~•{Chapter #13 (a)}•~

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(noun) The process of weaving together or interweaving.

ALERT: Multiple characters and POV shifts.

"A dire remedy, an apologetic resurrection, a tragic secret and two visions. Summarised?"

He exhaled a tightened sigh amidst the atmosphere immersed in the salts of strong senses and incenses.

"Adding up this one, it's three," Valerie piqued him.

His arching brows stood frozen between his boiling temper and crinkling thoughts.

"It should be our move now. Any notions?" Rohanna spoke with her tolerance wagging on the edge.

"Yes, grace. We are ought to discuss that," Azarious affirmed.

"From where do we begin?" Kenna hurled a plausible question.

"It's all a lone stance. Perhaps we must try to pertain the facts." Galene's voice gathered the attention of Aetherthians.

"Probably the wise choice. What could the force be?"

"An ominous spirit it is. The way it bargains life for its existence!" Laurel retched his words of ire.

"Perhaps sir you are stating the eww possibility now." Valerie's ridicules softened the taut air eerily.

In a flick the rippled heart stretched out to grab his calm stick, sitting tranquil on the ledge.

You can't be a mean example to the notorious students, after all, his thoughts twisted his choice. Maybe weave the words well. A perfect tit for tat! A smirk lifted the irksome specks of dust that smoked him.

"Do you have any idea than pulling me onto the cliff, Ms Valerie?" His irate tone was disguised between his challenging words.

"My order upon the holy lights of the moon. Stop these bitter bits now. We are already on the brink of the sail and here you are trying to be more twisty. Mend your minds to what's needed. Am I expecting too much?" Rohanna sighed her anger out.

"Apologies, Grace."

"Oh Madame Valerie, let's not be this formal. After all, it's not what I expect from any of you." Rohanna pressed her strained cheeks till her ears.

"So any more ideas?" Kenna stood for the emerald woman. But silence prevailed on every end.

"Hear me out. What if it's not just an ambushing spirit?" Azarious stilled everyone's thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"Just a spilt bug. What if it's beyond what we are trying to conclude. What if we are not even near to the truth in itself? Maybe we must now try to locate the girl than trying to join the vague possibilities."

Muffled hustles quivered between the worlds.

"But should we be concentrating on the girl who couldn't be tracked than saving the doom and gloom that's choosing us?"

"I think he is right. Maybe that's how we must solve it because my instincts say we are missing out on something more important," Rohana affirmed.

"What? We have three visions to ponder and is that not enough? Who cares if she lives or dies? More details will mislead; it multiplies overthink ing and divide the solution. Above it all, that's not my style." Laurel's ire trickled in his tone.

Eir's amethyst eyes glistened in reticence to what she had heard from the transmuter. She looked pleading to the emerald woman who could read through her shattered self, even when they were moons away.

Not just Eir, but none could assimilate Laurel's ways. If unheard rancors could be smoking the soul, he would have been less alive. Looking through the situation Rohana knew that it's her time to prolong the dawn for everyone than letting it sink in the slurry horizons.

"If every one of you holds me in high respect, then I will conclude this. We must see it through the girl as well. Eir has made a promise which shall not be proved wrong. After all, we are here to save them all."

"Your grace we don't have to..."

"I affirm your orders, your grace," Kenna took the first stride, thudding her fists on her heart.

Valerie and Azarious allayed the waffling friction through relieving glimpses at her calming citrine orbs. Together they affirmed, "We do so, your grace."

The transparent hurricanes ebbing in those aquamarine eyes were much perceptible. When rays of despotic shine slid past the abysmal depths, he gave in.

"In the glory of the holy mother, she who commands life in us, I would like to know your slant as well." Rohanna turned towards the earth fenced Narngonians.

Galene skimmed through every pair of eyes sunk in alacrity to help the girl they had saved under the silver weaved gleams of moonlight.

"We all do, your grace."

"Alright then..."

"Include me in it as well. Who can go past the orders of our water queen? Hey you risible rat, can't you come and help me on your own?" The deep pitched yet flat tone of the hazel-eyed man echoed in every wave that ran between the two worlds.

Understanding that he was unaware of what's happening around him, Mordana and Hugh rushed to relieve him of the piled sacks, high enough to restrict his vision to the sides and dangling bags that he carried in his arms.

"Should I plead for you to be nice, biting bu- ouch!" Mordana in a hurry stamped his feet, making him drop the sacks to the grounds one after the other. "Why did you stamp these infant feet of mine you-" He latched up the words that crawled upon his gut. His quick eyes glanced at the glittering lights webbing to keep the communication steady. Knowing what he has done, his thoughts screamed in a shock that wasn't easy to surpass.

"Uh! It's a relic communication time. I hope so I wasn't much wordy." He bit his tongue while choosing his words.

Crackling waves of laughter and chuckles fled past, cleansing the palpable clamours of revulsion.

"Oh, Aaron you have finally loosened the rigid conversation. Come over." Galene waved the palms facing him towards the couch where they all sat.

"Much grateful, Galene. I shall join but the mess here need to be cleaned." He rushed to pick up the fallen sacks and bags.

"Not now. We will see to it all then. And, how can you clean it all alone with your infantile arms?" Galene ridiculed him.

"Alone is whom? I have a new companion." His words twisted every mind.

"What? Did you bring in someone to the cottage?" Hugh's words made him scratch his temples in ambiguity.

"Don't yell at me. In a momentous thought, I have brought her here." He bit his lip again, bruising it this time. But it did heal even before his eyes blinked.

"How could..."

"A she?" Serephina's query loomed between the invisible shield that separated the worlds.

"Yes, we all know her well. But I wonder how she could heal this quick past the wounds she had yesterday. Must be your golden treatment."

Chills and shrills crept through every spine, making them bereft of words.

"What are you speaking? She isn't alive on Earth!" Eir unleashed it all.

"What does that suppose to mean?" Mordana shrieked past her withheld patience.

"How could you be so sure of that? Speak up Eir," Serephina stood up, withering her calmness.

"I have wreathed a bulwark in her home aligning the protective glyphs of amethyst. That is why I'm weak. If she slips past it I will surely know it." Her words riddled the slower minds.

"That's ridiculous, Eir! Did you put her in the Sanctus gaol?" Serephina decoded her words, arching her brows in utter horror. Her new blues dilated as she chewed her lips.

"Eir that's much of what you did. Ah, gods are merciful!" Galene gawped. "You know how to reverse it or not?" Galene's query filled her with more rue.

"Hold the storms for a moment. What exactly are we missing?" Laurel's words felled the falling frictions.

"I have remanded her in Sanctus gaol, Sir. But I know not how to reverse the spell."

"If you don't know to reverse it why should you pick it up in the first place? You have risked her life enough!" Kenna retched her bitterness.

"I had no option to save her. If the spirit could survive past the protection spells then what shall I do? I promised Kayte to save her even if it means my life. For I know what care is supposed to be."

Her pricking tone crammed Kenna's heart. Her eyes glistened to fill the fractured voids with tears. The one's she had bargained to never slide past her eyes for so long. She hid her face between her palms, letting the teasing orange pelts stick to her forehead, provoking her reticence. Rohana held her tight to support her coiling frame.

"Let's not wind the lost past with this present. Allow some mercy to seep through you. Let's not stiffen. After all even metals will melt when warmed right." Rohana tried to mend them for the moment.

She called Valerie to help her out while mustering her charred chunks to read through the signs that had been blooming in front of her.

If I could read the signs then the vision would have chosen me. Kenna's words kept her immersed.

It's my turn to unfold it all. Oh, mother guide me through, she surrendered herself when her eyes looked at the serene smile enough to hood infinite tightening with its tenderness. Between her dubiety and abstention, she saw the glowering eyes of the deity shine brighter.

You shall not fail! Her conscience declared.

"What is the conclusion now?" Laurel took his stance. Rohana's confident stare answered him.

"Azarious and Galene, can you both awaken the seraphic octagrams? I shall re-form the syllables to latch the migration between verses."

Without any qualms, the couple did as they were instructed. Muffled chants and syllables were floating between the airs. Being the one left idle, Laurel wanted to be sure of what would happen next.

"Does that mean we are going to call in the girl?" His question became an added burden to the iffy air.

To the power of indefinite beginning,
And an end that shall never bloom,
May thy sinag secure the soul's craters,
May they invade to cleanse the worlds,
Invoking thou might, we all be secure,
Shatters shall severely succumb,
Not the fears shall find us in any echelon,
Oh, the glow of gold!
Shall keep us unassailable.

Rohana closed her eyes to recite the charm in a loop of eight, slowly brightening the tilleul rays between her brows to glow gold. The emerging golden sparkles sprinted to the relics. Invoking the divine courage, she opened her sparkling emerald eyes shining auraceous akin to the tender sinag of the sun on surfaces of teal waters.

The thundering nacreous beams of the octagrams from both the worlds collided on the glazing facets of blue kyanite stone and mirrors, but weren't able to cross each other as the flowing golds faded into nothingness, sealing even the finest ports. The meandering shimmers ensured that the protection was solid. They redefined even the thinnest grain left unswept and scattered on the reflecting floors and walling glasses.

"Now is the time. Call her in," she declared. She was sure that the time had inclined to seek the mystery from every brim.

Hope it is enjoyable!

Now is the time to spill your theories. And, I command the lantern of faith to arise because what awaits next is between the wilderness and iniquity.

Until next time,

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