chapter 6

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They finally reached the resort & they were tired as hell so they immediately went to their allotted rooms...(3 of them hve to share one room)

After they got freshen up,karthik's gang gathered on the living area to have a chitchat ,some of them were playing indoor games...

Finally having lots of discussion...they made a schedule for nxt day....(thekadi boating, shopping & horse ride)

Then they retrieved to their rooms...that's when karthik txted archu she feeling well or not??as she looked tired when they having chitchat...she didn't even utter a single word

She simply replied NONE OF UR CONCERN

Karthik throwed his mobile in frustration... As he gone crazy because of her ignorance...

Why the hell i concerned about her...for god sake she is just a frnd of mine....even i did all these to make her realise that she s just frnd of mine right??he questioned himself

Hey idiot!!!it's broken....karthik's frnd said while glancing at his mobile

Let it be....

What happen karthik!!!y r u behaving like this??

Nothing's struked up that's why i throwed it...karthik explained calmly

But his frnd did not feel like convinced... He get it...something wrong with karthik....

Nxt day they went for boating...there they had lots of fun by singing,taking selfies & even some couples danced there as that whole boat was occupied by their colleagues...

That's when shiva dragged archana to take selfies(he had a huge crush on her which is obvious to all of them)

Karthik felt irritated whenever he behave too close to her...sometimes he wants to rip his head...

Why the hell she allow him to behave like this??oh god!again y it affecting me...she s just a frnd...he had a mini war with his mind

When they r having their lunch.... Karthik huskily warned archana about Shiva

She simply said...I don't think it's a big issue, he likes me & there is nothing wrong in flirt with me

Karthik was hell shocked by her explanation.... So is that their feelings r mutual???she loves me nahh??(but u don't want that nahh😛)his mind scolded him

Don't take lots of photos with him!!!

Why??is there any problem?

No...but it doesn't seems gud

I don't bother about that....I think u r right,we r not destined together...then y don't I give him some chance??archana asked to irritate him & she got succeed in that

Oh...that's a gud decision, karthik said while gritting his teeth...

Hmm...even i am planning to marry my cousin...karthik said all of sudden (where does it come from??)

Oh god!!!plan got backfired...archana thought

Don't u dare think of any one other than me to marry u...i swear i will kill why should I kill her,I will kill u then and there....archana said while showing the knife which was placed on their table...

Why did it bother u??

Bcoz I still love u dammit...archana shouted & left from there....

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