Thank You

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"Honey, Astra! Help me out here!" I shouted as the Weavile crept closer to me, their claws glinting in the dim light. In response, my Stoutland and my Arcanine leapt over my head to tackle the purple Pokemon clan. One by one, they knocked the cats aside, unconscious. I petted each on the head as they help me up. "Thanks girls. Remind me to get each of you two some Poképuffs when we get back to town." Each yippee happily, which brought a sad smile to my face.
This was the first time we'd come training in this mountain range without Titan. It used to be the four of us, but now it was just Honey, Astra, and myself. It's been two years since we've come back to this mountain to train. The last time had been... Right before he died.
My eyes began to water as I began to think about my long lost Mightyena. He was my first Pokémon- I had met him in the forest on my fifth birthday, and we'd been inseparable since then. He was the sole member of my team when I won my first battle, and he was with me when I won my first Gym Battle. We journeyed throughout the regions and defeated the Elite Fours of the regions together. Yes, Honey and Astra and I had a close bond as well- I consider them all family- but Titan was more than that, more than a Pokemon. He wasn't just a Mightyena. We were together for fourteen years, for god's sake! He was my best friend. He'd saved my life so many times; whether from falling trees, slippery cliff sides, or even the dangerous criminal teams. Once, he'd chased after a ghost type Pokémon that had snatched a little girl who had wandered too far from home. He was selfless. Completely, undeniably selfless. That's why I loved him so much. He always gave me one hundred percent of himself. Then that day came to pass. The last time I ever saw Titan alive again.
Astra must have smelled something with her nose, and she took off running. Honey followed suite. I ran as quickly as I could after them, and Titan ran alongside me. The girls finally stopped at the mouth of the icy river. There at the center, an Vaporeon sat shivering on a block of ice. Next to the Vaporeon, a baby Glaceon cried loudly. I supposed they were mother and child, and that they'd been stranded for a while now. But why didn't they just swim to safety...? Then I saw it. The two deep blue fins circling the ice: Sharpedos.
Honey and Astra gave me pleading eyes. They wanted so badly to save the pair. Honey, after all, was a rescue Pokémon. I glanced at Titan, who nodded his gray and black snout as well. So I agreed.
Astra fired up a Wild Charge and shot it into the water, which would hopefully temporarily stun the Sharpedos. When the fins no longer circled the water, Honey dove in and began paddling towards the ice. Seeing their rescuer, the Vaporeon hopped onto Honey's back with her baby held in her mouth by the scruff of her neck. She was swimming back to shore with the two victims clinging on for dear life. But something went terribly wrong.
I believe Astra's electricity had worn off in the water, and the Sharpedos had returned to action. I saw a dark fin race for Honey in the water, who was still unaware of the predator coming her way. I couldn't ask Astra to shock the water again, it could hurt Honey. Grabbing the knife I keep on me always, I went into the water myself. I remembered thinking, Dear Arceus, please don't let the Sharpedo get us...
The cold hit me immediately. But Honey needed me. I swam towards the furry dog and wrapped an arm around her and we swam back together. Honey pulled herself up, then lowered her mane down for me to grab, and she and Titan pulled me up. The Vaporeon mewed happily, but then turned... Her baby Glaceon was nowhere to be seen.
Paddling with complete obliviousness in the icy water, was the Glaceon. Honey prepared to jump back in, but as she was about to go, her front left paw collapsed underneath of her. Astra went to her side immediately, as did I. Several purple spikes had torn up her paw so that it was a bloody mess. Her eyes closed soon after, and I thought the worst. Then I took out a spike. Toxic spikes, I thought bitterly. Poison. The damn sharks must've left them as a trap in the water. I glanced between my team and the little Glaceon still in the water. And I dove in.
The ice cold water hit me once again, but this time I expected it. I swam as fast as I could towards the little Pokémon, until it was almost in my fingertips.
Then searing pain shot through my leg. Many large razors began ripping at my skin, but I held back any noise. I knew I'd been bitten, but I'd be dead if I didn't stop fighting... I snatched the Glaceon up and punched the brutal Pokemon in the nose with my other fist. Even if for only a little, he let go of me. Lights flashed across my eyes, and I felt my head fall under the water.
I could make out a gray and black shape coming towards me, but barely. I was only vaguely aware of something snagging the back of my coat and pulling me to the shore. Pink light emanated from Astra, and I could see once again with complete clarity. My leg didn't bother me very much. Alongside her, Honey had also recovered. Holding me up, was Titan. I rubbed his head as Astra and Honey pulled me up. "Good boy. Such a good boy Titan..." I murmured thankfully. I think he actually smiled at my praise. Once I was up, he began crawling up himself. His front paws were on the shore.
Suddenly he let out a heart wrenching howl of pain. He fought with his whole heart to remain above the water, but his head was pulled under the water. I ran to the edge, but Honey and Astra snagged my coat and I couldn't go any further. I could only watch as Titan, my sweet, selfless Titan, struggled to fight two Sharpedo while he couldn't breathe. He clawed at them and fired off several high powered attacks- he even went as far as biting them himself. Blood filled the water until nothing more could be seen, and the girls pulled me away.
I think Astra and Honey knew he didn't stand a chance from the moment he was pulled under. They let go of me, and I ran to the water's edge. "Titan!" I shouted. "No, no, no... Please no..." With no response, I turned towards the sky and screamed. "TITAN!!!!" The full brunt of pain from my leg hit me again, and I screamed again, tears pouring down my face. In the corner of my eyes, I could see the Vaporeon nuzzling her pup. Anger rushed through me. If it weren't for that Glaceon, Titan would still be here. I stormed over, ready to scream at the little thing, but then I stopped.
The little creature had blood mixed with tears rushing down his face, and the Vaporeon was trying to close the wound to no avail. Part of the infant's ribbons had been torn, leaving it in a bloody ruin. My anger left me, and I found myself unraveling my soaked, but warm scarf and pressing it to the Pokémon. Her mother's eyes turned to me. Thank you, those blue orbs seemed to say. I stood up, but my legs gave way under me, and the world turned black.
When I woke up, wires connected me to many machines. A hospital... I was surprised at how little my leg hurt actually. A nurse popped in, and a sad smile came on her face when she saw I was awake.
"I see you're awake now."
"Yes. May I asked how I got here please?" She nodded.
"Of course. A Stoutland and an Arcanine brought you here a while ago. They are yours, right?" I nodded. "I must say, Mister, they are very well trained. I wouldn't expect any less of a Trainer who defeated four Champions himself with only three Pokémon." Before I could ask how she knew that, she said, "your Stoutland gave me your Trainer Card.
"Now, I'm sorry about your leg. It's been healing quite well in such a short period of time though..." I ripped the sheet off. "Mister!"
Gone. My leg was gone. Up to my knee, there was nothing. Just a wrapped, bloody stump. I turn towards the Nurse.
"It was in a mangled mess when you arrived, plus it had severe frostbite. I'm surprised you weren't knocked unconscious from the pain sooner. I'm sorry, but there was no saving it...."
"How do I get it back?"
"I said, how do I get it back?" I ask more clearly. "How do I get a prosthetic?"
"Mister, those take a long time to put on, and they can be quite painful and expensive-"
"I don't care about money. I don't care what it takes. Just get me a new leg!" The nurse quickly hurried off, leaving me alone once again. I buried my head in my hands.
I've lost my leg and my best friend. It should've been me! Titan never hurt anybody! Those Sharpedo had no right!
And now I've lost him. Unlike my leg, no amount of money will ever be able to mend that.
My mind came back to the present. This was the same, icy area we travelled through when Titan lost his life and I lost my leg. Now, I walk along the cliffs with Honey and Astra. And a metal leg under these pants.
A random Pokémon was walking by and the girls nudged my hand towards a pokéball. I shook my head. No, no Pokemon could ever replace Titan. But they didn't stop. "Fine," I muttered, and threw the capsule. I was hoping it failed, but of course, it wobbled three times and clicked. I retrieved my new Pokémon. After all, I couldn't just leave it alone in a ball- even I'm not that cruel.
The weather began turning cooler, and the snow turned heavier. "Astra! Honey! We need to get out of this storm!" I shouted to be heard over the wind. Each howled back in response.
The snow fell thicker and thicker, and somehow, Honey and Astra began fading from sight. All I could see was Astra's glowing flames, but even that soon faded into the white. "ASTRA! HONEY!" In the distance, I could hear their howls, but I doubt we could've seen each other in any possible way. I could only keep walking, and hope that they would stick together. I hoped we would find each other soon.
After what seemed like hours of walking, I found a cabin. I knocked on the door, which simply swung open. That was convenient, I thought as I entered. I'm sure whoever owns the cabin won't mind if I just stay here for a little...
I lit the logs in the fireplace and raided the cabinet and helped myself to some tea packets that I mixed with water I had boiling over the fire. I took a blanket out of my bag and spread it on the wood floor before sprawling out on my stomach. With Honey and Astra MIA, all I has was this little ball. I wondered what was inside, and clicked the button. Bright light flashed.
In front of me stood a full grown Glaceon with a scarred face and a torn ribbon dangling from its head. I backed away quickly. "You!"
"Glace." He stepped closer to me. "Glace?" He seemed to ask with a tilt of his head. I nodded.
"Yeah, it's me. I was one of the ones who saved you and your momma two years ago..." He came closer and eventually crawled onto my lap. I fully examined his face.
"You really got beat up, didn't you? Life hasn't treated either of us fairly. I mean, look at you. You were just a baby, and you were lucky the Sharks didn't take more than your ribbon and only scratched your face." I rolled up my pant leg, revealing the metal underneath. "They took my leg and my best friend." He tilted his head again, so I explained.
"That Mightyena that saved us when the Sharpedo came after me? His name was Titan... A-and... They pulled him under and killed him." Drops rolled down my face. When I looked down, water fell from the Glaceon's dark eyes as well. At that moment, I felt any resentment towards this Pokemon melt away completely. He didn't want to get attacked either. It wasn't his fault, nor was it mine. Neither of us were to blame for Titan's death.
Feeling inspired, I get up and call the Pokémon to come with me. I opened up the door so that maybe if I hurried, I could catch up with Honey and Astra. When I opened the door though, snow flew into the room and a cold blast of air slapped my face. With a struggle, I closed the door. Maybe I'd have to wait a while...
It's not like I should've been rushing out into a blizzard anyways. Let's face it: I was exhausted. I lay down on the blanket with the Glaceon curled up on my chest, and he soon fell asleep.
Watching his quiet slumber, I couldn't help thinking about how much this would've irritated Titan. That was his spot. But I think he'd be happy that I've finally forgiven myself. Granted, I will never have another Pokémon like Titan, because there was only ever one and only one Titan. But, this little guy finally got me to let go... I rub his head gently. So... I guess it was a good idea to capture you after all. Thank you, for everything...
Come morning, I packed everything up and called the Glaceon. A thought came to me. I couldn't keep calling him the Glaceon, he needed a name. "Hey, you," I said to him. He perked up. "Do you want a nickname?" He paused, and slowly he nodded. "Okay. How about....... Vital? Because you've survived so much and-" I didn't have to say any more because Vital was already rubbing my leg contentedly. I opened up the door, revealing a wall of hard packed snow.
"Say, Vital, could you possibly clear the way somehow?" He tilted his head and fired an ice beam attack, which only seemed to dent the snow blocking our way. "Try something else," I suggested. He hopped forward and simply began digging his way through. Eventually I could see sunlight through the hole, but while Vital may fit through that tiny hole, there was no possible way I'd be able to. "Vital!" I shouted. "Good job! Could you make the hole bigger now?" This time, he smirked a little and fired Shadow Ball after Shadow Ball, thus widening the exit. Soon, the sun shined on our faces. Far off, I could make out a pair of canine footprints. We grinned at each other and ran.
As we ran through the snow, the crystals flew up around our faces, reflected the brilliant light in a myriad of colors. For such small legs, Vital was able to completely match my pace. It even felt a little like I was running alongside Titan once again.
Up ahead, Honey and Astra stood near a cliff, turning round and round in circles. When they saw us, the girls came flying down the slopes towards us, but Vital and I continued towards them. As their warm wet tongues met my face, I laughed with joy. Curled in my arms was Vital, who was trying to jump up and lick me too.
I turned my head towards the sky and smiled. Titan, if you're up there, listen.
Thank you.

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