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Jeon Minji's POV

"LOOK AT ME!" Jimin screamed. I was too busy thinking about who he was, that I almost forgot the current situation. My eyes darted over to look directly into his, and I was met with a haunting stare that would give anyone nightmares for weeks.

"W-w-what are y-y-you d-doing?" I stuttered, tears falling down my cheeks.
"Sshhhh," he hushed me, reaching his hand up to my face and brushing my tears away with his thumb.

"You know I love you, right?" He smiled innocently, tilting his head to the right slightly. "And I would do anything for you." I nodded my head, tears still falling. Jimin refused to move his hand away from my face, so after the nod, I stayed perfectly still.

"But you crossed the line, and I have to teach you a lesson." His expression suddenly turned venomous and his grip on my face became tighter, pulling me closer.
"W-what did I-"
"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" He yelled, causing me to flinch again.

"Look at you." He spat. "So weak. So pathetic. You're nothing but an attention seeking whore who goes behind people's backs for their own pleasure."
"I-I d-d-didn't-"

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Tears began to fall down Jimin's cheeks. "You know that I loved you. I loved you so much Minji! Why the fuck would you do that to me!?"
"J-Jimin, I-"

"Enough." His voice became much more sinister. "You know what happens when you disobey me." My eyes opened wide, filled with terror.
"N-no, Jimin, d-don-"
"Relax, Minji." He smiled devilishly, a psychotic look in his eyes. "I'm just going to do to you exactly what he did. Exactly what you asked for."


It had been a few weeks since mine and Jimin's encounter, and we'd been spending a lot of time together. I'd stay up until gone midnight, even in school nights, just to text him. He knew I was in my last year of school, and he'd always tell me to go to sleep, but I'd always refuse.

He's been so nice to me, I've never met someone so kind.

Of course, Jungkook never agreed with me. I'd told him about the numerous amounts of times we've hung out, and said that Jimin has never once mentioned anything rude or perverted, but Jungkook refuses to believe me.

I mean, I don't blame him, if I was in his position I wouldn't trust any guy ever again, but I don't want to grow old by myself. I want to meet someone, someone who doesn't just love me for my body.

I was just walking out of school, when I heard girls screaming. It wasn't the type of scared scream, more like the fangirl type. I ran over, trying to push my way through the crowd, and I heard some whispers along the way.

"Did you hear he is one of the richest guys in all of Seoul!?"
"He's not that much older than us, what if he's here to ask one of us out!?"
"He's so handsome. I'd kill to be with him."

Who on earth were they talking about?

I managed to push to the front of the crowd, and heard the revving of a motorbike engine, and a certain ash-blonde guy sat on it.
"Jimin?" I asked, a smile on my face. How did he know what school I go to?

The crowd went silent, all eyeing me up like I was some weirdo who needs to know their place. Jimin, however, turned to face me, a warm smile on his face.
"Minji!" He smiled. God his smile is beautiful. "There you are! I was looking for you!"

"How come you're here?" I questioned.
"To pick you up from school." He smirked, causing all the girls to swoon and gossip. "Hop on," he gestured to the back of his motorbike. "We're going somewhere."

I followed orders and got on the back, after Jimin put the helmet on my head first. It was a little awkward with all these girls watching, but Jimin didn't seem fazed.

"Hold on tight." He instructed, and I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. The girls surrounding were complaining about how I was 'so lucky' to be with him, and I heard a light chuckle come from him.

"Excuse me ladies." He smirked, and the girls cleared a path for his motorbike whilst fangirling like crazy.
"Jimin!" I yelled once we'd driven off. "Where are we going!?"
"It's a surprise." He replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

The rest of the ride was silent; I held on tight to his waist, leaning my head against his muscular back. I didn't mind the silence, it was calming to just rest my head against his back. Almost comforting.

Jimin turned into and drove up a long driveway. The gates were decorated with delicately carved gold ornaments and the acres of land were perfectly mowed, with trees dotting the landscape. At the top of the driveway was a substantially large house, with a grand front door and a fountain just outside.

The motorbike stopped and we got off, removing our helmets and walking up to the front door. Jimin took out some keys, unlocked the door and opened it for me.
"Welcome to my home." Jimin smiled.
"You live here!?" I exclaimed. "By yourself!?"
"Yep." He chuckled at my expression. "I want to show you around."

With that I stepped into the house, Jimin swiftly following. The house was huge, truly grand. There were so many rooms, all decorated so elegantly and with such care; this house must've cost fortunes.

"Minji," Jimin began. "Follow me. I want to show you the garden."
"Okay." I smiled innocently, almost skipping over to him in excitement.

The garden was spectacular. There was a perfectly paved path that led to a pergola with a table and chairs underneath. Surrounding it was a beautiful garden, that was sectioned off from the rest of the land.

We both walked over and sat under the pergola, staring at the beautiful surroundings as we did so.
"So, what do you think?" Jimin asked me.
"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed. "How do you keep such a huge house so spotless?"

"I hire gardeners and cleaners." He spoke as if it was obvious; like that's what everyone does.
"Tell me," I smiled, leaning my elbows on the table and resting my head in my hands. "How do you have all this money?"
"My parents have a very rich business," he began. "And they donate a quarter of their salary to me because I am an only child."

"But what happens when they retire?" I pursued.
"I'll then take in the business and earn all the money the business makes." He told me.
"I see..." I mumbled looking down. What a lucky guy.

"Minji," Jimin almost whispered.
"Yeah?" I darted my eyes up to look at him, and he looked shy, embarrassed, almost.
"Y-you know, it gets lonely here," He sighed, his eyes looking everywhere but me. I didn't know what to say, but he carried on talking.

"But I've fallen for this girl, and she is truly perfect, and I mean, amazing. I get the feeling that I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl, but I don't know how to ask her out..." I felt my heart sink. He likes someone else. I knew I wouldn't of had a chance.

So instead, I tried my best to be a positive and helpful friend.
"I think you should just ask her, the next time you see her." I blurted out. "Better now than never, hey? She probably likes you back anyway!" I smiled.

"So I should just say it?" He repeated.
"The next time I see her?"
"But what if she's here now?"

"Minji, will you go out with me?" Jimin finally looked me in the eye, and I noticed the seriousness and sincerity that he held in his.
"Yes." I replied, my smile broad.

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