57 (BY ME)

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The morning sun glanced through the shutters of the cabin, resting on Smokescreen's sleeping holo-form. He stirred beneath the light, and instantly his arms reached out for the female occupant that was supposed to be in the bed with him. Smokescreen reached out under the covers to grasp Nebby and pull her close so her could sleepily cuddle up to her. When his fingers dragged across cold sheets, he mumbled and opened his eyes. Smokescreen sat up, his sandy brown/blonde hair a complete mess, and his eyes groggy and half shut.

"Mmmrgg . . . Nebs?" he asked before a yawn totally took over his body. Smokescreen then stretched and fumbled as he fell out of bed then dragged himself over to his clothes. He pulled on a blue and white tank top and grey swim trunks before fumbling to the door like a drunk.

When he pulled the sliding door open, he took a deep breath, inhaling the sharp salty sea air, letting it fill his lungs. When he opened his eyes, a smile pulled across his lips, seeing Nebula sitting in the sand, watching the tide. Her long hair hung around her body oh so perfectly. She was wearing the same bikini, but with the hoodie over it. She looked over and smiled, "Heheh, morning, sleepy head." she giggled, seeing Smokescreen's groggy state.

Smokescreen smiled as he flopped down beside her and instantly began to snuggle up to her. Nebula giggled at Smokescreen's loving gesture, as the male kissed her cheek and jaw, before he let his head fall in her lap.

Nebula looked down at him with an arched brow, "What are you doing?" she asked with a smile, obviously amused.

Smokescreen yawned and stretched before he cuddled up to her again, "I wanna snuggle." he whined.

"Didn't we do that last night?" Nebula asked, as she caressed his face, the cute sign on her arm.

Smokescreen only whined in response and hugged her taught middle and smiled. He snuggled up to her, as he opened his eyes again and locked his gaze with hers, "You look amazing." he said softly.

Nebula's cheeks lit up a beautiful rosy pink as she looked away, "Oh, stop you silly." she giggled.

"I'm serious, Nebs." He sat up, and shifted so he sat before her, crossing his muscular legs, "You are an amazing femme." he pulled her close, and rested his head to hers, "And for that--and so many other reasons that would take me a mellenia to name--I love you. I always will." he held her hands.

Nebula gasped at his words, before she smiled, and covered her mouth, "Oh, Smokey." she reached forward and cupped his cheek, "I love you too." she then leaned in and hugged him.

Smokescreen slid his arms around her slender middle and hugged back, kissing her ear and temple. His hands rubbing her soft skin, his nose taking in the sweet scent of her hair. Nebula smiled as she snuggled into his comforting chest, listing to his artificial heartbeat. She felt his love flow to her, and she felt safe--protected. She felt as if nothing could hurt her while she was in his arms.

Nebula looked up at him, and spoke, "Wanna go for a swim?" she asked.

Smokescreen nodded with a big grin, instantly peeking up.

Down the length of the beach, Beta-04 came out of her hut in a bikini-like suit. It was a pair of violet shorts that went about mid-thigh, and a bikini halter top, showing off her back. Her nut brown hair was pulled back in the usual bun to sho some tattooing on her upper shoulders, biceps and thighs, much similar to the tattoos in her true form.

Her ripped six pack was concave, revealing every muscle in her torso, and each one flexed and rippled with the slightest movement. Beta-04 looked out to the sea with a sigh, the Autobot insignia on her right upper tricep, a blue coloration--like her tattoos.

Optimus soon followed her out, his black hair unkept, and his upper body bare, showing the Autotbot insignia in red on his right shoulder. He had a broad chest, an eight pack, powerful arms and shoulders like tables. Let's just say he looked like a freakin' god. He was wearing a pair of red swim trunks.

Beta-04 turned her head to look at him over her shoulder to show off his bite marks on her neck, a series of bruises along her throat down to her collar bone. Seeing them, Optimus flushed and smiled a bit, rubbing his neck.

Beta-04 cocked a brow, "What? Admiring your handy work?" she asked as she began stretching out her muscular arms. Optimus tensed up, before he grumbled and averted his gaze, blushing profusely.

"Perhaps . . ." he said after a long silence.

Beta chuckled and shook her head before she walked up to him and held his hands, she then leaned in and kissed his lips. Optimus sank into her kiss, and when he pulled away he spoke, "You are an angel." he grumbled.

Beta-04's thin lips turned up into a smile before she replied, "Let's go for a swim." she said, motioning for him to follow.

Optimus gladly followed her as they both walked into the surf. Beta-04 waded in about mid-waist, before she took a deep breath and dove beneath the surface. Optimus followed suit, swimming with his mate.

Beta-04 seemed quite adapt at . . . well, any sport, swimming included. Optimus swam beside her as he looked around beneath the waves. He admired the beauty of the coral, the fish that swam past, he also admired Beta-04 as she swam down to the bottom of the shallow cove, about fifteen feet below the surface, reaching out and touching some coral.

She looked over to Optimus, some bubbles coming from her nostrils, as she smiled at him. Optimus returned the smile before the two swam to the surface, and broke the waves, gasping for hair. Beta let out a sharp exhale, before she smiled,

"Isn't it beautiful?" she asked as she swam closer to him, her hair plastered to her face.

Optimus nodded, "This world is full of wonders." he leaned forward and kissed her nose, "And with each wonder, it is only improved when I observe it with you."

"Aww, you charmer." Beta rolled her eyes, before she began swimming along the shore. Optimus kept pace, before he looked over seeing Nebula and Smokescreen swimming around.

Optimus then looked out to sea seeing something approaching the two young lovers, "My love, what is that?" he stopped swimming and pointed.

Beta looked over her shoulder and noticed the dark mass beneath the surface instantly, and the color drained from her face, "NEBULA! SMOKEY! GET OUT OF THE WATER!!" she yelled, making Optimus jump.

Nebula perked up, and looked over, seeing the dark mass swiftly approaching, she gasped, before yelping as Smokescreen grabbed her arms and yanked her out of the water. Nebula shrieked as she saw a black dorsal fin streak across the surface before vanishing again.

Beta gasped, "We need to get out of the water, now." she said darkly.

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