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Somewhere in forest of SHIMLA...

“How beautifully god has created dis feels so peaceful surrounded by dis still i have one complain from him!i always wished to have someone besides me, A family.A friend or Nyone .Bt look!!nobody is dere for me,to share my happiness,sorrow,etcetra etcetera .Huff!!Once again I have to celebrate my birthday alone only.So HAPPY BIRTHDAY LONELY PRIENCESS,cheers to ur 25th year of forlorn...dahh!!” _murmered RAGINI sarcastically going deeper n deeper into d jungle .

It’s an usual routine for her.she woke up early in d morning n Sneak out from ORPHANAGE secretly to roam around d beautiful yet scary forests .she found peace in d embrace of nature.moreover all dese things seems to be adventurous to her.n even she lighten her heart by sharing her feelings wid d trees n flowers.
But today she went really deeper into d forest, being upset wid d fact dat she is an orphan n don’t have Nyone to celebrate her birthday.

Wen d cool breeze touched her whitish glowey skin,her lips got Freezed at its place & d realisation striked her .

She gulped her saliva n got some courage to face d situation dat,yes she is LOST .!!!!

“Huff!!my birthday can’t get better den dis😑”-murmered she being frustrated.

“I HATE MY LIFE”-finally she chanted her fav. Sentence, which she always utter like a DOHA.

She felt a cold hand on her neck!!
“Aah!”-she jerked to d sudden touch n turned around .
Bt before she could even turn properly,a forceful power falls upon her n throws her some centimeters away.
“Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!”_she -screemed.
Her head hitted d ground bt fortunately d hurbs n grasses saved her from severe wounds .

She collected all her energy n tries to get up holding d nearby tree.
As she managed to stand.
She tucked her hairs back to see d view clearly.
She found a short stature,bold,n fierceful girl standing in front.Her eyes r continuously changing its color from red to yellow to green to what not!
Ragini got scared seeing her enigmatic smirk.

D girl proceeds forward n rags moved back!!
D girl’s smirked turned into a grin .
N soon she opened her mouth as big as she can,n d two sharp cuspids protruded instantly.
Rags eyes popped out n a layer of tear appeared .she already made up her mind ,dat today is her last day forsure!
D girl ws about to bite ragini wen a strong force shoved her far from rags.

Curiously ragini looked at d source n found a giant wolf howling.
“Oh gawd! Now dis is what we call an adventurous birthday”-squeled rags

D wolf moved close to rags.
“oh nooooo🤐”-skipped from her mouth

As d wolf ws about to hold ragini,dat girl again comes back n started BRAWLING wid d wolf.
She attacked him wid her sharp cannines n d wolf turned into a young dashing man.

“I can’t believe dis”-ragini uttered being astonished.
“Bt u have to believe it Angel😉”-said d guy n winked at her.
He cleaned his bruise n looked at d girl_” swara!!u r too much,look what have u done”-said he in complaining tone.
Swara ignored him n said_”don’t u dare to waste my time sanskaar.I will take dis girl anyhow(indicating towards ragini) .n if u”ll try to come in between, den don’t expect any sympathy from me”
“Auchh!!it hurts….here”-said sanskaar dramatically indicating his heart.
Swara nodded her head in disbelief.

All d time ragini ws jst observing dem.its so much fun for her to see A WOLF n A VAMPIRE live in front of her.

Swara gazed towards ragini n moved forward to hold her wen sanky cluched her hands n said-“not so soon SWEETHEART”
N dey both started fighting again.

Rags getting it as a chance to skip from dere ,ws about to move wen she found herself in air n soon upon someone’s shoulder.she ws feeling like she is litterely flying.d creature holding her was moving so fast dat she can’t even capture a view passing by.

N finally she ws standing on her foot.
She instantly looked up n saw a Greek god standing in front of her .she lost in admiring him. His well maintained body ,charming face n dark black eyes….wait not black it’s brown….no no it’s red…..wt d hell!! It’s changing continuously….which means….

“Means you are a vampire”-finally she asked being lost in his sparkling eyes

He looks at her n spoked coldly_”HALF VAMPIRE”

she frowned at his statement n ws about to question further wen a voice interrupted her_”Ragini beta ….finally you are here”

Frst tym ever she heard someone calling her wid so much of love.
She turned to d source of voice n found a middle aged man standing near a beautiful cottage wid a genuine smile

“Laksh u go inside”-ordered d man

He is revealed to be DP-LAKSH’S FATHER
N d guy is reveled to be LAKSH.

She looks at him perplexed n d man signalled her to come near.
She goes towards him n he caressed her face n said wid moisty eyes_”u looks exactly like ur Mother …bt ur behaviour is totally like ur father” n he giggled a bit ,remembering some flashback of ragini’s father.

“My parents!?do you know dem?who are dey?where are dey?y dey left me ? Say something…”_bombarded ragini.
“Yes I do know dem!we were d bestest friends….Bt frst calm down child.i”ll tell u everything”-assured dp.

He made her sit inside d cottage n gave her a brown colored DIARY.
She looked at him n he signalled her to go through it!!!

She opened it gently….
“Rago baccha if u r reading dis diary it means me(sumi) n ur father(shekher) is no more in d world wid u..i know u must be missing us beta,but we are always dere in ur heart.
Ragini dere is a secret in your life,which now you must have to know …….”

She keeps on reading d dairy n got to know dat her parents were hybrid n luckily falls in love wid eo.soon dey were blessed wid Ragini.
Ragini ws a special child.she ws borned as human,bt she can turn into a wolf or vampire ;whoever bited her frst.
Her parents decided to keep it as a secret,n let her be a normal human only but somehow dis news leaked out.
All d vampire n wolf community gathered around to take ragini .
Her parents knew dat dey would missuse d powers of ragini,n so protected her ;bt d evils r huge in number.
Finally her parents handovers her to dp (-who ws a human scientist n dere close frnd.)
Dp’s wife Ap ws a vampire n she assured to help sumi-shekher.

soon dere fight started Bt unfortunately evil empowered good!dey killed sumi shekher n Ap.
Dp gets scattered bt composed himself for d sake of d two lill child n den he escaped away from dere taking laksh and ragini.

Sumi had written dis diary during d days of war.
Dp informed ragini about everything.

“So to protect you from all dese things,i kept you at Orphanage,we(dp n laksh) always had an eye on you,n laksh ws always dere wenever u r in problem bt still donno how dese evils got to know about you”-said dp being frustrated

Ragini ws in her own thoughts,she ws feeling responsible for her parents n ap’s death.tears strted forming in her eyes.

Laksh saw dis n ws about to say something wen dey heard some BANGING sound.
Laksh sneaked from d window n found swasan coming towards their cottage.
Dp asked him to take ragini away from here.
Laksh looked at Dp n he assured him.
Laksh asked ragini to come but she denied,that she won’t leave Dp alone here.

Laksh widout wasting ny time ,holded her tightly n moved out in lightening speed.

“What d hell laksh..y you left uncle dere?what if anything happens to him…argh!! All d bad things happen becoz of me nly.i m only responsible for everything.frst my parents n ur mom died n now , both of u were suffering just…..,just coz of me…I jst hate myself…I shouldn’t have even borned only…i jst hate…..”-she keeps on blabbering wen laksh pulled her furiously n smashed his lips wid hers harshly.

She goes numb. he ws pressing himself more into her,to make her realise what pain he had felt hearing her words.

After a while ,he left her .she ws staring straight widout blinking.
“Don’t u ever dare to utter such words again!! U donno how much precious you are…we love u so much ragini”_said laksh looking into her eyes.

“Do u love me?”_ws d nly thing she uttered.

Laksh smiled cutely n pulled her close.
“Since d frst tym I saw u,since d frst tym I touched u,since d frst tym I started realising d meaning of love,i had loved you….I ws always dere like a shadow of urs.N I always wanna be like dis only.i wanted to wish u on all ur birthdays ,bt I ws helpless!! I wanted to tell u my feeling ,bt d situation doesn’t allowed me.So now m telling you.Yes Ragini I love you…love u till u more den….”-but before he could complete expressing his feelings ,rags filled d gap btween dem,n kissed him wid so much of love…..
It’s a blissful kiss .
Both r lost in eo.

“Bt What about dp uncle”_said rags breaking d kiss
“He”ll be fine….”_assured laksh ,n giggled a bit feeling pity on swasan ,knowing d fact what his dad ws going to do wid dem.
“Oh gawd!!!!my body is heating up..ahhh!!!help help someone help..oh gawdddd!!!!”_shouted sanskaar running here n dere
“Ahhh!!!!! Wt dis human had done to us…argh!!!!I won’t leave himmm”_said swara controlling her pain n throwing things here n dere .

Dp saw dis n smirked😏 n finally runs out in search of raglak.
Laksh takes ragini to a beautiful cliff area.
“Oh gawd laksh I always wanted to visit such a place like dis once ever in my life”_said rags being lost admiring d view
“I know”-said laksh seeing his lady love soo happy😁
“Well I have something for u…now close ur eyes”-continued laksh n placed his fingers on her eyes to cover it.
Rags smiled .
He takes her somewhere n den asked her to open her orbs.
As she opened it ,he indicates her to look up .she gazed in d sky n her mouth hung open seeing d beauty of d sky adorned by several twinkling stars .she den looked around to found numerous firefly’s making d surrounding absolutely divine.

He forward his hand bringing a small cupcake in front of her & started singing d birthday song…

Her eyes gets teary….as she never ever had celebrated her birthday dat too in such a wonderful way…

“Arey!y u started crying? I know I know d cake is very small bt I promise from ur next birthday everything wl b perfect.jst manage it for now plzzzz!”_said he cutely ,emphisizing d word plzzzzzzzzzz……

She nodded her head n den hugged him tightly_”dis is d bestest birthday ever.thank u”-whispered she through her super happy yet cracking voice.

He broke d hug n kissed her forehead.
N dey feeded eo.

After a while…

Dey were sitting ,entangling eo fingers.
Rags rested her head on his shoulder.
“So laksh ,u didn’t told me about ur story?”-asked rags
“My story!! Hmm…so my father is a human n my mom ws  vampire,i donno how dey fall in love😋 bt indeed dey did! N dats how I became D HALF VAMPIRE….which means I am both human + vampire…my age will grow like humans bt I have all powers like vampire.i can live on both diet of humans as well as vampire.”-said laksh

“Wow dats so unique na!!😍”_squealed ragini excietedly .

Laksh smiled seeing her antics.
Her craziness is d thing which makes him fall more n more in love wid her .😊

They were spending dere valuable tym wen swara furiously come n pushed laksh wid rage.
Laksh falls down on d ground.
Rags panicked n ws about to get up wen swara grasped her hair n ws about to bite wen laksh pushed swara away…
Sanskaar also came dere ,n started fighting wid laksh.
Being d half vampire laksh ws lill less powerful den swara or sanskaar,bt still he can do nything for his LOVE.

Love can make Nyone powerful or weak
Dis is d real magic of true love

Laksh ws trying his best to fight.
Rags ws getting panicked.
Sanskaar could feel dere love n so he backed off from d fight.

Soon all d vampires n Wolf’s gathered dere.
Swalak were still engrossed in dere furious fight.
Finally swara overpowered laksh n ws about to tear his head away from his body,wen ragini runs to her n pleaded her to leave him.
She ws crying miserably.
Laksh can feel her pain ,bt he ws too much bruised up to do nything .

Swara ws in delimma ,not knowing what to do?
To be wid her community or to support d pious love.
Sanskaar goes towards her n holded her shoulder tightly n said_”leave him!dey truelly love eo,like we do”
Saying so he kissed her in front of all.
All d wolf starts howling n vampires got irked.

Dp reached dere n goes towards raglak.
He said he got d injection from which d chromosomes of ragini wl get altered n her DNA will become normal as of a human.

Smith (d leader of vampire) can’t afford to loose d ragini.n before dp could inject it,smith throws it gradually .The injection falls on d edge of d cliff.
Smith ws about to bite ragini,wen laksh collected all his energy n got up & dragged ragini wid him.
Raglak were standing near d edge .
He grabbed d injection n injected it on her.
She feels dizzy n falls down d cliff as laksh ws holding her ,he also falls down.
Dey both r too weak to save deselves from falling.

Dp screemed dere name.
Swasan looks on widout ny expression.
As nothing is left to fight for,so both d communities goes away from dere.

Sanky smelled something.n looked at swara.
She widened her eyes n nodded in yes & den jumped off from d cliff.

Dp ws in a state of shock!! He doesnt understand wts going on??

He runs near d edge n looks down ,seeing d scenario happy tears escaped his eyes.
Swara was holding ragini n laksh n ws coming up .

Dp looked at sanskaar. & smiled through his tears…
Some years later….

A beautiful villa is shown.
Inside it ,in an elegant room,a couple ws sleeping being cozy to eo.
Both r covered nly wid a velvet quilt.
D room is fully decorated wid birthday stuffs.

D girl slowly opens her beautiful eyes n looks at her partner.
A sweet smile crept her lips .
She goes near to him n kissed his cheek n whispered_”thnku laksh for always making my birthday special”
She slowly removed his arms from her waist n ws about to go wen his muscular hands gripped her shoulder n turned her forcefully,making her falls on his bare chest.
“The birthday is not yet over WIFEY”-said he still closing his eyes.
He finally rolled over n now she is beneath him.
He opened his eyes making ragini shy.
He smirked a bit n nuzzled into her neck..
She blushed remembering their last night.
She hitted him playfully n said-“lakshh”(childishly)
He immetated her😋
N den both giggled.

After a while…
Rags ws standing near d window,admiring d scenario.
Where swasan were playing wid dere cute lill daughter along wid Dp.😊

Laksh comes from back n hugged rags.
He kissed her hairs n said_”don’t worry wifey ,soon we”ll also have our ANGEL to play wid ”
Rags turned towards him n said_”I LOVE U MY HALF VAMPIRE”
he giggled at her statement n den kissed her lovingly.

Rags monologue-
That birthday litterely changed my life,n dat too for d best!!& Now m totally loving my life .YEY!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME😁”

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