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Essential Idioms in English

A d v a n c e d 


LESSON 28................................................................................................................ 3  

LESSON 29................................................................................................................ 5  

LESSON 30................................................................................................................ 8  

LESSON 31.............................................................................................................. 10  

LESSON 32.............................................................................................................. 12  

LESSON 33.............................................................................................................. 14  

LESSON 34.............................................................................................................. 17  

LESSON 35.............................................................................................................. 19  

LESSON 36.............................................................................................................. 21  

LESSON 37.............................................................................................................. 23  

LESSON 38.............................................................................................................. 26  

LESSON 39.............................................................................................................. 28  

REVIEW-LESSON 28 TO 39 ................................................................................... 31  




to let up: to slacken, to lessen in intensity; to relax or ease one’s effort (also: related idiom: to take it easy)

  If the rain doesn’t let up soon, we won’t be able to have our picnic.

  When Jane is working, she never lets up for a moment.

  Jane should take it easy or she’ll get exhausted.

to lay off: to abstain from, stop using as a habit; to release or discharge from a job (also: related idiom: to let go) (S)

  If you’re trying to lose weight, you should lay off sweet things.

  If business continues to be slow, we will have to lay off some workers.

  It will be necessary to let the youngest employees go first.

to bring out: to show or introduce (to the public) (S); to make available (S)

  Most automobile companies bring out new models each year.

  My mother brought some snacks out for my friends and me to have.

to bring back: to return a bought or borrowed item (also: to take back) (S)

To bring back is used when you are speaking at the place that an item is bought or borrowed; to take back is used

when speaking at another place.

  Ma’am, our store policy is that you can bring back the dress as long as you have your sales receipt.

  You can borrow my car if you promise to bring it back by six o’clock.

  I have to take this book back to the library today.

to wait up for: to wait until late at night without going to bed

  Don’t wait up for me. I may be back after midnight.

  We waited up for our son until two o’clock in the morning before we called the police.

to leave (someone or something) alone: not to disturb, to stay away from (S) (also: to let alone)

  Leave the baby alone for a while and she may go to sleep.

  After the cat had scratched Peter twice, he let it alone.

let alone: and certainly not (also: not to mention, to say nothing of)

Let alone is used after negative forms. The example that follows let alone is much less possible than

the example that precedes let alone.

  I’m too sick today to walk to the kitchen, let alone to go to the zoo with you.

  He doesn’t even speak his own language well, let alone French.

to break off: to terminate, to discontinue (S)

  After war began, the two countries broke off diplomatic relations.

  Else and Bob were once engaged, but they have already broken it off.  


to wear off: to disappear gradually


  My headache isn’t serious. It will wear off after an hour or so.

  The effect of the painkilling drug didn’t wear off for several hours.

to wear down: to become worn gradually through use (also: to wear away, to wear through) (S)

Compare with to wear out (to become useless from wear) in Lesson 8.

  If you drag your feet while you walk, you’ll wear down your shoes quickly.

  The pounding of ocean waves against the coast gradually wears it away.

  Johnny has worn through the seat of his pants.

  Helga threw away that dress because she had worn it out.

on the whole: in general, in most ways (also: by and large

  He is, on the whole, a good student.

  By and large, I agree with your suggestions.

touch and go: risky, uncertain until the end

  The complicated medical operation was touch and go for several hours.

  The outcome of the soccer final was touch and go for the entire match.


*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous



1. Mary      discontinued her relationship with Paul because she couldn’t…

Mary broke off her relationship with Paul because she couldn’t put up with him anymore. 

2.      The effect of the wine disappeared gradually after I…

3.      I think that we should wait without going to bed for our daughter until she…

4.      In general, it is best for a student learning English to…

5.      The company was forced to release hundreds of workers because business…

6.      Sir, you can return your jacket to the store if you…

7.      The outcome of the 100-meter race was uncertain because the four runners…  


8.      I have no time to visit the park, and certainty not the…

9.      If the snowstorm doesn’t slacken, we won’t be able to…

10.  I want you not to disturb me so that I…

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.


1.      If you want to keep a favorite pair of shoes, what can you do when the sole (bottom) of the shoes wears down?

2.      Have you ever been worried and had to wait up for someone? Why was the person late?

3.      In your country, is it possible to take back an item to a store after you have bought it?

4.      Why is it important to let up if you have been working for several hours without a break?

5.      Give an example of when you should leave a child alone.

6.      Why should smokers lay off smoking cigarettes?

7.      How long does it take for the effects of a drug such as alcohol to wear off?

8.      For what reasons would one country break off relations with another country?

9.      On the whole, what is your favorite music?


to work out: to exercise; to develop, to devise (a plan) (S)

  Jane works out at the fitness center every other morning before going to school.

  The advertising department worked out a plan to increase company sales.

  We couldn’t come up with a good plan for solving the problem, but we agreed to work it out at a later date.

to back up: to drive or go backwards (S), to defend, to support (S); to return to a previous thought

  I couldn’t back my car up because there was a bicycle in the driveway behind me.

  Ursula asked her friends to back her up when she went to court to fight a ticket for an illegal lane change on the


  Wait a minute. Could you back up and say that again?

to back out: to drive a vehicle out of a parking space (S); to withdraw support, to fail to fulfill a promise or


  The parking lot attendant had to back another car out before he could get to mine.

  We were all ready to sign the contracts when one of the parties to the agreement backed out.

to have one's heart set on: to desire greatly, to be determined to

  She has her heart set on taking a trip abroad. She's been thinking about it for months.

  Todd has his heart set on going to medical school and becoming a doctor.  



to buy up: to buy the complete stock of (S) – 

  Before the hurricane struck, residents bought up all the food and water in local stores.

  The government plans to buy up all surplus grain in order to stabilize the price.

to buy out: to purchase a business or company (S); to purchase all of a person's shares or stock (S

This idiom is similar in meaning to to take over in Lesson 23.

  Larger companies often buy out smaller companies that are having financial difficulties.

  Mr. Lee has been trying for some time to buy his partner out so that he can control the company by himself.

to sell out: to sell all items (S); to arrange for the sale of a company or business (S

  That store is closing its doors for good and is selling out everything this weekend.

  If my new business enterprise is successful, I'll sell it out for a few million dollars.

to catch on: to become popular or widespread; to understand, to appreciate a joke

This idiom is often used with the preposition to for the second definition.

  Fashions of the past often catch on again among young people.

  When the teacher speaks quickly like that, can you catch on easily?

  His joke was very funny at the time, but when I told it to others later, nobody seemed to catch on. I had to tell the

joke again before anyone could catch on to it.

to be cut out for: to have the necessary skills or talent for

This idiom is most often used in the negative or in questions.

  John is certainly not cut out for the work of a trial lawyer.

  Are you certain that you are cut out for that kind of job?

to throw out: to discard (S); to remove by force (S); to refuse to consider, to reject (S)

  Instead of throwing out our paper waste in the office, we should recycle it.

  When a fight broke out between two people on the dance floor, the management threw them out.

  The judge threw the case out because there was insufficient evidence to try the defendant successfully.

to throw up: to erect or construct quickly (S); to vomit (S)

  The Red Cross threw up temporary shelters for the homeless victims of the earthquake.

  The ill patient is unable to digest her food properly, so she is throwing all of it up.

to clear up: to make understandable (also: to straighten out) (S); to become sunny

  The teacher tried to clear up our confusion about the meaning of the difficult paragraph in the reading.

  It's rather cloudy this morning. Do you think that it will clear up later?  




*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous


1. After      Jane exercised for an hour at the gym, she…

2. Larry

defended his friend who was accused of…

3. The      company withdrew support for the joint venture when…

4.      This weekend I really am determined to

5.      That company will have to sell all its items if…

6.      When a new product becomes popular, stores should…

7.      I don’t think that Felix doesn’t have the necessary talent for parenthood because he…

8. Instead of

discarding newspapers and plastics, people should…

9.      The teacher tried to make understandable the problem in class, but the students…

10.  If the weather becomes sunny this afternoon, we’ll…

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1.      When you are telling a complicated story to someone, when might you have to back up?

2.      Is there anything at the moment that you have your heart set on? What is it?

3.      If you can’t catch on to a joke, but everyone else does, what do you do?

4.      Do you think that you would be cut out for the job of politician? Why or why not?

5. Do      you throw out items of clothing when they are worn out, or do you find ways to reuse them? Give

examples of how some items might be reused.

6.      For what reason might a person be thrown out of a private affair?

7.      Suppose that you have a serious misunderstanding with a friend. When would you want to clear up the

misunderstanding right away, and when would you let some time pass by before straightening it out?  





to slow down: to go, or cause to go, more slowly (also: to slow up) (S)

This idiom can be used both with and without an object.

  The car was going so fast that the motorist couldn’t slow it down enough to make the sharp curve.

  You’re eating too fast to digest your food well. Slow down!

  Slow up a bit! You’re talking so quickly that I can’t catch on well.

to dry up: to lose, or cause to lose, all moisture (S); to be depleted

  Every summer the extreme heat in this valley dries the stream up.

  All funds for the project dried up when the local government faced a budget crisis.

to dry out: to lose, or cause to lose, moisture gradually (S); to stop drinking alcohol in excess (also: to sober up)

  Martha hung the towel outside on the clothesline in order to dry it out.

  Some people go to alcohol recovery centers in order to dry out.

to be up to (something): to be doing something; to be planning or plotting something, scheming

The first definition usually takes the form of a question.

  Hi, Jake. I haven’t seen you in a long time. What have you been up to?

  Those boys hiding behind the building must be up to something bad.

to beat around the bush: to avoid discussing directly, to evade the issue

Our boss beats around the bush so much that no one in the office knows exactly what he wants us to do.

Instead of beating around the bush, Melinda explained her objection in very clear terms.

to come to an end: to end, to stop

This idiom is used with finally and never when some activity lasts too long.

  The meeting finally came to an end at ten o’clock in the evening.

  Even though my friend seemed to enjoy the movie, I thought that it would never come to an end.

to put an end to: to cause to end, to terminate in a definite manner (also: to do away with

  The dictatorial government put an end to organized opposition in the country by making it illegal to form a

political party.

  It may never be possible to do away with all forms of prejudice and discrimination in the world.

to get even with: to seek revenge, to retaliate

This idiom is similar in meaning to to have it in for in Lesson 27.

  Bill has had it in for his boss for a long time. He told me he’s planning to get even with his boss by

giving some company secrets to a competitor.

  I want to get even with Steve for beating me so badly in tennis last time. The scores were 6-1 and 6-2.

to fool around: to waste time; to joke, not to be serious

  The teacher got angry because her students were fooling around and couldn’t finish their work before the end of


  Sometimes I wish that Pat would stop fooling around so much and talk about something more interesting to


to look out on: to face, to overlook

  We really enjoy our new apartment that looks out on a river.

  Their rear window looks out on a lovely garden.  


to stir up: to cause anger (S); to create (trouble or difficulty) (S)

  The senseless murder of a small child stirred up the whole neighborhood.

  The boss is in a bad mood today so don’t stir her up with any more customer complaints.

to take in: to visit in order to enjoy (S); to decrease the size of clothes (S); to deceive, to fool (S)

  We decided to take in Toronto on our trip to Canada, and that is where we took in the most memorable outdoor

stage play we have ever seen.

  Lois lost so much weight that she had her skirts and slacks taken in by her tailor.

  The fraudulent investment advisor took everyone in with his sincere manner and generous promises. Most

investors lost all their money.



*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous


1.      Many of the lakes in this part of the country have lost all moisture because…

2.      When I asked Ted what he was doing, he responded that…

3.      Karen hopes this meeting stops soon because…

4.      If the government wants to terminate drug abuse in this country, it will have to…

5. Ruth

sought revenge on the girl who stole her boyfriend away from her by…

6.      Because our son Alien is always joking, nobody…

7.      The house for sale was a valuable piece of property because it faced

8.      Old-time residents in the neighborhood became angered when their new neighbor…

9.      Marge has lost so much weight in the last month that she has had to decrease the size of

10.  We visited the San Diego Zoo in order to visit and enjoy  



*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1.      If someone asked you what you were up to these days, how would you respond?

2.      How can you tell when young children are up to something? Can you remember any personal experience when

you were a child?

3.      When might someone choose to beat around the bush? What could you do to avoid this?

4.      What problems in the world would you like to put an end to? Do you think that there is hope for this?

5.      Has someone ever stirred you up so much that you wanted to get even with him or her? What did you do?

6.      What attractions in the area that you are living now have you already taken in?

7.      Have you ever been taken in by someone such as a salesperson or a stranger on the street? What happened?


to go through: to undergo, to experience; to consume, to use (also: to use up)

The first definition is used when someone is having some hardship or difficulty.

  I can’t believe what she went through to get that job. She had four interviews with the hiring committee in one


  Frank said that they had gone through all the toilet paper in the house, but Steve couldn’t believe that they had

used it all up.

to go without saying: to be known without the need to mention

This idiom occurs with a that-clause, often with the pronoun it as the subject.

  It goes without saying that you shouldn’t drive quickly in bad weather.

  That he will gain weight if he continues to eat and drink so much goes without saying.

to put (someone) on: to mislead by joking or tricking (S)

This idiom is usually used in a continuous tense form. A noun object must divide the idiom.

  Don’t worry. I wouldn’t expect you do all that work by yourself. I’m just putting you on.

  Jack can’t be serious about what he said. He must be putting us on.

to keep one’s head: to remain calm during an emergency

  When the heater caused a fire, Gloria kept her head and phoned for assistance right away; otherwise, the whole

house might have burned down.

  When the boat starting sinking in heavy seas, the crew members kept their heads and led the passengers to the


to lose one’s head: not to think clearly, to lose one’s self-control

  When Mel saw a dog in the street right in front of his car, he lost his head and drove onto the sidewalk and into a


  If the politician hadn’t gotten stirred up and lost his head, he never would have criticized his opponent unfairly.

narrow-minded: not willing to accept the ideas of others (the opposite of narrow minded is broad-minded)

  Narrow-minded people tend to discriminate against groups of people with which they have nothing in common.

  Ted is so broad-minded that he has almost no standards by which he judges others.

to stand up: to withstand use or wear; to fail to appear for a date or social engagement (S

  My old car has .stood up well over the years. I haven’t had any major problems at all.

  Janet was very angry because her new boyfriend stood her up on their second date. She waited over an hour for

him before returning home.  


to get the better of: to win or defeat by gaining an advantage over someone

  Jim doesn’t seem very athletic at tennis, but if you’re not careful, he’ll get the better of you.


  Lynn gets frustrated when Bruce gets the better of her in arguments. No matter what she says, he always has a

clever response.

to break loose: to become free or loose, to escape

  During the bad storm, the boat broke loose from the landing and drifted out to sea.

  One bicyclist broke loose from the pack of racers and pulled ahead towards the finish line.

on edge: nervous, anxious; upset, irritable

  Cynthia was on edge all day about the important presentation she had to give to the local citizens group.

  I don’t like being around Jake when he’s on edge like that. Someone should tell him to calm down and relax.

to waste one’s breath: not be able to convince someone

This idiom is used when someone is wasting time trying to convince another person. The idiom to save one’s breath

is related and means not to waste effort trying to convince someone.

  Don’t argue with Frank any longer. You are wasting your breath trying to get him to agree with you.

  I have already decided what I’m going to do. You can’t change my mind, so save your breath.

to cut short: to make shorter, to interrupt (S)

  The moderator asked the speaker to cut short his talk because there wasn’t much time remaining for questions

from the audience.

  We were very unfortunate when we received bad news from home that forced us to cut our trip short.


*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous


1.      Mr. Larsen is in the hospital undergoing emergency surgery because he…

2.      When you feel sick, it doesn’t need to be mentioned that…

3. Steve was     misleading me when he told me that…

4.      After the serious earthquake, most people remained calm, but unfortunately some people…

5. You are not able to convince someone if he or she is not willing to accept the ideas of others, so it is better to…

6. Betty      failed to appear for her date because she…

7.      Your car will withstand use longer if you…  



8.      Our team was able to win by gaining an advantage over the other team because…

9.      The politician was nervous before she…

10.  The meeting was suddenly interrupted because…

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1. Do      you go through money quickly? What is your biggest expense?

2.      Have you ever gone through a medical operation? What was it?

3.      Do you enjoy putting others on, or are you a rather serious person?

4.      During an emergency, how can you keep your head?

5.      In what kind of emergency might you be likely to lose your head?

6.      Have you ever stood anyone up? What were the circumstances of the situation that caused you to do so?

7.      In what sport would an athlete try to break loose from an opponent?

8.      Does talking in front of a large audience put you on edge? Why or why not?


to step in: to become involved or concerned with something; to enter a place for a brief time (also: to step into)

  When the children started fighting on the playground, a teacher had to step in and stop the fight.

  The supervisor asked one of the employees to step in her office for a moment.

  Would you step into the hallway so that I can show you the information posted on the bulletin board?

to step down: to retire or leave a top position, to resign

  Next May the principal will step down after thirty-five years of service to the school.

  The angry shareholders wanted the company president to step down because of the stock scandal.

to step on: to treat severely, to discipline; to go faster, to work more quickly

For the second definition, the idiom is followed by the pronoun if.

  Sometimes it’s necessary to step on children when they do something dangerous.

  We’re going to be late for the movies. You’d better step on it!

a steal: very inexpensive, a bargain

This idiom is often used in an exclamation using what.

  I can’t believe that I paid only $2,000 for this three-year-old car. What a steal!

  Scott considered it a steal when he bought a complete bedroom set for only $99.

to play up to: to behave so as to gain favor with someone

  The other students in the class resent Jim because he plays up to the teacher in order to get better grades.

  When my children asked me to go shopping for a new video game, I knew why they had been playing up to me all


more or less: approximately, almost; somewhat, to a certain degree

  Although your bedroom feels smaller, it’s more or less the same size as mine.

  Ted more or less agreed with our decision to put off the meeting until more members could show up. At least he

didn’t object strongly.  


to goof up: to perform badly, to make a mistake (also: to mess up, to slip up

  I really goofed up on the exam today; did you mess up, too?

  Karen slipped up when she forgot to deposit money into her checking account.

to go off the deep end: to get very angry and do something hastily


  Just because you had a serious argument with your supervisor, you didn’t have to go off the deep end and resign,

did you?

  When Dan’s wife demanded a divorce, he went off the deep end again. This time he was shouting so that the

whole neighborhood could hear.

to lose one’s touch: to fail at what one used to do well

  Milton used to be the best salesman at the car dealership, but recently he seems to have lost his touch.

  I used to play tennis very well, but today you beat me easily. I must be losing my touch.

in hand: under firm control, well managed

  The copilot asked the pilot if he had the plane in hand or whether he needed any help navigating through the

severe thunderstorm.

  The police officer radioed to the station that she had the emergency situation in hand and didn’t require any


on hand: available, nearby

This idiom is often followed by in case.

  I always keep some extra money on hand in case I forget to get cash from the bank.

  The concert organizers arranged to have some security guards on hand in case there were any problems during

the performance.


*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as well.

Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous lessons.

1.      During the lengthy workers’ strike, the police had to become involved when…

2.      After leaving his office down the hall, my supervisor briefly entered my office to…

3.      The old man who founded the company decided to retire when…

4.      Because the mean boss severely treated his employees on many occasions, none of them…

5.      Mike thought that the camera advertised in the newspaper was a bargain, so he…

6. The      children behaved so as to gain favor with their parents in order to…

7.      The young child caused problems in his bicycle by…  



8. Lenny performed badly on the physics test because he…

9.      I hope that the football coach doesn’t get angry and do something hastily because he seems to be failing at

what he usually does well; recently his football team…

10.  The stores in town didn’t have enough drinking water available after the typhoon, so hundreds of people…

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1.      If someone was being attacked by a thief, would you step in and help the person? Why or why not?

2.      Why might you have to step on it in the morning? Does this happen often to you?

3.      Have you ever goofed up on an important test? Why did it happen?

4.      Have you ever gone off the deep end? What happened?

5.      For what reasons might an athlete lose his or her touch at a sport

6.      Is there any special skill that you have well in hand? What is it?

7.      How much money do you have on hand right now?


to kick (something) around: to discuss informally (over a period of time) (S) (also: to toss around)

  At first my friends were reluctant to consider my suggestion, but they finally were willing to kick it around for a


  Herb thought that we should kick around the idea of establishing a special fund for supporting needy members of

the club.

be on the ball: be attentive, competent, alert

  Jim was the only one who caught that serious error in the bookkeeping statements. He’s really on the ball.

  Ella was certainly on the ball when she remembered to reconfirm our flight arrangements. All the rest of us would

have forgotten.

to make up: to meet or fulfill a missed obligation at a later time (S); to create, to invent (an idea) (S), to apply

cosmetics to (S), to comprise, to be composed of

Note that all of the definitions are separable except the last one.

  The teacher allowed several students who missed the exam to make it up during the next class.

  The little boy made up a bad excuse for wearing his dirty shoes in the house, so his mother punished him.

  Dee was able to make her face up in half the normal time because she didn’t use much makeup.

  Two separate bodies — the House of Representatives and the Senate — make up the Congress of the United


to make up with: to resolve differences with

This idiom is used for differences of opinion between friends and lovers.

  Helen made up with her roommate after their serious misunderstanding about arrangements for the party.

  After the bad quarrel the two lovers kissed and made up with each other.  


to pull together: to gather, to collect (information) (S); to gain control of one’s emotions (S)

A reflexive pronoun must be used for the second definition.

  The reporter pulled together information from several sources in preparing the newspaper article.


  Mr. Simpson was so frightened when he heard footsteps behind him on the lonely, dark street that it took several

minutes to pull himself together.

to be looking up: to appear promising or optimistic, to be improving

This idiom is used in a continuous tense, very often with the subject things.

  The board chairman is glad to report that things are looking up for the company after several years of declining


  Prospects for building that new library in the downtown area are looking up.

to kick the habit: to stop a bad habit

  Once a child becomes accustomed to chewing his nails, it’s difficult to kick the habit.

  The doctor advised the heavy cigarette smoker that her heart had become damaged and that she should kick the

habit right away.

to cover up: to conceal, to hide (S)

This idiom is used for events which are potentially embarrassing to one’s reputation, as well as against the law. The

noun coverup can be formed.

  The office worker tried to cover up his crimes, but everyone knew that he had been stealing office supplies all


  The political coverup of the bribery scandal failed and was reported by all the major media.

to drop off: to fall asleep; to take to a certain location (S); to decrease (for the third definition, also: to fall off)

  My mother dropped off during the boring television show; her head was nodding up and down.

  I don’t mind dropping you off at the store on my way to work.

  Business has been dropping off rapidly recently, but fortunately it hasn’t been falling off as quickly as for our


to turn over: to place upside down (S); to flip, to turn upside down; to pass or give control to someone (S)

  The teacher asked the students to turn the answer sheet over and to write a short essay on the back.

  The car was going too fast around the corner and turned over twice.

  Mr. Collins has decided to turn over his jewelry store to his son at the end of the year.

to go through channels: to send a request through the normal way

This idiom can be used with the adjective proper.

  If you go through proper channels in this company, it’s sometimes impossible to get anything done quickly.

  The police told the important civic leader that even she had to go through channels in reporting the burglary of

her house.

the last straw: the final event in a series of unacceptable actions ( It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s bask.)

This idiom is always used with the definite article the.

  When John asked to borrow money from me for the fourth time, it was the last straw. I finally told him that I

couldn’t lend him any more.

  I can’t believe that my roommate left the door to our apartment unlocked again. It’s the last straw; I’m moving





*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous


1.      When the committee members…, they decided to discuss the matter informally for a while.

2.      In playing sports, you have to be alert if…

3.      The child tried to invent an excuse when…

4.      Lynn doesn’t ever have to apply cosmetics to her face; she…

5.      The two lovers resolved differences with each other after…

6.      Even though I’ve…, things appear promising now.

7. Business had decreased so much that the company was forced to…

8. You should

place the bread in the toaster upside down because…

9.      Old Mr. Jenkins gave control of his company to his associate when…

10.  The office worker didn’t think that… if he sent a request through the normal way because…

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1.      What is the benefit of kicking an idea around instead of making an immediate decision?

2.      What kind of excuses do people make up for being late to an important event, a class? Have you ever done


3.      Do you know how many states made up the original United States in 1776? How many states make up the

United States now?

4.      Have you ever made up with someone? How did you feel about making up with the person?

5.      Where could you go to pull together information for a research report? Would you enjoy doing so, or not?

6.      Have you ever had to cover up an embarrassing situation? Can you now explain what it was?

7.      When someone manages to kick the habit of smoking or drinking, there is an interesting expression, to turn

over a new leaf, that applies. Can you imagine what this expression means?

8.      Have you ever faced a situation which you would describe as the last straw? What happened?  




to get cold feet: to become unable or afraid to do something

This idiom is usually used in the case of an important or dangerous action

  Karl was supposed to marry Elaine this weekend, but at the last moment he got cold feet.

  Only one of the rock climbers got cold feet when the group reached the base of the hundred-meter cliff.

to trade in: to receive credit for the value of an old item towards the purchase of a new item (S

This idiom is used to form the noun trade-in.

  The car dealership offered me $1,000 for my old car if I traded it in for a new model.

  The appliance company was offering a $50 trade-in during the special promotion for its new line of refrigerators.

face-to-face: direct, personal; directly, personally (written without hyphens)

This idiom can be used both as on adjective (the first definition) and as an adverb (the second definition).

  The workers’ representatives had a face-to-face meeting with management to resolve the salary issue.

  The stepmother and her teenage son talked face to face about his troubles in school.

to be with (someone): to support, to back (also: to go along with); to understand or follow what someone is saying

  Although others thought that we shouldn’t go along with Jerry, I told Jerry that I was with him on his proposal

for reorganizing the staff.

  After turning left at the traffic light, go two blocks and turn right on Madison. After three more blocks, turn right

again. Are you still with me?

to be with it: to be able to focus or concentrate on (also: to get with it)

To be with it in the negative has the same meaning as to feel out of it. The related form to get with it is used in


  Jack’s really with it today. I’ve never seen him play such good soccer.

  You’ve done only a small amount of work in two hours. You’re not with it today, are you?

  It’s no excuse to say that you feel out of it. We need everyone’s help on this, so get with it!

to fall for: to fall in love quickly; to be fooled or tricked by

  Samantha and John never expected to fall for each other like they did, but they got married within two weeks of

having met.

  The Masons wanted to believe their son, but unfortunately they had fallen for his lies too many times to be

deceived once again.

it figures: it seems likely, reasonable, or typical

This idiom is either followed by a that-clause or by no other part of grammar.

  It figures that the children were willing to help with the yardwork only if they received a reward for doing so.

  When I told Evan that his secretary was unhappy about not getting a raise, he said that it figured.

to fill (someone) in: to inform, to give background information to (also: to clue in) (S)

This idiom is often followed by the preposition on and a noun phrase containing the pertinent information.

  Could you fill me in on what is going to be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting?

  Not having been to the convention, my associate asked me to clue him in on the proceedings.

to make (someone) tick: to motivate to behave or act in a certain way (S

This idiom is used within a what-clause.

  If a salesperson knows what makes a customer tick, he will be able to sell a lot of merchandise.

  It’s been impossible for us to figure out what makes our new boss tick. One moment she seems pleasant and then

the next moment she’s upset.  



to cover for: to take someone’s place temporarily, to substitute for; to protect someone by lying or deceiving

  Go ahead and take your coffee break. I’ll cover for you until you return.

  The criminal made his wife cover for him when the police asked if the man had been home all day. She swore that

he had been there.

to give (someone) a break: to provide a person with another opportunity or chance (S); not to expect too much work

from (S); not to expect someone to believe (S)

Command forms are most common with this idiom. For the third definition, the pronoun me must be used.

  The driver pleaded with the police officer to give him a break and not issue him a ticket for speeding.

  When the students heard how much homework the teacher wanted them to do over the holiday, they begged,

«Give us a break, Professor Doyle!»

  Oh, Jim, give me a break! That’s a terrible excuse for being late.

to bow out: to stop doing as a regular activity, to remove oneself from a situation 

The related idiom to want out indicates that someone desires to bow out.

  She bowed out as the school’s registrar after sixteen years of service.

  One of the two partners wanted out of the deal because they couldn’t agree on the terms of the contract


*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous lessons

1.      At the amusement center, Scan was about to… when he became afraid to do it.

2.      Tanya talked to her supervisor directly about…

3.      The politician asked his friends if they supported him on…

4. Ted      fell in love with the actress as soon as…

5.      When Mrs. Garcia told her husband that their son…, Mr. Garcia responded, «That seems likely.»

6.      Joseph’s roommate had been sick, so Joseph gave him information on…

7.      I don’t understand what motivates Diana to behave that way, she…

8. The      boss gave his employee another opportunity when…

9.      When the teacher told the students that…, the students said, «Don’t expect too much work from us!»  


10.  One of the members of the committee removed herself from the situation because…

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1.      Have you ever been about to do something important or dangerous, and then gotten cold feet? What was it?

2.      Why might a student need to have a face-to-face talk with a teacher?

3.      For what reasons might you not be with it? Are you with it today? Why or why not?

4.      In general, who would you feel compelled to cover for? Have you ever had to do this?

5.      What unbelievable statement might someone make that would cause you to respond, «Give me a break!»?

6.      Why might you choose to bow out of a situation?


to pin on: to find guilty of a crime or offense (S) (also: to hang on

This idiom is divided by a noun phrase containing the crime or offense. The accused person is mentioned after the

preposition on.


  The prosecuting attorney tried to pin the murder on the victim’s husband, but the jury returned a verdict of «not


  I wasn’t anywhere near the window when it got broken. You can’t pin that on me.

to get a rise out of: to provoke a response from

This idiom is usually used when someone is teased into responding in anger or annoyance.

  You can kid me all day about my mistake, but you won’t get a rise out of me.

  I got a rise out of Marvin when I teased him about his weight. Marvin weighs over two-hundred pounds.

to stick around: to stay or remain where one is, to wait

This idiom is used when someone is waiting for something to happen or for someone to arrive.

  Todd had to stick around the house all day until the new furniture was finally delivered in the late afternoon.

  Why don’t you stick around for a while and see if Sarah eventually shows up?

to pick up the tab: to pay the cost or bill

This idiom applies when someone pays for the cost of another person’s meal, tickets, etc.

  The advertising manager is flying to Puerto Rico for a conference, and her firm is picking up the tab.

  The government picked up the tab for the visiting dignitary. It paid for all of the lodging and meals, as well as

transportation, during his stay.

by the way: incidentally

This idiom is used when someone thinks of something further in the course of a conversation.

  Movies are my favorite form of entertainment. Oh, by the way, have you seen the new picture that’s playing at the


  Vera’s been divorced for three years now. She told me, by the way, that she never plans to remarry.

to go to town: to do something with enthusiasm and thoroughness

  Our interior decorator really went to town in remodeling our living room. I’m afraid to ask how much it’s going to


  Charlie really went to town on his research project. He consulted over forty reference works and wrote a ninety-

page report.  



to let slide: to neglect a duty (S); to ignore a situation (S)

  Terry knew that she should have paid the electric bill on time instead of letting it slide. Now the utility company

has turned off her service.

  When he tried to get a rise out of me by mentioning my failure to receive a promotion at work, I just let it slide.

search me: I don’t know (also: beats me) This idiom is used informally, usually as a command form.

  When Elmer asked his wife if she knew why the new neighbors left their garage door open all night, she

responded, «Search me

  When I asked Derek why his girlfriend wasn’t at the party yet, he said, «Beats me. I expected her an hour ago.»

to get off ones chest to express ones true feelings (S)

This idiom is used when someone has long waited to express themselves.

  Ellen felt a lot better when she finally talked to a counselor and got the problem off her chest.

  Faye hasn’t shared her concern about her marriage with her husband yet. I think that she should get it off her

chest soon.

to live it up: to spend money freely, to live luxuriously

  Kyle and Eric saved up money for two years so that they could travel to Europe and live it up.

  After receiving a large inheritance from a rich aunt, I was able to live it up for years.

to liven up: to energize, to make more active (also: to pick up) (S)

  The teacher occasionally took the class on field trips just to liven things up a bit.

  The animals in the zoo began to liven up when evening came and the temperatures dropped.

  Many people have to drink coffee every morning just to pick themselves up.

to have a voice in: to share involvement in

  The new vice-president was promised that she would have a voice in developing the company’s international


  The students are trying to have a voice in college affairs by gaining representation on administrative committees.


*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous


1.      The police were successful in finding the criminal guilty of the robbery because…

2.      My older brother is always able to provoke a response from me when he…

3.      Why don’t you stay here for a while longer? We’re still…

4. The      director paid the bill for the meal when he invited…

5.      The neighbors really did something with enthusiasm when they worked together to…  


6.      I understand that Bill … because he neglected his responsibilities again and again.

7.      In order to express their true feelings about a problem, some people…

8.      On their honeymoon, the young couple lived luxuriously by...

9.      In order to energize the party, the host and hostess…

10.  The preferred candidate for the new position would not … until management agreed that she would share

involvement in budget matters.

Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.


1.      When you were a child, do you remember your brother, sister, or friend ever trying to pin something on you?

What was it?

2.      If someone is late in meeting you, about how long would you stick around before leaving?

3.      Can you think of a reason why the expression search me is used to mean I don’t know? (In other words, why

is the verb search used in this way?)

4.      Have you ever had a chance to live it up? Describe what you did.

5.      What are some different ways of livening up an event such as a wedding?


to check in: to register at a hotel or motel; to leave or deposit for transporting or safekeeping (S)

The adjective form check-in derives from this idiom.

  Courtney arrived in town at mid-day and promptly checked in at the Plaza Hotel. The hotel permitted an early

check-in time.

  There were dozens of people at the airline counters waiting to check their bags in for their flights.

to check out: to pay the bill at a hotel or motel and then leave; to investigate, to examine (S)

The adjective form check-out derives from this idiom.

  The latest you should check out of the hotel is 12 noon. However, in your case, we can set a special check-out

time of 2:00 P.M.

  The police received a call from someone claiming to have witnessed a murder. The police sent two detectives to

check the call out right away.

to take somebody at one’s word: to accept what one says as true, to believe

  When he offered to be responsible for the fund raiser, I took him at his word. Now he’s saying that he’s not

available to do it.

  You should be careful about taking her at her word. She’s been known to say one thing but to do another.

to serve (the/one’s) purpose: to be useful, to suit one’s needs or requirements

  I don’t have a screwdriver to open this, but I think that a knife will serve the purpose.

  Jane prefers working to studying, so it served her purpose to drop out of school and take that job.  


in the worst way: very much, greatly 


  Jim and Claudia want to have children in the worst way.

  Because Umer has relatives in Turkey, he wants to visit there in the worst way.

to cop out: to avoid one’s responsibility, to quit

This idiom is an informal version of the second definition to back out (Lesson 29). The noun form copout means an

excuse for avoiding responsibility.

  Evelyn had agreed to help us with arrangements for the party, but she copped out at the last minute.

  I can’t believe that Cindy offered such an explanation for falling to show up. What a poor copout!

to line up: to form a line; to arrange to have, to manage to obtain (S

  The moviegoers lined up in front of the theater showing the most popular film of the summer.

  Rob is going to schedule the famous author to speak at the convention if he can line her up in time.

to lose one’s cool: to get excited, angry, or flustered

  Despite the boos from some in the audience, the actors on stage never lost their cool.

  Although the group of skiers were in danger from an apparent avalanche, their ski guide never lost his cool.

to leave open: to delay making a decision on (S)

  In making up the job announcement, the firm decided to leave the salary open until a qualified candidate was


  We know that the annual summer camp will be held in August, but let’s leave the exact dates open for now.

to turn on: to interest greatly, to excite (S)

The idiom with the opposite meaning is to turn off. These idioms are used to form the nouns turnon and turnoff.

  Does great art turn you on? I find going to a museum and viewing classic works of art a real turnon.

  Going to a bar and having silly conversation with strangers really turns me off. In fact, most bar scenes are really

turnoffs to me.

to miss the boat: to lose an opportunity, to fail in some undertaking

  The precious metals market was looking up several months ago, but unfortunately most investors missed the


  Mr. Vlasic’s new business went bankrupt within a short time. He really missed the boat by opening a tanning

salon near the beach.

to think up: to invent, to create (also: to dream up

This idiom is often used for an unusual or foolish thought.

  Who thought up the idea of painting the living room walls bright red?

  When asked by the teacher why she was late, the student dreamed up a plausible excuse.


*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous


1. The      Smiths registered at the hotel as soon as…  


2.      The Smiths also deposited some jewelry at the front desk because…

3.      The jealous husband hired a private detective to investigate the possibility that…

4.      I accepted what my financial advisor had to say about…

5.      While shopping in the expensive store, Mrs. Thurston … very much.

6.      To ensure…, the politician managed to obtain the support of his colleagues in the Senate.

7. The athlete got angry and flustered on national television when…

8. We      delayed making a decision on the arrangements for the wedding because…

9.      Even though I had urged my parents to…, my parents lost an opportunity when the stock market…

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1.      If you and a friend are walking on a beach, what do you think your friend could mean if he or she says,

«Check that out!»

2.      Have you ever taken someone at his or her word, only to be disappointed at a later time? What happened?

3.      What is it that you want at the present time in the worst way?


4.      Have you ever copped out of a responsibility by thinking up a reasonable excuse? How do you feel when you

do this? Why?

5.      Think of different kinds of events or situations where people have to line up.

6.      What kind of situation might cause you to lose your cool? Does this happen easily to you, or not?

7.      What kinds of sports or hobbies turn you on?


to throw (someone) a curve: to introduce an unexpected topic, causing embarrassment (S

  The first week of class was going very well until a student threw the teacher a curve by suggesting that the

textbook was too difficult.

  The director asked us in advance to stick to the meeting agenda and not to throw him any curves.

to make waves: to create a disturbance, usually by complaining

This idiom is similar in meaning to the previous idiom, but the emphasis is on the aspect of complaining rather than

causing embarrassment.

  In most companies, an employee who makes waves is not appreciated.

  The meeting was going smoothly until one of the participants made waves about the newly revised compensation




to carry on: to continue as before; to conduct, to engage in; to behave in an immature manner – ; , ;   ;

Even in the face of disaster, the inhabitants carried on as though nothing had happened.

  The business associates decided to carry on their discussion in the hotel bar instead of the conference room.

  I can’t believe that John carried on so much just because his dog died. He looked depressed and cried for weeks

after it happened.

not on your life: absolutely not (also: no way) This idiom is used as a kind of exclamation by itself.

  You’re asking me to invest in that poorly rated company just because you know the son of the president? Not on

your life! 

  When a friend tried to get Mark to jump out of a plane with a parachute, he immediately responded, «No way!»

to cover ground: to be extensive, to discuss much material

Forms such as a lot of, too much, too little are used before the noun ground.

  That national commission’s report on urban ghettos covers a lot of ground. Many of the recommendations are too

costly to implement.

  In his first lecture on Greek philosophers, I thought that our professor covered too little ground.

to mind the store: to be responsible for an office while others are gone

  It seems that all of our employees are taking a lunch break at the same time. I wonder who’s minding the store.

  Lynne agreed to mind the store while the others went outside to watch the parade passing by.

to throw the book at: to punish with full penalty, to be harsh on 

  Because the criminal was a repeat offender, the judge threw the book at him with heavy fines and a long prison


  My boss threw the book at me when he discovered that I had been using company time for personal business. I

was severely reprimanded and forced to make up the lost time.

to put one’s foot in: to say or do the wrong thing

This idiom is used with the noun phrase one’s mouth or the pronoun it.

  Fred really put his foot in his mouth when he called his supervisor by the wrong name.

  I really put my foot in it when I forgot my girlfriend’s birthday and didn’t buy her anything. She almost lost her


to be up for grabs: to become available to others

This idiom is used when something is highly desirable to many other people.

  When one of the full-time contract instructors stepped down, her nice office overlooking the river was up for


  Did you know that Senator Stone is retiring and that her Senate seat is up for grabs?

to show off: to display one’s ability in order to attract attention (S), to let others see, to expose to public view (S

This idiom can form the noun showoff for the first definition.

  Elizabeth is an excellent swimmer, but I don’t like the way she shows off in front of everyone. It’s very obvious

that she enjoys being a showoff.

  Mary showed her large wedding ring off to all her friends.

to learn the ropes: to become familiar with routine procedures at work or school

  The job applicant didn’t have much previous experience or knowledge, but she seemed intelligent enough to learn

the ropes quickly.

  It took the new schoolteacher a year to learn the ropes regarding administrative and curricular matters.  


to keep one’s fingers crossed: to hope to have good results, to hope that nothing bad will happen

This idiom reflects the way people cross their fingers to hope for good luck.

  Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we got passing grades on that college entrance exam.


  Jerry kept his fingers crossed that the good weather would hold up for the picnic he was planning for the coming



*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as well.

Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous lessons.

1.      After discovering some improper contracts arranged by his company, a worker created a disturbance by

2.      The professor decided to conduct her class in the park because…

3. The teenager

behaved in an immature manner for quite a while when his parents…

4.      Martha answered, «Absolutely not!», when her friend…

5.      Because the instructor would discuss too many matters in the course, the student…

6.      When the boss went out for lunch with some visitors, she asked … to be responsible for the office.

7. The      judge was harsh on the defendant who…

8.      The long-time manager’s office suddenly became available to others, and many associates…

9.      The excellent athlete displayed his ability and attracted attention at the regional track meet by…

10.  It was difficult for … to become familiar with the routine procedures at the university.

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1. Has      anyone thrown you a curve recently? What happened?

2.      Do you remember ever carrying on when you were a child? What did your parents do to stop you?

3.      Do you like to take classes that cover a lot of ground or cover little ground? Why?

4.      Would it ever be appropriate to throw the book at someone for putting their foot in their mouth? Why or why


5.      Do you know anyone who likes to show off? What do they do?

6.      Give an example of when you might keep your fingers crossed.  




to land on one’s feet: to recover safely from an unpleasant or dangerous situation

  After a series of personal and professional difficulties, it’s amazing that George has landed on his feet so quickly.

  Some young adults get into so much trouble at school that they are never able to land on their feet again. They

drop out before graduating.

to dish out: to distribute in large quantity (S), to speak of others in a critical manner (S)

  Mary’s mom dished out two or three scoops of ice cream for each child at the birthday party.

  Larry can’t seem to take any criticism of his actions but he certainly likes to dish it out.

to get through to: to communicate with, to make someone understand (also: to break through to)

This idiom has the meaning of to make someone «catch on» (Lesson 29, eighth idiom, the first definition)

  Some of the students in my reading class understand English so poorly that it is difficult to get through to them.

  The doctors have never succeeded in breaking through to Mr. Ames, who is a silent and secretive patient.

to keep one’s word: to fulfill a promise, to be responsible

An idiom with the opposite meaning is to break one’s word.

  Suzanne kept her word to me not to let on to others that I intend to step down next month.

  Thomas always intends to keep his word, but invariably the end result is that he breaks his word. He just isn’t

capable of being a responsible person.

to be over one’s head: to be very busy, to have too much to do (also: to be up to one’s ears); to be beyond one’s

ability to understand

  I’d love to take a week off for a hiking trip, but at the moment I am over my head in work. Maybe next week

when I’m only up to my ears!

  It was impossible for the tutor to get through to Bill about the physics problem because the subject matter was

over Bill’s head.

to ask for: to deserve, to receive a just punishment (also: to bring upon)

  If you drink alcohol and then drive a car, you’re only asking for trouble.

  Don’t complain about your cut in salary. You asked for it by refusing to heed our repeated warnings not to be late

and inefficient.

to be a far cry from: to be very different from

  I enjoyed visiting Seattle, but it was a far cry from the ideal vacation spot I expected.

  Ned is enjoying his new job, but his responsibilities are a far cry from what he was told they would be.

by all means: certainly, definitely, naturally (also: of course); using any possible way or method

  If the Johnsons invite us for dinner, then by all means we have to return the invitation. Of course, we don’t have

to invite their children, too.

  In order to ensure its survival, the ailing company has to obtain an infusion of cash by all means.

to get out from under: to restore one’s financial security, to resolve a difficult financial obligation

  After years of struggling to get ahead, the young couple finally got out from under their debts.

  The ailing company, succeeding in obtaining the necessary cash, was able to get out from under its financial



to take the bull by the horns: to handle a difficult situation with determination 


This idiom is usually used when someone has been postponing an action for some time and finally wants or needs to

resolve it.

  After three years of faithful service, Jake decided to take the bull by the horns and ask his boss for a raise.

  Vic has been engaged to Laura for a long time now, and I know that he loves her. He should take the bull by the

horns and ask her to marry him.

to give (someone) a hand: to assist, to aid, to help (also: to lend someone a hand) (S)

  Would you give me a hand lifting this heavy box?

  When Terry’s car broke down at night on the highway, no one would stop to lend her a hand.

to give (someone) a big hand: to clap one’s hands in applause, to applaud (S)

  After the talented new vocalist had sung her number, the audience gave her a big hand.

  Should we give a big hand to each beauty contestant is as she is introduced, or should we wait until all the

introductions are finished?


*   Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous


1.      It took some time for the artist to recover from the difficult situation

2. Billy’s

mother distributed in large quantity … to all the kids at the birthday party.

3.      When parents are having trouble communicating with their children, they can…

4.      When I decided to change apartments, my friend fulfilled her promise about…

5. Larry

has too much to do at work because…

6.      The child running on the wet pavement beside the swimming pool deserved it when…

7.      The new immigrant thought that … in the United States was very different from

8.      After days of postponing necessary yardwork, Mr. Johnson handled the difficult situation and

9.      When Kim’s car broke down on the highway, a passing motorist assisted her by…

10. The President   was applauded when he announced…  



*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1. The      idiom to land on one’s feet is related to a special ability of cats. Do you know what this is?

2.      Why is it often difficult to get through to young children? Is this sometimes true for adults?

3.      Is it always important for you to keep your word? Can you think of a situation where you would break your


4.      Have you ever had a class where the subject matter was over your head? What did you do?

5.      If you run across a street without looking first, you are asking for trouble. Try to think of other situations

where you’re asking for trouble.

6.      What parts of an adult’s life are a far cry from the life of a child?

7.      Are there any things in life that you want to have or want to do by all means?

8.      Have you ever been forced to take the bull by the horns? What was the situation?

9.      In what case might you refuse to give someone a hand?


to goof off: to waste time, to be idle

  Some of the workers in our office always goof off when the boss is out.

  On Saturday afternoons, I like to go to a movie or just goof off at home.

to talk back to: to answer in a rude manner, to speak disrespectfully

  Billy, if you talk back to me like that once more, you’re going to spend the rest of the day in your room.

  The school principal had to reprimand the child for talking back to her teacher.

to be in: to be popular or fashionable, to be available at one’s work or home

  Most young people tend to want anything that is in at the time, but a few don’t care about current trends.

  Could you please tell me when Mrs. Zachary will be in? I’d like to talk to her soon.

to be out: to be unpopular or no longer in fashion; to be away from one’s work or home

  These days, designer jeans are in and long skirts are out.

  I’m sorry, Mr. Jensen is out at the moment. Could I take a message?

to draw the line at: to determine to be unacceptable, to refuse to consider

  I don’t mind helping him with his homework, but I draw the line at writing a term paper for him.

  The conference organizers tried to accommodate the needs of the various interest groups, but they drew the line at

extending the conference by two days.

to get out of line: to disobey or ignore normal procedures or rules (also: to step out of line)

  When a child gets out of line in that teacher’s class, she uses the old-fashioned method of making the child sit in

the corner of the room.

  Any employee who steps out of line by coming to work in an unacceptable condition will be fired.

dry run: rehearsal, practice session

  The college president requested a dry run of the graduation ceremony in order to ensure that all aspects went


  Before the manager presented the reorganizational plans to the board of directors, he did several dry runs of his




to play by ear: to play music that one has heard but never read (S); to proceed without plan, to do spontaneously (S)

The pronoun it is often used with the second definition.

  That pianist can play most popular music by ear. She never needs to read sheet music.

  My husband wanted to plan our trip carefully, but I argued that it was more fun if we played it by ear.

to be in (someone’s) shoes: to be in another person’s position, to face the same situation as another person

  If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t take too many classes this semester.

  When his boss finds out about that accounting error, I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

to keep after: to remind constantly, to nag

  Lynn always has to keep after her children about cleaning up their rooms and doing chores around the house.

  Lon is so forgetful that it’s necessary to keep after him about every little thing.

to fix up: to repair or put back in good condition (S); to arrange a date or an engagement for another person (S)

  Instead of buying an expensive new home, we decided to buy an older home and fix it up ourselves.

  Since my visiting friend didn’t have a date for dinner, I fixed her up with a male friend of mine. They got along

very well together.

to be had: to be victimized or cheated

  When the jeweler confirmed that the diamonds that the woman had purchased abroad were really fake, she

exclaimed, «I’ve been had!»

  The angry customer complained about being overcharged at the store, asserting that this was the third time that he

had been had.


*    Substitute an idiomatic expression for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes as

well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try to use idioms from previous


1.      Because most of her elementary school students were wasting time, the teacher…

2. When      Joey spoke disrespectfully to his mother, she…

3.      When he learned that the owner wasn’t available, the visiting salesperson…

4.      Greg is willing to help his brother with some household chores, but he refuses to consider

5. If you

disobey the rules one more time, I will…

6.      The theater group did a rehearsal of the play before…

7.      Mrs. Dixson has the special ability to play music she has heard but never read. She doesn’t have to…



8.      I wouldn’t want to be in Ted’s position. The police have discovered that he…

9.      Every day after school, Harriet’s parents have to nag her to…

10.  I decided to arrange an engagement for him because he…

*   Answer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.

1.      Are you usually a serious person, or do you like to goof off a lot? Why might goofing off sometimes be healthy

for you?

2.      When (If) you were (are) young, did (do) you talk back to your parents? Why or why not?

3.      Do you pay attention to whether clothing fashions are in or out? What is an advantage of not paying attention?

4.      If you had to give a speech in class, would you do a dry run? Why or why not?

5.      When (If) you were (are) young, what did (do) your parents have to keep after you about? Did you ever learn

to remember it, or do you still forget?

6.      Have you ever fixed someone up with a date, or have you ever been fixed up with a date yourself? Can you

imagine why the term blind date is sometimes used in such cases?

7.      Have you ever been had by someone you just met, such as a store clerk or a stranger on the street? What





A.      Match the idiom in the left column with the definition in the right column.

1.      let alone

2.      on the ball

3.      search me

4.      by the way

5.      on hand

6.      by all means

7.      more or less

8. a      steal

9.      dry run

10.  on the whole

11.  on edge

a)       I don’t know

b)      certainly, definitely

c)       nervous, irritable

d)      rehearsal, practice session

e)       and certainly not

f)       incidentally

g)       available, nearby

h) in general

i)       attentive, alert

j)       directly, personally

k)      approximately, almost



very inexpensive

B.      In the space provided, mark whether each sentence is true (T) or false (F).

1.      If you have succeeded in landing on your feet after financial difficulties, things probably are looking up in

your life. ____

2. If you

go through channels in submitting a complaint, you are probably making waves in your

company. ____

3.      If someone asks why you did something and you can’t think up a good reason, you might respond, «Search

me.» ____

4.      If you know someone who likes to put others on, you can usually take that person at their word. ____

5.      If the subject matter of an academic field often is over your head, you may not be cut out for that field. ____

6. Parents      might go off the deep end if they have to wait up for their child very late without knowing what he or

she is up to. ____

7.      If you get a problem off your chest, you are beating around the bush. ____

8.      If you are able to get through to someone, you have wasted your breath. ____

9. If you

are not with someone while they are explaining something, you are catching on. ____

10. You might   back out of an activity that could cause you to get cold feet at the last minute. ____

11.  If you dislike playing something by ear you will probably leave it open. ____

12.  If you are learning the ropes, it is possible that you might goof up once in a while. ____

C.      Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the idioms using give listed below. Some expressions come

from Lessons l to 27.

give and take

to give off

to give birth to

to give up

to give out

to give one a hand

to give in

to give one a break

to give one a big hand

1.      Mrs. Johnson was very surprised when she _____________________ twin boys.

2.      Because it was the first time that I had fooled around in class I asked the teacher _____________________.

3.      A successful marriage is mostly a matter of _____________________ between husband and wife.

4.      This box is too heavy for me to lift alone. Could you _____________________.

5.      The lecturer was so interesting that the audience _____________________ at the end of the talk.

6.      The man stood on the street corner and _____________________ advertising flyers to the people passing by.



7.      Could you please take this garbage outside? It _____________________ a very bad smell.

8.      The army forces _____________________ when they discovered that they were surrounded by the enemy.

9.      I usually don’t _____________________ so easily, but this work is too hard for me to do.

D.      Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the idioms using keep listed below. Some expressions come

from Lessons 1-27.

to keep one s head

to keep one’s word

to keep track of

to keep up with

to keep after

to keep away

to keep in touch with

to keep in mind

to keep one s fingers crossed

1.      In the emergency situation, Alex was able _____________________ and save the child from drowning in the


2.      At the racetrack, none of the horses were able _____________________ the horse that was expected to win

the race.

3.      When we visited Disneyland, we had to be careful _____________________ our children in the large crowds

of people.

4.      You have _____________________ Tanya to return the typewriter or she will forget time and again.

5.      You should _____________________ about doing that important task and not neglect to attend to it any


6.      Even though you’re moving to another city, we should _____________________ each other as much as


7.      While I was cooking with hot grease on the stove, I warned others _____________________ in order not to

get burned.

8.      When teaching beginning-level English students, it is important _____________________ that their range of

vocabulary is quite limited.

9.      The weather forecast is calling for cloudy skies tomorrow. We should _____________________ that it

doesn’t rain during the picnic.

E.      Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the idioms using go listed below. Some expressions come from

Lessons 1 to 27.

to go through

touch and go

to go over

to go to town

to go in for

to go off

to go without saying

to go around

to go with

1.      I was too tired to get up in the morning when my alarm clock _____________________, so I turned it off and

went back to sleep.

2.      My presentation to the class _____________________ so well that the students gave me a big hand.

3.      The delicate operation was _____________________ for several hours, but finally the surgeons were able to

finish successfully.

4.      We just went to the store an hour ago to buy more beer, and already there isn’t enough


5.      I can’t understand how we _____________________ so much beer in such a short time.

6.      When we remodeled our house, we added a master bedroom, a large bathroom with jacuzzi, and a walk-in

closet. We really _____________________.

7.      I really enjoy playing chess. Do you _____________________ playing chess as well?

8.      That you should stay home if you are very sick _____________________.

9.      Do you think that this grey shirt _____________________ these beige pants?

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