Chapter 34: Oops, did I do that?

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Don't hate me. READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE. 

Chapter 34

I don't know where Mattie's room is. I'm too lazy to go downstairs and ask for directions, though. I'm assuming it's close to Adrian's. I'm hoping he has a cute boyish sign on the door.

I heard music coming from a room and, just my luck, a sign that said 'Mattie' in blue letters. I opened the door to see Adrian bent over dumping paint into a tray. I stood there and watched like a pervert. He has such a nice butt.

I tried to discreetly take off my sneakers but fell onto the plastic that lay on the blue carpet, causing a crumpling noise. Adrian jumped up and looked at me before quickly turning around and, unfortunately, fixing the way he was bent over.

I sat up on the carpet, grumbling. I untied my shoes to see what was written on them.

'I'm your best friend forever; nobody else is allowed to be.' – Jessie  

'You're so nerdy sometimes that I question your sanity.' – Aunt Cherry 

'Jessie is a stupid liar. I'm your best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best friend 5ever. And future sister in law, *wink wink*.' – Logan 

I rolled my eyes at Logan's. His took up one whole side of my shoe. I noticed that they all signed the left shoe.

"Are you going to stare at your shoes and smile or are you going to paint?" Adrian said from behind me. I got up and grabbed a paint brush. Remembering that he hates the color yellow, I walked over to the blue paint and grabbed the brush that was in the pan.

Adrian grumbled something before turning the radio back on.  The music played as I swept the brush across the wall, nodding my head to the tune.

Some singer started screaming at the top of his lungs and I walked over and changed the station back to The All American Rejects. A minute later, the screaming song was back on. I turned and saw Adrian walking away from the radio, back to the yellow wall. I turned the station back to The All American Rejects and stood at the radio.

Adrian turned around to change the song but saw that I was standing there and let out a huff of breath before turning and starting to paint again. I smiled in satisfaction before walking over to my half blue wall and continuing to paint.

It bothers me that the fact that I was simply standing there and he didn't want to come near me but in a time like that, it helped.

I finished my first wall and moved on to my second wall, I made sure that I didn't miss any spots or get anything on the ceiling or carpet.

After a few more song played and the radio announced that they were taking a break, I glanced back to see Adrian texting on his phone. He finished his other wall. I was almost done with my second wall. I finished my second wall with two more swipes of the ruler.

"What time is it?" I asked him, rolling up the sleeves of the long sleeve shirt I decided to wear. Adrian was wearing gray sweat pants and a black tee shirt; his arms were covered in yellow paint.

"Ask Isaac what time it is." Adrian replied, putting his phone into his pockets. I quickly turned, not realizing that I had a blue roller in my hands and it splattered across Adrian. He closed his eyes tightly and I saw blue splatter across his face and onto his shirt.

"Oops." I muttered, biting my lip. He opened his eyes when he felt that the paint was on the bottom half of his face.

"You did that on purpose." He glared at me, gripping the yellow roller tightly.

"I don't know, did I? Oh wait, let me ask Isaac. Or should I say Blake?" I snapped, tilting my head sideways. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're so infuriating." He spat.

"Am I? Maybe you should ask Isaac." I replied, crossing my arms. 

"Maybe I should ask Brielle, she seems to agree with me on that one." That was a low blow. "Or maybe you're going to call Logan for help on that one too and almost get me beat up!" He swung the roller brush upward and the yellow flicked my shirt.

"Firstly, I didn't call Logan for help! He did what he wanted to do! And secondly, it's not my fault that you can't fight!" I flicked the blue brush again and it hit him in the face again.

"Oh, really? Then why did he use the stupid intercom when I was just about to kiss Brielle?" I glared at him.

"I don't know! Maybe you should ask him! He is your best friend!"

"If he's my best friend then why do you talk to him so much? And why do you talk to Trent so much? Why were you at Trent's house?" He exclaimed.

"They may not be my best friends, but they're my friends! And they listen to me when I want to talk! I wasn't there for Trent; I was there for Emilia because I needed someone to talk to!" I swung the blue brush again.

"Trent and Logan tell me everything, so whatever you talked to them about, I know!" He shouted back, swinging the yellow brush. I felt paint drops dab my face. They couldn't have told him.

"What exactly do you know that I've told them? Huh? Say it!" I retorted, placing a hand to my ear.

"Nothing; I don't know anything that you've told them and it's infuriating! They're keeping secrets from me! Em is keeping secrets from me, too! And she's an open book!" He countered.

"So what are you trying to say?" I lashed out.

"Do you know what it feels like to have secrets kept from you? To have your best friends not telling you things that you need to know?" He shouted, swinging the yellow brush in my direction.

"They wouldn't know if you wouldn't have gotten angry at me for God knows what!" I snapped. I threw the blue brush at him and it hit his chest, leaving a thin rectangular blue stain on his black shirt.

"I was jealous! I was jealous of Isaac, okay!" Adrian yelled. "I was jealous that he got your attention as easily as he did and that you took his number and you called him!"

"What?" I asked, my voice quieter. Adrian dropped the yellow brush onto the plastic, running his hands through his hair repeatedly.

"I was jealous of Isaac and that stupid guinea pig." His voice matched mine.

"Why?" I asked him, my eyes still narrowed.

"I don't know." He was lying.

"You're holding back." I told him, shaking my head.

"So are you." He whispered.

"Bye Adrian." I told him, storming out of the room, forgetting my shoes. I didn't have the guts to walk back in there and get them.   

On my way out of the room, I saw Trent and Logan standing there awkwardly. They hear us. I sighed and walked out of the house.


Adrian's Point Of View

"Dude..." Logan's voice trailed into the room. He walked in, followed by Trent.

"What?" I snapped, running my hands through my hair.

"You could have told her..." It was Trent scolding me this time.

"Told her what? There's nothing to tell! If anything, she has something to tell me!" I spat. "But you wouldn't care because you already know!"

"It's not something that we can tell you, or else you know we would." Logan reasoned. I just glared at him.

"And who are you? Her savior? Her knight in shining armor?" I scowled.

"No, but you could be if you man up and tell her." He told me.

"It's not as easy as you think." I informed him, running my hands through my hair again.

"I told Em that I liked her and she rejected me... twice."

"The difference is that you knew she liked you, she said 'no' because she just got out of a bad relationship." I replied to Logan.

"Just trust me on this." Logan told me. I stared at him for a minute before nodding.

"I'm going to trust you on this." 

A/N: Okay, please don't think I'm a prude or a jerk because I'm not replying to comments! If anybody's the jerk, it's wattpad because it's not allowing me to see the comments! I can only get notif's by email and I can't reply! :( 

Also, when this story is finished, I have two stories I'm going to be working on, one is already posted. I know what you're thinking; OMG Caitlin, wut r u doin? u can brly wrk on 1 stry, nvm 2 (Omg Caitlin, what are you doing? You can barely work on 1 story, nevermind two.) Well, I want to see how this works out! If anything, I'll just put the least popular story on hold.

Also, A beautiful cover to the side is made by iloveyoutoo3! I love it! Don't you? :D

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