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~Levy's Past~

Levy's P.O.V Age 13

I had finally came home from school after a super long day of boring classes, I just want to read a book and lay down.

"Hey little sis." My big brother, Logan said to me. (A/N: Don't judge my name choices)

"Hey bro." I said. He ruffled my hair, something he always did. I sighed.

"So my short little sister, how was school today." He laughed.

"I'm not short I just am smaller than you!" I yelled. Trying to put on my best pout face. He laughed harder.

"Yeah and some kindergarteners." He said and smirked. I pouted.

Though Logan can be annoying sometimes I really love him. I would be really upset if something happened to him.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my books and headed to my room. I read the cover.

"Rave Master...? I didn't get these at the library I got the Hunger Games! So how did this happen?!" I exclaimed.

"What are you yelling about?" Logan asked barging into my room.

"These aren't my books." I mumbled disappointed.

"Really? Your rant about books is what is giving me a head ache?" He asked.

"But I don't read Graphic Novels!" I exclaimed.

"So why not try it?" He said.

"B-But Mom and Dad don't like us reading and watching violent things... They said it could scar us." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes.

"Rave Master isn't scary. Attack on Titan is scary." He said.

"Attack on what?" I asked.

"Attack on Titan." He said.

"You mean the Titan's from the Percy Jackson series?" He sweat dropped and face palmed.

"Just read it, I'm sure you'll like it." He said. He was about to walk out until I asked him a question.

"Hey Logan...?"


"Is death scary and painful?" I asked

"Well it depends..." He came back in and sat on my bed. "Some deaths are peaceful like passing a way at an old age that way it would not scare you... And some deaths are more shocking than scary. Like dying from being... Harmed very severely." I can tell he was trying to find other words to use than killed and murdered. "And those deaths, we don't know how the person feels. Either way the people will leave this world to a calming place."

"You won't leave me to go to that calming place will you?" I asked.

"Nope not yet. I'll always be by your side. I promise." He smiled. I nodded.

-Next Day-

I waited the next day at the dinner table with Mom. We waited for Dad and Logan since Logan had baseball practice.

Ring Ring!

"Hold on Levy I'll be back in a second." Mom said.

"Ok Mom!" I said.

"Hello?" Mom said. I couldn't here what the person on the other line was saying, but by the way her smiling expression dropped to a sad and depressing one I could tell it was bad.

Once she hung up she turned to me.

"Levy I'm sorry..."

"Mom... What is it? What happened? Where's Dad and Logan?!"

"Dad is fine... It's just during your brother's baseball practice Logan had a heart attack and..."


"Levy... I'm sorry."

"No! No!" I sobbed my brother was dead. I couldn't believe it. I ran to my room and locked the door.

"You promised!" I screamed to the top of my lungs looking up at heaven.

I continued sobbing. And ever since then I was afraid of death...

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