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If given permitted authority from CEO, shall and only be viewing this tape, if not will be violating the rules and should be contract by agent, do not retaliate nor lie about. This is a Illegal action, Retrieve the CC'S tape to CC R.I.M.S organization back where it belongs, and in return you will be award two hundred thousand dollars.

Click click click...sounding wist and turns on metal parts, as an German puts and clicking into places. Kept busy with CEO person's arm, remains chatting. There were couple failures on his own cyber arm but Doc remain focus hardly. Few minutes were taken, Doc finally did his finale touch. Readily and prepare for reattach.

Richthofen:"This should be work, thanks to the future's prototype, I was manage to make the Cybernetic work correctly, please give me your right arm." Followed his words, lifting an missing arm- Click!* "Right on the spot of yours, although my team of scientist couldn't test it due to system restriction, Thankfully it came with a package. Its an Megaphone mod.

(Y/n):"On what exactly did they given me that? Did Future found me intriguing?" Asking an question, Doc shake his head. "Not on word 'intriguing' CEO, very on multiplex type way."

(Y/n):"So they put on me on an watchlist?" *Richthofen:"If you think of it, then it's something about, Trusting. Do you remember assisting on those two girls?"* "Two girls...remind me again?"

At German's disappointed sign. He described the first, an school girl with a megaphone, second was a insane and very like into cutting things and like adore boys. Which it hits CEO mind, remember fully.

(Y/n):"Oh I remember now, i was a bit...hassle on them throughout that universe, and purposely use friend's power, although I use it during emergency. It's about that-

Richthofen:"They've refuse to accept your terms, since they're main objective are protect their own universe and prevent the evil's scheme who called "Remnants of despair".

(Y/n):"Those guys, I recall is made and led by...An girl named Junko?" *Richthoften:"Yes, you'd be correct.* "Do they aware we exist?"

Richthofen, decline the answer. "Fortunately they don't know our presence, as well Future foundation didn't believe that you're making some false assumptions. But do know there's one is out there, that is aware our existence."

(Y/n):"Hell, but who is this person is...didn't bother to tell Junko?" *Richthofen:"To my words about that person, it's remains unknown. One of Dempsey's secret agent has eavesdropped on some future employee about this person. Didn't say out about this person unfortunately."* "Guessing I gotta keep an eye out, Thank man..."


*Snap! Snap!*

Deimos:"Hey, you've been spacing out (Y/n), we already reach the destination!"

Deimos's snapping caused my sense returned real quick, immediately stand before followed by an bonking my head in the process. Nagisa seemly snicker as Deimos laughing at, Soldier of course wheezing at me, Price on the other hand didn't, he just sighed

(Y/n):"Ow shit! Look I wasn't spacing out! I was listening my own tapes!"

Price:"Focus (Y/n), once we shortly arrive there, armed up and move out quick, did that intel tell you we're getting into?"

Nagisa, Deimos, and me reply with our answers. "Confirmed/Yep, I've read!/I do remember." But Soldier only to say no, with his soldier tone.

Soldier:"NO! I have not read the intel. Cuz I'm not into these called Technology!"

Price:"Hrm, all right listen close Soldier, I won't repeat myself again, do I make myself clear?" *Soldier:"Yea!"* "Good, you three already know intel given us, but I'll inform again in case."

Price grab something out from the pocket and press an device.

An blue hologram, mapping out the place, little looking air ship in there is us, Price zooming out by using his hand all fingers close, seeing area around an flying ship. As blue arrows with a blue ball floating appeared represent us, as red arrows with red ball this time, representing hostile. Many hostile are seen in the hologram. Red anti-air turrets are presence on buildings.

Price:"This operation 'Forgone' is a stealth mission, which meaning you can't go gun blazing, can't draw any sound by mean necessary. That's included you (Y/n)"


Soldier:"What did he do?"

Price:"I've seen some Dempsey's reports about his previous mission during stealth, usually he's into breaking n' entering motivation, he often go alone wolf, rarely on teaming."

Soldier:"Heheh! You're an solo soldier guy!" *(Y/n):"I get that very often..."* "Well I'm so sorry!"

Nagisa:"How are we, five of us in small team trying to hide from thousand of forces waiting to hear our screw up, this is a a suicide mission. How possible are we getting out in one piece?"

Price:"You shouldn't be worry, there's a ally is overwatch very skillful and unforeseen. We'll reach him, as the mission, do you remember we are planning to steal experimental blueprint Deimos?"

Deimos:"Well I'm thankful you ask!" Without seconds he took out an tablet. "This is something important we total need to take and share out to our own alliance. Consider you can see many enemy are there protecting their valuable resources."

(Y/n):"But worse is there's some atlas soldiers patrolling outside with some technology allowing them to see in the dark with lethal weapons, although our main problem is the Crytids, as other I should mention is, Atlas, Undead Nazi, Neon-federation. Although my organization doesn't know if there's more axis alliance we should note."

Price:"Lower your worries, you know USA has made an group called U.R.F are helping us out, I've know their story. As for Nagisa you've got an friend named Jataro Kemuri?" *Nagisa:"Yeah, what about him? He's a friend who's good at making stuff."* "I know, since he's with Tank Dempsey those both are effective, they've created some useful tech to aid us. Enchanted stealth device."

He given two Deimos and (Y/n).

Deimos:"So you choose both of us?" *Price:"Its due to your skill and tactical, as for him, you know he's very good at killing."* "Reasonable."

Soldier:"Hey! What about me?!" *Price:"You'll be their backup person. In case our plan didn't go accordingly, you'd be a noise maker."* "YOU CAN COUNT ON THAT!"

Nagisa:"So, me?" *Price:"An assistance, just give them an warning about their surroundings and keep things check."* "O-Oh...I'll try n-not to fail-

Price cuts Nagisa sentences when he put his hands on his shoulder. Ensuring him for his own care.

Price:"As much you don't want to any screw up, I don't care if you've made some couple mistakes, we learn those mistakes, mistake has taught us, learn' em all."

Nagisa:"W-Why do you know about mistake? I don't want badly e-expectations from adult like you..." *Price:"Neither should you."* "Huh...?"

Price:"It's unlikely about fearing of getting abandonment." Nagisa from his emotion was surprising by Captain's intelligence. "It's happen lot, even unseen around humanity,'s just that, what humans do, do cruelty things."

Nagisa:"I know you're getting at Price...But how did you know about my fear did he know?"

(Y/n):"Well, feeling of philosopher blue hair." *Nagisa:"Stop calling that!"* "Sorry lad, just wanting to say that, but dropping my taunting, I know warriors of hope's fear thanks to German friend."

Nagisa:" mean doctor Richthofen?" *(Y/n):"You meant your father? Then yes, he's a philosophy guy, like you! But you're a curiosity ki- warrior."* "Hrm..."

Price:"And remember something about...saving you from your robot machine?"

Nagisa said about "Robot machine" which it hit him remember (Y/n) saved him.

(Y/n):"I do remember, and man, that guy! An cowardly and bad leader! In unfortunately of my...bad lucky, I gotta put him blackout. If you can consider it good luck."

Nagisa silently laughed remember he did that, then came to realization he protected him.


???:"Why are you saving that kid?! You know what they did!?"

(Y/n):"Like I care about your horrible behavior of minor joke? Like a friend named kotoko? Hell you even made joke at Nagisa's trauma! You're such an falser leader..."

???:"So what?! It doesn't matter if you save those called 'Warriors of hope!' They'll bring more destruction and despair!"

(Y/n):"Did you read their backstory? Cuz I'm feeling you didn't look deeper enough, but eh you've been obsessed with that you called it, you're just not worthy to listen their tragic stories. Ye cunt..."

Nagisa:"W-What? What're you-

(Y/n):"Stay behind me, this guy lost his fuckin' mind."

Flashback ended


Price:"Now it's not the best thing to chat about our past, we already arrived. Let's get out the air ship and move, new cyborg friend is waiting for us."

Nagisa remain still as soldier, Deimos and Price walked the air ship out, (Y/n), decided to stay with blue hair kid.

(Y/n):"Hey kid, you're doing all right?" *Nagisa:"O-Oh...Yea-Yeah, I'm okay...just shock that's all..."* "Shocking ain't strong word, but speechless is, you see us humans gotta live in harshly world we're in, world keep on changing, rules won't hold forever, and such that some people experience that, some live, some didn't, living is unfortunate for every person to avoid the suffer, yet...Those suffer will get to you, but hey! You've been through hell, I'd indeed, experienced but 'intensely and deadly' hell, but don't forget you're alive as well your friends together are safe with us. You can count on that."

Nagisa:"Yet...You know I told the story we-

(Y/n):"Cut the shit, you're living cuz we are made for purpose, even you don't find it at first. Just look at my left you recall these?" (Y/n) Lifting his own sleeves up revealing left hand.

Nagisa:"I-I do, and it's unfortunate for you lost your left hand." Nagisa reply, making (Y/n) a bit annoyed but true on his behalf. CEO returned with a smile.

(Y/n):"You got those brain of yours, or not, it's a recall how I lost my arm, it was a during a fight of Monaca, her robot is a got damn amalgamation. Trust me she fought deadly." Moving his metal hand, making clicking, snapping, and clanging every movement.

Nagisa:"Yea, and importantly why are you alive still? You keep losing your body, first you lost both legs, one rip out arm, and one mechanical left hand!"

(Y/n):"I have my luck, and I hate it really badly like an freak hope..." form into an fist by loud Clack. Gazing his own metal hand. "But he's a weirder with organism."

Both then laugh silently, an tiny comedy from CEO. Blue hair admitted he's a fine person with some lost body replace of machinery helping him. Before Deimos knock the sides of the air ship bring the attention to him.

Deimos:"Hey you slowpokes! You both coming or not!" *(Y/n):"We'll be there!"* "Then come the hell on! We're waiting for you, you slower."

Man chuckled and sigh deeply, before arming himself a pistol with silent barrel holding a on his other hand knife.

(Y/n):"So, you're up for tactical play?" Nagisa simply snicker and nodded saying to him. "Like I'm ready..."

Time skip

Three soldiers behind the rocks sighting an broken down facility, seeing Atlas patrolling an abandoned facility.

???:"I already scanned the area, seemly we got some about eight patrolling outside, two sniper in those tower, and two XS1 Goliath patrolling also, and bunch of soldiers inside, so let start on outside."

Cyborg then explain the situation. As he point out the areas.

???:"Two at south guarding the entrance, two on west watching over the cliff leading to the water below, we can use that our escape, east is two again but some recourse of fuel, we could use it to set it an facility on fire due to nature taking over. And finally north, two soldier are camouflage types. So be aware they're already in camouflage mode. Two Goliath wandering around through the nature, so we gotta stay out the sight."


Price:"Your technology is really something, could be a upper hand here eh metal?"

Deimos:"Hey guys, I've got the slower's here!"

(Y/n):"Yeah, yeah, stop with your mouth what did i and Nagisa miss?" *Price:"Just the starter CEO."* "Ah that's good...and who's this man?"

Price:"He goes for his code name: Metal, Metal doesn't want to use his own name for his privacy reasons."

Metal:"Since you've already know my name, I could take a guess you're (Y/n), CEO of CC, with some body replenishments."

< Assassin_Schnne Is the OC owner of Metal>

(Y/n):"Well someone got their homework done."

Price:"Nagisa, Soldier, and I will stay here to watch your six, (Y/n), Metal, Deimos goes in and get the intel, avoid being detecting by them, simply enough."

(Y/n), Deimos, Metal nodded, as Price, Nagisa, and Soldier stays behind.

Yuri POV
Location: Collet City/Hospital
Time pass: two hour passed

What the hell are they taking so long to fix Uzi's system? Hell I even lost track time, I was ensure they'll fix her in no time. But by no time, it's more time with these...morons...

???:"Christ! Look at dude! He's wearing CC badge! I'm so jealous! Man why didn't he hire me?!?! I could be the best and sexy swag I ever existed! Hell even better than him! Lolololol!"

???:"Swag oh my god stop annoying him! You're being attention to us!" *Swag:"You're just jealous!"* "God Damnit, sorry he's just upset over of an simply badge!"

Swag by far is the most annoyance ever to bother, especially for Uzi, if she was waiting here, her brain would break in minutes. But this man seem nice.

Swag:"If you give me that badge, I'll give you my waifu-

Yuri:"No. Ain't listening and leave me be..." I kindly asked, but swag kept his annoyance at me. But bit louder.

Swag:"LOLOLOLOLO! NO I WILL HAVE IT!" *Scream none-stop of speen sounds*

Before Swag could hit me-


???:"OI! Learn to understand! Idiot...Yuri, you good! That man just has disabilities in his brain." *check on his clothes before his body.* "You know this world is filled with brain dead, we should get out of here and call out we're ready to pick '(Y/n) unusual friends'."

Normally it was Uzi voice however her look were...change.

Uzi:"What? Is there  something on my face?"

Yuri:"No it's nothing,'re different now, expect your head that is..." *Uzi:"Oh! My replacements, they decided of replacement my body into new system, this time I've have more thing to do! However this body was made in titanium, meaning any bullet lands on me won't be effective, due to its great durability!"* "Heh, sounds nice..." *Uzi:"Tch, Bite me."*

Uzi:"Also, yeah, I can't exactly fly correctly nor use my weapon out, so we're taking a safer approach."

Yuri:"Good enough, I'll contact our pilot to pick us go."

Uzi, now has been upgraded to Murder drone however she needs some practice beforehand...

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