→ seven ༄

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Jeon Minji's POV

Jimin forcefully pinned me down on the floor, glaring into my eyes.
"Jimin, please don't do this.." I muttered.

"Why shouldn't I!?" He growled. "You belong to ME! You are mine, yet you still went behind my back!"
"Jimin, you know I would neve-" His hand covered my mouth before I could finish.

"You know, Minji," He began. "I thought I knew you. I thought I could trust you not to ever betray me, not to ever disobey me, but no. You're just the same as everyone else. I thought you were different, I thought that I'd finally found someone that wouldn't just use me for my money." There was a pause where a single tear fell from Jimin's face.

"But I guess I thought wrong."


I was living with Jimin now, and I had been for the past month. I haven't spoken to Jungkook ever since I left, and I've nearly finished school. Jimin says that I don't have to worry about getting a job or anything, the income he gets off his parents is enough to feed the 5000. Literally.

I've also noticed that Jimin is very protective and controlling when it comes to my free time. I'm not allowed home late after school unless I tell him the morning beforehand, I cant go out with my friends unless I get his permission beforehand, and he won't let me out by myself. I cant even walk to school on my own; it's 10 minutes away.

and what happens if I 'disobey' him? I get punished. He'll do things like taking my phone away from me, or refusing to let me watch TV. I'll have to stay in my room, or clean the house, etc... I mean, yeah its weird, but I guess that's just who Jimin is. He's had a difficult childhood filled with neglect, and he just needs someone who is always there for him no matter what.

I love Park Jimin, and nothing will ever change that.

"Minji!" Jimin yelled. "Where are you?"
"In my room!" I replied, typing away on the new laptop Jimin bought me.
"Can you come downstairs a minute please?" He asked, and I tip toed my way down the gigantic staircase to the living room where Jimin was sat, a smile on his face.

"What's up?" I smiled, stood at the door in an oversized jumper and my pyjama shorts.
"Come here." He ordered, and I did so, stood next to him as he stayed sat down on the sofa. Suddenly he grabbed my frail body and pulled me onto his lap, enveloping me with hugs, kisses and tickles.

"HAHA! Jimin!" I giggled. "STOP! It tickles!" I felt him stop tickling me, but he carried on hugging me from behind, planting small pecks on my neck every now and then.
"You're so beautiful..." He muttered under his breath. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." I smiled.

"How much?" He stopped and looked at me.
"More than the whole world." I cuddled up against him, resulting in Jimin resuming his previous actions.

"We're going out tonight." He told me. Today was a Saturday, and I was meant to be studying, but I couldn't be bothered.
"Where to?" I asked, curious. He just smirked, telling me it was a secret, but I had to put a dress on.

"But I don't own a dress!" I sulked, pouting out my bottom lip.
"You do," Jimin smirked. "You just need to have a good look in your wardrobe."

That night he took me to the fanciest restaurant I'd ever seen in my life! There were crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, very expensive pottery dotted around the building and the cleanest tablecloth that has ever existed!

He's left a dress in my wardrobe, hidden away at the back. It was a red dress that almost floated around me, and it ended mid thigh. It had long sleeves, and covered my chest. It was perfect.

We'd eaten, paid, and left, strolling around the city under the clear sky. Our fingers were intertwined as we swung our arms back and forth with every step, a smile on both our faces. We ambled into a secluded park, that looked elegant under the light of the full moon.

"Jimin," I began. "If you ever had a child, what would you want to call it?"
"Umm..." Jimin looked a little flustered, but thought anyway. I guess I caught him off guard.

"If it was a boy... I'd call him Taehyun." He told me. "It means great and wise, which is how I'd want my son to be."
"And if you had a girl?" I pursued.
"I'd name her Areum."
"Areum.." I mumbled. "Doesn't that mean beautiful?"
"Yes it does." He smiled at me.
"That would be a little awkward if your child wasn't beautiful." I looked up at him, smiling slightly.
"Well considering I'd only ever have children with you, I know that she'd be just as beautiful as you are." Jimin stared deeply into my eyes. Jeez, this guy.

"Minji?" Jimin stopped walking, resulting in me stopping too. I turned to face him, and he had his hand tucked into his pocket.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I want to give you something." He muttered, pulling out the hand that was in his pocket.

It revealed a small, navy coloured box, clutched tightly in his grasp. I felt my heart skip a beat. Or ten. Holy shit. He opened the box, revealing a beautifully crafted silver necklace, eloquently decorated with diamonds and rubies.

"Oh my god..." I mumbled. "It's beautiful!"
"Not as beautiful as you." He smirked, causing me to giggle. "Check the back of the charm." I reached for the delicate object, turning it to look on the back. Carved on the back was some letters in English: 'JM & MJ'

"What do the letters mean?" I asked him, causing him to smile.
"Pabo. 'JM' is Ji Min and 'MJ' is Min Ji. It's our names!" He explained, resulting in us both laughing at my stupidity.

"Hey, isn't it funny how our names have the same letters, just switched the other way around." I pointed out.
"Oh, that?" Jimin smirked. "That's just even more proof of how much of a perfect couple we are." Jimin helped me put on the necklace, and we then walked back to Jimin's car and went home.

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