Chapter-1: Unpredictable peaks with her: Part I

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Annyeonghaseyo, jujubes.

Welcome on board to the fictional world of ungyeonsu again, at similar time when it knocked our lives.

Happy one blissful jujube year, y'all!🥰🫂

I hope you enjoy this new creation of their world by me and this makes you reminiscence them with a smile! :)

Dedicating this fanfic, "That beautiful Summer us!" to every jujube out there! ;)

Happy reading!


Author's POV

"A life without love is like a life without summer."

It was one of the lines that intrigued the avid reader in choi ung for days after he came across it in a book in school library. But since, matters of love never crossed his path, understanding the psychological aspect of it was a far-etched concept for him. Moreover, the 'ignorance is bliss' attitude in him never tried to dig deep either.

However, little did he have an inkling that life was about to teach him it's meaning in all respects. Naturally, that's how it all started. To move its puppets closer, fate tweaked his path & crashed him into his first love.

Beauty was, the more he tried to detangle, the more he got tied with knots of serendipitous love.

Gradually as time passed, he learnt alluring aspect of the saying that life without love was indeed life without summer as he started falling in love with yeonsu.

However, for ung, falling in love wasn't about gentle winds taking him to a colorful land of fantasy, it was real and raw.

Where on one hand, the summers scorched with heat of yeonsu's tough personality and drizzled with her "what-ifs", what remained constant was the swaying of her breeze filled with love & care that brushed his life.

No love is perfect, even not theirs. But he knew, their love that blossomed in summers was enough to reinvigorate their lives & breathe again.

Unfortunately, fate loves to play, to continuously shuffle its pawn according to its will and create havoc in lives.

Choi ung wasn't also spared from it. Unwillingly, he was repressed to learn the word loneliness again, when his love was snatched away. Seasons knocked and went away but life became devoid of warmth of the summers that came with yeonsu. What left was an endless hollow pit.

Worse was, albeit his urge to refill that void was strong yet the hope to find her back was close to nil.

However, today finding yeonsu's delicate arms wrapped around his torso, with her calm- rhythmic breaths fanning over his neck, he came to conclusion, he is indeed the living evidence to prove the world that sooner or later, love embrace and stay in your life, just a knock on your door was needed to start.

Afterall, If it wasn't that knock of summers in high school days or after years of breakup with her barging in his life again, the seasons in his life would have been marred with a stoic feeling and he wouldn't have got to know the beauty of exotic seasons that was filled by yeonsu's presence.

A grin formed on ung's face as he continued to gaze at his wife's face who slept like a baby in his arms. Her angelic face was enough to put his heart at peace and wash off the worries of the whole day.

A soft chuckle escaped ung's lips when he saw yeonsu scrunching her nose because her hair strands kept poking her nose. But what he found more comical was how she was battling with her hair in her sleep without waking up. She's definitely so like him.

Shaking his head on his wife's antics, ung pulled back his hand that rested over her waist and used it to gently tuck her hair strand behind her ear with a soft smile.

On cue, a relief instantly spread on yeonsu's face and she shifted her head on his arm that laid beneath her like a pillow. Ung panicked for a second thinking he disturbed her but when he saw her snuggling deeper into him, relief washed over him.

"Ung-ie", her raspy, sleepy voice met his ears as she tightened his hold over him that took him off guard.

But what made the blood rush in his veins was when her plump lips brushed over his neck. His heart pulsated and a gush of warmthness seared in his veins. He started smiling like an idiot teen who just got a response from his crush.

After being married for five years, he still can't get used to this feeling. It's like everyday, same feelings come wrapped in new forms. And he was glad, it was with yeonsu.

Whilst ung was busy ogling at his wife with a foolish smile, he got reminded
that he had to get up and make a beeline to his art studio to complete the pending work for 'the upcoming important day of his life' due in two days. If he postponed it more, he was sure, no force in universe could help him to complete his work on time.

Even some hours before, he tried to make some fail attempts to persuade yeonsu to let him stay at his studio but he couldn't reason why she was so stubborn to drag him and make him lie beside her today. Regardless when he protested little more, her cute pout face with her love card did the trick.

How easily he turns putty in the hands of his wife is still incomprehensible to him.

But no matter what, he had to leave the bed and do his work. The only problem was yeonsu was clinging to him like a kuala as if even in her sleep, she was making sure, he doesn't ditch her and go to studio.

After heaving a sigh, ung gently lifted up his neck to start on his mission to detangle himself. Firstly, he detached her arm from his torso by peeling her fingers one by one meanwhile keeping an eagle eye over her sleeping form.

After moments ( note: read it as scary moments) of silent battle, he finally freed himself from her hand that rested on his waist and gently placed it back on her.

It wouldn't be wrong to say the way ung was literally on edge with his wife, one could mistook them as a thief trying to escape from jailer.

Now, ung just have to find a way to withdrew his other hand from beneath her head, which he knew was going to be impossible mission. He knew he would definitely get caught by her this time, but what was wrong in trying his luck.

So, with a determination filled with zero hope, ung held yeonsu's head up gently, so he could slide away his arm.

Tongue clamped between his teeth and sweatbeads forming on his head in their air conditioned room, his arm was almost out when yeonsu's voice made him freeze midway.

"What are you doing in middle of night?", yeonsu enquired in her sleepy voice.

"Uh?", ung passed a timid smile, not knowing how to respond as yeonsu rounded her hand over his torso and trapped him again, which made him sigh in defeat.

Here went everything, he sighed internally.

"Going to art studio?", she asked further. To ung's dismay, yeonsu was quite awake now. And her one eyebrow which was perked up, was enough to tell ung, he is in deep shit.

Ung wanted to shake his head in a no but instead, he lightly nod his head which only worsen the situation for him. That's why you need to have self-confidence classes, he cried.

"You couldn't leave your work for one day for me?, ung-ah.", yeonsu looked at ung with a sad expression.

"You don't love me anymore?", she asked further with her wobbling lips which made ung look at her with horrified, wide eye expression.

"Where's that coming from?", he asked, clearly dumbfounded by his wife's bizarre question.

Seeing his wife's lack of response and eyes looking down, he sighed in defeat. Ung pulled his wife in his arms and gently raise her chin up with his index finger to make her look at him.

He was apalled when he saw little mist near the corner of her eyes. When did she turn this insecure and tearful like a child, he wondered. He need to remind his cute wife again she was practically his life.

"I don't know why you felt this, yeonsu-yaa but I love you a lot. So much that still after years of marriage, I feel like a teenager in love who is still exploring feelings of love. You know, with each second that passed by, when I think I can't love you more than I already do, you shine my world with your another new side and I fell in love with you more deeply than before."

"I'll be damned if I didn't find you by my side in every next breath. I will probably break down like kid's robot out of order", ung pouted and mimicked little a broken robot which made yeonsu giggle. Her giggle set ung heart at peace.

"I can't imagine my life without you, yeonsu-yaa. Never think I don't love you, because you are the reason of my existence, sweetheart.", ung smiled and poured his feelings in his words. Further, he pressed a feathery soft kiss on yeonsu's forehead which made her shut her eyes in bliss.

Though, words may at sometimes doesn't justify the overwhelming and indescribable feelings flowing in one's heart, ung hoped the sincerity and burgeoning love in his heart for her, which he tried to convey to his yeonsu, reaches her heart and washes away her doubts.

That's what it happened. As yeonsu opened her eyes, a tear escaped from the corner of her eye hearing her husband's words which were filled with pure love for her. She knew he loves her but today, somewhere her heart ached to heal from his words and like always, ung didn't let her down.

She felt overwhelmed with the love and warmth, ung was showering on her. Having ung for the rest of her life, seeing every ups and downs in their life with her hand intertwined in his, she felt as if god had compensated her for her miserable days of youth.

Ung's eyes turned soft seeing his wife in fragile state. He never liked when she shed tears. With his thumb pad, he wiped the tear that rolled down on her face gently and passed her a loving, soft smile in the end that always managed to steal her heart.

However, suddenly after few moments, as if some spell broke, yeonsu's expression changed and she stared at him with an accused stare which took ung aback.

With her narrowed eyes, yeonsu asked ung, "if you love me, then why don't you want to stay with me? Why are you running away?"

To say ung was flabbergasted, wouldn't be wrong. His brain froze hearing her words.

He knew, it wasn't new for today that she has been acting like that. For the last few days, despite how much he tried, he couldn't decipher what was happening with her. But today, her mood fickled more than he could take in.

All the while, yeonsu's stares bored holes in ung's head which made him realise the soft part of the conversation was done. And he knew, no one would protect him if he doesn't open his mouth right now.

To answer yeonsu, ung was about to open his mouth when, yeonsu ranted further, "I was right, and you were wrong. You have changed, ung-ah."

He looked at her dumbfounded, his eyes saucered dreading to fall out of sockets.

Didn't he just confess his feelings a moment ago?, he questioned himself. Was she getting momentary amnesia or he was loosing the power to comprehend human's feelings, he wondered. He could bet he did confess right, so what change in him she was asking about.

"What do you mean?", ung asked cluelessly.

Albeit, ung has learnt whatever his yeonsu does, it was never from impulse, there was some reason behind that but with the way she acted, he couldn't decode her.

"Remember, last time, I asked you, "what if you change one day and you doesn't want me anymore?" You remember, what did you say?", yeonsu looked at ung with her infamous narrow stare.

Even in her sleepy state, yeonsu managed to scare the daylights out of ung. Ung gulped and just stared right into her eyes which burned in ferocity.

He rummaged through his mind what he answered to this what if of her amidst her 20,480 what-ifs. It was not new, yeonsu has grown this one more new habit to test him every now and then, sometimes asking what she wore on their first date or what their vows said and what not.

And albeit, ung protested many times why did she has to do that, in the end he was abiding by it. Nevertheless, he too grew the habit of answering his wife obediently. He could guarantee at this point, if there was some national exam asking questions about their years of togetherness, he would have passed the exam with flying colors.

However today, ung was in trouble.

Seeing ung's face contorted in confusion which was enough to shed light on the fact that he had forgetten, yeonsu's face burned more with furiousness.

"Whoa, now you don't remember your own words?", she asked him in a clipped dangerous tone while tightening her hold on him which made ung gasp in horror.

With each passing second, her hold tightened and ung's resolute to not let the pain show on his face break down. He got a dejavu from his high school days, when ung extended his hand to the "ball-mark headed" yeonsu on playground, but in return, she sucked the soul out of him.

The only difference is, in high school time, they both didn't much about each other but today it is only ung, who can't understand why yeonsu is acting bipolar, like few moments ago, she was sad and now she is ready to kill him with her grasp on him and murderous stare.

It's not ung doesn't remember her words, because he do that with heart but his answers to each of her questions? Well that was debatable.

Firstly, for God's sake he wasn't even a learner with answers in high school and with aging effect hovering now, he certainly wasn't the best candidate with good memory cells.

Moreover, he had somehow manage to remember on other days but today, with the art studio tension, and her abrupt mood changes has put his mind in a tight situation.

But ung still tried to appease his angry bird mirroring wife, who was ready to slit him.

"When did you ask this, baby? A little clue for your ungie, please.", ung asked in a little shaky voice, shooting his puppy eyes in a hope that his girl next to him will have mercy on him but stars weren't in his favor.

Because the script that was written and decided for today came with the title, "unpredictable peaks".

Yeonsu withdrew her hand that rested over ung's torso with a whiplash, and before ung could make out what was happening, his wife's body hovered on his, taking him aback. He was trapped in her cage.

As if to beautify the scene, yeonsu's unkempt bun rolled out and spread on her face which tickled the sides of ung's face while the latter stared at her with his wide eyes and drumming heart.

"If I will make you remember all the things, then what is your role as a husband, Mr choi?", yeonsu breathed on ung's lips which made him forget to breathe.

It wouldn't be wrong to say, ung didn't listen any word that left her mouth moment ago. The reason being, chemical explosions were happening in his brain. He lost the power to comprehend, his eyes stilled on her naturally pink, moving lips in silence for his deaf ears.

To make matters worse, an indescribable amount of hotness pooled to his south as yeonsu's breasts snuggled deeper into his chest. His heart beat shooted up, thudding against his ribs threatening to break them any point if yeonsu didn't back away in next second.

But to his dismay, today, everything is predecided to torture him.

Suddenly, yeonsu's hands that rested either side of him slipped forward and her warm lips ended planting on his bare cold neck. Ung froze when he felt her warm unsteady breath on his neck, as if she was inhaling his scent.

After some seconds, he heard a puckered sound on his neck. Ung closed his eyes in ecstasy when he felt her warm lips moving on his neck, basking in the immense bliss that attacked him.

After taking her sweet time of assault on her husband's neck, yeonsu slowly detached herself and ung opened his eyes to look at his wife only for his breath to hitch in throat when he saw yeonsu's hooded eyes boring into his.

Their faces that were sheltered by yeonsu's hair seemed as if they were securing their intimacy even from the eyes of air, urging them to turn hot all over. It was like things were happening only for a reason today. Their position spiked the anticipation for both of them. On cue, Yeonsu's throat felt dry whereas ung gulped.

In summers, in the air conditioned room, the sexual tension between the two people hit off the roof. On one hand, where yeonsu isn't expecting the situation to turn into hot mess all of sudden because she had much important matter on hand; on another, ung never thought he would be saved from his almost death by yeonsu's questions with this attack.

But noteworthy thing was neither of them was regretting the way things unfolded. They both felt needy as their passion grew with each passing second.

Closing her eyes, yeonsu take the initiative and slowly started to lean in and fill the cavity that stood between their lips.

Her heart was exploding with continuous, unnumerable beats but what made her smirk and confident, was the person who lied beneath her. Feeling her husband's erratic drumming heartbeats which surprisingly created a rhythm with her unrythmic heartbeats, yeonsu felt more bold.

On other hand, seeing his wife's face leaning in, her hot ragged breath mingling with his breath, ung circled his wife's midriff by his hands to anchor his shaking body.

However, instead of feeling the fabric, ung's fingers felt the softness and warmth of her skin which made him realise her t-shirt had rode up. A gush of uncontrollable emotions bubbled up in his chest and on accord, ung shut his eyes welcoming his wife's move.

Submerged deeply in moment, as ung's thumb pads started to draw circles, feeling her skin; yeonsu's body shook in insatiable tremors. She felt the ache building up that was threatening to explode her into oblivion any second. She needed to act soon before she lost her anchor.

But when did things ever happened normally for ung and yeonsu. Before their burning passion could satiate, a knock resonated in their room which poured bucket of cold water on both the souls.








Here's the wrap.

*drum rolls* things got heated in last, huh?! Ungyeonsu matured a lot, huh.🤪

How's the chapter, jujubes ? Did you like the build up? ;)

Question is who became the blocker of their almost kiss?😮‍💨😂

And why was yeonsu acting so out of order and changing her mood in seconds?🤔😂

Now, Do you want me to continue?


If one scene from the story of ungyeonsu were to happen in your life, which scene would you choose and why?

Don't forget to click the ☆ button to vote, leave comment and share! :)

Meanwhile waiting for next update, for the avid readers, who are looking for a feel good story, please check out my story, their fake real love. 😆🥰 *shameless self promotion on rocks*

Until next time,
Keep smiling jujubes :)
Do follow me, I'll follow you back. ;)

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