Part 4 A Date and an Accident

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Current Day: The Day of Dread, Valentines Day.

Thanatos stood in front of his Team's door, he was breathing faster, and oddly gaining a red blush to his face, his Grimm arm resembled that of a Beowolf arm, and in the palm was a... bouquet of roses? His jagged scaled Crocodile tail swishes side to side, at least hinting that he's happy or excited about something, "Come on Thanatos, you can do this...." says Thanatos in his mind, he looks at his hand, the hand that he used to touch Rin's chest, to feel her heart, he felt..... alive, almost as if he was inanimate for nearly his entire life, and suddenly feels more alive, to his right a pool of Grimm Goo forms, and not knowing a scorpion happens to accidentally walk into it, it gets pulled in, where it mutates, and crawls out as a Deathstalker, and scurries to an open window, the puddle disappears, at that Thanatos opens the door, he knows Rin is the only one inside, "Thanatos, hey, what are you doing back so ear...." says Rin as she sees the roses, and turns a deep red color, so much that her only red eye seemed to be darker in color, Thanatos takes a deep breath, and exhales, "Rin, another day can't go bye without me asking this, Will you be by Valentine?" says Thanatos, calmly in voice, but his tail is having a major swishing attack, he hands her the flowers and waits patiently for Rin's answer. Rin, blushing already can't help but breathe heavily, "It's okay Rin, just calm down and SAY  YES OUM DAMIT!!!! IF YOU SAY NO YOU WILL DIE ALONE!!!!" Rin exhales, "Y-Yes, Thanatos, I will, but can we....." says Ren as she stops and blushes even darker, "Can we what?" asks Thanatos, his tail stopped wagging and remains still, afraid of what she would say, "I want to go on a date.... you and me... please." asks Rin, "That would be, perfect." says Thanatos as his tail wags faster, almost as if it's going to break off. "D-Dos at 8:00 sound good?" asks Thanatos, as Rin nods her head, and uses her hand to touch underneath Thanatos's chin, and pulls him in close, strangely he lets her do so, she brought his face closer to hers and there she kissed his lips, Thanatos kissed back, it was a short, but an amazing kiss, "Rin, I'll be back, see ya at 8." says Thanatos as he grabs his keys, and walks out the door, while Rin waits till Thanatos is farther away, where she then fangirls to the top of her lungs.

Thanatos, goes to the second entrance, that leads to a parking garage, above ground, he takes the elevator, to level G, space 0, once there, he removes the tarp, showing a black motorcycle with red lines, resembling a Grimm, the Motorcycle is being held down by white metal chains, on the seat is just sunglasses, he puts them on, and instantly the chains unravel, and wrap around some parts of the motorcycle, he then gets on, and inserts his key as he places his hand on a strange metal pad that seems to be scanning his palm, the pad then glows yellow indicating access granted, he then placed his hands on the handles, and instantly the Grimmcycle roars into life, the exhaust pipes breathe out what seems to be Grimm smoke instead of Carbon Dioxide, he backs out, and speeds up through the parking garage opening, and into the streets of Vale, he eventually arrives at a old warehouse, in the dark part of Vale, he parks behind some crates, and as soon as he gets off, the white chains re lock the Grimmcycle in place. Thanatos walks to the door, and bangs on the door really hard, until a girl's voice comes from inside, 
"WHO THE BLOODY HELL IS IT??????" yells the mysterious voice from inside, "Cram it Bimbo." says Thanatos rather angrily, at that a locking mechanism was heard unlocking, and the door opened to reveal a medium sized pale girl, with dark blue hair, her eyes shine red, her name was Delta Apex, an Orphan, and a bandit, she is obviously intimidated by Thanatos, "Welcome back Boss." says a tall heavily tanned teen, who has a mechanical tail, with sails on the side, "Well, who knew, The Beast is alive, How are you doing big guy?" asks Thanatos as he gets closer to the guy named beast, smirks showing four fang like teeth, he wears a black t-shirt and black cargo pants, and black boots, on his arms, he has rather nasty looking jagged scars, that's mostly due to wrestling with Thanatos, "Guess were waiting for Pyro head, again." says Thanatos, he then looks to Beast, "Hey Big guy, care for a wrestling match?" says Thanatos as he takes his arm guard and chest plate off, and took his shirt off, showing that he is a bit skinny, few bits of muscle show, as he shifts his left arm into that of a Beowolfs arm, to keep it even in his case, Beast growls, and takes his shirt off, showing more scars and well toned muscles, Delta steps back, and climbs up to the catwalk, afraid for her life as usual, as Thanatos and Beast stand in the direct center of the room, their fists raised up, their rather even in height, but only one is stronger, Thanatos goes and throws a punch into Beast's chin, Beast growls and sends his fists downward, trying to knock him out before Thanatos can attack back, however Thanatos punches Beast in the stomach and lifts him up, and tosses him to the wall, Beast brushes himself off, and charges at Thanatos, and punches him in the stomach, their Aura levels are halfway, they both can take a beating, but for how long? Beast then grabs Thanatos by his tail and throws him to the wall, Thanatos gets up and shakes himself off, and charges, Beast starts to charge, they collide their fists pushing against fists, trying to push one into submission, Thanatos then grows a Grimm spike and slash/impales Beast's chest, making him roar, and end up off guard, allowing Thanatos to use his tail to wrap around Beast's fist immobilizing it, Thanatos then brings his forearm down on Beast's arm, and kicks Beast's leg from under him making him topple, Thanatos then uses his hand and presses a pressure point on Beast's shoulder, "I GIVE!!!" yells Beast as Thanatos lets him go and pants, "Sorry *huff,* maybe *huff,* we went a little *huff,* over bored..." says Thanatos, as Beast chuckles, "Just a little bit." says Beast as he uses his mechanical tail to re align his arm, "Is it getting hot in hear or is it just me?" comes a girls voice, "Heh, Flare Royal, Princess of the Flames." says Thanatos, as he somewhat bows, "You may rise, Thanatos Grimmson, prince of Grimm." says Flare as her mixed skin seems to glow in the light, and the light just reflects off of her shining red scales, her tail swishes, and her horns sharp and lovely, her Raven black hair resembles a certain style of a cunning fake Fall Maiden. Flare wears a red hoodie, with black shorts, and wearing combat boots, and strapped to her side is, Draco, the Dragon Blade in all it's glory, Beast grunts, and Delta shakes in fear, mostly because that she is the smallest one, well except in cleavage, bigger than Flare, just an inch, but you wouldn't really see it, "Let me guess, your father grounded you, and that's why your wings are growing." says Thanatos, making Flare snicker, "Old men have major issues, can't see why he stuck with my hag of a mother." says Flare, (Cinder is still young looking.) as she then unsheathes Draco, and looks to Thanatos, "Care for a old fashioned Dual?" asks Flare as her black sclera and amber irises shimmer with strange intent, Thanatos smirks and in his right hand a Grimm bone Great-sword, "When ever you are ready Fire Lizard." says Thanatos, as he holds his left arm up, and bends his legs, Flare holds Draco with two hands, and gets into her stance, being bent legs, and having the blade in front of her face, just so that it looks like it's under her eyes, she spins and delivers a strike, aiming for Thanatos's legs, however, he prevents the contact by placing his blade in front of him, Thanatos then swings his blade, however Flare blocks it, they push their weight against each other, it's a mystery on how the two blades don't break, due to all that pressure, however Thanatos then starts to push not forward but to the side, causing Flare's blade to go down, where Thanatos then changes hands, and grabs Flare's face, and sends her flying, her Aura is going to yellow, she growls and runs at Thanatos, who stabs his sword into the ground, and gets ready to catch Flare, she gets close enough where Thanatos grabs her, and sends her to the wall, where her horns get stuck in, Thanatos then sends a electric dust crystal to Flare, causing an explosion, her Aura in the red, and she kneels, panting, the cloud of dust clears showing not a single scratch, "You still have it, Deadarm." says Flare, as she helps herself up, and punches Thanatos's arm, making them all laugh, "So Thanatos, w-why are you here?" asks Delta as she feels like it's safe, "I have a date, tonight." says Thanatos, at that Beast chuckles and pats Thanatos's back, "W-With who?" asks Delta, who is always so skittish, "A Teammate, and that's all you need to know, besides Beast paying up." says Thanatos as he holds his arm out, "Fine, I remember the bet." says Beast, "What was the Bet?" asks Flare, her interest sudden, "Just to see if I get a date before Beast confesses." says Thanatos as Beast puts the Lien into Thanatos's hand, "Thank you, now it's time for you to confess." says Thanatos, and it was at that, for the first time ever, anyone has seen Beast blush, which he just turns around, and walks away, the light bulbs popping as he goes near them, "That was odd." says Delta, making Thanatos and Flare chuckle, "W-What is it?" asks Delta, now scared, "Nothing, nothing at all." says Thanatos, "Yeah, you'll figure it out." says Flare as she goes to her side of the warehouse and lays in her hammock, and exhales in relaxation, "Eh, anyway, see you all later when the date is done with." says Thanatos as he puts his glasses back on, and touches his Grimmcycle, causing the chains to wrap up, and then starts it, and swerves away from the warehouse, and back into town, to the parking garage, where he parks his Grimmcycle, letting the chains secure it in place, and then he walks away as the tarp places itself over the Grimmcycle.

Thanatos wears a black suit, with a red trim, the right arm sleeve is decorated with white, resembling Grimm masks, all of the Grimm masks represent the type of Grimm that are used for his arm, his right arm takes on the appearance of a Geist wearing a slimmer version of the Arma Gigas, he steps out of his room, and waits for Rin to step out of Alexis and Terra's room, and then she steps out, wearing a rather peculiar attire, black leggings, a black tank top, however part of the back of the tank top was cut, to allow easy access to her semblance, and wearing high heels, "So where are we going?" asks Rin, "A really special place." says Thanatos, as he offers his Arma Gigas hand, and she takes it, the two go on to an amazing dinner, how ever, as they leave for a walk in the woods, that's where things go down hill quick. Bandits in the forest, attack, a blade slashes across Rin's face, causing her to fall, as someone swiftly punches her in the bac k of her head, Thanatos, growls, and shifts into a Grimm form, the Dreaded Dragon Prince form, it is in this form, that he takes on all ten bandits, weapons firing and being slashed at Thanatos's Grimm form, but nothing helps, as three are removed of their limbs, four have their heads bitten off, two cut in half due to a slice from a Geist claw, and one laying on the ground watching in horror as he then gets stepped on, Rin slowly comes back, her vision blurry, that is until she sees the carnage, and the Grimm Dragon Prince, "Are you going to eat me?" asks Rin as she falls back down, passing out, as Thanatos shifts back to his normal looks, and holds Rin bridal style, and stops, as he licks the blood off of her face, savoring her taste, he shakes his head, and carries her back to Oblivion, to the infirmary.

The Infirmary, Current time, 2:03 Am.

Thanatos holds Rin's hand, feeling her pulse weaken by the second, she's dying, slowly, the heart rate is slow, breathing tubes had to be put into her nostrils, it's only Rin and Thanatos in the room, "I know what I should do but.... I don't want her to live that way...." says Thanatos, as he summons a Deathstalker, and holds it over Rin's slowly dying body, he lowers his hand and lets the Deathstalker crawl onto Rin's stomach, as it tries to find, her heart, the Death stalker stops at the middle of Rin's chest, and makes a hissing sound, "Bind." says Thanatos as the small Grimm slowly merges into Rin, and forms a small Tattoo, of a strange Glyph, resembling a spiked circle and a scorpions claw in the middle, and then Rin's eyes flew open, rises quickly and takes a big breath, "T-Thanatos, what happened?" asks Rin as the tattoo fades, "Nothing, just you passed out, I took care of it." says Thanatos, as he kisses Rin's hand, which makes her blush, and in so causing their relationship to begin, though Rin has at times night terrors of Thanatos in that form, it looked like he was smiling, as if he enjoyed, killing humans, and maybe faunus, she is going to have to be careful, around him.

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