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Jeon Minji's POV

Jimin picked me up and slammed me against the wall, forcing my legs to wrap around his waist. I struggled under his grasp, but he pinned my arms above my head, against the wall with one of his hands, leaving the other to roam free. 

His free hand trailed under my shirt, to my breast. I could feel tears beginning to fall as he sucked and bit on my neck, leaving marks and even drawing blood. His hand roamed, squeezed and pushed as it felt its way over the top half of my body.

"Jimin! Stop!" I cried out. "Pleas-" He bit down hard on my lip, silencing me. I felt more fall, and the salty tears mixed with the metallic taste of my blood. His grip on my wrists was deathly, causing them to go numb from pain. Why is he doing this? What did I do?

He then moved on to the lower area, removing the belt on my jeans along with his own, and pulled down both our jeans. I felt useless, weak, powerless. He'd removed what little clothing I had left down there, and then it began. No pleasure, no love, just pain.

He came inside me as I cried, falling limp, him being the only thing stopping me from falling.
"Stop crying, whore." He spat. "You know you enjoyed it. You all do." He then punched me in the face, and my eyes began to close. I felt so weak, useless, and everything went dark.


I stayed the night at home, Jimin saying that I had to text him until I fell asleep. I woke up early the next day, setting off for school.
"Minji?" My mum yelled from the kitchen. "Have you had breakfast?"
"I'll buy something on the way!" I replied, opening the door.

"Jungkook!" Dad yelled. "Go with her!"
"I can take care of myself." I huffed, but me being me, had to trip on the step. However, instead of facing my cold, hard doom, I fell into someone's arms.

"I can take care of myself." Jungkook teased, a smile on his face, causing me to giggle slightly.
"See you later!" I waved to mum and dad, walking out the door. Jungkook followed, just like dad told him too.

"You didn't have to come." I mumbled.
"I wanted to." He replied, looking up at the dull, grey sky. "I wanted to apologise for yesterday. You're right, I shouldn't pry into your relationships."
"It's fine," I brushed it off.

"You know why I act that way, right?" He looked at me with those sincere eyes, those eyes that have said more than his lips ever have or will do.
"Of course," I smiled. "I'm you're little sister, and you want to protect me."

I watched as his face sank when I mentioned 'sister', only further confirming my suspicions.
"So we're good?" He smiled at me, causing me to nod and smile in return.

"How long are you staying?" He asked. I knew he wanted to say: 'how long is Jimin letting you stay?' but he knew that was a touchy subject.
"One more night." I replied. "Jimin said that he didn't mind me staying one more night."

"Okay then," He smiled. "So do you want me to pick you up again after school?"
"That'd be nice." I returned the smile.

"Speaking of school, how's your revision going?" Jungkook asked me. Shit. I stayed silent, causing him to sigh.
"Minji, you've got your final exams soon, you need to revise." He told me, but I brushed it off with a simple 'I will.'

Jimin said I don't need to revise. He told me he'd get me good grades and that I wouldn't need a job anyway.

I arrived at school, said goodbye and walked in, leaving Jungkook to walk home by himself. When school had finished, I noticed Jungkook stood in the place Jimin usually stood.

"Hey." I smiled at Jungkook after walking over.
"Hey," he replied, smiling too. "How was school?"
"Boring. Let's go home." I started walking, and Jungkook swiftly followed.

"How come you never hang out with your friends anymore?" Jungkook asked me.
"I don't know," I lied. "I don't think they like me much anymore."
"That's some nice info," he smirked. "But how about the truth?" We looked at each other, and I sighed in defeat, smiling slightly.

"I had an argument with them." I mumbled. "Over you know who."
"Ahh, I see." He nodded.
"They said they were jealous." I sighed. "And that they were annoyed that I always put him first." Jungkook stayed silent, my guess is to avoid hurting my feelings by accidentally stating his.

"Mum and dad left for the airport." He looked up at the sky. I did too, in hope of seeing an aeroplane.
"What time did they leave?" I asked.
"They were gone by the time I got home this morning." He replied.
"That sounds like them." I looked down at my feet.

We got home and Jungkook began cooking dinner, forcing me to go revise. I did so until dinner was ready, and the two of us sat down at the table meant for four.

"Are you sure you'll be okay here by yourself?" I asked. "I have to admit, I felt guilty leaving you here by yourself."
"I'll manage." He replied, eyes downcast. "Besides, you want to go back, don't you? I'm happy if you're happy."

"I know, I just-" I paused in thought. "I feel bad. It's kinda like I don't wanna go back."
"Then stay here." Jungkook mumbled. "Do whatever makes you happy."
"I'll think about it." I sighed.

"Jungkook..." I muttered.
"Do you love me?" I asked. I watched as his eyes darted up from his food to look at me, almost in panic, but then he calmly replied:
"Of course; we're siblings."

"Not by blood." I replied, causing him to look up once again.
"Huh?" He gave me a confused look.
"Jungkook, do you love me?" I repeated. I saw his cheeks redden, but still he refused to admit it.
"As a sister." He mumbled, avoiding eye contact and holding the fork tightly in his slightly shaking hands.

"But we're not siblings." I informed him, a little more sternly this time. "We come from different famili-" I was interrupted.
"Yes I love you!" He blurted out, standing up and slamming his hand on the table. "Goddammit Minji I've loved you ever since I first saw you!"

I stayed silent. I knew he loved me, I just wasn't expecting.... this.

"Yes, I don't approve of your boyfriends because I am jealous. I think you're beautiful, funny and amazing. You are perfect! All I want to do, all I ever want to do, is kiss you, and hug you, and kiss you again. I want to call you mine so badly! But I can't. I can't do that because we ARE siblings, It is wrong, and I am despicable for thinking about you in that way!"

"Jungkook, I-" He interrupted me.
"Save it." He sighed, looking away. "I know you don't love me back. But you know, it's okay. I don't mind you not loving me if it means you're happy."
"Listen, Ju-"

"But the one thing that just pisses me off is that son of a bitch Park Jimin. He physically hurt you, yet you still love him like your life depended on it!?"
"Jungkook!" I yelled. "Listen to me!" He stopped and turned to face me, letting a tear fall as he did so. I walked over, and enveloped him in a warm, comforting hug.

"It's okay." I whispered. "You can't help who you love, and you're definitely not despicable for loving someone, Jungkook." He hugged me back, trying his hardest to hold back his tears.

"Just look at me." His voice shook when he spoke. "I'm so pathetic. I'm meant to be the older brother, but here I am, crying my eyes out like a baby."
"No, it's okay to cry." I told him. "Everyone needs to let out their feelings, it's not fair if you keep them locked away."

He released from the hug and looked at me.
"Can I release just one more set of feelings?" He asked. "Please?"
"Sure, bu-" Before I could finish my sentence he'd slammed his lips into mine.

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