chapter 2

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Karthik restlessly wandering in his room...what did she think of herself huh???he questioned himself...

It was past 1...didn't she reached home???y can't she text me that she reached home....irresponsible idiot.....he keep on murmuring like this

That's when he got a text from his idiot...REACHED HOME....GO & HAVE SOME SLEEP IDIOT

How dare she cal me idiot!!!btw how did she know I am still awake!!i think she is a witch😂that's why she reached here within a blink....finally he concluded with this😁

Then he unwrapped her gift which had front "AK "is written in bold & in back "be happy always-with me"....

It was a cute present...he thought but it didn't last for mere second

AK👿 huh???....i will erase that thoughts from ur mind archana....he decided to hurt her but thats for her own good as she deserve someone who will reciprocate her love in his point of view

But he didn't understood she deserve someone she loves wholeheartedly


Knock on his door bring back him from his dream world....that might be her!!!he thought

Get in...he ordered

Don't do like this will surely broke her...his mind adviced him for millionth time

There she came in a beautiful anargali suit with her everlasting smile....

Y she dressed up like there any special occasion???she look....cute no different😕he thought for while

That's none of ur concern!!!his mind scolded him

Hey karthik!!!have it,I prepared it for u....she said while extending her hand

What is that???karthik asked suspiciously

It's ur favourite....gulab jamun!!!

Keep it aside....i will have it sometime later,he said while maintaining a neutral emotion in his face

That hurt her a bit....but she somehow managed to bring a smile on her face

Okkk....did u saw my present??do u like it???she asked excitedly

No!!i didn't & I won't....he stated stubbornly

But why karthik??she asked feeling rejected

I don't accept anything from a stranger!!!he stated bluntly

Am i mere stranger to u karthik!!!!she asked huskily as she didn't have enough energy to have an argument

U r!!!!he stated

That's y i put it there...he said while pointing out the dustbin

If u want collect it from there....he said angrily

He want to speak more but stopped himself when he saw a lone tear escaped from her eyes

Hell!!!even he regretted his action but it has to be done....for her,for both their life

He can't see her like this....her tears shook something in him...he don't want to feel like this but it's not in his control

Oh god!!!y can't she leave....i don't want to hurt her further.... He pleaded to the god but he(god) had his own plan

As he can't handle her piercing look anymore...he said if u leave,I will get back to my work

I have more important works than entertaining u...he said dryly

I am sorry Mr.karthik...I will leave...she said with a blank look

He can't understand anything from that look...he sighed sadly

That's when he heard "Thanks for showing my place Mr.karthik" she said while glancing dustbin & left from there...

He want to stop her.....

But something in him said it is good for her....from now on she won't waste her time on u

That mere thought disturbed him a lot....but the damage is already done!!!!



with love....sizzling_saran😘

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