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I smile too, run back outside, and call over my shoulder to Firebrand, "Make the announcement, I'm going to try to slow some bots down so the others can go first."

Once outside I see that we still have the upper hand against the robots, Voice and Goldie got each others back, EliYora just burned up a bunch of Heavy robots, and Crimson, who is still the creature, was chasing after the flying Soldier robots, and Silver was holding up well, considering of how many bullets he has.

"Hey, listen up! Doc's plan worked, everyone start falling back to the spawn room and we can get out of here!" Firebrand says over the communication system.

"Let's go!" I say.

"All right, way to go Doc!" says Bliss, who jumped onto Silver's back, "Hi ho, Silver, away!"

Silver shifted his Heavy gun and says, "We talked about this, I am only allowing it because you're cute,"

"And your magic could kill him." I add.

"I am program to give you a sensible haircut!" A robot Heavy says as it approaches us.

"Wah oh!" The three of us say in unison, as we back up.

"I am programmed to be scary!" drones the same Heavy, approaching us without firing on us for some reason.

"I am a robot!" another Heavy says, approaching from behind." "Bloop! What is love, come with me if you want to live, with me, in my apartment. I need a roommate." adds another.

We are getting surrounded by Heavies and they all open fire at the same time. There is no way out, not even Lightning Bliss could teleport us out of there fast enough.

I could activate my flames, but the robots are so close, I might accidentally hurt Silver or Bliss. Me and Silver frowned at them. We looked at each, then at Bliss, and nodded. We pull Lightning Bliss off Silver's back and hold her in his claws and my hooves.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Lighting demands. "Put me down!"

"Nobody twitch a servo!" Silver tells them and the Heavies started to back off.

We pull on Lightning Bliss's tail, somehow making the sound of cocking a shotgun.

"We are armed with weaponized cuteness and a history of poor choices!" I warn them.

"Uh, you two seriously think this is gonna work?" Bliss ask.

And right on cue, all of the Heavies, one by one, get a Blue Screen of Death, with Too Cute in their optics, sparked and fell down, offline. Except for one.

"Beep boop son, beep boop." it told us, then exploded.

We put Bliss down and cheered, "Yay!"

"Oh for flop sake, it's always because I'm cute." Lightning Bliss says looking unhappy.

I look up to see Maddie and Eliyora.

"Oh, we're falling back? Good, finally, wait where's Crimson?" Maddie asks, turning around to Eliyora.

"Oh, he's, uh, coping." Eliyora says, going back to find Crimson.

I then turn to see Crimson still in his devil form.

"I am Painis Milkshake. I will eat you." 'Painis Milkshake' growls, firing at the Robots.

"Let it go, Crimson, it wasn't going to bring all ze colts to ze yard anyway." Says Thespio, dragging him away with his magic.

"Where is everybody, I can't see!" Sweetie complains, she swung her sword around so randomly.

The light from her eyepatch was now a blinding lime green with lightning coming out of it that was making it hard for her to see.

"Sweetie!" AnY calls, as he dodged her sword swings, "Sweetie, just follow my voice!" he says, ignoring Thespio dragging Crimson back to Spawn

His eyes widened, or at least his one visible one did. "Look out, on your right!" he call out, but it was too late.

Sweetie smacked Crimson's helmet with her sword.

"Ow!" Crimson hiss in pain, shaking his head, it seem to hurt a lot more than expected. Sweetie manage a safe crash landing.

"No, no, my right!" AnY says.

"Well how am I supposed to know where your right is when I can't see you?" she asks gripping.

Eliyora ignored all this, walking up to Thespio and Crimson , who was no longer glowing.

"Ow!" Crimson hiss again, blinking a bit to recover his senses, then ask himself, "Why did I even want that milkshake anyway?"

Thespio tried to answer, but then a Robot Spy jumps on him, the two devolving into a dust storm.

"Gah, ow, get off of me you dashing poser!" growled Thespio, not dropping the accent.

The Robot's Spy's response is unintelligible, it's electronic vocal cords must be damaged.

Eliyora face hoofed, "Ah jeez, we're really doing this?"

Crimson on the other hand, look more excited.

"Ooh, ooh, I know, I know, I saw this in a movie, shoot them both in the face!" he says as the dust cleared to reveal 2 identical Thespio's.

"Are you crazy!? Sure you'll hit the robot, but you'll also hit our friend! Also keep in mind that we still don't have the respawn generator!" I say to him trying to bring some sense back, but no listens.

"Eli, don't just stand zere, burn him!" Thespio growl.

"No!" The Robot Spy's holo-disguise glitched, revealing what it really was briefly before reapplying, "He is ze fake player," another glitch, "scorch zis imposter with your rainbow powers of burningness." another glitch

Crimson puts away his Black Box and glanced at Eli who gave him the same look back.

"Y'know, I literally cannot tell the difference here." Crimson says.

"I know, right?" says Eliyora, "It's not like Thespio's that good an actor anyway."

Thespio stares at her for a moment before saying in his regular voice, "I'm sorry, you wanna run that by me again?"

"I," the robot glitch, "didn't hear the audience at Bronypalooza complaining." then another glitch.

"Well, the Thespio I know has got 2 left hooves anyway. I mean, please, you call that dancing?" Crimson taunts.

I see Thespio starting to go red, seeing steam coming out of his ears.

"I've seen better moves from a cage of flailing trout."

Thespio finally loses it.

"Oh you wanna go, David Tennant rip-off? BRING IT ON!" he said, pointing his Revolver at Crimson's head just before my butterfly knife sails through the air and was hit square the head of the Spy Robot.

It started to say something, but it glitched, voice going more and more higher pitched as it stuttered faster and faster before saying "That's all, folks." in a very deep voice, and exploding.

"Aw, I wanted to destroy it." Eliyora says.

"It was not the time to make fun of Thespio cause, 1 he is great actor and dancer and 2 we need to fall back, so MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!" I shout the last part briefly turning into my devil side.

They stared at me, frighten. I turned and headed for the base.

It was quiet, til Eliyora says, "But still, that's how you know he was a fake. He was a better actor."

Once inside, I see that Firebrand had set up the teleporters.

"Hm, Teleporter, huh?" said Maddie, seeing a RED and a BLU teleporter entrance. "Are you sure you know how this thing works?" she asks Keyframe.

"Well, from what I remember Finn telling me, it uses a photomultiplier to generate a digital blueprint of your molecular and submolecular organization before deconstructing your collective mass down to a subatomic level of atmometers, and sending the blueprints to the destination where the blueprints reforms your subatomic particles by utilizing the resources of a built in conversion unit." Keyframe explain.

Even though I was one, in my mind, I was screaming out, 'Nerd!'.

Maddie got a look of alarm.

"It disintegrates you and reassembles you on the other side." simplified Keyframe.

Maddie look intensifies

"Thanks for the reassuring summary there, Gene Roddenberry." Mad Munchkin says sarcastically, "But, are you sure it's safe?"

"I dunno. But we can either die to the teleporter, or to the robots and DustyKatt outside." Keyframe points out.

"Eh, fair enough. But if I end up like Mike Teevee, I am going to shoot something, size be darned! Beam me up, Scotty!" Maddie says.

Cue drums and cymbal.

"I always wanted to say that." she says, and she teleports to the other end.

"Hah, that reminds me, I'm surprised Dusty still isn't here! Ink and KP must be doing a really good job keeping him busy." Keyframe says, stepping through the BLU Teleporter.


"Yeah? Well at least my appearance looks better as a Scout!" KP says hotly.

"Yeah, well at least I don't have to BUY my mane color to make that work." Ink retrots.

"Um, ladies, if I can interject-" Dusty try to starts.

"Shut up, this doesn't concern you!" Ink and KP shouts in unison.

"Oh, sorry." Dusty says a sheepish look.

"Now as I was saying before, I can actually actively contribute, while you're only good at distracting!" Ink Rose says, ignoring KP's mocking her.

Then a flare shoots up into the sky, catching their attention.

"All right, that's the signal. We can head back now." Ink says

"Oh yeah, that." KP says almost cheerfully, "Before we leave," she says.

KP then pulls out a jar of Mad Milk and threw it at Dusty's face, covering him with the non-milk substance.

"Yeugh! Whot is this troipe?" Dusty demands.

"It's a non-milk substance." Ink says sweetly.

"Put two and two together. Later." KP says.

The two then ran off, giggling.

Dusty took some in his hoof and sniffed it, then licked it, making a disgusted face. "Bleugh, I hate soy!"

Far in front of him, KP and Ink ran at top speed.

"Great job KP, those were some great fake insults you came up with." Ink says with a smile.

KP's eyes go wide in realization, "Uh, yeah, sure, let's go with that."


Everyone goes on one by one. Then it was me and Firebrand left.

I step on and ask, "Are you coming?"

"Don't worry, there's something I want to do." he says.

I shrug and get beamed up. Once on the other end of the teleporter, protected by Dispensers and Sentries, I see that Finn and the Doctor are watching both the teleporters and robots that might try and destroy them respectively.

"and feel free to help yourself to the complimentary snacks and beverages located to your right." I hear Finn say as I step off the Teleporter.

Doctor Wolf gives Finn a odd look.

"Finn, focus please!" he says as the others restocked on ammo from the Dispensers.

"I am focusing, these guys were almost on death row a minute ago, so what can be better than serving them some smiles?" Finn ask cheerfully.

The Doctor gave him an odd look again, but then actually thinks about it.

"Thank you kindly Finn." he says.

"It's good to be helping!" says the Finn says with a smile.

Once we all gather around, "OK, we need to gather everyone for an assault on the robot spawn point." Says Dr. Wolf.

Voice looked around, saw that Goldenfox was missing. He went to find him. Goldenfox scoped in, with the Machina's armor piercing bullets, it looks like he could probably at least shave off a number of robots.

"Alright, this should even it up." he says to himself. "I'm going to get you all in one sho-"

"Oi." Voice interrupts from behind him, making GoldenFox jump, "Doc says we need to group up for an assault." he says, as he grabbed Goldenfox to drag him back to the rest of the team, "Get bloody going!"

"No, wait I had a perfect-!" GoldenFox interrupts himself when he accidentally pulls the trigger on his rifle.

I quickly pull out my phone and started to record, having a feeling this was going to go somewhere.

A Robot Scout that was carrying a worryingly large bomb was racing towards Coal Town, mocking the ponies despite them not being able to hear it, except for me. "You're like a car crash in slow motion, it's like I'm watching you through-"

I'm not not what it was going to say, for Goldenfox's bullet hit spot on the robot leg, making it trip and fall onto a robot Soldier, but then was sent flying again, but then into a Robot Spy, which explodes so hard it sent the Robot Scout flying once again, and it keeps going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

GoldenFox and Voice could only observe this...moment. Keyframe join them and watches the Robot Scout soar through the skies and slam into the robot mobile base, causing the bomb to trigger.

These were the robot final words, "Ah, crap."

So the whole thing explodes, with robot parts falling from the sky. Everyone was just gaping, except for Keyframe.

"Oh, Goldie, that was amazing! I've never seen that in even the best Expert Leagues. I'm so proud of you, Goldie-bear, oh you're the best Sniper ever my BLU Snipy-wipy!" she gushes, hugging him tightly.

"Way to go." I said patting him on the back.

I see GoldenFox waggled his eyebrows smugly at Voice who retorted, "That still only counts as one."

I chuckle, but I started to feel weak again. I fall to the ground.

"Oh, no, not again!" Silver says rushing to me.

"What's going on?" Dr. Wolf ask coming over as well.

"Don't worry, it be just a few minutes." I say weakly then the darkness consume me.

I open my eyes to see that I was back at the base with Firebrand.

"Hey!" I say from behind him, which made him jump.

"Holy crusty crab cakes! How did you-" He stops short, then says in in a monotone, "Fell unconscious again?"

"Yep." I answer. Then we hear Dusty Katt who with 3 bucks, managed to bust down the door, "'Ere's Dusty!" he says loudly.

I'm sure he was expecting screams of fear, but I'm sure he see only an empty office.

"Oi, what gives?" he asks.

He runs around and eventually comes to me and Firebrand, who was standing near the RED Teleporter looking incredibly smug. Firebrand laughs to himself, feeling immensely satisfy.

"Oh no, no you didn't!" Dusty splutters in disbelief.

"Oh but we did." says Firebrand "Played ya like a fiddle and cut the strings, too bad we did 'cause I'm feeling like playing the World's Saddest Song, watcha gonna do about it Sasquatch, huh? Come at me bro!" he says, taking the last step backwards into the Teleporter and teleports away right before Dusty could smash both Teleporters in an attempt to smash him. Dusty turn to me, looking extremely ticked off.

I see my hooves starting to fade away and I just say, "Bye."

I shot up again to see everyone was surrounding me.

"Ms. Writer, are you-" Dr. Wolf was cut off when I stood up and ran to the BLU Teleporter.

I smash it and then Firebrand comes out of the RED Teleporter looking very happy, then it broke under him.

"Was that really wise?" I ask.

"Nope!" he says cheerfully. "That was the stupidest thing I've ever done." he then sees that not a single active Robot left in sight.

"Did I just miss an explosion? That, that's my thing! How could you let me miss my thing!?" he shrieks.

"Hey you were the one who insisted on being last, so that's your own fault." says GoldenFox.

"But I was rubbing something in, that's important! You couldn't endanger your lives for a few more seconds and wait to blow it up?" protest Firebrand.

"Dude, really?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry." Firebrand says.

"It's fine, though I did get a recording." I say, pulling out my phone.

"But I wish I was here to see it." He says pouting.

"Who cares? It's finally over, we all made it out just fine and-" Silver was interrupted by a loud crash from behind him.

The smoke cleared to reveal DustyKatt standing in a small crater and looking EXTREMELY tick off.

"Tempted fate." mutters Silver, as the rest of us back away from Dusty. "Sorry everyone, my bad." he says as Lighting pull him back Dusty Katt stalks towards us angrily, breathing heavily from rage, looking about ready to do what the robots could not and finish them.

Thespio decloaked behind him, pulling out his Knife, ready to backstab Dusty, only to get a hoof to the throat, courtesy of Dusty, keeping him there, and suddenly then gives him a very painful looking noogie.

"Ah, help, I'm being assaulted by agony!" Thespio cries out, all of us are too stun to move before Dusty Katt threw Thespio past us.

Dusty Katt trotted up to us, then starts laughing to himself, "I cannot believe I fell for the Ender's Gambit, classic.

"OK, how do YOU know that?" Eliyora ask.

"Who doesn't know what that is? Didn't you watch the film? Book's better by the way, boy was that fun! Crikey, you clowns ain't so bad! I'd have thought for sure it'd have been over in ten seconds flat."

"I apologize for every criticism I've ever made of your accent." Maddie tells AnY.

"Shut up, he's being merciful to us right now." Whispers AnY in a nervous singsong voice.

"Yeah, I think I'll let you guys live for now. Hm, this is going to be all sorts of fun, just, you know, dropping in on you every now and again?" Dusty chuckles.

"Well, that's not ominous at all." Lighting says sarcastically.

"See you around, sheilas." he says, walking off.

"Woah, hold on a second, " said Voice, then raises his voice "how exactly did you get all this robots?" he asks.

"I dunno, they weren't mine." Dusty says. "They were just, there." He shrugges.

"WHAT?!" We all shout.

"Yeah, I just let them attack you for the giggles." chuckles Dusty. "Bye bye now."

"So, if he didn't send those robots, who did?" Doctor Wolf wonders.

"Not sure, but how about we head back to the base, we have a lot of cleaning up to do." I say starting to walk back.

Everyone shrugges and heads off along with me.

"That was something huh?" Silver ask.

"Yeah." I say.

Then I quickly shout out, "Last one there has to clean up the robots guts."

I run full speed with everyone behind me. I just laugh with joy. It doesn't get any better than this.

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