My Character Form (I)

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❒table of contents
➱Ⅰ - general
➱Ⅱ - personal
➱Ⅲ - appearance
➱Ⅳ - relationships
➱ V - extra


Ⅰ - General

"I've killed so many people."

Full Name (Insert the character's full name. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.): Jacqueline Luna Bateman

Meaning and origin (Explain the meaning of their full name, not just their first name. If you aren't sure your character's name has a meaning look it up, I'm sure you'll find something. If it's a fantasy name you made yourself, give it a meaning. E.G. Elizabeth is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means God Is My Oath. Winchester is primarily a male name of Shakespearean origin that means Venta's village. Bishop is primarily a male name of English origin that means Overseer, Guardian.): The name Jacqueline is primarily a female name of French origin that means Supplanter. The name Luna is primarily a female name of Italian origin that means The Moon. The name Bateman is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that means One To Be Revered.

Nickname (What names do their friends call them? What does their family call them? Pet names? Terms of endearment? Shortened versions of their real name?): Bates (Jokingly by her friends)

• Doll, Baby, Babe, Sweetheart, Princess, Love, My Heart, Beloved, Lover, Sweetheart, Darling, Honey, Sugarplum (By Mickey)

• Short Stack (by Stu)

• The Ghost of Woodsboro (by a few of the Locals)

• Phoenix Knight (Other Personality)

• Ewok or Gismo (By Mickey; jokingly)

• Jack or Jackie (Also by her friends)

• Jaqueline Dean (Former married name)

• James Dean's Wife

• Lara Croft (by Tom Prinze)

• Jacqueline Bateman-Altieri (Post Scream 2)

Codename (What are they known by to keep their identity hidden?): • The Phone Book Killer (By the Press; Pre Scream 1).

• The Terminator / Hidden Killer

Age (Insert their age): 18 (Scream 1)

• 20 (Scream 2)

• 23 (Scream 3)

• 34 (Scream 4)

• 45 (Scream 5)

• 47 (Scream 6)

Gender (E.G. Male, Female, Non Binary): Female

Date of Birth (Insert when they were born): September 14th 1899 (Actual Birth Date). May 1st 1974 (Fake Birth Date).

Date of Death (Insert when they were killed): November 4th 1918 (First Time). September 30th 1955 (Second Time).

Cause of Death (What caused the character's death? It could be something like a gunshot wound or even old age!): Knife Wound (November 4th 1918). Car Accident (September 30th 1955).

Sexual Preference (E.G. Asexual, Bisexual, Pansexual etc.): Heterosexual / Asexual

Species (E.G. Human. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): Terminator (Human/Robot Hybrid)

Occupation (E.G. Doctor, Actress/Actor, Singer etc. This will vary depending on the Fandom.): • Actress (Formerly).

• High School Student (Formerly).

• University/College Student (Formerly).

• Assassin/Serial killer (Currently).

• CEO (Currently).

Home (E.G. Woodsboro, California): • 14611 Sutton Street, Sherman Oaks, California (Pre-Scream 1).

329 Whispering Lane, Woodsboro, California (Scream 1).

• Stone Ridge, Ohio (Scream 2).

• 261 Turner Lane, Woodsboro, California (Scream 3).

• 34 Elm Street, Woodsboro, California (Scream 4-5)

• 19 West 68th Street, New York City, New York (Scream 6).

Goal (What does the character want to achieve?): • To gain fame and fortune in Hollywood (succeeded).

• To marry James Dean (succeeded).

• Avenge her husband's death (succeeded).

• Kill Sidney Prescott (as Phoenix Knight, failed).

• Protect Sidney Prescott (succeeded).

• To survive the Legacy Killings (succeeded).

• To survive the New York City Killings (succeeded).


II - Personal:

"Oh... I'm right here."

Personality (Describe the character's personality with as much detail as you can. Don't just list off words; go in depth with who your character is.): Jaqueline is manipulative, caring and nurturing. At her core, she is an inherently good person and is kind, compassionate and deeply craves love. At her best, she is selfless. She prioritises other's needs ahead of her own and is self-sacrificing. At her worst, she becomes manipulative and vengeful. She also withdraws from the people she loves and detaches from her emotions. Her unstable mind caused her to develop a split personality. Though, Jaqueline is still there, Jaqueline herself is unaware of the other personality.

As Phoenix, she is extremely emotionless, cold, violent and ruthless. She almost never showed any facial expression beyond a cold and flat face, and usually only spoke when she meant to engage others for information or when she intended to throw unwanted attention off of herself. She was noted to have an "attitude problem", utilizing more pragmatic and blunt measures, such as tending to physically throw others out of its way to get past them or to use a phone booth. The Phone Book Killer was also very brutal and completely merciless, and was quick to kill when others in any way didn't cooperate with her plans and demands. She is single-minded and inhumanly relentless in completing her mission at all costs. Despite her almost-blank personality though, Phoenix did still possess just enough social information to calculate what the best verbal response with which to throw off unwanted attention was. She is also intelligent and resourceful enough to calculate multiple different methods of tracking down and/or killing her prey; such as pursuing and murdering all Thomas Davidson's named in a phone book.

Likes (What are their favorite things? Favorite food, favorite activity, etc.): Playing the guitar, manipulating, dark coloured clothing, blood, killing, chaos, Winnie the Pooh, Disney related things, Pokemon, victory, pleasing her boyfriend, revenge, war, destruction, torturing her enemies, hatred, fear, despair, rain, snow.

Dislikes (What do they not like?): Her friends and family in danger, being left for dead, water, being held back, betrayal, heroism, defeat, failure, peace, her dark and impulsive actions getting the better of her, the STAB movies, being told what to do, loud unexpected noises, fireworks, flashing lights, the dark, balloons.

Phobias/Fears (What are they afraid of the most? Does the character have to take any medication to help with this phobia?): She suffers from astraphobia, the fear of thunder and lightning; but she is trying to get over the fear.

Unique Features (Does the Character have any?): • Bionic Physiology: Her body has been altered with cybernetics and bionics, giving her a cyborg appearance along with a wide range of abilities.

• Enhanced Vision: Her eyes has advanced scanning and holographic capabilities. The eyes give her vital information on her surroundings such as potential threats, location of items and seems to enhance her vision well beyond that of a normal human, including telescopic and spectrum lenses. However, they don't work as well at night.

• Voice-Mimicry: During her time as an assassin, Jaqueline would use this ability to lure her victims to their deaths.

• Immunity: Jaqueline cannot be harmed by conventional firearms. Her endoskeleton is only vulnerable to electricity, magnetism and heat.

Bionic Arms:

• Enhanced Strength: The bionic arms give her superhuman strength.

• Enhanced Durability: Her cybernetic arms are incredibly resistant to physical damage. The cybernetic arm is bulletproof and grants her even higher durability.

Bionic Legs:

• Enhanced Strength: The bionic legs give her extraordinary superhuman strength.

• Enhanced Durability: Her cybernetic legs is incredibly resistant to physical damage. The cybernetic legs are bulletproof and grants her even higher durability.

Weaknesses (Does the character have any?): • Broken Neck: Breaking her neck will result in instant death.

• Decapitation: Decapitation will result in instant death.

• Heart Extraction: Having her heart out will result in instant death.

• Firearms: Machine-Gun caliber rounds or armor piercing bullets made of depleted uranium can penetrate its endoskeleton, disabling and even destroying the unit. Plasma weapons can penetrate the armor and destroy the unit.

• Extreme forces: Intense explosions, could permanently dislocate limbs and disrupt the internal frame, possibly even destroying it. A pipe bomb jammed between its joints, for instance, can blow a the endoskeleton in half. Nevertheless, the upper half torso can remain functional albeit with a severed left arm. Razor-sharp edges such as metallic pipes, steel rods, or shrapnel can pierce into the endoskeleton armor plate if propelled with sufficient force, disabling the cyborg, and even decapitating it.

• Age: The endoskeleton can be affected by age. She has trouble with her servomotors degrading which most of the time causes lockups on her knee and in her hand. Additionally, if any part suffers from damage during battles, after operational for long periods of time without proper repairs, the endoskeleton would begin to break down with the joints locking when exposed to stress or repetitive movement.

• Cybernetic Metal Skeleton: Despite her Internal Invulnerability, her cybernetic metallic bones can still be damaged by certain means.

Abilities (Does the Character Have Any? Please do not make your character overpowered.): • Hunting Skills: She possesses excellent combat and hunting abilities.

• Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: She is exceptionally skilled with martial arts, and knife fighting as well.

Master Marksman: She is well-versed with multiple types of firearms and is an expert marksman, she seldom misses her intended target and can efficiently put down anything vulnerable to bullets. She is able to shoot right of left handed with the same level of dexterity and accuracy, although she prefers her right hand.

Master Swordsman: She is highly skilled with knives and other bladed weapons. She has used a variety of knives to successfully kill numerous counts of her victims.

Tactician: Jaqueline is also a proficient tracker and possesses prudent tactical skills. Highly resourceful, she frequently utilizes improvised weapons and explosive devices.

High Level Intelligence: Jaqueline is actually considerably intelligent in her own right, she has proven to be extremely sharp, analytical and capable of swiftly remembering seemingly little details and using them to accurately come into correct conclusions. She is well-versed in how police, fire departments and various government agencies (FBI, CDC) typically operate and conduct investigations. She also knows how to both impersonate and evade them effectively. She is a virtuoso of escape, evasion, silent movement, and when the situation requires, subtlety and stealth. Lastly, she is also alarmingly skillful in many areas frowned upon by the law: lock picking, breaking into security systems, car jacking and gaining an 'advantageous purchase' comes naturally to her.

Leadership qualities: Jaqueline is a natural leader, when operating in groups, she commonly takes command, unless the group includes someone who she herself sees as a leader. She also has a skill for motivation, and is a capable orator, being able to motivate others to remain strong and carry on, even in darkest moments, with mere words. This skill also allows her to inspire trust in others.

Strategist: Jaqueline is also shown to be quite a capable strategist, able to come up with many quite clever, and unorthodox methods of defeating her opponents.

Electronics and Mechanical Expert: An accomplished mechanic, she maintains her car in tip-top condition and has maintained an intimate knowledge of automobiles and engines since childhood. She is also very talented at making electronic devices. She is adept at hacking into traffic cameras and databases.

Medical Knowledge: Jaqueline has medical knowledge. Additionally, she knew that it was easier to find a vein when a person was lying on their back.

Survival Expert: Jaqueline is also a highly capable survivalist.

Master of Torture: Jaqueline has an in-depth knowledge of torture, able to inflict the maximum amount of pain and agony on a victim while keeping them alive as long as possible and is also capable of using psychological warfare to more effectively torture strong targets.

High Pain Tolerance: Jaqueline has a tremendous pain tolerance.

Backstory (Describe the life story of your character. Everything starting from when they were children if possible, who their parents/siblings were, what life did they have, etc., etc.): Jacqueline was born presumably on September 14th 1899, not much is known about her past other than the fact that her father had a construction/demolition company that often caused her to move to various places throughout her childhood. She has lived in Las Vegas, Nevada, Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Dallas, Texas. Surrounded by wealth, Jaqueline grew with everything she ever wanted, but also held a resentment for her parents who choose work and pleasures over being responsible. During her youth, she was very involved in extracurricular activities, including training as a gymnast for eight years and taking archery lessons. She also pursued other hobbies, such as painting, photography, and poetry, but her perfectionist tendencies made it difficult for her to enjoy these activities due to how hard she was on herself to be the best at everything she did. She had been held back a grade in school because her family was constantly moving around through her childhood and adolescence. As a result, she was ashamed of the fact that she was older than her classmates and tried to hide her birthday from them so they wouldn't find out her true age, though this was not always successful and usually led to assumptions that the reason she was held back was either because she wasn't neurotypical, because she got pregnant, or because she was on drugs. Her relationship with her father was severely affected by the suicide of her mother who unknowingly walked into a building that her father had prior rigged with explosives when she was thirteen years old. As a result of her mother's death, she killed her father in cold blood for revenge when she turned eighteen years old. He was her first murder.

Over time, Bateman's rage and aggression manifested and as a result she developed Dissociative Identity Disorder, manifesting into an alter named Phoenix Knight, who had a ruthless demeanour. In the early hours of the morning, as Phoenix Knight, she went to a gun shop to acquire weapons for her mission, killing the shop's proprietor so she could pocket the ammunition. She then checked a phone book for a list of Thomas Davidson's, finding a total of four. She then proceeded to kill Thomas Lincoln Davidson, Thomas James Davidson, Thomas Arthur Davidson and Thomas Johnathan Davidson. For her actions, she was called The Phone Book Killer by the press and was even compared to Jack The Ripper. Upon leaving her family home, Bateman had no need for the other personality to front and thus was able to keep front under her control. When she was nineteen years old, she led a disreputable life of petty crime. She was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death after a botched car-jacking which also saw the deaths of two cops went wrong.

During her time on Death Row, Jacqueline was visited repeatedly until the day of her execution. She was then strapped onto a cross-like table and shown to her weeping friends and relatives before being executed by lethal injection. It is ambiguous as to whether the injection actually killed her or simply placed her in a coma.

Her body was implanted with a number of cybernetics, like a new spine, ocular implants, and mechanical bulletproof prosthetic arms, making her physically superior to average humans and therefore, a perfect killing machine. She moved to Woodsboro, California when she was twenty years old living there for two years before moving to Stone Ridge, Ohio, where she attends Windsor College, studying Film as well as Theatre.

When she is not working or studying, much of her time is devoted to grey-hat hacking. She stays up to date on forums and boards, and maintains contacts through the internet. She is skilled in information gathering and observation, and demonstrates skills in social engineering, which allow her to learn as much as possible about the people around her. She uses her skills to bring what she sees as justice to people who might otherwise escape the notice of law enforcement. She also uses her skills to help ordinary people who may have been wronged.

As the Phone Book Killer, she uses her abilities to exact her vengeance on murderers, predators, and other evil-doers, causing Bateman to amass a large body count that eventually began to weigh on her conscience. She sometimes teams up with Ghostface if he manages to grab her attention.


III - Appearance:

"You live in a single moment."

Looks / Faceclaim (Describe what the character looks like include hair colour, eye colour and skin colour, you may tag or use a celebrity for what your character looks like): Jacqueline has pale skin, brown eyes, and long dark brown hair. She has a toned build and is of average height. Her appearance is messy at times, her usual outfit of choice is a leather jacket paired with a flannel or short sleeved button down. She wears a silver loop earring, but does also wear a diamond stud as well. [FaceClaim: Jennifer Garner]

Build (What type of body does the character have? E.G. Athletic): Toned

Height (How tall is your character?): 5'4

Scars (Does the character have any? Describe where they are located and how they got them): N/A

Tattoos (Does the character have any? Describe where they are located and what they look like): N/A


Ⅳ - Relationships:

"Doesn't matter. There are only four rules you need to remember: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan. Follow my lead and you'll be fine."

Father (Who is their father? Are they dead, alive, etc.): Michael Richard Bateman — Deceased

Mother (Who is their mother? Are they dead, alive, etc.): Christine Sarah Bateman (Née Shelby) — Deceased

Siblings (Who are their brothers and sisters? Are they dead, alive, etc.): N/A

Other Relatives (Do they have any? Are they dead, alive, etc.): N/A

Friends (Who are their friends? Are they dead, alive, etc.): Tatum Riley †

• Randy Meeks (best friend) †

• Sidney Prescott

• Billy Loomis (formerly) †

• Stu Macher (formerly) †

• Gale Weathers

• Dwight 'Dewey' Riley

• Mickey Altieri

Enemies (Who are their enemies? Are they dead, alive, etc.): • Billy Loomis (ex-friend) †

• Stu Macher (ex-friend) †

• Cheerleader in Bathroom (one-sided hate by Cheerleader)

• Casey Cooper †

• Nancy Loomis †

• Tom Prinze †

• Roman Bridger †

• Jill Roberts †

• Charlie Walker †

• Richie Kirsch (ex-friend) †

• Amber Freeman †

• Wayne Bailey †

• Ethan Landry †

• Quinn Bailey †

Other Relationships (Has the character been in any other relationships?): James Dean (m. 1949; died 1955).

Kills (Who has the character killed? It could be a cannon character or maybe someone completely made up?): • Thomas Lincoln Davidson (Killed by impaling him in the head).

• Thomas James Davidson (Killed by gunshot to the chest).

• Thomas Arthur Davidson (Killed by impaling him in the forehead).

• Thomas Johnathan Davidson (Killed by his heart being cut out and placed in heart-shaped candy box).

• Nancy Loomis (Shot multiple times with 2 pistols by Sidney Prescott and Jaqueline Bateman.)

• Richie Kirsch (Stabbed in the neck and then shot multiple times by Jaqueline Bateman-Altieri)

• Wayne Bailey (Shot in the head by Jaqueline Bateman-Altieri after being stabbed multiple times by Samantha Carpenter)

Crush: Mickey Altieri

Relationship with Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc.): The two have romantic feelings for each other and care for each other deeply. They are currently dating.

Back Up Crush: Billy Loomis

(Back Up No. 1)


Richie Kirsch

(Back Up No. 2)

Relationship with Back Up Crush (Friends, Lovers, Enemies etc.): Boyfriend & Girlfriend (Richie).

• Friends & Classmate (Billy)


V - Extra Information

"Get on your knees and beg me to spare your fucking pathetic life."

Any Other Information: She is allergic to fresh pineapples. In terms of horror movie stereotypes, she would be the Hunter and Bad Girl. She would be known as the Diehard Survivalist.

Movie Appearances: • Scream (1996; First Appearance).

• Scream 2

• Scream 3

• Scream 4

• Scream (2022)

• Scream VI

Smut (Yes, No, Possibly. If Yes, you must confirm that you are 18+): Possibly, if the scenario calls for it.

Password 1 (Favourite Character): Mickey Altieri

Password 2 (Favourite Scary Movie): Dorian Gray (2009 Version).

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