must've cursed the wounds, that's what's corrupting Dvalin's mind. To save Dvalin, we are gonna have to destroy them. Aim for the blood clots!

And so a bluish green circle with the Anemo symbol appears in front of you, just like last time.

And so it's shooty-shoot time!

(I had to reply the fight about three times due to my shitty internet.)

Aiming for the clots, and shooting the fuck out of them. As the Tyrant of The Skies tries to evade. Succeeding in some, while the others hit.

Oh, and now he is shooting you with a a bunch of 3 star wishes and some 4 stars. Probably the author's. As now it was your turn to evade. Good thing is, he has an attack pattern. So you just stayed in one side for a few seconds before moving away to the other as the wishes fly by.

You did this for about two minutes, until you finally reached near Stormterror, in your range.

And so on. Doing this for about ten minutes, until finally a CRACK is heard as the clot shatters. One down, one to go.

Venti: Dvalin... I'm sorry this is hurting you... Hang on! Just one more!

The poisoned dragon roars as it flies towards dome sort of circle shaped platforms. While all of you follow by.

Looking down you see a big ass tornado head that leads down. Yes, you were in its peak. A shine of green comes out and a spinning fucker comes out as well and hits the place where you all were standing, knocking all of you down. Some lying, some on their knees.

Ah, music to my ears. Love it.

The tornado starts rising thinking its the shield hero before remembering that it's not and fucking exploded revealing Stormterror, the Tyrant of the Skies.

Venti: Now that the granded best bard in the world is here. We can fight Dvalin on equal grounds! Careful though, even after hundreds of years without use, Dvalin's teeth and claws are very dangerous.

True to his words the dragon proceeds to dive towards their platform, fortunately they saw it coming and dodged. Separating them to, Y/n, Diluc, and Venti on the right. While Jean, Fischl, and Oz on the left.

Y/n, Venti, and Fischl charge their bows with Venti getting three arrows together while Y/n put the explosive mini baron bunnies on his arrow, as the archers shoot them one after the other.

Arrows with elemental powers of Pyro, Anemo, and Electro hitting the Stormterror with two Anemo arrows spreading the Electro whilst the bombs explode getting fire to reach the last Anemo arrow to which made it overload resulting in a huge sound of KA-BOOM!

Venti didn't stop as he got five arrows ready to go, he releases the shot as they hit his poisened old friend, resulting in the dragon falling on one of the platforms because plot.

Venti: Now's out chance! Aim for the tainted blood clot on his neck!

Venti, and Fischl shoot the arrows hitting the clot, whilst Diluc, Oz and Jean start climbing the dragon's neck for it to taste some retribution alongside some plunging attacks, and Zappity-zap-zap.

So far everything is going extremely well for the heroes. Why you might ask? Honestly, the author doesn't know how to make it more epic with the envirement they are fighting in.

The Dragon finally recovers from its shield break, shaking its head throwing off the GioGio, and Long Shorts. Good for them that they landed safely since it wasn't really that high fall.

More angry than ever it shoots the damn 3 star wishes on steroids at their platform. Takes some serious dodges, unfortunately they explode on impact.

The Sovereign of Immernachtreich runs dodging two of the shots, unfortunately, she wasn't that lucky with the third one in front of her, knocking her back almost falling off as she was basically holding the ledge.

Oz: Mein Fräulein!

Fischl: Do not worry. For I, your Prinzessin, is fine...

Paimon: Yet the tone of your voice says otherwise!

Y/n: Yeah, don't even bother narrating me getting shot with it...Ow.

Oh, right... Heheh. Sorry. Uhhh... Fuck it. Plot GO!

The h/c haired boy is seen pulling the Prinzessin der Verurteilung up.

Y/n: Wait. I don't wanna do that! Snitches get stitches!

Everything is fine, Narrator. You just have to narrate the boss fight... Deep breathes now.

Oh, look! Stormterror is screaming like a bloody maniac! As blue rain starts falling.

Venti: A-ha! This is Dvalin's Ace in the hole. Celestinum Finale Termini!

Y/n: Did you come up with that just now?

Venti: Yes, I did.

Paimon: Seriously!?

Venti proceeds to create a small wind current for all of you.

Venti: Come on. Remember, do not step on the platforms that look like they are about to break! The energy floating out will be hot. So be sure to watch your step!

This time, Y/n, Jean, Fischl, and Oz are on the left gliding to a platform, while Venti, and Diluc are gliding to a different one.

The Dragon targets the left group because reasons. And slams it's claws next to Y/n making the platoftom shake and Y/n fall from the earthquake as his hunter's bow falls off the platform.

Y/n: Well... fuck.

The tyrant proceeds to charge a beam in its mouth aiming at Y/n who is now hastily getting up, and guess what? He threw a tomato at the dragon's face. More specifically his eye.

The Dragon stops for a second and just looks at the young lad who threw the tomato seeing his smug smile which pissed it off as it bats him away.

Jean: Y/n!

Y/n: I'm flyiiiiiing!

You were sent flying before getting cought by someone.

Y/n: Oof! Oh hi, Diluc. Hey, Venti.

Venti: Hey, Y/n.

Diluc: ...

Y/n: ... That hurt.

Diluc: You injured. Stand back.

Y/n: Me fine.

Diluc: No, you're not.

Y/n: Yes, I am.

Diluc: No. You're. Not.

Y/n: How about I do this?

Reaching into your plot bag, you pull out a fucking Sweet Madame, and eat it.

Y/n: Ta-da!

Diluc: How the fuck did you fit an entire fucking chicken in a satchel bag!? And weren't you injured??

Y/n: Good question. Simple answer: plot.

Still pissed off at Y/n to the point you could say the dragon hates him more than Barbatos.

Venti: Incoming!

Again slamming it's claws trying to slice the protagonist, however this time he was able to jump over it with his Anemo powers, while Diluc was swinging his claymore at his claws finally making the Terror of the Storm fall yet again.

And so on the same thing happened with, Fischl shooting all the way from there hitting the poisonous clot, one finally touch was remaining, as Venti aims the last shot.

Venti: Haha. Friendship go brrrr!

PEW the arrows whistle in the air hitting the clot with that a satisfying breaking noise similar to broken glass comes furth. Well boys, we did it. Clot is no more.

Oh right. The Dragon fell, and now is undeen by the storm bellow.

Y/n: Well... Now what?

The place starts breaking apart, and looks like it's gonna collapse any second now.

Diluc: ... You jinxed us, Y/n.

Y/n: Aw, I'll happily accept being the cause of your deaAAATH!

Well, all of you fell down following the same place Strom terror fell in. The pressure was so high, as it immediately knocked all of you out.

But, luckily for you. The Dragon catches all of you with its back as it starts flying over to Mondstadt.


lol sike



It has been a couple of minutes, as the bard starts opening his eyes, seeing the night sky in front of him. Or well, a sunrise now. How long has it been really?

Y/n: Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? Got ambushed by the Imperials. Same as us, and that thief over there.

Diluc: Who are you calling thief?

The green bard chuckles, relaxes himself, and runs his hand over the his friend's back.

Venti: It's been a while since we flew like this together, huh, Dvalin?

Dvalin: Just now... Why...Why did you not ask me to protect you like last time?

Venti: Me not wanting you to listen to the Abyss Order, doesn't mean that you have to listen to me. Freedom... If demanded to you by an archon is really no freedom at all.

Y/n: I was right!

Paimon: I thought that was a question.

Y/n: Shut up. Let me have my moment.

Fischl: I have to say. One finds the most recent series of events shocking and surprising. Never before has I seen one liketh this in mine own journey in the other worlds.

Oz: I don't think I have to translate that.

The Anemo Archon shakes his head with a smile on his face and proceeds to make some sort of Anemo or, similar to the one that you got, the only difference is that it's bigger, he sends it flying and getting mixed with the dragon. Dvalin once dark blue and purple color starts to change into a bright blueish green color.

Dvalin: Is this... The power of the Anemo Archon? But I am no longer part of the Four Winds...

Venti: Even if that's so... You still protected us regardless. Now spread your wings if Freedom and go with my blessing.

Y/n: 🎶Let us fly to the moon so I can kick its fucking ass! 🎶

Diluc: Here we go again.

Y/n: 🎶 Let me show it what I've learned in my moon Ju-Jitsu class! 🎶

Ah, fuck it. Might as well add this.

Jean: And so... The Stormterror threat was quelled. I clarified the misunderstanding to the citezens of Mondstadt, and let them know that they are safe. To them it seemed that Stormterror attacked Mondstadt out of no-where, and vanished just as quickly. They must be finding the whole ordeal very confusing.
Alongside the help of Lisa, we managed to keep the secret safe with Fischl being part of it now.

Venti: Even though, winds change their course. Someday, they will blow towards a brighter future.

Fischl: Yeah, I got grounded.

Oz: Told you.

Fischl: Shut up, Oz.

Timeskippu da: One Day Later

Y/n: Why am I here?

Currently it is night time, Y/N and Paimon are seen outside of the City of Freedom after their little small adventures.

Amber: You guys are back! The Honorary Knight returns triumphant!

Y/n: With my glory! It was one helluva a fight.

Amber: Yup. I heard about it from Jean. Still, a bit it confused about the Sweet Madame part. In fact, everyone is. So... Please share your secret!

Y/n: That's for me to know and for you to find out.

Amber: Awww. What if I gave you a hat?

Y/n: p e r h a p s.

Amber: Is that a yes?

Paimon: p e r h a p s.

Amber: *Sigh* Even so... I wonder when I'll ever get an opportunity like that...

Y/n: Well, you could always come by, I'm the protagonist. I'll sure attract more boss fights.

Amber: Tempting.... Very, very tempting. But I still have a dream to accomplish in Mondstadt.

Paimon: Speaking if which. Have you been waiting for us this whole time?

Amber: I didn't even know you were returning at this time. I was just dealing with the aftermath of the crises as we speak.

Y/n: That's... A lotta obstacles. And they certainly don't look like they are for Dvalin.

Paimon: What happened in Mondstadt?

Amber: While master Jean was away, the monster made a coordinated attack on Mondstadt. Fortunately, we weren't completely taken by surprise. I detected the hilichurls were moving closer to the city a while back.

Paimon: Oh yeah! Paimon remembers. When we first met, you were clearing out one of their camps.

Amber: Exactly! And if we haven't started making preparations back then, Mondstadt would be in much greater danger by now.

Y/n: (And people call her useless. Tch, unforgivable tier lovers.) Well, how does it feel to protect the city from devastation?

Amber: Really good! But... I still feel like we aren't out of the woods yet. Hilichurls aren't usually able to coordinate like this... Our best guess is that the Abyss Order is behind it.

Y/n: Only a guess? Pretty sure that's the reason.

Paimon: It's a good thing Dvalin is saved or thing would be very bad.

Amber: Yeah. And as an Outrider, it's up to me to keep eyes on the Abyss Order from now on...

Y/n: I'm curious now, you really like being an Outrider, yes? What's the motivation?

Amber: It's... My grandpa. He was an Outrider the best, he even is the one who founded thr Outriders! But... One day he just left without a note, he just disappeared. The Outriders started declining in numbers, and I'm the only one left... Ugh! You should be celebrating your victory not listening to this somber talk!

Y/n: Not somber at all. In fact, it's actually very impressive that you are able to get the job done single handedly.

Paimon: Besides, without you. Paimon is sure that Mondstadt would be Mon-Die-Stat.

Amber: Heh. You're right! I, Outrider Amber the one and only Outrider-- which makes me the best one there shouldn't feel down nor somber! Everyone is cou ting on me.

Y/n: And that's it for therapy time with Y/n & Paimon.

Paimon: Tune in next time to watch a man have a mental breakdown for some reason we don't know yet.

Amber: Hmm... I promised to take you guys for Sticky Honey Roast, didn't I? Before everyone got cought up in the Stormterror crises. There is no time like the present, right? You guys hungry?

Paimon: Yup! You may have forgotten till now, but it's been on Paimon's mind this whole time!

Amber: Awesome. Let's go! It's been way too long since I've had a Sticky Honey Roats myself. Wait for me at Good Hunter, I'll just have to clean up here real quick.

(For those who don't know, if you are playing Genshin. If you talk to one of the Knights you can get a World Mission to help clean up that can get you rewards. This has nothing to do with the chapter. Just thought you might wanna know.)

Entering Mondstadt, you hear a very manly voice start making a speech for some adventurers. It was Cyrus, the head of the Adventurers' Guild.

Cyrus: Here we go! This is it! Crisis! Danger! The thrill of adventure!!! Adventurers' Guild! Finally our says if rescuing kittens and finding lost puppies are over! The age of adventure is upon us!

Now he is looking at other people continuing his speech.

Cyrus: Roll up, youngsters! Join the Adventurers' Guild today! In this time of upheaval, we must rally together, take on the dragon and save our great city of Mondstadt!

Y/n: ... I'm about to end this man's whole career. Ayo! The Dragon is no more! It's been a day! You missed it all!

Adventurer#1: Yeah, the Acting Grand Master made a speech yesterday.

Cyrus: ... What!? WHAT!?!? It's already resolved!? I missed the Acting Grand Master's speech!? ... Stormterror should have put on more of a fight! We didn't get to join in...

Y/n: Wait a week.

Venturing off towards the restaurant you hear a man speak towards you.

Nimrod: Long live the heroes! Thank you, it's finally over.

Y/n: (Finally. The recognition of the citezens that I deserve. Not like that first world.)

Nimrod: Many trade routes have closed up due to the Stormterror incident. We can cope without fresh fruits or vegetables... But if the wine supply dries up, we're all doomed! I cannot imagine a world without wine. I hope they get the trade routes back up and running soon.

Paimon: Oh, he's one of those....

Y/n: Hm. Oh, a nun... Heheh. Wonder what she thinks after the fact he is one of the Four Winds.

Grace: So Stormterror's true identity is Dvalin... One of the Four Winds. We never should have forgotten his past sacrifice for Mondstadt. Every cloud has a silver lining-- we're fortunate that our relationship with the Dragon of the East didn't sour past the point of no return. And for that we thank Jean for her undying devotion. As long as the Knights of Favonius are there. Peace will prevail Mondstadt.

Y/n: ... Boring.

Reaching the restaurant and purposely ignoring Kaeya you stand in front of the owner.

Sara: Greetings. May I take your orders?

Kaeya: Why so cold? I always thought that we enjoy an intimate friendship.

Y/n: Says the person with a Cryo Vision. Wouldn't wanna get the drugs you use for that star eye.

Kaeya: So rude. Heh. But it's good to see you back.

Y/n: Ah, did the handsome sir Kaeya worry about my safety? I'm so touched.

Kaeya: Oh, so you do feel something for me. Heh. and people say my charm is fake. Even boys like me.

Y/n: Know your limits. (Do not remind me of the about of time people ship Diluc and Kaeya together despite not having screentime, yet. Why do they even do that?)

Kaeya: To bask in the presenc of Mondstadt's new big hero is quite the moral boost. And that's coming from a knight.

Paimon: Sweet-talking, sugar-coated Captain Kaeya.

Kaeya: Haha. Nonsense. I speak from the heart.

Y/n: Mhmm. Get to the point. What are you planning?

Kaeya: Me? Nothing. On the contrary, I'm trying to figure out what the others are plotting. That's why I'm here. Somewhere quite, where I can collect my thoughts.

Y/n: Abyss Order?

Kaeya: Exactly. A dragon wrecks a havic in Mondstadt, and the Acting Grand Master leaves the city to combat the threat. Strategically, that's the perfect moment for the Abyss to make their move. If you were in the Abyss Order would you squander this golden opportunity by sending in nothing, but a few hilichurls?

Y/n: There's definitely more to it... Maybe they are in here. Hiding. Waiting. But for what? Please continue, Sherlock?

Kaeya: To get tot the bottom of it, I decided to wait. So I waited, and watched for their next move. Then came the day when you made all hell break loose in Stormterror's Lair, just as the hilichurls' cries sounded from the city gate. That same day, I saw shadowy figures lurk within the city itself.

Paimon: Inside the city!?!

Kaeya: Well, all the Knights went out to defend the city. As you can imagine, it left the city completely unguarded. Except for me, so I approached the Abyss Order infiltraters for a bit of hmm... Let's call it fraternizing. Through various means, I manged to gather rather interesting intel. The situation is this... The Abyss Order. They are united under a single leader.

Paimon: They have a leader!?

Kaeya: Yes, and it was the very leader that devised the plan to turn Dvalin into a weapon of war.

Paimon: What exactly did you have to do to get this intel?

Kaeya: Heh... Let's just say I'm blessed with certain linguistic powers.

Y/n: "Tell me what the fuck you know or I will shove your friend up your ass and feed you to the world eater of Teyvat as she cooks you with hot sauce with some chili's!"

Kaeya: Hm. You're not far off. But there's more... The Abyss Order has a name for this leader. They call him..." The Prince".

Y/n: They just took the creativity and threw it out the window...

Kaeya: Indeed. I'm sorry this intelligence briefing short, but I do believe I spy Amber coming our way.

Y/n: What? You scared of her? Did you experience the fury of an angry woman.

Kaeya: Yup, I think she is still angry at me for my absence during the attack. I don't want to feel the wrath of her. I already experienced one from Lisa for forgetting to return the book... I still feel how numb it was. Anyway, I'd better slip out before she notices me.

With that he proceeds to walk away very innocently.

Amber: ... One moment I see Kaeya, the next he slips away. Clear sign of guilty conscience...

Y/n: Didn't you see how he walked? I'd say he is very innocent.

Amber: Are you sure? Because that's what he'd do to get himself out of trouble...I'm feeling uneasy all of a sudden. Did he give you any trouble?

Y/n: So far? Nope.

Amber: Well, let's forget about him now. I worked super hard today and my tummy's rumbling. Let's order! Hi, Sara. Three Sticky Honey Roasts please.

Ah, finally a break. And food! Score! The three wait for your food is peace enjoying their time off for now.

Amber: So... Now that Stormterror threat is behind us. What are you gonna do next?

Y/n: Good question. Damn. This chapter has some good questions... But I'll be off from Mondstadt for a bit. Hopefully, one of the other nations know something or better yet, they have Aether and Lumine there.

Amber: O-oh... Really...? I guess this is goodbye for now, huh?

Y/n: Don't worry. I'll be back. How could I leave my favorite Crimson Bun-Bun?

Behold the holiness of blushing Amber! One at a time, lads and lasses.

Amber: I-I know that! But they are your friend, right? Don't rush it just for me okay?

Y/n: (Waifu ranking is in Amber's favor.) Well, let's eat. It's smells quite good.


Paimon: Mmm! So good! Note to Paimon: Amber's reccomendations are worth he wait!

Amber: Of course! I may not trust myself in the kitchen, but you can always trust me with the menu! Oh, and Y/n. Jean is wait for you at the Cathedral, something to do with the Holy Lyre der Himmel...

Y/n: Paimon ate it.

Paimon: Hey!

Amber: Well, I don't know what happened, but it's best if you hurry.

Timeskip brought you by the author questioning his life choices again

Jean: Y/n, this is Barbara. The Deaconess of the Church. She is here to retrieve the Holy Lyre der Himmel.

Barbara 'Will cure you'

If you know... You know. I mean what?

(And she can turn from Barbara to Barbarian. Like damn! The amount of damage she does on the YouTube videos!)

Barbara: May the Anemo Archon protect you.

You slightly look at Venti who is standing next to you.

Barbara: I'm in no position to speak in stead of our Acting Grand Master, but I still want to thank you all in behalf of Mondstadt for all of your assistance! Fortunately, it all ended peacefully... I can't imagine what an all out war between the military and a dragon would have ended.

Jean: Now the Fatui have no choice but to keep their mouths shut. They must be annoyed that things didn't turn out as planned for them. This time they lost their best excuse to pressure the Knights of Favonius. Diplomatically speaking, they proved nothing, but how vexation they can.

Y/n: Still, an organization or a cult as big as the Fatui surely is thinking if something...

Barbara: Sounds like a story... Did you bring the Holy Lure with you though? We cannot ask you to defend it forever. The seneschal has been pressing me for a while.

Y/n: Well... About that.

Paimon: It's a little...

Barbara: Oh, don't worry. I'm not here to collect rent. The church always receives special fundings.

Y/n: Well... Of to ruin another person's life.

You casually pull out the Lyre and offer it to her. She takes a step back and gasps in shock with a terrified look on her face.

Paimon: Uhhhh :3

Venti: Ah...

Y/n: It needs some duct tape.


Y/n: And some glue...

The Deaconess falls on her knees in despair as holds her hands together praying.

Barbara: Oh, Lord Barbatos... Even if I atone for these sins for the rest of my life... It would still not be enough?

Y/n: Uhh... Would it?

Venti: I honestly wouldn't care less... *Sigh* Give it here.

You hand the Lyre towards him, as it starts floating on his hands and some Anemo energy comes from out of nowhere making a shining Anemo light. And "fixing" the lyre.

The 'Barbar' ian runs towards the lyre taking it away from the rest of you and hugging it dearly.

Barbara: The Holy Lyre! But how?

Paimon: Huh? Let Paimon see!

Barbara: No! No! I don't know how you managed to fix it, but you'll never touch the Lyre again!

And with that she walks off downstairs.

Y/n: Yet another person that lacks the smort.

Jean: Ahem!

Y/n: I'm stating a fact over here. Don't be so upset. Venti, why didn't you fix it from the beginning?

Venti: Ahh... We really should get going. That trick I used to fix the Holy Lyre... Heheh. *Whisper* I mean the magic I used isn't going to hold forever you know.

Paimon: You Tone-Deaf Bard!!!

Y/n: I don't know about you, but I feel like running for my life.

Venti: Off we go, Y/n!

Y/n: Right behind you. NIGERUNDAYO!

Paimon: Hey! You two! Don't run off! At least wait for Paimon!

The first to leave the Cathedral was Venti as right in front of the doors and behind him rise up two Fatui Agents from the ground. Both armed with daggers. They both jump in order to stab the un-aware bard, but got blown off by wind the source reveals to be Y/n.

Y/n: Figures... Still that's a dick move you know.

Remaining next to Venti, and waiting for the Acting Grand Master to come out after all of you, let's just say she didn't.

The two agents proceeds to make some sort of portal as they descend down into it. Making you look around for them. Looking behind you, you notice a blonde haired mature woman that looks like a dominitrix. She smirks like the average villain and snaps her fingers which made a huge gust of cold wind push you back.

Noticing that Paimon is not doing so well, you grab her by her leg. Unfortunately, she gets frozen with your hand. Which was quite heavy. As you fall onto one knee.

Venti proceeds to use some Anemo powers of his to disperse the Cryo wind. Unfortunately for him, his legs got frozen. Seeing how bad the situation is turning, you did what a person with an actual brain would do.


You proceed to get tackled from behind by fucking FOUR agents and basically getting dog piled, with the two previous agents making sure you don't move.

Y/n: (Mother... fuckers... Can't... breathe...How heavy... are they?)

The fact that the frozen Paimon is pressed upon your chest was not helping one bit.

Looking behind at his friend, Venti watched as he was fucking stuck. He looks back to his front to see who is the source behind this.

The mature woman starts walking towards the archon behind her was two Electro Cicin Mages. Her high-heels hitting the concrete making a clonk sound with each step.

Now you might be asking "Where the fuck is the Dandelion Tights?!" well... Let's just say she is trying to have some family talk downstairs of the Cathedral.

???: Hehe... At last, Mondstadt's rodent ruler in the flesh.

Insert menacing music here

Signora: Scurring through the streets, looking for leftovers...

In front of Venti, she proceeds to get a hold of his chin, looking at him and basically analyzing him.

Signora: Mondstadt calls this a god?

Venti: Resident roden... Beats invasive vermin--

She proceeds to fucking SLAP him. She dares do that to best girl?

Signora: Don't you dare speak back to me, insolent bard.

The Anemo Archon proceeds to charge Anemo energy basically like a Super Sayian except without screaming or it taking over 10 minutes, trying to break the ice that traps him.

Signora: Absent Archon of Mondstadt. How impotent you've become...

Venti: That's smirk you wear looks out of place. Did you steal it from your master's face?

Hitting them with the rhyme roast. DAAAAMN!

She looks pissed off. Putting her hand forward and pushing the Bard back, runs towards him, and CHIDORI! Her hand was inside Venti' s chest. The place where it is was shining Anemo color.

Signora: You should've held your tounge.

She pulls out her arm, as Venti falls to the floor. Seriously? Is No one in Mondstadt seeing this!?

She pulls out what seems to be... A chess piece? A king chess piece with the bluish green color.

This is the future Narrator. And I'm here to say, you're a fucking blind bitch past Narrator, this is a damn Queen piece.

Signora: So... This is a Gnosis. Wouldn't be Coight dead wearing this ugly thing in public.

Venti: Beauty is a waste... When the beholder has no taste.

Walking towards the struggling bard she kicks him in the stomach sending him fly for about half a meter and falling down unconscious.

Y/n: Bi...tch.

Signora: Oh? Trying to say something? Sorry, couldn't hear because of your pathetic attempts of breathing.

Y/n: (Just... You wait...)

Signora: Well, we have what we came here for. Come before our dear Favonius friends arrive. Leave nothing for them to find.

The agents nod to each other before Karate chopping you in the back of your neck. One after the other. After the six chops and the way you were struggling for breathe you were immediately down. What a fucking nerf.

After God knows how long you finally open to see a blurry face of a blonde girl.

Barbara: Honorary Knight, you're awake!

Y/n: ... Ralof?

Barbara: No, it's me.

Y/n: ... Jean?... That you?

Jean: I'm here as well, Y/N. Don't worry.

Paimon: Paimon is here as well!

Y/n: Ah, cool...This is a nice pillow...Wait!

Finally the events start rushing back to your head as you get up hastily, even though that was a very comfy "pillow" you were sleeping on.

Y/n: Where is Venti? Is he safe? Is he alright?

A little bit of headache comes over and says hi.

Jean: Easy now, Y/n.

Y/n: It's just a little headache it'll pass...

Barbara: Umm... I wouldn't say he is "alright" exactly, but he is safe... I found you lying unconscious in front of the Cathedral so I used my elemental powers to heal you. The bard woke up first, but strangely my healing powers had no effects on him. It's the first time I've encountered such patient, he just got up and said "Its completely normal." and just left.

Y/n: Ah, sounds like him.

Paimon: He left? Already!? Where did he go?

Barbara: "The Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero" that's what he said.

Jean: Pretty much means the tree of Venessa.

Paimon: Ah yes, we know that from the book Y/n took.

Jean: ... What? Where exactly did he take it from?

Y/n: The library?

Jean: *Sigh* Next time if you want something just tell me. Who exactly attacked you two?

Y/n: Ah, just your so very friendly diplomatic friends with their dominantrax leader or something.

Jean: The Fatui... Of course it's them!

Y/n: You'd think after getting robbed two times, the Knights would actually have some kind of night patrol by now.

Jean: Guess, I'll need to arrange that. I sure hope that they weren't slacking.

Y/n: Well, I'm off to see Venti... He needs to vent out some information for me.

Jean: I see. We'll be waiting for your return.

Y/n: Oh, before I go. Where is that comfy pillow I slept in. I need it.

Jean: U-uh... It's gone.

Barbara:What do you mean? You used your lap.

Jean: Barba-

Y/n: Ah, very nice. NAISU NAISU! I, Y/n L/n have slept on the Dandelion thighs. A great achievement.

Jean: Y/n!

Y/n: Bye!

Timeskop brought you by chibi, Y/n, Venti, Paimon, Jean, and Diluc doing the Kunga-Line

Reaching the tree of Windrise, you notice Venti as some Anemo energy sorrounds him.

Venti: The wind amongst the branches is good. I love the way it smells.

Y/n: At least you're alive.

Venti: Hey, Y/n. Haha. I said the same thing last time... *Sigh* Why do I only say these things when I'm down on my luck?

Y/n: I donnu. But I need some explanations. The hell's a Gnosis?

Venti: Ah... So you noticed.

Y/n: It's hard not to when it was shining so bright. *Sigh* This isn't something I'm supposed to discuss with ordinary people, but I can make an exception for you. Besides, what we did is far from ordinary so it's not really that much of a deal. As you know, Visions are only magical foci that only a small minority of people posses. They use these Visions to channel elemental power. In truth, everyone who weilds a Vision can achieve godhood and ascend to Celestia. We call such people "Allogenes".

Paimon: Allogenes? Paimon's never heard of them before.

Venti: Haha. Well, that's because it's a secret that only archon are privy to. We don't need primitive tools like Visions. Instead, each archon has a resident internal power that resenoates within Celestia itself.

Y/n: If that's the case... Then is the "Vision" hanging on your hips a fake?

Venti: Correct. It's just a glowing glass bowl that I carry around to avoid suspicioun.

Y/n: And who is the one with no taste?

Paimon: That nasty woman who froze Paimon!

Venti: Her name is Signora. Number 8 of the 11 Harbingers of the Fatui. She and the rest of the harbingers are given god-like exucutive authority by the Tsarista of Snezhnaya and with it, strength that surpasses other mortals.

Y/n: I'm guessing that's the archon of Snezhnaya.

Venti: Indeed, she is one of the Seven. The Tsarista who reigns in the Zapolyarny Palace also known as the Winter Palace, and the one person that the Fatui Harbingers all answer to. The Seven don't always get along well, but still. I never thought that she'd plot to steal another archon's Gnosis...

Y/n: What kind of god or goddes if you want to call her, is she?

Venti: Uhh... How should I put this? 500 years ago, I knew her well. But I can't say the same is true now. You see... A certain catastrophe happened five hundred years ago, and she cut off all ties with me. We can save the discussion of the Cryo Archon and the Fatui for another day. Y/n, I won't lie. If you seek the rest of the Seven, many difficulties lie ahead of you. You should head for Mondstadt's neighboring nation Liyue. Unlike me, the Geo Archon administrates the nation personally. He only descends once a year to give his divine predictions, which set the direction of Liyue for the rwt of the year.

Y/n: Ah, so no freedom? Sounds like China... I'm definitely getting canceled because of MiHoYo being a Chinese company... And Wattpad as well if I remember right... Well, shit.

Paimon: Even so. He sounds like he is working much harder than a certain someone.

Venti: Eh-he?

Paimon: No more "Ehe", Tone-Deaf Bard!

Venti: Or what?

Venti: I don't know why... But I feel like I should stop.

Paimon: Victory!

Venti: Oh right, before I forget. This year's right I'd decencion will begin in about an hour. If you miss it, you just have to wait another year.


Paimon: You say it so casually! We can't miss it!

Venti: Oh, right. A year in the mortal world is alot. Before you go, though. Remember, Y/n the Traveler. When you set your foot in this journey, remember that it has a meaning itself. The birds of Teyvat, the songs in the cities, the Tsarista, her Fatui, and the monsters are all part of your journey. The destination is not everything, so keep your eyes open. Use the chance to take the world around you.

Y/n: I feel like there is another meaning behind it.

Venti: Oh, the thrill of mystery. If that's what you like then sure! Well, that's that for the Anemo Archon's admonishments. Back to Venti time! You best be off to Liyue as fast as possible though.

Running back to Mondstadt with the bard behind you, you're plan was simple really. Get a fucking horse.


Looking above you, you see a person falling. How casual.

The bard uses his Anemo powers to slowly put him down on the ground gently right before the impact.


The boy gets off and you notice that he has white hear and wearing goggles above his eyes.

???: Thank you so much! Wait. You aren't thieves are you!? Knowing my luck something is bound to happen!


Venti: Relax! We're not. Calm down there.

Bennet: Reall? Phew! Something good is finally happening!

A small pebble hits him in the head.

Bennet: Ow! Where did that come from? Oh, sorry. I have bad manners. My name is Bennet, I'm an adventurer! Sorry for calling you thrives back there.

Paimon: No problem-o. It's good to be cautious. But how exactly did you fall?

Bennet: Was trying to set off fire-works... Still. I feel like I should repay you, Mr. Green.

Y/n: Fireworks...

Venti: Well... Is there some Dandelion wine?

Y/n: Fireworks, huh?

Bennet: Um... I'm underage so I can't really get some. But maybe my dad can!

Y/n: Hey, before that. You said you are an adventurer right?

Bennet: Uh, yeah! Bennet from the Benny Team!... Everyone else left due to my bad luck.

Y/n: Adventurers accept commissions.  Here, how about I give ya 5,000 for you to go to Diluc, and tell him...

Timeskip about half an hour

Y/n is seen in front of Mondstadt's bridge, currently setting fireworks on a chair. He was not alone though. As everyone he knew was there. As the news of him urgently leaving spread very fast.

Amber, Venti, Kaeya, Jean, Diluc, Lisa, Diona, Noelle, Fischl, Barbara and Bennet.

Amber: So your leaving already, huh?

Lisa: Didn't think it would be that early.

Kaeya: Well, the guy has some stuff to do.

Diluc: I trust that you know exactly how that feels.

Kaeya: Oh, don't be so harsh on little old me. I'm just a simple man.

Diluc: Yeah, sure... Still your Shenanigans never fails to surprise me, Y/n.

Barbara: We may have just met today, but I wish you best of luck!

Diona: Hmph! You better not take too long, you better help me create the worst wine ever to destroy it. In your face, Diluc!

Diluc: ... (So she hates wine too? At least I'm not the only one here.)

Noelle: Your skills are very impressive, Honorary Knight Y/n. I do hope that we could train together one day.

Fischl: As the Prinzessin, is mine own duty to forgive those who  maketh mistakes, because it is what mortals doth. I, Fischl, Prinzessin det Verurteilung and the Sovereign of Immernachtreich shalt did shed lighteth in thy journey by doing so, and may thee has't safe adventures.

Oz: She forgives you for the eyepatch incident and wishes you safe journey.

Bennett: WOAH! Immermackaroony sounds cool! I want to go on adventures there.

Fischl: No mere mortal can handle it.

Jean: It may haven't been only like a week, but it feels longer than that. It was an honor to meet you, Y/n.

Y/n: All of you talk as if it's the last time I'll be here. Idiots, I'll be back.

Venti: I, The Venti, mAy hAvE sAiD sOmeThIng.

Paimon:Things suddenly make a lot more since.

Venti: yEeeEEEaaaAaH!

Y/n: How nice.

Amber: Y/n! Remember when you said you wanted Baron Bunny? Weeeelll....

Y/n: You didn't...

Amber: But what if I did!? TA-DA! BARON BUNNY SPECIAL EDITION! It won't explode, it's just for you to bring, but it can still dance!

Y/n: Finally. TRUE POWER!

You hold it high up, as if it is Simba.

The Anemo Archon proceeds to hug you drunkily.

Venti: cOmE oN! gRoUp hUg!

Y/n: Wait! No-!

TOO LATE! The hug has begun. Making Y/n panic a bit thinking they will crush him, like the protagonist's from the bunch of anime he watched in his real world. Luckily, for him. It didn't happen.

Y/n: I live for another day...

Diluc: ... I never agreed to this.

Kaeya: Come on now, Grumpy old man. Enjoy life a little.

Diluc: I will throw you out. I think that's enough hugging for now. Y/n must get going now. Though, his means are a little weird, but it definitely sounds like him.

Taking a seat on your rocket chair, you look at the Pyro users.

Y/n: If you may.

Bennet: Dibs on the green one!

Amber: Guess I'll take the red!

Diluc: I'll just watch.

And so the fire slowly gets towards the rocket.

Everyone except Y/n and Paimon: Goodbye!/ Don't kill anyone!/ When you return tell us about what happened!/ Have a safe trip!/ Don't cause too much chaos. / Say Hi to Rexy for me!

Until it finally reached  the rocket. You brace for it...

...But it didn't work.

Bennet: Uhhh... Did we do something wrong?

Y/n: Hush! This is a classic! Where we think it won't work then all of a sudden it g-OOOOOOO!

PEW it worked. As the rockets starts getting the chair to fly towards the City of the Contracts. While the rest wave goodbye. God, this feels cliché.



Just like Po in Kung-Fu Panda style.

And so, the two of you finally cross the border reaching the lands of the rock... But some questions come in your mind.

What happens next after you find the twins? Would you leave this world behind like the others? You never really bothered to create any connections with anyone besides the twins, but now. It is different.

You shrug it off for now, since it was bothering you, you were more focused on one thing.



Fucking finally! Almost 12K words, my longest chapter yet! Haha!

You know this makes me feel happy, taking a break from studying to write something I genuinely enjoy. Sometimes I cringe about it, but positive thinking is a thing that I try to do more often. I tell myself its because I'm growing.

So how was it? Good? Bad? FACE THE WRATH OF THE ROCC?

There probably won't be any chapters for about two weeks if not more, because school and exams. Hope you understand. Oh look it's over 12K words now. Haha!

DashingBanana Out.

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