Chapter 24: Yes or no?

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"Taking a decision is tough when it's a fight between your heart and your head."


Riya was disturbed. Her mind was filled with the question, 'Yes or no?' Her mind was adamant on a big, fat 'no' but her heart wanted her to say 'yes.'

Avni was sitting on Riya's favourite and only couch while Riya was pacing all around her small, one room- kitchen apartement with her head in her hands. Avni, who'd been waiting for an answer for about an hour now said, "Why are you thinking so much? You guys have been talking for about two or three months now. That too nearly daily. What's wrong in meeting each other once?"

Riya now turned towards her with her face matching that of an angry demon, shot her a look which clearly stated, 'Don't you know why?' as a rhetorical question.

On the other side, even Atharva was unable to calm down, it was evening and night was ready to approach. His friend, Avinash who was sitting besides him very well knew about his friend's misery. But still, there were some questions which Avinash clearly needed an answer to.

"Atharva! Stop thinking for a minute yaar" Avinash began.

"Avinash, why are you still in my room?" Asked Atharva who obviously wanted a break from his best friend today.

"Because I need to ask you some questions, you dimwit!" Avinash replied, irritated at last.

"Then start" said Atharva and made himself comfortable on his bed. He very well knew that Avinash won't leave him otherwise anyway.

"What do you exactly feel for her?"

This straightforward question asked by Avinash, made Atharva blush furiously.

"Umm a friend?" Atharva stuttered after a minute.

"Try harder," insisted Avinash.

"Ummm best friend?", Once again was the answer

"Nope, that's my position. Try again," said Avinash impatiently while tapping his foot.

"Ok a teeny weeny crush", admitted Atharva.

"Wrong again" said Avinash with a frown.

"Okay, okay, a massive crush," said Atharva and his lips left a sigh.

"Try again" still insisted Avinash.

"Huh?" Asked Atharva totally confused.

"You dimwit, you smile like an idiot when you are talking to her," said Avinash who wanted to murder his friend for being an oblivious fool at that moment.

Atharva thought for a while when suddenly he understood. He understood what he had been feeling for so long. He got up from the bed abruptly and muttered in shock as well as excitement, "Oh Em Gee(OMG), I am in love with her."

"Correct answer and with that you win the Quiz for today." And Avinash left Atharva's room with a cheeky smile.

Thanks for reading!

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