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Image Above: Nebula Prime

The youngsters are walking through dense foliage. Nebula is leading them, Smokescreen not too far her. Nebula keeps looking around, like something is bothering her and the wings on her back are flapping, in a fight or flight way.

Smokescreen tries to start up a conversation. "So, see anything?" Nebula looks back at him with a serious look on her face plates. "No, now be quiet. I think someone is watching us." She pulls an obsidian sword out of thin air. She looks around at the trees surrounding them.

Something moves in the tree across from them as Smokescreen activities his blade and cannon. Then, a flash of violet streaks out of the treeline and tackles Smokey to the ground, causing him to scream like a little femme. Nebs secretly records the scream to use as blackmail and gets into position for a duel, seeing the katana that is strapped to their back.

"HEY!!" She calls, to get their attention. "How about you pick on someone a little more on your skill level?!" The figure whips around and reveals a masked face. Nebs sizes them up, and concludes they are a femme about the same size as her sire. The femme draws her katana and they both begin to circle each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Nebula draws out some throwing knives from her subspace and tosses them in such a way that it would need incredible flexibility to dodge them all, testing her opponent to gather data about what she got herself into. Her opponent managed to dodge them and then shot at her. Nebula barely had enough time to pary the blow with her own sword. She is pushed back with the force of the strike and feels a slight pain in her side. She foolishly allowed herself to get distracted enough to where the mystery femme could put a knife in her side, luckily missing all major organs. This goes on for a while, the two of them exchanging blows and dodging attacks. Then Nebula saw the insignia. "Huh, what's a Cyberninja like yourself doing attacking your own allies?!" She calls.

The femme growls. "Ha, my own allies?! Don't try to fool me con!" She runs at Nebula again and paries blows with her before she gets a good look at the autobot insignia sitting on her chest. She freezes and then stumbles back in shock. "I'm so sorry! I thought I was the only one on this mudball." She says, sheathing her blade.

Nebula yanks the knife from her side. "It's fine, no harm done. What's your designation?" She holds her side and hands back the knife.

"I'm Beta-04. Whats your designations?" She looks at the two of them.

"I'm Smokescreen, and this is Nebula Prime." He chirrups, walking over to his friend. "We have a base with other Autobots, if you want you can join the team, help us out." He offers.

Beta thinks it over for a minute. "Alright, I accept your offer." She nods in appreciation. Nebula walks away from them as Smokey calls for a bridge and alerts Ratchet that they have a new ally.

The Groundbridge is soon opened and Smokescreen walks through first, followed by the femmes. Nebula immediately heads towards the hallway, still gripping her wound.

"Ep-ep-ep. Where do you think your going?!" Ratchet blocks her path. "To my berth room. Now buzz off." She pushes him out of the way and enters her room. Once the door is closed, she enters a locking code on the door so Hatchet wont try to come in and fix it. She lays on her berth and soon falls into recharge. She never allowed Ratchet anywhere near her wounds, she always let them close on their own and if they got infected, so what?! It was her problem and hers alone, it was just adding another scar to the multitude littering her plating.

*Back in the main room*

Ratchet turns to Beta. "Who are you?!"

Beta stands tall and looks down at the medic. "I am your new ally. I go by Beta-04."

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