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Thank you so much dear this cover n banner is Awsme what have made... I really loved it.... Believing_In_Fate




Here u go
Happy reading guys...



Yes... She!!

She is a girl.. A normal girl with paranormal dreams..

Who want to explore people but don't know what and how to talk with them ..

Want to have a lot of friends but afraid of making one..

She is want to learn new things but feared of getting hurt..

Can't see others in pain but sleeps herself with tears daily..

Love helping others but no one has ever stood for her..

She want to be loved by someone but don't trust anyone..

Want to enjoy her life but is busy chasing her dreams..

Want a perfect husband but working hard to fulfil Her dreams on her own..

Love kids but don't want to get married to have her own..

Love fairy tales but don't believe in true love..

Has 60 moods in a minute but tries to calm herself..

Listen to hundreds of taunts but never loses her patience..

Sometimes gets angry over someone but the next moment feels guilty more than the hurt caused..

Want to achieve something great but society won't let her..

Yes..!!  This is what she is...!!

This is not the story of every girl out there.. But it's hers.. The one who is DIFFERENT from others...

The one who is struggling for each single breath...

Suffering from loneliness, stress, depression and hundreds - thousands of other problems in her life without any fault of hers ...

Yet termed as different from others...

Yes... She is DIFFERENT...


Yes... She is different from the world out one see....

Different from others...

But in her own beautiful way....


•~ Your Own dear diary •~


Hey people..
How are you..
Here is another one shot ..

Hope you ll like it this too...

If u like it then don't forget to hit like star n let me know how is it by commenting down to the comment box 👇....

It really makes my day dearies it really inspires me to express myself more in a better way to u people... So do support n acknowledge me...


Hey guys...
Hope u like it...

Till then bubbye

Take care..

Signing off...

Your love...



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