Part 6 Deal with Red Wine

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Weeks have passed since the accident, Rin, was completely..... fine, though Thanatos feared for Rin's life, which was a big mistake, it fed his inner Grimm, his true self, though it misses several pieces, as if they got lost and disintegrated in his genetic code. Thanatos was walking though the dark parts of Vale, when a flier went into his face, he moved it and read it, "Requesting Volunteers for Grimm research, follow the blood lines." says the flier, Thanatos looks at the ground and sees a blood red metal marker with an arrow pointing to the left. "Blood lines." says Thanatos as he starts to follow the markers, from walking to jogging then to running, when he reaches an old factory, spray painted condemned, "Clever, place a lab where no one wants to be." says Thanatos as he opens the door and walks in.

Thanatos walks into the lab, and is met with Dr Merlot, "Greetings young one, I see you have come fo..." says Merlot as he sees the Grimm arm, "My Oum, what happened to you?"asks Merlot, "Born with it." says Thanatos, as he stands there, "Listen, I want to be stronger, and my father won't allow that." says Thanatos, "I-I see." says Dr Merlot, completely perplexed about the Grimm arm, "Can you make me stronger?" asks Thanatos, as he shifts his arm into a Geist arm, "I believe so, though the way may be complex..." says Dr Merlot as he leads Thanatos into a separate part of the lab, a cryogenic lab of some sorts, within the tubes held neon green glowing crystals, all of them different sizes and seemed radioactive, for they all glowed the exact same Neon Green glow, Merlot leads Thanatos to the center of the room, where an examination chair stands, plastic tubes hook it up to metal needles, "Now I am going to use an experimental amount of liquified mutant Grimm into you, due to my scans telling me your incomplete." says Merlot, Thanatos sighs and sits in the chair, "How long will it last?" asks Thanatos, "forty eight minutes." says Merlot as he turns the machine on, and a single needle stabs into Thanatos's grimm arm, he doesn't wince, or show signs of displeasure, and once the needle moves out, the Geist arm began to alter, the bone like arm became way thicker, and wider in the bone part, the shoulders grew neon green crystals, it looked stronger, it felt stronger, Thanatos bows to Dr Merlot and leaves, without saying another word, Merlot knows that Thanatos will be back, sooner or later.

Thanatos walks through the streets, and walks into an alley way, and he stops, as he sense someone behind him, "Give me your lien kid." says the person, brandishing a knife and pointing it at Thanatos. Thanatos only chuckles sadistically, "You call that a weapon? Hell I wouldn't even use that to kill yourself." says Thanatos and shows his sharp teeth top the bandit. Like a lightning strike he grew a Deathstalker tail and pierced the bandit's chest, however he didn't stop there more Deathstalker tails grew and pierced the bandit everywhere tearing him apart filling the night with the sound of pain and misery.

Thanatos disappears from the scene, people scream in horror the next morning when the body was found. The people and the police call the person who did it the Angel Grimm, because they found two Nevermore feathers at the scene. Meanwhile back with Thanatos, Thanatos sits in his dorm room and watches Rin sleep peacefully. Although it was kind of odd finding her in his bed, he lightly chuckles and lightly kisses her but at the same time of the kiss the neon green crystals disintegrate the arm goes back to it's normal sized of a Beowolf's arm. He knew it wasn't permanent. He knows that he will need more.

Meanwhile at the Grimmson Manner, Obsidian puts on a suit while Yang gets ready. "Hey Yang, where did they say this would be again?" asks Obsidian. Yang looks at herself in the mirror and decides to either put on some makeup or not, she decides not to "Umm I think Rubes said at Junior's Club. she says she has a huge surprise. Even Blake will be there..." says Yang as she lets out a sigh. She can't get over how she nearly killed her best friend when she was pregnant with Thanatos. Obsidian opens the door and walks in and hugs his beautiful wife in his arms, he could smell her pain like it was a perfume. "Yang, it's best not to dwell in the past. Blake is your friend she loves you as her best friend, she is happy your happy. You are part of her life as am I." says Obsidian as he kisses her neck, and with that single kiss Yang feels her pain and sadness go away a little bit. She loves it and hates it when he does that, he eats her pain to make her feel better. Obsidian chuckles and then moves and brings her closer and kisses her lips. "Yang Xiao Long Grimmson, the Grimm Queen." says Obsidian with a chuckle as he then takes Yang by the hand and takes her outside however he covers her eyes in doing so. When they get outside he uncovers his hands to reveal Yang's motorcycle. "Care to drive my love?" says Obsidian. Yang smiles and nods and with that they get on and ride off to Junior's Club.

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