Chapter 1: The First Encounter- Good Boy, and Bad Girl

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Eliza sat with her head in the palm of her hand, elbow resting on the table as she watched Scott with a dreamy look upon her face. He was absolutely perfect. Almost as if he had come from a fairy tail book that she had used to read when she was young. Eliza had known (or more like stalked) Scott ever since she first saw him in 5th Grade. Right then had she known that they were perfect for each other. He was a very proper, smart young man, unlike the rest of the pigs that called themselves boys.

They had somehow made it into the same class each year (by luck, or her mother's money?), and she had never once thought of anyone, but him. Day and night she dreamed about him, how she wished he would make her his, and that one day they could maybe have children together, but Scott never noticed. No matter how hard she tried to get close to him, Scott had always turned the other way. And she knew it was because he didn't like her, too.

Eliza sighed and looked down. One day, she thought quietly and returned to gaze up at him. Eliza could never give up hope on a perfect being like him, never. Though she had much competition, Eliza knew she could snatch him. She had faith, and wished on every star, so they'd end up together...right? Eliza shook her head. Today would be the day. As her third day of a Freshman in Seamore High (the kind of high school that you'd see in those books about romances, with all of the petty cliques and what not), Eliza would work hard, and today she would confess to Scott. She would tell him of her undying love, how she would never hurt or leave him. And it was so.

After gazing at Scott for so long (it's funny how long time between classes is in these stories, almost as if they don't go to class at all!), Eliza got up the nerve and walked over to Scott, eyes filled with longing and desire as she watched him read through his text book.

"H-hi, Scott..." Eliza managed. He looked up for a moment, but didn't respond.

"Look, I've liked you ever since we met in 5th Grade, so please be kind to me! P...please go out with me?" Eliza choked out, and he looked less than surprised as he flipped another page in his book. How entertaining. As usual, the leading male did not care for such a minor character as Eliza herself. Of course, he would only find love in her, and not even answer Eliza, leaving her to wonder, What did I do wrong?


Eliza reached for the book in Scott's hands.

"Hey, will you llis---" Eliza was suddenly cut off as a football hurled through the air and hit her smack in the side of the face, causing Eliza to stumble. Scott immediately dropped his book and turned to scold whoever had thrown the ball, freezing when he saw who it was.

A girl, the same age as Eliza and Scott, who was of course, beautiful. As all main characters are. Whether they like it or not. She was clothed in all black, sleek and stylish, so attractive that any and all males in the hall turned to glance her way. Even Scott.

And he never scolded her, even though it broke the rules.

Eliza stood, filled with jealousy and anger that someone had attracted the attention of Scott.

"Hey, are you gonna apologize for that?" Eliza asked, sending daggers at this new girl. The girl's attnetion turned to Eliza as she snickered and then smirked.


"Bitch," Eliza spat out. "Why don't you go away? Can't you see I was trying to talk to him?"

And this is what was really said. Of course, in regular stories, they try to make Eliza look like the bad girl, the one who deserves nothing. But how do you think she felt? Eliza was merely a pawn in this cruel game they called life, while Scott was a king, and this bad girl a queen.

Moving on,

"Knock it off, Eliza. This is a new student, and you're going to be rude?" Scott asked, Eliza becoming astonished. "I thought you were better than that."

And so he left with this bad girl, they, of course, falling and love, and soon this bad girl became a good girl for him. Blah, blah, blah. But what happened to Eliza?

Eliza felt something sickening rise up her throat as her knees shook beneath her. She loved Scott. Why would he do this to her? She had never caused any harm, she just wanted him to look her way. And so she wished for revenge, which she did get. Only a few weeks later did she get it when she humiliated this bad girl infront of the whole school. Scott had then told her to stop and that he eternally hated her. If anything else happened to his bad girl, Scott would personally see to it that Eliza suffered.

And so Eliza cried. Four years of her life, wasted. Gone. Nothing.

Nothing but emptiness.

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