Chapter 5

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***And another daily update. This book is on a roll LOL I might make it a few more than ten chapters, depending on how much time it takes to get the plot out. I don't want it to be rushed like "Compatible" ;)

And yes, I used this song. It was bound to make an appearance at some point ;)

Hope you enjoy this one!***

***(Cole's POV)***

I look up at Seliel from my menu. "So...what are you thinking about ordering?"

She bites her lip. "Nothing really appeals to me."

"Is this about me paying? Because believe me, I can take it. I work a little over the summer. Plus, Jay lost to me in poker last week and had to fork over his junk food funds."

"Poker?" Sel asks.

"Yeah. Nya – I have a feeling you two would get along well – she taught Jay and Lloyd how to play poker with candy, and once I figured out what they were doing, I joined in. She creamed us." I shake my head. "That girl."

"Sounds like I could give her a run for her money."

"Maybe," I chuckle. "But the point is, I have cash. You can get whatever you want, Seliel. Otherwise, I'm ordering for you."

"I won't eat it."

"Yes, you will," I grin. "You've never been a picky eater."

"Things change," she says vaguely.

***Music Cue***

I raise an eyebrow. "You know, I don't like awkward topics, but is this about the weight thing that I mentioned last night?"

"No." She shakes her head. "I just don't like unhealthy food."

"Who said you had to order unhealthy?"

She smiles, her eyes looking at the table. "So...what's your favorite color?"

I blink. "Huh?"

"Your favorite color, Cole."


She chuckles. "Should've guessed. You wear it all the time."

"Yeah. Why did you ask?"

"No reason."

"Okay?" I feel like she's distracting me here. But then, she probably is.

The waiter approaches, and I put in my order – a healthy stack of pancakes, plus two creamy biscuits. Seliel looks like she's having trouble ordering, so I go ahead and choose for her anyway.

Her eyes shoot fire at me as the waiter leaves. "I could've done it," she huffs.

I blanch. I was not expecting this kind of reaction. "Um...yeah, but you weren't sure, so I thought I'd help."

"Well, thanks, but no thanks."

"You and Nya really do have a lot in common," I muse.

"That probably means we're going to hate each other." She examines her fingernails.

I smile. "I think Nya cares a little less about her appearance than you, though. You, like...actually try with your hair and stuff."

She shrugs. "My best friend who lives back in Nom – Eve – she lets me use her hair dye when I visit. She's also the one I got all my makeup from on my birthday last year. I try to ration myself."

"You do a good job with it, though." I push the mug of hot chocolate I earlier ordered toward her, poising her fingers around the warm cup. "Do you want some?"

Her hands tense under mine, and she pulls away. "No, but thanks."

"You love chocolate," I frown. "Remember that time when we were kids, when you – "

"I know, Cole," she sighs.

"Then...why don't you want any? It doesn't hurt to have a little unhealthy food once in a while."

"Look...can we not talk about this?"

"Fine. Just...why?"

"I said I'm not talking about this!"

"Yeah, but I want a good reason. I'm getting kind of worried." I mean, she's maybe a little overweight, but she doesn't need to be this concerned about her eating habits. I find food enjoyable, and I want her to find it that way, too.

"Leave it, Cole," she snaps.

"Okay. But you'd tell me if there was something wrong, right? Like...eating disorder, wrong?"

"I barely know you anymore. Why should I tell you anything?" she huffs.

"Because I care, Sel. It may have been a long time since we were childhood friends, but I remember that."

"You have a new best friend now. So do I. We're practically strangers."

"I don't classify you and my new best friend in the same category," I smirk.

"And what does that mean?" she asks, exasperated.

"Well, for one, you're hot, and Jay's just not there." Might as well get that on the table.

She sputters. "I'm what?"

"You're hot, Seliel. I mean, I guess Nya found Jay hot at one time" – and I think she might still find him that way – "but trust me, I'm not Nya."

Her eyelashes flutter, and she studies her napkin. "I...don't know what to do with that."

"You don't have to know. I just wanted to say it." I spoon the whipped cream off the top of my hot chocolate. "You're also a rebel. I know it's not entirely proper, but if I had one word to describe you, it'd be bada- "

"I get it." She smiles softly. "And why do you find me a rebel?"

"Because you do such a dang good job of taking care of yourself. You've raised yourself these past six years, haven't you? That's made you strong and independent."

She traces the pattern on her paper napkin. "I think that's the one good thing that's arisen from being stuck with my father."

"Yeah. About your dad..."

"I don't want to talk about him."

"Okay. Back to the whole 'I don't classify you like Jay' thing..."

She butts in. "I assume Jay's not independent, given that you deemed to make that distinction between us?"

I chuckle. "He is pretty dependent, especially on Nya. It's gotten bad these past few months – it's like she's the only thing he cares about anymore." I sigh.

Seliel's eyes emanate sympathy. "I'm sorry. I've never been in that position, but watching someone you care about struggle with – well, with losing themselves – is hard, I'm sure."

"It is. And it's even worse for Nya. She has to deal with being the source of his obsession, and she loves him too much to believe that his fixation is a good thing. I mean, she doesn't say she loves him in so many words – she doesn't really tell anyone that anymore, except maybe Kai – but she does love Jay."

"Huh. Sounds messed up." She carefully takes a sip of her water.

"Yeah. But you have anything to do today?"

"No. It's my day off."

I smile. "Then I can surprise introduce you to the team today. Would you like that?"

Her grin is slow. "I think so. I don't believe we'll face much opposition – well, except maybe from that Nya girl. I have a feeling we're just not going to get along."

"Nah. Nya doesn't hold grudges for no reason. And you two have such similar personalities – "

"That's exactly why it won't work out." She stretches an arm over her head. "I can take her, though."

"Whoa, nobody's 'taking' anybody. Nya may be small, but she's fierce. I don't want you two getting into it – I don't know that the guys and I could stop a fight between you."

"It'd make things a lot more interesting," she smirks. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

***(Seliel's POV)***

After a really awkward breakfast in which I ate very little of what Cole ordered me, we pull up in front of the monastery building. I didn't realize it in the dark of yesterday evening, but there's a training course off to one side. A winding staircase girds the other end of the building.

Nice digs.

"So, a few things you should know," Cole starts. "Uh...Zane is incredibly literal, Jay is super depressed, Nya can be a brat, and both Nya and Jay don't trust Lloyd. He messed up two months ago – about the time I saw you for the first time in six years, actually."

"That's cryptic." I take a deep breath. "I feel like a total outsider."

"Don't feel that way, Sel. It's – "

"I didn't say I wanted to be like you guys." I swing my legs over the side of the vehicle, taking care for my left one.

Cole laughs. "Sorry. I forgot that you don't go with the flow."

"Yep. I'm that one girl – the outsider. The don't-belong-anywhere." The one with a secret life nobody knows about.

"Maybe you are 'that one girl', but that's one of my favorite things about you, Seliel. I know we're opposites – I'm basically everybody's best friend, and you're a bit of a loner – but Sel, none of those other relationships I've had have meant as much to me as yours did back when we were kids. You and the team have always been my real friends."

Cole has to stop saying things like that, or I'm going to very soon lose myself to the world of relationships.

Cole mounts the steps to the monastery, holding open the door for me. I raise a brow at the gesture, but walk right inside.

Where I'm met with a very heated exhibition from Nya and some muscular blonde with green eyes.

"For the last time, Nya, why was Jay in your room last night?" Lloyd exclaims. "This isn't about me being jealous, this is about me being legitimately concerned about you! I don't want you fighting if you get pregnant!"

Her eyes widen, and she blushes. "There is no way in the Cursed Realm that I could be pregnant! We didn't do anything illicit, Lloyd! I've told you that!"

"I know that you've told me what you weren't doing, Nya, but you also won't tell me what was going on!"

"It's personal!" she shouts.

Cole pushes his way in. "Lloyd, let up on Nya. She and Jay weren't in her room for what you think. He had a breakdown. I can testify to that."

Lloyd sighs, his expression losing much of its heat. "Thank you for finally explaining that! Now, Nya, was that so hard?"

Jay – I recognize him from last night – groggily steps into the room. "What's going on?" he mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"Nothing, Jay," Nya sighs, coming to his side. "I set some fresh clothes for you in the bunkroom bathroom, okay? Go take a shower. You had a long night."

"You went searching through his clothes?" Lloyd asks. "Cole, are you sure we're not going to find a pregnancy test in the trashcan?"

"I know for a fact!" he groans. "Lloyd, just please trust us on this. Nothing happened. And even if – "

Lloyd's eyes land on me, and he gapes. "Someone snuck into the monastery! Ninjaaaaaaaaaaaa-"

As he pulls a green hood over his head, Cole raises his voice. "She's with me! We're here to talk to you all."

"Jay needs to shower first so he has a chance to wake up," Nya puts in protectively.

Cole looks down at me. "Can it wait, Sel?"

I look to Nya. "I don't care. Your boyfriend can do whatever he needs to – "

"He's not my boyfriend!" Nya says, her eyes shining anger to cover pain. "I think I'd know." Her voice trembles on the last word, but she hides it by planting her hands on her hips and channeling the sass.

I smile. Ah, yes. Nya and I will not be getting along, which I think will prove very fun for me.

"She didn't mean anything by it," Cole placates her.

"Whatever." She crosses her arms. "Okay, introductions time."

Cole nods. "Well, everybody, this is Seliel. And Seliel, these are – "

"I think I already know," I interrupt him. "Allow me." I point to Jay, who has yet to leave to shower. "You're Jay, Cole's best friend." I won't poke fun at him. He's depressed.

He nods, giving me a small, tired smile. "Hi. I apologize for Nya. She's just a little – "

"A little what?" Nya demands, poking her finger at his chest.

He captures her finger between his hands. "Nothing, nothing."

She pulls away. "That's what I thought."

I go on. "Cole already pointed out Lloyd during that very misguided argument. I assume Zane is the silent observer in the corner." I gesture to him.

He waves slightly. "Hello. It is a great pleasure to meet you, Seliel."

"You, too. Cole said you took everything too serious."

"He is quite right," Zane admits, still smiling.

O-kay. I guess he's unphased.

Cole coughs. "Uh, you're missing one."

"Oh, right." I look back to Nya. "The girl."

A vein pops in her forehead. "What did you call me?"

"Nothing," I shrug. Oh, this will prove interesting.

Cole speaks up before Nya can respond to that. "The last member of the team you'll be meeting is Kai. Nya, is he coming to practice today?"

"Yeah. I think he and Skylor were doing some wedding prep or something." She taps Jay's arm. "Go take your shower."

His hand covers hers on his skin, as if he can't resist being close to her. "Okay. Thanks for everything, Nya."

She closes her eyes before pulling away. "It's nothing." She swallows hard.

As Jay leaves, Cole clears his throat. "Okay, so...Seliel is here to ask you all a very important question, and we'll need everybody's input."

Lloyd frowns. "You're sure we can trust her?"

"Yes. Come on, Lloyd! You haven't even heard the question yet!" Cole huffs.

"I'm with Lloyd, for once," Nya growls.

"That's just because you feel threatened by her."

"I do not!" She clenches her fists. "Okay, fine! Fire away. What question did you want to ask us, Seliel?" She says my name with a vengeance.

"She needs to learn how to defend herself," Cole answers for me.

I roll my eyes. "Cole Brookstone, I've been defending myself for the past six years of my life. I just want to freshen up my skills." I'm not helpless.

"O-kay," he says. "But...anyway, I was thinking – "

Nya pulls a sock off a side table and tosses it at Cole. "I can already tell there's a problem with this. You were thinking."

I scoff. "He has plenty of good ideas, if you ask me."

Cole places a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Sel. She's just reacting in anger because we're at an awkward stage in our relationship right now. We had a heart-to-heart last night."

Nya blushes furiously. "Cole!"

Lloyd frowns. "Wait. I thought you only ever talked to Jay, and that was because he followed you around all the time."

Nya throws another sock, this time at Lloyd. "When will you all learn to put away your laundry?!"

Cole clears his throat. "Okay, okay, enough of that. Sorry I misspoke, Nya. Anyway, Seliel wants to know if we'll train her on some different defense moves. Any thoughts? The floor is open."

Nya glares at me.

I glare back.

Lloyd begins gathering his laundry off the side table.

Cole looks around expectantly.

Zane is the first to speak. "I would like to learn more about you, Seliel, before we make an important decision like this. It does regard confidential team information."

"I personally don't see a problem with it," Lloyd sighs. "I mean, she already knows we're ninja. I'm trying to work on the whole 'trust' thing, so if Cole trusts her...then I do, too."

I turn to Nya. "What about you?"

"I'm keeping my mouth shut. For now."

"What are we keeping our mouths shut about?" asks an unfamiliar voice. I glance behind me to see a guy with sunglasses and a redheaded girl walk in.

I vaguely recognize the girl from school. I mean, with red hair like that, it's impossible not to notice her. She doesn't need hair dye.

Nya sighs. "Hey, Kai. I'm trying not to chew out the newcomer." She jerks her head in my direction.

Sunglasses boy – Kai – looks over to me and frowns. "Who the heck are you?"

"This is Seliel," Cole says. "An old friend of mine."

"He used to babysit her, and now he's blinded by her charms," Nya puts in.

I furrow my forehead. "How did you know he used to babysit me?"

"He's talked about you before," she says nonchalantly. "But don't think I don't see right through it."

The redhead chuckles. "Lighten up, Sis. You're just jealous because you feel like she's taking Cole from you."

"Excuse me?" Nya snaps. "I was happy to be perfectly nice to her, but she comes in and purposefully insults me!"

"She didn't do it on purpose," Cole advocates for me.

I laugh. "Oh, I did."

Nya's face flashes fire, and she marches right up to me. "I knew it!"

Kai grabs her by the elbow, then tucks her head under his armpit. "Easy, Sis."

Nya sputters. "Let me go!"

"Nope," he smirks. "I don't need Skylor to read your mind to know that whatever you intend to do to Cole's girlfriend, it isn't pretty."

Cole and I awkwardly look at each other. Um...

He speaks first. "Anyway, Kai, Sel wants us to train her in self-defense."

"I'm all for it," he shrugs. "Skye pulled some kick-butt moves on an ex-boyfriend one time, and it saved her skin." He places an arm around the redhead's waist protectively.

The redhead – Skylor or Skye or whatever he calls her – plants a hand on her hip. "It's true. You should give Seliel a chance, Nya."

"But..." She moans, realizing she's not getting out from under Kai's armpit any time soon. "Fine! Whatever! But Jay still gets a say, and I'm not about to let her steal our secrets!"

"I don't want to steal anything," I put in. "I mean, I might accidentally memorize some important papers or something, but not for the purpose of stealing."

"How do you accidentally memorize something?" Nya asks incredulously.

"She has a photographic memory," Cole says proudly.

Aww. He takes me?

Kai chuckles. "Wow, Sis. That means she's smarter than you."

Nya says nothing, instead blasting Kai in the side with water. He yelps and lets her go, and she stomps down the hall and out the door.

"Kai," Cole groans. "Now one of us has to go after her!"

"Why? She just needs to blow off some steam." His expression turns sour. "And when she gets back, she's in so much trouble! Skye bought me this shirt from – "

Cole shakes his head, ignoring Kai and looking down at me. "I really do need to follow her. It's probably better if you stay here, okay?"

"Whatever." And he leaves me alone with these weirdos.

***And so you can already see that Nya and Seliel may not have the greatest relationship at first. I was trying to keep things similar to Seliel's comic, and since Nya is jealous of Seliel in that piece, I thought it was only fitting to give them a similar chemistry here.***

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