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Deimos POV

Deimos:"Jeez that took longer to clean up, (Y/n) watch my back. Imma hijack the system through."

It took us to remove the copse and bloody away thanks to (Y/n) burst of his excitement. Although we didn't set the alarm off, we gotta clean the bloody mess.

(Y/n):"Please do, I've been working my ass off to get those experimental weapons for us, us we will make use of, Axis ain't gettin' these bad boys here."

Simply laugh his words, he craving for more bloodshed, but focus on my objective. Grabbing from the pocket where I kept my cigarettes in and some technical stuff I use during raids or operations.


Deimos:"Wires in, be warn it's going to take a awhile to breakthrough system's security." *(Y/n):"Oh that's bloody nice ain't it?"* "Dude, don't be that guy."



Deimos:"Come on come on, don't make me wait..."

(Y/n):"You've sure that hijack equipment is upgraded?" *Deimos:"I'm sure! Just plenty things to work on around!"* "Differently not updated tho."

Price:<We're seeing Goliath are moving inside, be careful in there! They bring some deadly gunpowder into you.>

(Y/n):"I can see that thanks to my AI drone camera moving around the facility, what's the progress."

Deimos:"Just 3.4 percent! HIJACK's Speed move too slow! (Y/n) can you transfer your friend inside?"

(Y/n) knew what I'm talking about. As he called an AI called "Chihiro" some buttons were pressed displayed an cute girl, however noticed it was grey a bit and glitching.

Chihiro:"O-Oh...hi (Y/n)!" Noticing (Y/n) for who knows what he's been doing. "You've s-seem to be...cover i-in blood...? W-Why are you covered?"

(Y/n):"It's hard to talk straight, but why are ya grey and glitching?!" CEO Yelling unreasonably. He quickly maintained his composure a bit. "Is there something wrong in my system."

Chihiro:"R-Right...I forgot i-i was s-supposed to tell you y-your system h-had some issues due t-to some previous fights you been through."

(Y/n):"God damn- I'm forgetting to check on my system every fight I'm gettin' into. Chihiro, is my transfer still works despite operating and chip broken?"

Chihiro:"I've run through the system, transfer still works. Wait that e-equipment? An weird g-grunt holding it?" *Deimos:"Hey!"* "S-Sorry! I-If you asking me to b-boost that c-computer."

(Y/n):"Yeah, I need a little help especially for Allies, can you help us?"

Chihiro:"I-I will...just plug me in and i-i'll increase the speed rate!"

CEO sayin' "consider it finely." Before called me to give my device, doing so. Opened an little latch letting an wire came out from his cybernetic arm. Before hearing an audio of a click plugged in.

(Y/n):"Transferring AI in."

CEO's screen where'd Chihiro in the screen disappear. Before an flash of grey from my equipment. Noticeable that was Chihiro entering in.

Chihiro:"I-I'm in! B-Boost the speed a bit!" AI increased equipment efficiency. As tiny texts from below her saying something. Went closer looked to see.


Deimos:"Hahaha! That's what i like!"

An girl AI bluntly blush from grunt's compliments. "Oh t-thank you!" Sayin' with cute tone. Smilingly.

(Y/n):"Cut some slack, we kinda need of quick up real fast cuz Altas will probably be in the facility. I'll contact Metal if he could delay them our timing." As he lower down his pistol in his sidearm, putting the hand in his earpiece. <Metal, is there a way you could delay?>

Metal:<No question asked, I've already moving in.>

(Y/n):<Already?> *<Metal:"I've been listening your conversation.>* <You don't gotta be stalker for every minute.>

Metal on comms didn't enjoy a joke, For him he believe things must taken seriously on every operations nor mission. No desire for idiocy around.

Matel:<Idiotic play, don't be an fool for mature jokes even for little but that remind me something...hrg, Focus your damn mission."

(Y/n):<I'm jokin' I've got a wee bit things to keep check on, Deimos? Precent." *Deimos:"Its about 51.5 precent."* "Fuck."

Metal:<Stay away from Atlas's sight. On catwalk seeing Altas above. Metal, Cutting the feed.> Comms out, just only me, AI, and (Y/n).

Deimos:"That guy seem to be really into his mission like Sanford, you and I always joke around when things get boring lot."

(Y/n):"Despite that, he's a good man, I remember he did told me about his team called MISFIT. That's what i recall." *Deimos:"MISFIT?"* "MISFIT, if you know RWBY universe where Four people form an team, prevent total destruction called Grimm. Usually they're called by their first latter in their names, although they chose what they came up."

Deimos:"Ahhh, I gettin' what you mean."

(Y/n):"But MISFIT are very secretive, that's what including Metal himself cuz they don't like to be popularized." *Deimos:"Any reason tho?"* "If my lucky charm of guessing. It's possible they prefer shrouded team."

Chihiro:"%77.1 percent! L-Letting you know!"

Deimos:"Thanks lad, so they're basically private team members doing in shadows?" *(Y/n):"That's the word, they intend to stay hidden. It's perhaps they share some 'common' sense in some RWBY universes."* "Damn bro."

Meanwhile at Frozen city
POV: Leonidas Fin Ream

During with a ride with two new person, an soldier with armed military named Yuri, An girl with black jacket long sock other sock but crumbled into a metal like shoes. Is Uzi doorman, As Squip keep me warm as he talk to their new friends.

Uzi:"So those guy, They named themselves killer ink?" Squip:"Yep, they're known to be fearful team in inkoplis around, Killer ink are known by Ink-kind favorite, but to competitive? That's anyone worsen if up against."* "Wow, Killer ink are known to be popular in that city, but really! Racist against the humans!?"

Yuri:"Our society is really divided between good and evil, some good, mostly bad. Sadly at often times."

Squip:"Yep, we gotta live through that crap unfortunately." An saddened tone, hate to admit things goes worse or better. "Despite that. CEO did give some fear into their team's hearts. Thanks to they clown voice taunting. Hrg, that clown spooked me when Leonidas and I watched the final splatfest."

Leonidas:"Y-Yeah...he-he's a scaring clown than anyone, h-however that CEO with an crazy clown seem t-to be...f-friend with him, if so...both could be nicest person..."

Yuri:"Both are actually nice, but sometime clown just love to prank a bit...too harsh."

Leonidas:"O-Oh...hrm i understand..."

Uzi:"Hey kid, I know you're been through hardship with your so-called parents. But thanks to us, we could find for you a nice home you rest in, be warned many in CEO's states isn't a friendly tho."

Squip:"That's...not good, I don't wanna be disrespectful here, but does CEO supposed to keep things maintainable by 'Supportive' people to help four states?"

Yuri:"I wish I could say this truthfully but no, things got a bit outta control when CC owner continually going through missions meaning without supervise, but thanks to (Y/n)'s close friend to take charge."

Leonidas:"Y-Yay!" All the i said, a close friend taking care CEO job. "Does h-he ever interact anyone including his own friends?"

Uzi:"Ehh...that's a harsh part, he doesn't talk to anyone even his own closest ally-


Large sound clang result the aircraft to shake inside caused three to frighte. But Yuri didn't bother. He ensure us its does that every time when it lands on the loading dock. But meaning we already here!

Squip:"Well that's a nice thing we're here." *Leonidas:"C-Can't wait to s-see the city!"* "Of course kid, me too."

Yuri:"Watch your steps." Warned them Squip quickly act with a grab pulled away to safety. An open wide gap could any person to fall down into the ground. "Some safety measures weren't check up every day, bloody engineer family."

Squip:"Careful kid, always look first before walking." Leonidas apologized heavily but Inkling calmly told him a bit. "Just remember, look before action."

Uzi:"Well gotta learn safety protocols!"

Two went awe seeing many people walking through, entering and exiting, despite that this is just the loading dock for anyone to comes and leaving.

Yuri:"This the loading dock for newcomer and experienced people who lived here, it's been active ongoing in the last couple generations when loading dock become popular due its unique traveling." Saying like a tourist man giving fact to Inkling and homeless child.

Squip:"Unique by an aircraft transport?" Question, as noticed ship were familiar. "Isn't that those aircrafts used on WWA? Or World war anime?"

Uzi baffled by this odd war name but just listen caused by her interest.

Yuri:"WWA, yes those were used in transport CC army quickly, but that green frog active it's Anti-aircraft to prevent quickly drop in, but thanks to Swag and Christ's army, they shut down its defense. Allowing them to drop into active battle real quickly, an sluggish frog didn't realized they're fighting the high power organization."

Uzi:"So that's why I saw in the museum about the history, and man that one man?"

Yuri, didn't return an word nor nodding, he's been through WW3. He remember when Makarov and his inner circle caused an conflict in Zakhaev International Airport. He won't forget the causes of one man will unleash an war on earth. Unless he could do it again, by going into different universe. Blaming each other on rising war.

Which he fear the most...

Yuri:"N-No unfortunately." Uttered, worried Uzi un-greatly. "There's always war, even caused an conflicted..."

Uzi:"'re not j-joking? Come on! It's must-

Yuri:"No! Its not and never a fucking joke! That fuckin' Makarov shot me two times! killed me! But back from the dead and now vowed an damn bloody revenge! This time he will die by my hands!"

His unspeakable and hatred words from his fitting rage, but realize he was out the opening, cussed loudly, anyone stared at him. Afraid and confused.

Squip managed to cover Leonidas's ears to avoid his innocence. Uzi, scared his rage, didn't believe what he said.

Yuri:"Fuck..." under his breath, made an obvious mistake. "Let's bloody go let's find a place where no one can't listen us."

None didn't speak both agreeing as homeless child, didn't understand what's going on.

POV Yuri

Yuri:"This the place we should go." Looking above, reading an workshop's sign.

{F. Neko's Mechanical catty}

Yuri:"This place I rarely visited when plastic cyber arm kept me in one piece. It intend to malfunction or break. But I need some repairs for this. When we're ready to chat as return back our operation, cuz plastic needs some check up."

Four went inside, meeting some pinkish and charming area yet to be contemporary area. An Curves walls on both sides only a middle they came through with circle door with glass. Not see through tho.

Yuri told them to wait here as he ring the bell on the counter to bring F.Neko owner here. Although she didn't came that she usually does.

Squip:"So is she- *Yuri:"She's an alcoholic and perverted girl. So I suggested waiting outside once I'm done."* "Oh, kiddo? Let's wait outside instead okay?"

Leonidas:"Huh? I-I thought we-

Squip stopped him and keep him moving away to outside the workshop, only both waitin' him to ne finish, as Uzi, waiting inside instead of following them.

Uzi:"I've thought something..." She given a quick glance of question, Yuri rose his head, although didn't bother to looked at her. "This Makarov guy, if i- you wouldn't mind...I remember I kinda overheard your conversation when N trying to...fix my hand by his nanites..."

Yuri:"You hear...what?"

Uzi:"Yeahhh..." She admits her truth about my own enemy. "You mentioned about regretting joining his side. As hating him for killing citizen-

Yuri slammed the counter. Very hard, she'd noticed his used cybernetic instead of his flesh. Tiny yet easy to known a little crack on it. Uzi felt an fear from an flesh friend. Drone in human regretted that.

Yuri:"Shut up, do not mentioned about that, Uzi...please just don't. You don't know how soldier must go through war, we always experienced hell itself where many dies front of our eyes, innocence dying left and right. Buildings destroyed, falling into the ground on earth's surface."

Men, will develop an PTSD from war, and that's what reality shows, never ongoing peaceful when there's chaotic and violence lurking every corner. Even knowing can't be prevent, even you did prevented. There's always another. By one man or woman can be conflicted at any time and where.

Yuri:"Your people, you and your people are're been created by humanity. Only be wipe out by the copper nine core! You guys lived like a easy life...but to tell you...your life, your cultural, drones you made everything will eventually fall into the ground. Cuz beautiful things don't last long. Like us, we'll die eventually also. Even a quicker death in war."

Uzi:"I-I...what do you saying!?" Massive confusion and fear unraveled her emotion. "I'm not gettin' some context here!"

Soldier, deeply concerned with this...knowing an Russian man, alive out there hiding, as Atlas grew stronger and chance to rival faction forces.

Yuri:"I'm saying that war is coming, CC and other alliance is preparing for massacres war. Your race isn't granted for survival. Unless run away for safety. You remember we stand against human? Can you...stand against war?"

Drone strikes an emotional level of crying. Yuri know she'll do that, cuz it's the truth where war is hell and this can't be ignored for an reason.

Uzi:"W-Why? Why are y-you telling me this?!"

Yuri:"You- I-hrg god damn, because you're just not ready to face deadly war you haven't experienced it didn't you?" Trying to reason why, but she didn't bother to listen...only she wanting to stop this conversation.

Uzi:"You k-know what? I'm l-leaving, and you're not better not f-freakin' come find me."

An drone in human took flight, even her Metal wings isn't in disguise in human form. Yet knows to control it easily. Yuri, is in deeply spiritual of worsen. Soldier needs endurance to overcome those obstacles of emotional and psychological horror.

Yuri all alone, is feelin' of rancor, his own enemy will continue to pressure, hunting, and fear him for eternal, even though his own team and task force remain of called. Number.

???:"You'd seem gotta better the Russian taught you after all." Voice of Russian. His hatred grew further. Obviously man, growing vengeance. Makarov.

Yuri:"Y-You're in my head, you're an dead fucking man to all hell eternity by bring war. You form alliances Axis! Atlas, Nazi! And your nation..."

Makarov:"Correct, we're changing the history and time itself, after all. You shouldn't be here when I killed you long time ago. But it's our lucky day, you and I were resuscitated for another chance. But this chance? Which one is your purpose, vengeance or protection?"

Yuri:"Hrg! Shut up!" Ongoing hatred at the voice of man. "You put an bullet hole inside my chest! It didn't kill me, only took me to go blackout!"

Makarov:"True...I should've kill right there but I left you an little distraction could kill you, soap, and Price, guessing that plan didn't work as it intended. However this is something, something I like to take you and your task force with..."



Soldier slammed his head against an counter. Cutting off the voice of Makarov. Worked as intending, however when he did that. An owner workshop girl returned. And see an awful amount of destruction on her counter Yuri made.

???:"OI! The fuck are you doing breaking my shit in my workshop!?" Yuri looked up to see an woman holding a alcohol in her mouth drinking crazily. "You're going to paid that! You dumb fuck!"

Yuri:" you're drunk often Lisa..."

Lisa:"Fuck yeah I'm drunk! Cuz I'm always be drunk until finished! And hell! What's on god words!? Did you slam your own head?!"

Yuri:"Can we skip this shit! I need my cybernetic repairs and check up."

Lisa:"Hmph, fine...unclog your cyber arm from your body so I can start working on." Yuri did, remove his cyber arm to her. Grabbed wuciky. "Also! Paid is due after all!"

Yuri growing his frustration highest at his breakpoint, given her currency of 70$. She happily obliged. "Ah good! This'll probably take some hour or so. So don't go anywhere! Or I'll break it!"

Yuri:"Just do it all rightly..." *Lisa:"Okay! Jeez..."* "Hrm..."



Deimos:"Thanks to you! We alerted Atlas you idiot! Come on, we got the intel of this new weapon of technology!" As Deimos holding on the a metal case intel. I returned fire even I'm not lookin' back. Hear some grunt or Gah. "Still! ITS FUN!"


Price:"Move your sorrow ass! Run to the west! That's where the cliff is!"

Following his order, took an running path many Atlas continued shooting many bullets at them, still missing yet nearly hitting.

(Y/n):"American! Fuck yeah!"


Price:"You're nearly the cliff. Be ready to jump! Metal is already prepare for escape route once you're in the water!"

Nagisa:"I already override their comms! You better stay alive once you're hit the water..."

We kept on running hundreds bullets swooning behind our eyes, as kicking down an door. Seeing a rail, widely opened calling us to enter an dirty water.

Price:"JUMP NOW!"

CEO and brain thinker, gettin' on top the rail, Atlas nearly to finish us off. But with a flash-bang on Deimos's chest. He called, snatched and thrown into their foes's feet. BANG!

Hostile blind, allowing to jump freely without gettin' shot by awhile were falling.



Price:"Good! SOLDIER NOW!" Sound above muffled by water are explosions from soldier, creating some distraction for two. An free get away. "You're hidden, Metal you're next."

(Y/n), Deimos saw Metal waiting on thr motorcycle. As two motorcycle with. Calling them both. "You two did an finest job up there. For a causes guy."

(Y/n):"Hey, I lack patience Y'know!"

Metal angrily grunt at CEO for his idiocy. "Yeah. You lack everything..." all he said, brain thinker puts an intel on his back tightly as owner of CC gets on lookin' back above seeing soldier dealing damage greatly.

Three turned an engine up running smoothy, an revving machine. Metal took the first, as two followed suit.

Metal:"Price, we secured the intel." *Price:"Intel confirmed, it's big deal for allied to produce some firearm for. Although we some manufacturers company to make these."* "(Y/n)."

(Y/n):"Obviously, I'll contract Richthofen and Dempsey for production. Trust me, these guys help the most as Takeo and Nikolai deal some inner soul and strategize."

Nagisa:"Well an good payoff for us, we should return back home for some good rest. Expect (Y/n) cuz he's needed for paperwork unfortunately."


Price:"We're done now for the moment, ya'll rest for the time, I'm going to look for Yuri and Uzi now. Airship location already sent. Stay warm."

Mini skip

UnRevving, steps from the ground clacking every single step. Three inside an airship. Sending away above. Metal, sharping his own combat knife. Deimos his usual thing smoking. CC owner waiting checking up his own cyber implant.

Deimos:"So man, you're gotta return home and do some homework?" *(Y/n):"Its constant pain, I've made many alliance that require some attention, as well little support, thankfully there's someone got my back, that is Richthofen." "At least you're doing some work for humanity itself and others."

(Y/n):"Likely." Saying, clacking his own Metal fist. "Despite my social skill, I've developed some skills by own friend Takeo and Richthofen." *Deimos:"Dude, you really need to chat with' em more! Not just two!"* "Sadly I got weak social interaction like Toko, but more stable than her."

Deimos:"Please don't start with Toko! Remember you told me when Hank interrupted your guys fight?"

He did remember that, Toko and him got into a fight when "Hope freak" made an deal with Toko's "boyfriend" to release him once she returned "School girl" back to him. Or something (Y/n) couldn't remember since that.

(Y/n):"O-O-Oh right I-I-I-I remember that moment." Utter glitch, still have PID device in his body. "But I'm gladly black killer intervened to prevent it happen. He took a bit cuts, but he put her down chocking her out."

Deimos:"She'd a bit speedy for Hank, but our man is literally cheat death fourth times, man taking no shit from anyone! Well expect you of course."

(Y/n):"Heh, I've remembered, Hank and I still don't get along, however he'll gets the job done for every mission I given him."

Metal:"He took some heavy weight jobs, however you take intense pain weight ever solo worker ever done, but sacrifices some body parts for some replacement. Me? I often work together with MISFIT."

(Y/n):"Don't you forget you still can contact your team." *Metal:"I know that, but I don't wish to bother them."* "Understandable for privacy reason." Metal deeply breath himself in, before put his mind.

Metal:"Thanks, but don't consider it a kindle word from me."

Deimos:"Yeah, we get it."

Location: F. Neko's Mechanical catty
POV: Yuri


He waited some hour now, bored and hungry. But can't leave since she'll literally break it.

Makarov:"Boredom hrm?" Voice returned again, Yuri already annoyed to him his voice presence.

Yuri:"I thought you were gone." *Makarov:"There's no trying Yuri, my friend. Every single time you attempt. I always be there even in blackout hehehe..."* "Gah..."

Lisa:"I'm fucking finished! Here's ya cybernetic arm you little shit!" Giving his own arm, with repair and check down already twice. "Now excuse me! I'll return myself drunk again as make some investments! Teehee baby!"

Retrieve his own arm back, placing it back the spot. Moving his cyber fingers and entire hand around. Felt a bit better and weirder. But he doesn't care anyway.

Lisa drink herself crazily nature, despite her. She always be ready for him for cyber checking. But sometime she'll talk angrily, alcoholism ongoing and perverting behavior. Although she never given some third nature. Only sometime that is...

???:"Yuri! Where the hell are you!" Comms goes off, caused him to jolt a bit. Only it realized it's captain price. He called out to him in the comms. "Price! I'm inside the workshop called F. Neko's Mechanical catty."

Which Price managed to find it in couple seconds.

Lisa:"HEY! You cunt! Watch the door damn it!"

Price:"Sorry ma'am, but Yuri, where's Uzi!" *Yuri:"I-I...ranted at Uzi."* "Rant at her? What did you do!" *Yuri:"I told her...about the war we're preparing for? I told her, her drone people aren't ready for war, they will die from the bloody war!"* "God damn it soldier! Keep yourself together! She can't handle wars! Stop miscalculating your fuckin' head!"

Lisa:"So! Am I supposed to say- *Price:"No! Stay out of our business!"* "Wow okay bitch..."

Price:"Let's go, I already told Squip and Leonidas met at PA's smoking BBQ." *Yuri:"Why? W-Why are you told them go there? Should've tell' em meet at Adam's lookout!?"* "Soldier!"


Smacked into his face by captain's hand, falling into the floorboard confused by him why did he smack his teammate face?

Price:"Listen to me! Stay focus son, war is coming but we needed to be together You, me, our team. Nexus Task Force 141 will bond together until end of time."

Yuri:"I- uhh...- Price keep his mouth shut. Keep reminding what's his purposes reason and truth.

Price:"You know...Our world still needs our help, as well other too, don't forget we, their organization. Can take it back and fight against our enemies. Some truth say casualties is the war, but perspective of. Soldier we are, always hold their duty protecting innocence. (Y/n) understand what soldier duty do..." Yuri didn't say anything, kept his mouth zero out. "CEO...eventually needs to preserving its lying of good and evil, war played out on a grand scale. CEO himself? You know him, he change the scale bit heavily or lightly. We all lived in a larger yet massive tinderbox waiting to be set on fire, only to be set on friendly, or hostile match."

Before captain picking him up, remember what's his purpose again.

Yuri:"Soldier duty, meaning truth and evil is just lying another, but always fight back what matter it cost our life's. Take it back harder or leave it in ashes to burned..."

Price:"We are taught. You do remember what that taught is..."

Price/Yuri:"Kill 'em all." Both say the same answer. Only get an clapping from Lisa who was watching them.

Lisa:"Holy shit...nice speech you got there, but Ehh...that's was decent to say..."

Price:"Heh, slashin' some drunk money." *Lisa:"Hrggg...pussy fucker..."* "Just sayin' m'lady."

Yuri:"All right then, can you let me...find Uzi before I eat?" *Price:"Say no more, go find her. I've saw her flying over river's tears. Be careful soldier."* "You gotta be nicer Huh? I thought leader supposed to be angry?"

Price:"Tch, shut it son hehehe..."

<Lisa F. Neko is own by Animegoddess2>

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