Chapter 1: Family Problems (E)

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Chapter 1

“Fiona, did you see the moving trucks last night?” My mother asked me as she prepared breakfast. I shook my head, placing 3 plates on the table. She glanced at me over her shoulder quickly.

“No, mom; I went to bed early last night.” I said, putting a cup beside each plate. My mother nodded.

“After studying, I hope.” She stated, taking dessert out of the oven before placing it carefully onto the stove.

“Yes; I studied for an hour.” I assured her.

“Only an hour?” My father’s voice piped. He sat with his legs crossed in the chair he usually sat in, beside my mother and across from me. He had his dark black suit on. This was his usual choice of clothing, especially when he had meetings or work- which was always.

“Yes, Dad; I had a large amount of homework.” I said taking a seat in my usual place as my mother made her way over with the bowls; salad filled a bowl, Chicken Parmesan in a pan, rice, and a hefty bowl of broccoli. She placed them in the unfilled spaces of the table, my father placing his book down as he thanked my mother for the delicious meal.

As we ate, my parents gave me approving looks as I explained how school was going and how my friend, Jessie, was. The subject of my grades came up and I already knew they were going to overreact at my news.

“I have a B+ in trigonometry.” I stated, digging into the salad I’d covered with Italian dressing.

“A B in trigonometry? How did you get a B?” My father asked, gasping loudly along with my over dramatic mother.

“I scored lower than a 90% on a test so my grade dropped a few points, causing it to drop a letter. But its okay, this quarter isn’t over yet- I still have a few weeks to raise my grades. School just started.” I assured my parents, waving my hands. They gave me disapproving looks and sighed.

“Does a boy have anything to do with this sudden grade drop?” My mother asked, her index fingers pressing lightly and rubbing circles into her temples.

“No, Mom.” I assured her. Like a guy would actually talk to me. Yeah, right. The only guy that ever talks to me is Jack Brandt and he’s the last thing I’d call hot. And the only reason he talks to me is because we recently had a project assigned to us, which I finished alone. Note to self: Approach Jack and have him sign his name on the project before handing it in.

"You know what? I think I might take Cherry up on that offer.” My mother said, giving me a pointed look. I knew what she was talking about. My aunt Cherry offered to stay at my house while my parents are on business trips- which they go to every week. And to be quiet honest, I prefer them to be out on business trips because when they are here, they harass me about keeping my grades up and staying away from boys.

Throughout a month, my parents are home for about 5 days. And on those 5 days, they usually shop, pay bills, and pay employees- such as our maid and chef. Jessie usually consoles me, telling me that my parents must trust me because her parents wouldn’t even leave her home alone for an hour. I sighed before placing my fork onto the table, silencing my parent’s small bickering session about Aunt Cherry’s offer.

“I think that’s a good idea, Mom,” I stated, letting out a small sigh. My mother looked at me, shocked and my father looked confused. “Like you said, it’s not good for a teenage girl my age to be home alone so often- it gets lonely and it’s not exactly safe. Sure, our neighborhood isn’t bad- but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” I stated, using one of the tactics I use when I want something- which is rarely.

“Excuse me?” My mother said, covering her mouth as she coughed slightly on her food. Although my parents may be strict about me maintaining good grades and who my friends are, they barely have limitations for the things I buy. But that doesn’t mean I can just go willy-nilly with the money they give me and buy a stripper pole, but I have a lot of material items.

My parents often give me money. I guess they think it helps fill the void of them being gone so often, but in reality- all it does is give me… well, money. Sure, I can buy computers and perfumes, clothes too but this isn’t something I do often- I save my money and keep it for college. As unnecessary as that may sound, seeing as my family is pretty wealthy, I’d rather pay for my own college fund. But on some occasions, Jessie manages to pull me out of the house to go on a shopping spree.

“I said it’s a good idea. She should get here as soon as possible; when’s your next business trip? How long will you be gone?” I asked, giving my parents an honest smile. I tried not to sound too eager. They looked confused as my father looked at his watch and my mother thought for a second.

Why was I so eager to have my Aunt Cherry visit me? She was my favorite and only Aunt. She’s funny and she’s young. She’ll let me do anything- not that I will do anything. She just won’t be on my case as often as my parents would; and the best part? She gives my parents good reports about me so they won’t be suspicious.

“Well, I have a business meeting tomorrow. But I have to go to the office today,” My father said, fixing his tie as he stood up, kissing my mother’s cheek. “What about you, honey?” My father stated, grabbing his briefcase from the floor beside him as he walked over to my side of the table, kissing the top of my head.

“I don’t have a meeting until Wednesday. I’ll call Cherry and tell her to come as quickly as she can.” My mother said, smiling at my father. He just nodded, returning the smile before giving us a final wave and walking out of the front door. I sighed lowly, continuing my dinner in silence.

“Did you make any new friends?” My mother asked me. She rolled up the sleeves of her blazer before wiping her mouth and giving me a portion of her attention.

“No. It’s just me and Jessie.” I replied, smiling tightly. My mother and I never were close. As a child, I grew up with nannies watching me. I never learned how to ride a bike or do a cartwheel.  Heck, I don't even know how to swim. 

“Is your car okay?” My mother asked me, changing the subject roughly. Since they’re never here, I need means of transportation. I sighed loudly before nodding. I thought about my red 2013 Honda Civic. That car was amazing and I loved it so much. My mother gave me a curious glance.

“So… did you ever get a chance to take a peek out of the window? The neighbors are all moved in.” My mother nosily stated. I noticed how she nervously tapped her left foot.

“No, why?” I questioned cautiously. She gave me a slight smile as she spooned another bite of Chicken Parmesan into her mouth. She wiped her mouth routinely and then sipped her bubbly water before smiling at me.

“The neighbors have a few kids, one might be  your age. They might go to your school. I’m just curious. By the way, I might not be home for a while. I have a few clients in California and I’m going to be staying in a hotel. It’s just a lot of work and your father and I are going to both be there, so we decided to take a small vacation.” She sighed out. I shrugged, nodding.

“Okay,” I just stated, before standing up and walking over to the sink with my dish in my hand. I love how she just drops that bomb on me as if it's nothing, but then again- it is nothing. She's gone all the time and it's not like I really care. “Well,  I have to go get ready for bed and do a bit of studying. I have school tomorrow.” I stated, nodding awkwardly at my mother.

“Okay. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” My mother replied standing up and grabbing her purse and briefcase before walking out of the house with a final wave and call to me of, 'I love you.' I locked the door before walking towards the living room and sitting on the couch, sighing loudly. I was home for the rest of the night, alone, again.


I traveled through the hallway, my neck still felt sore and hurt due to my unexpected night’s sleep on the couch. The crowds of people made no intention of moving as I quickly slipped through them, reaching my locker. I heard a loud, familiar voice travel through the hallway; Jessie’s voice.

“Can you move?! You saw her yesterday! There is no need to stand there making out in the middle of the hallway! Are you kidding me?!” She complained. I heard a few grunts as a locker slammed, or someone slammed into the locker. Either or, it was Jessie’s doing. She was always the violent type. When she reached her locker, the one beside mine, she sighed- shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Unbelievable, isn’t it?” She asked, sighing as she inserted her code, twisting the combination lock. I nodded, waiting beside her so we can make our way to lunch together. She quickly placed her books into her messy locker before she slammed it shut, causing me to jump slightly before she grinned and we made our way towards lunch.

“What’s that?” She asked, pointing to the project due today- the one I had to have Jack sign. I’m glad I remembered it. I waved it around.

“This is the project I did over the weekend for me and Jack.” I said, simply. I shrugged carelessly as we quickly made our way into the lunch room. I pulled my money out of my pocket before handing it over to Jessie.

“He didn’t do anything?” She asked, frowning slightly. I nodded, shrugging. She took my money with a confused look on her face.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s finished. Now can you buy me a taco? I need to get Jack to put his name on this so he receives credit.” I said, pointing my thumb to the crowded table behind me. Jessie’s eyes gazed at the full table, popular people laughing and talking excitedly. I craved acceptance as my gaze fell onto the table. I masked that feeling with one of pure void.

“Are you sure you want to go over there?” Jessie asked, giving me a wary look as she looked from me towards the table and then back again. She repeated this action a few times before I spoke.

“I’m just going to be there and back. I’ll be back at the table in a second! No need to worry about looking like a loner.” I joked, smiling slightly as Jessie’s grave look caught me off guard. Instead of allowing her to waste any more time, I cut her off by quickly speaking.

“Hurry up before all the tacos are taken!” I said, pushing her towards the lunch line as she forgot about my predicament. I speed walked over to Jack’s table, finding myself surrounded by jocks, cheerleaders, and other popular kids who were only popular for, well, their looks- I guess. A few of them continued talking as if they were in their own world and my presence meant nothing to them. Some of them glared at me, making me feel like an unwanted outsider. And a few of them looked at me like I was a new kid, they seemed curious. One girl even bared a smile at me. I shot her a smile back, not too big to seem creepy, but I didn’t ignore it either.

Jack was one of the people in his own world as he gesticulated crazily as he continued his conversation with a group of guys, all of them fitting under the label ‘bad boy.’ They wore dark colored jeans, dull t-shirts, and slightly worn sneakers. Their hair seemed messy, like they woke up and didn’t bother to brush it- if boys even did that. Do boys brush their har?

A few of them seemed to be listening to Jack while one of them stood out, a smirk was plastered on his face and he screamed ‘trouble.’ He didn’t look like he was in a gang, but he looked like he was an ‘I’m failing and on the verge of repeating junior year’ trouble kind of guy. He obviously isn't a good influence, that much I can tell. His blue-green eyes were mysterious and laced with amusement as I stood there, waiting for Jack to come to a complete stop or to acknowledge me- whichever came first.

I stood awkwardly when I finally came to the decision to interrupt Jack’s continuing conversation. Before I could do that, I heard a smooth, low voice speak first. It caught me off guard at the sound of it. I wasn’t expecting someone to exchange words with me other than Jack. In fact, I wasn't even expecting Jack to speak to me.

“Why are you here?” He questioned me. Who ‘he’ was, I’m not sure. The words didn’t come out sourly; I didn’t trace an attitude behind them- just genuine curiosity. I was surprised as I looked at each of the guy’s faces, to at least try and figure out whose voice it was… unless someone else was speaking to me, a god from up above, maybe.

The boys weren’t looking at me; they were looking at the boy who was staring at me. His head was tilted sideways, his brown hair pushed upwards, creating a somewhat hill at the top of his head but it suited him well, might I add. His bluish green eyes were fixated on me, examining me as he waited for me to answer his question. I stuttered slightly before I replied.

“I-I, um, I’m here for Jack. I need him to s-sign this.” I replied, jutting the 6 page stack of papers in Jack’s direction, my pen sitting on the neat pile. 

Jack finally acknowledged me, throwing me a smile as he took my black pen and scribbled his name beside mine in his sloppy penmanship. I watched as he wrote but was aware of the odd yet intimidating boy’s gaze still on me. Jack handed the paper back to me as I took it gratefully, turning away and walking back towards my table where Jessie stood worriedly. 

I arrived at the table and Jessie smiled in relief that I wasn’t harmed. She handed me my taco and I felt my appetite slowly fade away as I pushed mine towards her and she smiled gratefully, taking a bite. Her gaze passed by my face and fixed itself over my shoulder. Her once playful and happy expression turned nervous and confused. 

“Why is he staring at you?” She asked me, eyes still on the stranger. I gave a questioning grunt as I turned and looked behind me, twisting in my chair and catching his intense gaze. Unlike a normal person would, he continued staring at me- refusing to turn away. I turned back to face my best friend before shrugging slightly.

“I’m not quite sure. I don’t even know who that is.” I bit my lip as I rolled my water bottle between my two hands.

“That’s Adrian Easton, How don't you know who he is?” Jessie said, blinking at me. I found this conversation a bit too cliche so I decided to just shrug it off, allowing her to change the subject to whatever came to her mind- as long as it wasn't Adrian Easton. I turned back around, catching his gaze once more before quickly averting it. I’m not quite sure who he is but I am sure of one thing; I’m staying away from him.  

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