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Jeon Minji's POV

"Hello there, are you Miss Jeon?" The social service worker asked me. I nodded, hugging Areum close to me on my lap once I'd sat down on the chair opposite the woman's. "What's your name little one?" The lady spoke sweetly to my daughter.

"J-Jeon Areum." She mumbled in reply, once I'd given her a reassuring squeeze.
"And how old are you Areum?"
"I'm 5 years old." She replied shyly.
"Do you want to go and play with the other kids in kiddie corner whilst I have a talk with your mummy?" Her calming voice and reassuring smile didn't sit well in my stomach, but I knew what the woman was going to talk to me about, so I told Areum that it was okay and that she should make some new friends.

I gently lifted her down and watched intently as she waddled over to the corner, instantly making friends with another small girl who was sat by herself.
"Please be careful sweetie." I called to Areum, and she nodded quietly.

"Now, I assume you know why I called you here today Miss Jeon." The woman's voice became harsher, and I nodded slowly. "I'd like you to tell me how your... living conditions... became this serious."

"Well..." I began. "It all started once my step brother - Jungkook - found out that I was pregnant with Areum."


"YOU'RE WHAT!?" Jungkook screeched. I stood there speechless, watching as he freaked out on the hospital bed.

"Jungkook," I interrupted him. "Calm down, you're causing a scene."
"How can you expect me to calm down Minji!?" He cried out, but then lowered his voice. "He... he raped you, that's fucking awful. Oh my god are you okay, I can't even imagine how you must've felt oh my god I should've been there to help you I can't believe I-"

"I'm okay, Jungkook." I smiled reassuringly at him. "Can you see why I wouldn't let the doctors tell you about me now?"
"Oh shut up," he huffed. "Now is not the time to be joking around."

The room fell into a silence, so I decided to sit on the bed beside Jungkook. He reached his hand up and brushed it through my now shortened hair.
"All your hair is gone." He sighed.
"Yeah," I exhaled. "The doctors said that it was getting in the way of the burns, and what they cut off was singed anyway."
"I can't believe that psycho left you in a burning building." Jungkook added. "Where.. where were you burned beside your arms?"
"Basically everywhere." I replied, watching his expression sadden with every word I spoke. "My neck, chest, and both legs up to my knees. But the worst of it was on my arms; it's the only place that left a scar."

"Oh Minji," Jungkook cried out, pulling me in for a hug despite the obvious pain he was in. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."
"Sorry for what?" I questioned him. "It's not your fault. If anything, I should be the one apologising for not listening to you- hey, hey don't cry."

I tried to pull away to wipe his tears, but he gripped hold of my back tightly and buried his head into my shoulder. I knew how much he hated people seeing him cry, so I rubbed his back gently and allowed him to cry onto my shoulder.

After a while he calmed down, and we ended up lying on his hospital bed next to each other.
"Are you... are you gonna get an abortion?" Jungkook asked me.
"No." I replied simply, causing his head to jerk towards me.
"No?" He repeated. "Why not? Minji you're still a minor! You need to go to school and live before you have a baby! Have you even thought this through? It's going to look exactly like- him, and will be a constant reminder of how much you suffered! Are you sure you've thought it through?"

"I have." I replied. "And you're right. Everything you said is true, but this baby will be a reminder that I should always listen to your advice instead of just thinking about myself and my preferences." I watched as he took a deep breath, obviously thinking that my choice was not a good one.

"Look," I sighed. "I know that you think that this may not be the best decision I've ever made, but I will be more responsible and more aware of my own actions, and hopefully help me make better ones in the future." I stared into his eyes sincerely. "Will you support me and my decision? Please?" There was a long pause, until he spoke up.
"Of course I will." He exhaled. "I'll stand by you no matter what. Okay?"
"Thank you so much Kookie." I smiled, hugging him once again.

"Do you know what day I can get out of this hell hole?" Jungkook asked me.
"They told me just one more week," I began. "After another week they can let you go. I heard mum and dad are scheduled to come back around then too."

"Oh fantastic," he sighed. "I doubt they'll take this news well."
"I'm not so worried about your dad, it's more my mum where I fear the problem will lie." I told him.
"Maybe not for you, but I'll definitely get some stick for not being there to protect you. It's not going to help the humongous mountain of guilt that's already there when our parents are gonna built it even higher."

After another week Jungkook was home and insisted on helping tidy up, considering no one had been living there for the past month. He claimed that he didn't want me to 'put pressure on the baby' when I'm not even showing yet.

Our parents were due to come home the next day, so we decided that we'd try to hide what happened as best as we could. They did come, and we'd failed to consider that the hospital would call our parents to notify them. They noticed straight off the bat that Jungkook was hurt, but he passed it off as "an accident, nothing too serious" even though he broke bones and they knew he did.

They knew about my burns, so I told them that me and a few friends were messing with matches and candles and whatnot. It caught fire to my hair and then my clothes, and I subsequently got burnt. However, they hadn't been notified about my pregnancy; I'd requested that they don't tell my parents about that, and it seems the hospital came through.

But they were "here to stay" for a while, and by 'a while' I mean at least 6 months. Which was not good for me.

It worked for a while, but they eventually figured it out. I mean, a huge bump is hard to mask as "just gaining weight" when my arms and legs are still stick thin.

"Minji!" My mum called me, and I made my way down the stairs to come face to face with her. Jungkook was in the living room with his dad, and the boy had turned his head to see what was going on.

"Yes mum?" I asked.
"I seriously can't believe you," she began. "Did you honestly think you could hide it from me?"
"Hide what?" I asked, knowing exactly what she meant.
"Don't be stupid you little slut." She scoffed. "I rang the hospital and confirmed it with them; you're pregnant!"

At this Jungkook jumped out of his seat and ran over, causing his dad to become intrigued in what was going on.
"I'm guessing you knew this too?" She turned towards Jungkook, sending a devilish glare towards him. "How dare you not say anything!?"
"Mum!" I yelled. "This has nothing to do with Jungkook; leave him alone."
"You're right." She hissed. "This is all on you. How could you do this? You're a minor!"

"I.. wanted to." I lied to her, and her eyebrows raised and eyes widened with shock. Well, I'm not gonna tell her what really happened, who knows what she'll do. That "you've got to be fucking joking" look was stapled to her face and there was no way it was getting ripped off any time soon.
"We're going to the abortion clinic, right now!" She yelled, grabbing my wrist and dragging me towards the door.

"Mum, get off me!" I yelled, snatching my arm back from her anchor-like grasp. "I'm not getting an abortion."
"Excuse me!?"
"I can't get rid of this baby." I told her.
"You're.. you're not being serious Minji. Now hurry up and get in the Goddamn car."
"Minji," dad butted in. "Just listen to your mother."
"I WONT!" I exclaimed. "I'M KEEPING IT!"

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE THEN!" My mum screamed, veins popping out of her head in frustration. "I WILL NOT HAVE A WHORE FOR A DAUGHTER."
"Mum," Jungkook gave her a sincere look. "You can't kick her out, what will she do?"
"She can get rid of that baby, for starters." She scoffed.
"That's up to her, not you." Jungkook retorted, his expression suddenly hardening.
"Do you want to leave this house as well!?" Mum screeched.

"Well someone has to look after Minji." He spat back, now glaring at mum with hatred in his eyes.
"Son," Dad firmly gripped Jungkook's upper arm and had an undertone of warning in his voice. "Come on, don't get involved."
"No, I will get involved!" He yelled at his dad, yanking his arm back from his father's deathly grip. "Minji is my sister, I'm not going to stand by and watch as she's thrown out the hou-!"


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